NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #17

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I am still wondering where they had been living before this one. There seems to be a gap from their known addresses.

I think they were forced to report her missing because they now had a known address and it was just a matter of time before they were found by police and/or DCF. JMO
I honestly think that this a serious case of neglect and guilt. I think that precious little Zahra had a relapse of her cancer and was sick for a long time and they let her lie in bed and did nothing. They were too caught up on their own lives and probably thought they would get her looked at soon. then weeks passed and they kept putting it off. They then realized that their neglect had caused her death and tried to cover it up thinking they could make a lot of money whilst they were at it.

I would agree with that...EXCEPT for the furniture store sighting. IF that were the scenario, would she not have appeared weak and sickly to the store manager??
I think if that were the case, she may have been taken aback by her pallor rather than her bright smile and freckles??
I hadn't heard that re: bio-mom possibly locating them. As you said though, IF that were true, they couldn't run the risk of Zahra telling anyone about the abuse. Have we heard whether or not Zahra had any contact at all with her grandmother since coming here? Poor baby seems as though she was held virtually a one to tell even if she could get up the nerve. No school, no friends, no immediate family...Honestly, all these cases are heartbreaking, but this one is killing me. A 10 year old girl, alone in "Hell" it seems with absolutely no one to turn to..:(

I just don't find it logical that the bio-mother looked for 5 years and couldn't find Zahra even when the child had been all over the media down there. But she can find them in the states even when the family is constantly moving
The witnesses from teh furniture two weeks prior to 911 calls did not say she looked sick did they? I can't image she would die in two weeks from a lack of treatment form cancer that has recently returned. I guess we would need to know when she was last checked on by a doctor.

Most cancer survivors have to go for follow ups over the years to try and catch a recurrence early on. We really need to know if Zahra was ever seen by a medical professional stateside.

Given that LE is requestiong her records from Australia, where she hasn't lived for two years, and they've requested serial number of her last prosthetic from Australia, I fear thatmay be our most recent documentation of Zahra's health.

Which also makes me wonder, she attended public school last year, I wonder if AB and EB had to provide any sort of check up information or immunization records, etc.
I dont know of a school in the US you can get into without immunization records. alot of people I know home school because they dont want to immunize thier kids. MOO
I am still wondering where they had been living before this one. There seems to be a gap from their known addresses.

I think they were forced to report her missing because they now had a known address and it was just a matter of time before they were found by police and/or DCF. JMO

They lived in the trailer park just prior to moving into the house they are in now.
I dont know of a school in the US you can get into without immunization records. alot of people I know home school because they dont want to immunize thier kids. MOO

NC, like most states, has a religious or personal clause for immunizations. If you can tell the school of a 'valid' reason you don't want your child to be immunized, they will generally accept your reason and allow your child to attend. Not saying this is what happened....just letting you know.
Here is the script IMHO krista.

(snipped randomly from anyoldtime's link back thread)

The police were out here last night. They found a ransom note for my bosses daughter… and it appears they took my daughter instead of my bosses daughter. We checked in there last night about 2:30 and she was there... and all this happened last night around 5 I don't know if they set a fire in the yard to distract us to go out and then they snuck in the door... or.. I don't know. Last night...we woke up.. my dog woke me up and I had a fire in the back yard and somebody had poured gas in my company vehicle I drive to work. They left a ransom note on my company vehicle to my boss saying they had his daughter and his son was next.And his daughter is fine. His daughter came with him last night when I called him. And uh, It appears they may have taken my daughter instead of his daughter. Like I said it was it was all addressed to him and it was all taken out on him and.. I guess.. they thought he lived in this house...(snip) Um... I have just spoken to him and he umm told me to do... and he's going to be here shortly....(snip)Umm.. we had an officer out here last night and he ran through who he thought it may have been like an ex-employee or something..

Paraphrased script:

The kidnappers thought they had my Bosses house. They came to kidnap his daughter, it was all about him, the crimes were directed at him. It was probably a disgruntled ex-employee. They set a fire in order to access my house (thinking it was his house) as a distraction and took my daughter instead of boss' daughter.

That about sums up the gist of that entire 911 call.

We have to dig through the psychological slips of tongues, the demeanor evidenced by his voice and modulation of voice.

All jmho at this particular moment.
I dont know of a school in the US you can get into without immunization records. alot of people I know home school because they dont want to immunize thier kids. MOO

I have friends who do not believe in immunizations all that is needed is a signed waiver from the parents.
And actually opting out for religious reasons has always been allowed.

This is 4 years old but still a good starting place for the information- i'll keep looking for more up to date info

page 38
IF AB truly believed Zahra was alive as he stated - why did he talk about her in the past tense in his first MSM interview??

Where are the missing child flyers, pleading with the public for information for help, etc.

This is probably a stupid question....did LE or anyone say what the SM gave as the reason for writing a fake ransom note? Seems like the answer to that would tell us a lot. What possible reason could she have given. If she admitted to writing it wonder if she said why.:banghead:

My first thought was M.O.N.E.Y.......
IF AB truly believed Zahra was alive as he stated - why did he talk about her in the past tense in his first MSM interview??

Where are the missing child flyers, pleading with the public for information for help, etc.


I didn't hear that...I need to listen again! Can anyone post the link??
Here is the script IMHO krista.

(snipped randomly from anyoldtime's link back thread)

Paraphrased script:

The kidnappers thought they had my Bosses house. They came to kidnap his daughter, it was all about him, the crimes were directed at him. It was probably a disgruntled ex-employee. They set a fire in order to access my house (thinking it was his house) as a distraction and took my daughter instead of boss' daughter.

That about sums up the gist of that entire 911 call.

We have to dig through the psychological slips of tongues, the demeanor evidenced by his voice and modulation of voice.

All jmho at this particular moment.

Interesting SM's 911 starts out with info about where AB works contrived calls MOO
I have a couple of "wonders".
I wonder how a dog woke him up for a fire but NOT a kidnap?
I wonder if the septic systems have been looked into at all of the houses they lived at?
This is not a wonder ,but a thought Ive had running through my head today.
No offense to anyone please,but I have to say this.
Zahra was NOT homeschooled, Zahra was denied everything she was OWED as a child and human being.
The reason I say this is, in order to homeschool here in NC ( we homeschool)
you must register with the Department of NON public education, yes, I know the laws here for homeschooling are not all that strict, but I get tired of hearing people think that homeschoolers live bad lives. Im sure if I spent enough time investigating stats, that I could prove that more public schooled children are abused and neglected and killed than HSers.:innocent:
Homeschooling is providing your child with an education in the home setting & many other things like being involved with peers, homeschooled or/and public schooled.
SM used that route(homeschool) as one of her many ways to cover her EVIL deeds.
I hope that makes sense .
Homeschooling Zahra would have served her well if she was in severe pain or her cancer had came back,and she had someone to nurture her through it, but that wasnt the case, plus I do think Zarha was much better off in public school ,for the simple fact of being able to socialize more since she had not been in the US for that long.
SMs motive for "saying" she was homeschooled were nothing short of SINISTER:banghead::banghead:
I dont know of a school in the US you can get into without immunization records. alot of people I know home school because they dont want to immunize thier kids. MOO

One of the documents you must show if requested ,is the immunization record, the other is the salmon colored card you are sent upon approval to homeschool, the other is you must send in a HS diploma or GED.HTH
My daughter recieves all immus and then some.
I don't believe she homeschooled at all, she just said that when the school rang to explain Zarha's non-attendance. She didn't fill out the paper work to homeschool, and I don't think she gave that child a single lesson.

Well a single positive lesson at any rate.
I don't believe she homeschooled at all, she just said that when the school rang to explain Zarha's non-attendance. She didn't fill out the paper work to homeschool, and I don't think she gave that child a single lesson.

Well a single positive lesson at any rate.

You are right, she couldnt have homeschooled,period, if she did not go through the proper requirements to homeschool, then, Zarha was not schooled at all.
Please do not post rumors.

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Hi Hoppy I hope it wasn't my post. I said "rumor" because I'm sure I can't find the link but it was posted in one of these threads by another member and I can't recall if there was a link given in that post because that was days and days ago and these threads are moving so fast my head spins. Sorry.
I thought so too, but I'm still curious as to whether anything else leads them to believe that besides the furniture store sighting.
that was the last KNOWN public sighting of zahra. everything in this situation adds up to BAD. i wish it weren't so, zahra seems like such a GREAT kid! not that every kid isn't great but, but given her hardships she seems like she had (has?) a fantastic outlook on life :)
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