NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #17

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I have a couple of "wonders".
I wonder how a dog woke him up for a fire but NOT a kidnap?
I wonder if the septic systems have been looked into at all of the houses they lived at?
This is not a wonder ,but a thought Ive had running through my head today.
No offense to anyone please,but I have to say this.
Zahra was NOT homeschooled, Zahra was denied everything she was OWED as a child and human being.
The reason I say this is, in order to homeschool here in NC ( we homeschool)
you must register with the Department of NON public education, yes, I know the laws here for homeschooling are not all that strict, but I get tired of hearing people think that homeschoolers live bad lives. Im sure if I spent enough time investigating stats, that I could prove that more public schooled children are abused and neglected and killed than HSers.:innocent:
Homeschooling is providing your child with an education in the home setting & many other things like being involved with peers, homeschooled or/and public schooled.
SM used that route(homeschool) as one of her many ways to cover her EVIL deeds.
I hope that makes .
Homeschooling Zahra would have served her well if she was in severe pain or her cancer had came back,and she had someone to nurture her through it, but that wasnt the case, plus I do think Zarha was much better off in public school ,for the simple fact of being able to socialize more since she had not been in the US for that long.
SMs motive for "saying" she was homeschooled were nothing short of SINISTER:banghead::banghead:

I have no doubt that there are MANY GREAT community homeschools as well as a great many dedicated parents who homeschool extremely well.
I bet they research the curriculum and are committed to ensuring that their children and others in their care achieve the baseline requirements, and then some!

I could not find 'That's Goth Fairy To You', in the database of non-public education.
Shame... she could have taught the kids 'bounty hunting' techniques and 'songwriting' skills!!!

I have a couple of "wonders".
I wonder how a dog woke him up for a fire but NOT a kidnap?
I wonder if the septic systems have been looked into at all of the houses they lived at?
This is not a wonder ,but a thought Ive had running through my head today.
No offense to anyone please,but I have to say this.
Zahra was NOT homeschooled, Zahra was denied everything she was OWED as a child and human being.
The reason I say this is, in order to homeschool here in NC ( we homeschool)
you must register with the Department of NON public education, yes, I know the laws here for homeschooling are not all that strict, but I get tired of hearing people think that homeschoolers live bad lives. Im sure if I spent enough time investigating stats, that I could prove that more public schooled children are abused and neglected and killed than HSers.:innocent:
Homeschooling is providing your child with an education in the home setting & many other things like being involved with peers, homeschooled or/and public schooled.
SM used that route(homeschool) as one of her many ways to cover her EVIL deeds.
I hope that makes .
Homeschooling Zahra would have served her well if she was in severe pain or her cancer had came back,and she had someone to nurture her through it, but that wasnt the case, plus I do think Zarha was much better off in public school ,for the simple fact of being able to socialize more since she had not been in the US for that long.
SMs motive for "saying" she was homeschooled were nothing short of SINISTER:banghead::banghead:

I also Homeschool I pay about 3500 per year I use Seton and I belong to SCAIHS

Here is a sample of what and how my children are learning It might help some who are unfamilar with HS
I am still shaken by this last known photo of Zahra!! Her face is so puffy with what looks like some bruising which I'm afraid means she received some abuse to her pretty little face. But, she is trying to smile thru it all! I am so sorry Angel!
I have a couple of "wonders".
I wonder how a dog woke him up for a fire but NOT a kidnap?
I wonder if the septic systems have been looked into at all of the houses they lived at?
This is not a wonder ,but a thought Ive had running through my head today.
No offense to anyone please,but I have to say this.
Zahra was NOT homeschooled, Zahra was denied everything she was OWED as a child and human being.
The reason I say this is, in order to homeschool here in NC ( we homeschool)
you must register with the Department of NON public education, yes, I know the laws here for homeschooling are not all that strict, but I get tired of hearing people think that homeschoolers live bad lives. Im sure if I spent enough time investigating stats, that I could prove that more public schooled children are abused and neglected and killed than HSers.:innocent:
Homeschooling is providing your child with an education in the home setting & many other things like being involved with peers, homeschooled or/and public schooled.
SM used that route(homeschool) as one of her many ways to cover her EVIL deeds.
I hope that makes sense .
Homeschooling Zahra would have served her well if she was in severe pain or her cancer had came back,and she had someone to nurture her through it, but that wasnt the case, plus I do think Zarha was much better off in public school ,for the simple fact of being able to socialize more since she had not been in the US for that long.
SMs motive for "saying" she was home schooled were nothing short of SINISTER:banghead::banghead:

She certainly was NOT homeschooled, I agree. I homeschooled all 3 of my children. 2 now thriving in college and one has graduated from college. If ZB was home schooled LE would be able to easily tell. There would (should!) be file cabinets full off graded work papers, essays and upcoming lessons and workbooks. There would also be plenty of material for ZB to read.

Sadly, I think it's a safe bet to say.. I bet LE found none of that in the home. I'd be shocked if they did.
I have missed a few things I am curious about.

Where did this come from?
"bounty hunter"

I know about
"song writer"

Also, the link to the beginning page of Zahra's case archive album:
Not sure where bounty hunter/cop claims came from-probably ramblings on her internet sites!:banghead:
I just want to thank you so very much for the extensive work you're compiling on photobucket!! You're doing an awesome job!! You're an :angel:
I am still shaken by this last known photo of Zahra!! Her face is so puffy with what looks like some bruising which I'm afraid means she received some abuse to her pretty little face. But, she is trying to smile thru it all! I am so sorry Angel!

Well she looks a little sick in that photo to me. It might not have been the cancer returning but something else. If she was receiving no medical attention at all then it is a high possibility. Also the fact that she spent the majority of time in her bed and the father also mentioned she had a tummy bug just before she disappeared. This to me still screams neglect/guilt and cover up. I could be totally wrong though
I dont know of a school in the US you can get into without immunization records. alot of people I know home school because they dont want to immunize thier kids. MOO

I don't know about NC but many states have exemption laws for personal, religious, or medical reasons.
Interesting SM's 911 starts out with info about where AB works contrived calls MOO

Thanks rbrnmw for pulling that together. The boss didn't have to do anything in particular to this couple to warrant this behavior from them directed at him. He might be just a kind guy (or he might be a jerk to work for who knows?) I think it's starting to form a bit in my head and I will have to sleep on it.

Sometime after 25 SEP 2010 and before 09 OCT 2010 Zahra died.

At this point in time we could speculate that it was perhaps accidental, or from neglect because of complications from not getting appropriate medical care, but IMHO we really don't see caregivers/parents behave this way when the death was accidental in any shape or form. It's still a remote possibility I agree.

One of them, or they together, cooked up this scheme to make it look like Zahra had been mistakenly kidnapped in place of Bosses daughter. The fire was set to burn some sort of evidence, I have no clue what it was at this time. The intention was never to burn the company car or the note. But to either 1. mask the smell of decomp 2. have the fire department discover or they lead the fire department to discover the ransom note on the gas soaked car. 3. both of those.

They probably thought it would play out as a random kidnapping that was by a previous disgruntled who set fire to the yard and failed at setting fire to the bosses car. The previous disgruntled employee would never be found----and neither would Zahra.

Why would they do this? That is a very elaborate ruse, cover story. IMHO one of them probably thinks they are smarter than LE. One of them loves drama and attention. JMHO. IMHO Zahra's murder was probably just like the rest of the murders we see---she was beat one day or hit in the wrong place. Who knows? But where did they put her? I don't think she was put through the equipment at Dad's work. I think they did something else with her. JMHO...

All jmho until we get more info.
Also from the same link (BBM) ....

Elisa Baker's father, Marshall Fairchild, says he hasn't seen Zahra Baker in more than a year. He got in a dispute with his daughter and they moved out.

“It's hard for me to believe that Lisa would do anything to that youngin, but you never know. I mean drugs interfere with your mind,” he said.
Looks like the Dad is saying she (EB) does drugs.

(6th and 7th paragraph down)
So, if all of us agree that EB and AB had NO intention of homeschooling Zahra.....and that Zahra was not enrolled in public school....clearly there was some reason for this change from her routine.
I guess I have always thought of this as a case of abuse taken too far one day.....that EB hit her too hard that last time and killed her...disposed of her body...and tried to cover it up.
But not enrolling her in school 2 months earlier....not actually providing any valid homeschool me screams premeditation....that there was something planned long before Zarah went missing.
I have missed a few things I am curious about.

Where did this come from?
"bounty hunter"

I know about
"song writer"

Also, the link to the beginning page of Zahra's case archive album:

October 15, 2010

Wright says friends in Australia were suspicious of Elisa Baker when Adam Baker met her online in early 2008 and invited her to visit.

Elisa Baker told them she was she was a police officer who was shot in the line of duty. She also said she was a bounty hunter and had met celebritites.

Amanda, the way that article is written it might be possible that Wright was sharing what the friends told her that Elisa B. told them. KWIM?
But not enrolling her in school 2 months earlier....not actually providing any valid homeschool me screams premeditation....that there was something planned long before Zarah went missing.

Or she could have been sick and they couldn't be bothered or couldn't afford to give her proper care. I am not sure how the health system works over there but we know they had money problems
Something to think about .... I REALLY think that the recent events are a "change" and I don't think Zahra has been in a horrid situation, locked in her room and beaten for the entire two years she's been here.

For one, EB is shown speaking in the video and helping Zahra get her hearing aids (NOTE: the news reports her as the mother in that video). This tells me they were getting her SOME degree of medical attention. There are many photos shown of Zahra by EB's side ...leaning on her ... hugging her. A child that is being violently abused is not very likely to do that to their abuser. Zahra did go to school (and yes, I've read the she was sent without lunch claims) and seemed happy . Family spent time with them, she was shown at birthday parties and other events... etc. until a few months ago.

ETA: I wonder what changed ???? Was it that EB got caught hitting her? Did EB blame Zahra for her family abandoning her ? Did their money situation get worse? Did Adam start standing up to EB? SO many family members said she was jealous of his relationship with Zahra. WHAT CHANGED?

I think one thing breaks my heart more than anything else in this case. Zahra never had a mother. It's possible that she thinks (or thought?) that all mothers are like EB. She didn't have a chance to know any different and that just tears me up.

I'm off to bed. Please let this little girl somehow......... someway be found safe.
Also from the same link (BBM) ....

Looks like the Dad is saying she (EB) does drugs.

(6th and 7th paragraph down)

This is the 3rd article to report that AB learned of his daughter's 'kidnapping' upon returning home from work.
"The girl's father said he just returned from a work trip when Elisa told him Zahra was gone. Baker was reported missing Saturday but police now believe she's been missing much longer."
The last one I read said that AB returned home from work to see EB running out of the house to tell him that Zahra was missing. It said that AB had been working out of town from Thursday until he arrived home that Saturday. (I'll have to go look for that article, but it was posted here in the last thread).

That said, the transcript says that AB claims he and his wife were home when the fire started...that the dog woke him up....and that he went back to bed until that Saturday afternoon.

Which is true??
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