NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #21

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Hubby and I were just reminiscing about how difficult it really was getting past the borders when we visited one another. I had to prove I was going back to the States when I visited (letter from employer, return ticket, etc.) and it was even worse for my husband going into the US at Newark.

I can't help but feel Zahra fell through every crack along the way. Legally she shouldn't have been allowed to leave Oz without a court order according to the AFP website much less being moved half a world away. (And I think, on a personal note, AB gives loving parents who do LEGALLY move their children to a foreign country a bad rap. GRRR.) Someone speculated AB should have been more involved post-relocation and I couldn't agree more.

I feel your pain about the border crossings, my husband and I had the same experiences.
It is hard for me to give AB a pass since he only started working 6 months ago. Surely he saw the abuse...or did that only start after he started leaving for work every day?
Nosee, we're learning from each other. I can't imagine having to climb up to check a heating and air conditioning unit (on a house anyway). Ours are usually located outside the home or in a small closet on the first floor.

Completely off topic - apologies WS ... but the cultural differences I'm picking up along the way are educating (and funny sometimes!).

Central heating units and gas units were classed as against regulation if they were fixed in cupboards moons ago here. Everything is located either in the roof or gas units are on the outside of the house.

It must have been extremely difficult for Zahra to adapt to her new lifestyle ... I wonder if her father and SM took time to gradually introduce her to her new life and the associated differences she could expect (other than toss the Disneyland fantasy around). I bet you they didn't. Relocating from one town to another (about 200 km's away) concerned my two girls enough, I can't imagine how Zahra must have felt - i.e. leaving friends, family and the comforts of home.
I'm hoping and praying that police do have something from that search (or any of the searches). They don't have to tell the media anything and could be playing a game of cat and mouse with them and AB. At this point in the investigation the only person they feel they owe anything to is Zahra.
Even though we all want answers they don't have to share them with us and the way the media blows everything up I wouldn't blame them.

Case in point: CA What a total circus!

Prayers for Zahra (sorry I hate to reduce the childs name to initals because she deserves so much better). May justice slap the guilty in the face and I hope the door hits um in the *advertiser censored** as it slams shut.
Good morning, WSers. :) :coffeeup:

After two weeks of following this case (Has it only been two weeks? It feels like an eternity!) I'm :praying: today is the day we get solid news about Zahra.
Completely off topic - apologies WS ... but the cultural differences I'm picking up along the way are educating (and funny sometimes!).

Central heating units and gas units were classed as against regulation if they were fixed in cupboards moons ago here. Everything is located either in the roof or gas units are on the outside of the house.

It must have been extremely difficult for Zahra to adapt to her new lifestyle ... I wonder if her father and SM took time to gradually introduce her to her new life and the associated differences she could expect (other than toss the Disneyland fantasy around). I bet you they didn't. Relocating from one town to another (about 200 km's away) concerned my two girls enough, I can't imagine how Zahra must have felt - i.e. leaving friends, family and the comforts of home.

I don't know if there is a way of introducing a different culture gradually. My children and I visited the UK pre-move so they had some idea of where they'd be living but there are too many subtle cultural differences I never could have prepared them for. Simple things like having difficulty getting their favourite cereals to big things like feeling like the odd ones out at times.

There have been times they have really struggled with feelings of homesickness, cultural divides, language barriers...I just cannot imagine how hard it would have been for Zahra when it seems, IMO, that so few cared if she adjusted stateside.

O/T: On top of me meeting my spouse online and moving my munchkins to another continent - my daughter is also 10. This is the first case that I have cried over. Such a brave, bright spark Zahra was...I pray that light is never diminished. I know her smile will forever stay with me.

By the CNN Wire Staff
October 23, 2010 7:31 a.m. EDT

(CNN) -- Authorities ended their search at a North Carolina landfill Friday for a mattress connected to the case of a missing 10-year-old girl, police said. They did not recover it.

Investigators had hoped to use the mattress to confirm information from interviews conducted as part of their investigation, Hickory police said in a news release. They had also hoped it would provide some DNA evidence related to the case.
Ok... AY is off limits. He is not a POI, or involved in this case in any way I can see other than having a FB page discussing Zahra missing just like us. I don't think any of us would like to be sleuthed or talked about because of that.

I have also been going through this morning and deleting several posts about the SM and Father that again have nothing to do with Zahra missing or why. No name calling of any of them.

Lets keep the case dedicated to Zahra. Thank you.

Why does EB need a PI? She has all the answers. MOO.
*sigh* At this point,if I saw a photo of EB in the kitchen making oatmeal cookies with
Zarha,I'd think there was something awful going on..
I hope this lovely child is found soon.
So if it was "the parents" who disposed of the mattress, I wonder what story AB is telling about that? I just can't figure out why he's not in jail too.
To create reasonable doubt? I am not sure, I hope it's not to build in SODDI this soon. Maybe the lawyers want to investigate her and her stories, independently, I would.
Since AB/EB has many crimes (writing bad checks, family dispute with car) against him, would he still be able to get a Visa or passport????

Just wondering if the 'family' was trying to get FAKE passports........therefore changing looks and doing "homemade' passport pix????
If he had drug charges in Australia he wouldn't be able to get a work visa for the states, as far as I know they're more lenient on other lesser crimes. As far as a passport, he'd still be on his Australian one, so I don't understand the ID pics either, they must be for another reason.

His crimes were in the US yes? We don't know what if any charges he had ever faced in Australia, one would think however, if he was in the states on a work visa that too many charges would see him on the first plane home.
From Kimsters link....

The missing mattress, which belonged to Zahra, was thrown out by her parents in early October, days before she was reported missing, police say.


Police said the girl's father, Adam Baker, also faces bad-check charges, but he has not been arrested. He is assisting police in their search.

K, so if he's HELPING, either they just missed the mattress, or he is flat lying about the when and the where of it. I assume this info came from him, and well there again if it didn't....he's not being truthful, or it would have came from him.
Thanks for posting that Teh! I was sitting here contemplating both statements too!
I am still thinking that LE found something quickly that made them turn Zahra's case from
missing child into homecide case so soon and so public.
I think that LE kept that evidence to their vest and just looking for more puzzle pieces.
I am sure some other evidence was found in the landfill.
As for the mattress, LE took samples from many mattresses.
They won't make it public til tests come back...........IMOO
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