NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #33

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I'm not a guy, but I do have a hubby and three daughters, two of whom are teenagers, so I can attest to his reactions FWIW--

He is completely comfortable addressing those issues with the girls and even goes to buy 'supplies' if necessary [and that includes chocolate occasionally]. I'm confident that if I died tomorrow, he could raise these girls very healthily all on his own, emotionally speaking. However, I think he's far from the norm (and I'm super lucky). On the other hand, there are some subjects that he is clearly uncomfortable with, and rarely will discuss with them. I think it depends, but I have known guys who don't even want their wives to tell them second hand ANYTHING about their adolescent daughters' "women issues". Just my thoughts, again, FWIW

When my daughter was approaching puberty, I did shift work. She spoke to her father about puberty ONLY because she wanted reassurance that IF it she got her first period when I was at work, that he would take care of her and know what to do.

IMO Zahra was nowhere near puberty. I doubt very much that she had had her first period.
I think that may be Dad or EB planting the 'seed' for blood on the mattress, in the 911 call.
Years ago I knew a woman she was in her late twenties,she married a man who had a 7 yr old daughter.She ACTED like a great step mom in front of him on weekends, but when she found out she could not have kids she turned evil.She breed puppies, she had a very sick litter she took their diarrhea and mixed it in her tuna salad.The little girl took 1 bite and left it.She then told me she was going to take chicken and leave it out for a few days then cook it for her.Some women can seem fine but underneath they are pure evil.Her husband when told was shocked, he thought she loved his daughter as her own.
My Grandmother died when my Dad was 3 he had twin sisters who were 6 mos old My Grandfather remarried They had kids together and she had kids from a previous marriage She was a Monster she pulled one of my Aunt's fingernails off with pliers She broke a window and blamed my Dad. She gave Grandpa's truck keys to one of her sons then called the police and said he stole it. My Uncle had epilepsy she would laugh at him while he was having a seizure he was also allergic to eggs she would feed him food made with eggs.
My aunt told me all of this and she said not one of them ever told my Grandpa what she was doing they were absolutely terrified of her. It was so heartbreaking to hear about the things my father and siblings endured. I think Zahra was probably too afraid to tell Adam or anyone else. Poor Zahra it just isn't fair and downright evil what that monster put her through.
I'm thinking he called his boss and asked him what to do and his boss told him to call 911 and tell them everything. I really think the man was at a loss - he was rambling, trying to give them every thing he knew. I just think he didn't know what else to do. I could be wrong, but I will repeat, I'm just not sure that he is as guilty as many feel he is and I never have felt like he was.

That is possible. I couldn't convict him on that 911 call alone either.

When are they going to charge EB, AB or both with capital murder? I mean it is ruled a homicide, it is clear she wasn't kidnapped, nobody has seen her and even the legal guardians own statement shows they were the last to see her (even if that timeline is off) They should have enough to CHARGE someone now!

They are going to charge someone when they have evidence to prosecute and not a moment before.

Once they charge someone, the clock starts ticking for the prosecution. They want to make sure they have all their ducks in a row, so no mistakes are made. They don't want whoever done this to get off on an error a technicality because they rushed to make an arrest.
That's very possible. We have a really good male friend and his wife is an abuser (in my mind). We don't have anything to do with her and she hates us but this lady has beat her husband and this guy is no wimp. He just takes her crap. I keep telling him he needs to leave her BUT he say's he'd lose half of his livelyhood. Who cares?? I mean really, kick her to the curb! My husband and this guy and a few other guys went over to Gander Mountain today and he bought a rifle and guess where it's at?? Here at our house because he can't take it home. She fights with him everyday. How can people live like that?

EB reminds me of our friends wife. One crazy personality!

Sadly more people live like that than one would imagine. And unless you've been abused or worked closely with those who have been abused you wouldn't understand that it isn't just so easy to leave - i can almost promise you, for your friend, its not about money, it is much deeper psychologically.
I still think EB told them what happened to Zahra and that she was deceased. Well her version anyway.

If you just consider how well these detectives interrogate these people, and you think of EB's penchant for attention, lying and tall tales (bounty hunter, shot cop, Daughtry songwriter etc) can you imagine her just sitting there saying nothing other than "okay yeah I wrote the note now get me a lawyer"?


Nope Kamille, you are right! I bet she is in the slammer talking up ANYONE she can! But I also bet that she is a Psychopath who takes ZERO responsibility for her behaviour or actions!
I imagine her making up tall tales about how awful AB was and how much she LOVED Zahra.....JMO!
But I seriously doubt grandma could make contact with Z without EB knowing. I think AB was afraid of EB. We see now that this has happened and EB is locked away that grandma is here.

I think maybe AB could ask his boss if he could have things sent there. But still letting his mother know would have nothing to do with EB. He could then verbally convey and make a point to let her know about her grandmother. Since he was driving the car in the assault with a deadly weapon charge, I think he has more control over himself. It would be interesting to hear what the boss has to say as to how often he saw Zahra especially since the boss is the one AB called before 911. jmo
I think I'm seriously about 10 threads behind in this case. Has it been confirmed that the prosthetic leg LE found is Zahras?

It's not confirmed by LE yet.

They have said it is consistent with the type of leg Zahra had. I am sure it is hers, I am sure LE knows by now it is hers. How many prosthesis are hanging out in the woods near where Elisa used to live? KWIM?
When my daughter was approaching puberty, I did shift work. She spoke to her father about puberty ONLY because she wanted reassurance that IF it she got her first period when I was at work, that he would take care of her and know what to do.

IMO Zahra was nowhere near puberty. I doubt very much that she had had her first period.
I think that may be Dad or EB planting the 'seed' for blood on the mattress, in the 911 call.

I think EB told AB the puberty story in case he noticed any blood. However at 10, almost 11 she could have reached puberty.
When my daughter was approaching puberty, I did shift work. She spoke to her father about puberty ONLY because she wanted reassurance that IF it she got her first period when I was at work, that he would take care of her and know what to do.

IMO Zahra was nowhere near puberty. I doubt very much that she had had her first period.
I think that may be Dad or EB planting the 'seed' for blood on the mattress, in the 911 call.

It's possible...I started at 9. But it's not common. And there is almost always breast developement that proceeds menstruation. I see no evidence of that from pics I've seen, but then, I don't know how recent any of these pics are either. But AB adding that info out of nowhere, as an explaination for why they seldom see her? Uh uh...something just isn't right there.
When I had my first period I went to my Dad, not my mom for help.

I remember my dad trying to talk to me about my period when I first started. Nothing major just that I was a 'woman' now type thing. I have NEVER been so embarrassed lol. I turned beet red and told him I did not want to talk about it. In fact if a commercial would come on for feminine products it would embarrass me.

Boy have I gotten over that now. My poor boys know from the day I PMS till the day my period ends all about it. I tell them if I gotta live with it so do they ;)

My point is she could have been the one that was so embarrassed that AB knew she wouldn't want him talking about it.

For the first time today though while talking to my husband about what could have happened I used the word 'they' as in AB AND EB. It was totally subconscious and I stopped and looked at my husband and said did you hear that? He nodded.

That says a lot to me in where my thoughts are taking me now....
Hope everyone doesn't mind if I re post this but all help is appreciated.
BTW, I am looking into naming a Rose after Zahra. It's not as easy as I thought it would be as they are very strict in their associations and it's hard to make contacts. But I have sent a few emails out and waiting to hear back. If anyone has any info on this, Please let me know. If anyone deserves a Rose named after them it's Zahra.

My mother has an iris farm in southern IL & cross-breeds varieties. We will definitely name a new cross ZAHRA next Spring.
You can explain his behavior away one little thing at a time, but when you add it all up, which is what LE will do - he doesn't look so innocent.
I agree with your comment.

Z was his baby. If AB was a sadistic killer he would have probably done more than run EB's family member off the road.

If there was not SO much apparent evidence on his OWN property, I would agree with you.

But frankly, as much as I would like to believe otherwise, I can`t see how this all wnt down underneath his nose, without his knowledge! :(

I tend to believe that the incident with BB was indicative that drugs or some form of delusional disorder was probably starting and allowed him to begin to believe EB`s versions of the day.
When are they going to charge EB, AB or both with capital murder? I mean it is ruled a homicide, it is clear she wasn't kidnapped, nobody has seen her and even the legal guardians own statement shows they were the last to see her (even if that timeline is off) They should have enough to CHARGE someone now!

This coming Monday, the Catawba County Grand Jury convenes at ten o'clock. Sources say it is possible that Baker could face more charges later that day.
When my daughter was approaching puberty, I did shift work. She spoke to her father about puberty ONLY because she wanted reassurance that IF it she got her first period when I was at work, that he would take care of her and know what to do.

IMO Zahra was nowhere near puberty. I doubt very much that she had had her first period.
I think that may be Dad or EB planting the 'seed' for blood on the mattress, in the 911 call.

I agree entirely--but I still think it's plausible that AB could've bought the idea. EB, IMHO, would've used any personality trait she discovered in AB that she thought could keep him from talking to Zahra. If he was the sort who couldn't handle discussing the issue, especially with Zahra herself, EB wouldn't have been able to wait to use that nervousness to control the situation.

This is what I've always thought, and it's just my opionion, as always. But I have, for various reasons, seen the workings of narcissistic, dysfunctional parents (which I feel EB is-MOO!) and I can say:

I have seen more than one abusive parent use the "she's hormonal" defense WAY before their child is even CLOSE to puberty, as a way to explain the depression, anxiety, and withdrawing that are the DIRECT RESULT OF ABUSE that parent is putting them through.

Whoa--sorry; didn't mean to soapbox off your post. Please forgive me.

I feel I know EB way too well; hadn't hoped to ever see someone like her again.
I think maybe AB could ask his boss if he could have things sent there. But still letting his mother know would have nothing to do with EB. He could then verbally convey and make a point to let her know about her grandmother. Since he was driving the car in the assault with a deadly weapon charge, I think he has more control over himself. It would be interesting to hear what the boss has to say as to how often he saw Zahra especially since the boss is the one AB called before 911. jmo

Isn't the whole car thing with the family all alleged? Was EB with him when it happened? When did the alleged assault take place?
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