NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #34

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Has there ever been any mention of where AB is while Zahra is getting her new hearing aids?

No I don't think we ever knew why he wasn't there for her honor..........
As a vet tech, I carried bodies in the 100 + lb range with no problem at all (both deceased and under anesthetic) and I'm a MUCH MUCH smaller woman than EB is. There is NO DOUBT that she could have moved Zahra herself IMO.

Not to mention I've seen women with special needs children that can pick up and carry a full grown boy who is flailing, fighting, screaming, etc.

Thanks for the frame of reference.
I am not basing my opinion that she is out of shape on being overweight.

I weight 95lbs and could transport 85 lbs if I had to, so I already said it was not impossible. But I do not see this specific woman going through that labor and effort (and being totally unseen doing so).

Getting her out of the house and into the vehicle and then out of the vehicle would be the most difficult part. Lifting an dead weight out of the trunk is very difficult.

Of course I may be wrong, we don't know, but I have a hard time seeing her do it and do it undetected, especially by the man that lives in the house with her.

That is my only point is the scenario of her doing all of this work, body, bed, disposal, burial, dump trips etc.... by herself AND Adam not knowing something was going on in his house is impossible.

I agree with you 100%..I do believe that EB could have/was capable of lifting and carrying that much weight if she had no choice..I just don't believe that she had to....

It's amazing what a person is capable of under the right circumstances..just yesterday I was SO angry @ EB..while I was reading about this same topic, I was thinking to much I would love to be in a room alone with her for 5 minutes..I know that sounds so immature and childish..and I am NOT a violent person in the least..but I was so mad there is no doubt in my mind that if I had 5 min. I could do some serious, serious damage..:furious:..
That’s exactly what I thought when I saw this picture. Loosing that much weight in 6 months almost incredible!

Not really. Actually there seems to have been weight loss in her daughter's as well. Maybe they had a bet going or something to see who could take the most off ? Not unheard of.

FWIW, a few of my girlfriends and I just did this. I lost the LEAST amount in a year at 18 lbs (I also had the least to lose). HOWEVER, one of the girls lost nearly 110 lbs in a year. :dance:
I'm hoping for something on Monday from the Grand Jury... I think that is why it is all quiet right now...
Lisa Dubbs (death penalty lawyer) is riding around with EB to search sites... Obviously they are working on a plea deal.. EB was not in court on Friday either... They asked for a continuance... In the other cases I have followed, this is fitting up for a plea deal... I'm just curious if EB is building a case as an accomplice or trying to save her a$$ from the death penalty...
anywho... I'm going trick-or-treating with my son and G-baby... I'll check back later...:)
Question for Locals if they know:

At the landfill or near by are there back roads around the landfill but not in the landfill areas that are some what less traveled but you can drive on it? My thinking is this: If you dispose of a body it smells really bad and it is a distinct smell. Where else to hide that smell but close to a landfill but not in the landfill. Cops would surely search the landfill but would they search the surrounding area...area to where the wind carries the smell to most of the time? Just a thought, because looking on the map...It isn't too far of a drive from Christy rd.
Not really. Actually there seems to have been weight loss in her daughter's as well. Maybe they had a bet going or something to see who could take the most off ? Not unheard of.

FWIW, a few of my girlfriends and I just did this. I lost the LEAST amount in a year at 18 lbs (I also had the least to lose). HOWEVER, one of the girls lost nearly 110 lbs in a year. :dance:

Or they were both using.
Question for Locals if they know:

At the landfill or near by are there back roads around the landfill but not in the landfill areas that are some what less traveled but you can drive on it? My thinking is this: If you dispose of a body it smells really bad and it is a distinct smell. Where else to hide that smell but close to a landfill but not in the landfill. Cops would surely search the landfill but would they search the surrounding area...area to where the wind carries the smell to most of the time? Just a thought, because looking on the map...It isn't too far of a drive from Christy rd.

If you're talking about the abandoned landfill off Drag Strip Rd.. I was informed by someone who had lived near it at one time - there are LOTS of back roads and 4-wheeler trails around it.

ETA: Sorry.. just realized it sounds like you are thinking of an active landfill -- I have no info about the active ones.
No, that tarp is a bright blue and I think it is still there. This tarp was grey and obviously it was some sort of evidence or they would not have bagged it with gloves and took it to the forensics truck.

A tarp can be folded to fit in a shopping bag......letting air out and folding like a flag.
My husband does all his tarps military way and even our 20 x 40 ft one
goes down to 2' x 2'..........
Question for Locals if they know:

At the landfill or near by are there back roads around the landfill but not in the landfill areas that are some what less traveled but you can drive on it? My thinking is this: If you dispose of a body it smells really bad and it is a distinct smell. Where else to hide that smell but close to a landfill but not in the landfill. Cops would surely search the landfill but would they search the surrounding area...area to where the wind carries the smell to most of the time? Just a thought, because looking on the map...It isn't too far of a drive from Christy rd.

You folks are so sharp I'm sure you've answered/discussed this before. long does a body smell? When does it start and when does it end? I'm thinking the smell would end after about 3-4 weeks?
Certainly it's possible that a person can lose that much weight in a hurry by dieting or working out. However, drugs can also do that. Knowing the woman's extensive rap sheet, I don't see her signing up for Weight Watchers or investing in some kettlebells.

Seeing a massive weight loss during the time little Zahra went missing doesn't necessarily point to drugs... but it certainly *hints* that something like drugs might have pushed the precarious family situation over the edge. MIGHT have. MOO.
Oh, btw, though I think AB is 100% culpable in the death of his child, I don't blame him for not being there when she got her hearing aids. As a parent with a job, sometimes you miss important milestones. My own loving father of a husband has missed quite a few things because you just can't keep taking time off...
You folks are so sharp I'm sure you've answered/discussed this before. long does a body smell? When does it start and when does it end? I'm thinking the smell would end after about 3-4 weeks?

That is correct but they would need initially to cover that smell right? So either it is buried, dumped or in the water to hide the smell. If dumped the only logical place would be near the landfill. Buried could be anywhere the killer would have comfortability in being there long enough to bury it. Water, would be quick in and quick out if they prepared before getting there. Just me thinking out loud.
That's the thing, there are SO many places like that around here. Ponds, lakes, creeks, etc. And you even have the Blue Ridge Parkway and The Pisgah National Forest 25 - 30 minutes away.

Yes, endless places! Being from FL, as usual, we love visiting that area of NC.

So I agree there are so many areas where anything could be hid. I am still amazed that they found the leg even with help. Unless LE gets a tip I think they will have problems finding a body unless whomever did it was very careless.
It seems that AB knew of his wifes moving around allot, bad checks (as he did it also)
he and she were together during the run the car off road incidernt. Going to do bodily harm and have a weapon (stun gun).
This makes me think AB is 100% in on the game with Zahra disappearing.
I do not buy the fact that EB did it all alone...........together they did this.
But 2 pyscopaths together and this is what happens.

No new news at all today?
LE not at any search spots?
Is the house done? or are the LE still guarding it?
After all it is Halloween and people might think its haunted and try to go there
for thrills.
I hope we hear something........test results, evidence, find Zahra..............
AB still out and about???
That is correct but they would need initially to cover that smell right? So either it is buried, dumped or in the water to hide the smell. If dumped the only logical place would be near the landfill. Buried could be anywhere the killer would have comfortability in being there long enough to bury it. Water, would be quick in and quick out if they prepared before getting there. Just me thinking out loud.

or lime to cover smell..........used on the farm when we find dead deer.

I remember dear Shaniya was in a city deer dump.........does Hickory have such a place for road kill????
Does one have to sign something when purchasing Lime? Isn't that an item that is recorded when purchased?
I cannot remember but I think it was lime I bought a few years ago because where i live I have loads of pine needles that make my grass really acidity...I think it was Lime my neighbor suggested I use to help. I bought a small bag and if I remember I had to sign a sheet of paper when I bought it.
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