NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #34

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Personally I don't see EB as the type to cover for anyone, which leads me to think she has done this one her own ...... unless someone owes her big time!

Hmm, that is an interesting theory too.

a) EB alone, murder and disposal (not possible, AB knew, too many inconsistencies)
b) EB & AB, AB more involved in disposal than actual murder (very likely)
c) EB & AB, and at least one other person close to EB (possible, especially in discussion / planning disposal, and perhaps discovering a missing Zahra was murdered way before LE was called in)
d) EB & at least one other person close to EB, no Adam until after disposal (not likely, AB would have noticed mattress comings and goings, missing Zahra, and he wouldn't cover up).

I'm between b) and c) here.....I think another person is possible, but less likely than I think it is that it was just EB and AB.

On the third party starting to ask questions of AB and EB about the whereabouts of Zahra and getting too close to the truth, thus provoking the 'kidnapping story' and 911 call, I think that is very likely.

Im going with EB murder, AB&EB disposal,other people very close to them knew but were too invoved with drugs to report anything. MOO

a) EB alone, murder and disposal (not possible, AB knew, too many inconsistencies)
b) EB & AB, AB more involved in disposal than actual murder (very likely)
c) EB & AB, and at least one other person close to EB (possible, especially in discussion / planning disposal, and perhaps discovering a missing Zahra was murdered way before LE was called in)
d) EB & at least one other person close to EB, no Adam until after disposal (not likely, AB would have noticed mattress comings and goings, missing Zahra, and he wouldn't cover up).

I'm between b) and c) here.....I think another person is possible, but less likely than I think it is that it was just EB and AB.

On the third party starting to ask questions of AB and EB about the whereabouts of Zahra and getting too close to the truth, thus provoking the 'kidnapping story' and 911 call, I think that is very likely.

I'm firmly in camp B. But I do think it's worth considerating that AB might have done the deed and EB helped in the cover-up. The only thing I'm absolutely sure she is guilty of is writing the ransom note. I have thoughts and suspicions about other things, but so far, nothing but hearsay and gut feeling to back those suspicions up. So, logically, I have to admit that it's at least possible her hands are in the cover up alone...kwim?
How can you tell she is talking about two different people? Perhaps she does mean that AB is her one true love, who made her what she is today?

Well, for one thing.. Adam didn't have enough "tenure" in her life to have made her into much of anything (even in her own mind). Certainly she'd had many other relationships -- even one that lasted 10 years (her longest; I've been able to determine the timeframes by comparing her criminal records with the records of others).

Also, note how she frames her mention of the "one true love" in secrecy (request chat to get more info)...

But she openly names her "soul-mate" (banner beneath with their names on it).

Two men she sees in two different lights, IMO.
Didnt le find drug para. in one of the vehicles? If it was crystal meth she(they) are doing then she sang way before a week,
and yes she would get help with the withdrawal symptoms in jail.
I think ab did c meth some time ago,but got off of it a few months ago,he may be joneson(spelling) ,MOO, is that all the weight lost is due to meth use.

yep, they only said drug paraphernalia. also, many comments by people and reports of EB dealing.
I was not blessed. I can not have children, though I would love to have one (or more). Zahra was a beautiful young girl. One of which I wish I could call my own. It is a shame she ended up with two people who didn't give a crap about her. I know there are many more people out there in my shoes who wish/dream to have a child to love. It's a damn shame this beautiful child didn't have that. :(

O sunset!! Real children are born from the heart ~ not from the womb. I feel certain one is already picked out for you and you for them! :blowkiss:
Ok..I'm lost...where is all of "the accomplice" stuff coming from today? I've seen at least 3 posts, today, about an accomplice...Did I miss something? And why all of the "code" talk?

I tried earlier to figure it out...but dismissed it...however, the myspace "evaluation" post, the "one person she would cover for"..."accomplice" again...I can't figure it please?
Here it is Saturday night.... I have been checking in all day hoping to hear about more progress!!! No such luck!!! Maybe we should find the meter reader guy from Caylee's case and send him to Hickory??? Frustrating!!! What can't this beautiful child be found!!! We need a break!!!
Well, for one thing.. Adam didn't have enough "tenure" in her life to have made her into much of anything (even in her own mind). Certainly she'd had many other relationships -- even one that lasted 10 years (her longest; I've been able to determine the timeframes by comparing her criminal records with the records of others).

Also, note how she frames her mention of the "one true love" in secrecy (request chat to get more info)...

But she openly names her "soul-mate" (banner beneath with their names on it).

Two men she sees in two different lights, IMO.

IMO Very interesting and an insightful catch. I'm somewhat inclined to explore this theory.......
Just my opinion...

But like Ronald & Misty...

Zahra's parents possible drug abuse and sales outweighted their love for their child. Before and after Zahra's death.

I just pray they did not sell Zahra for money or drugs! :furious:
There is often cross over between BPD (borderline personality disorder) and ASPD (antisocial personality disorder / psychopathy / sociopathy)

This is very helpful info, Violet. Thanks!

Just to clarify something about my earlier post: when I mention BPD -- it wouldn't necessarily be an exclusive diagnosis, if she had/has it. She certainly looks (acts) like a psychopath, too. She might fit under a host of dx codes.

I agree. When you look at the DSM many of the PD's overlap for example Anti-Social PD and Psychopathology.

But there is certainly something going on there!!
I'm firmly in camp B. But I do think it's worth considerating that AB might have done the deed and EB helped in the cover-up. The only thing I'm absolutely sure she is guilty of is writing the ransom note. I have thoughts and suspicions about other things, but so far, nothing but hearsay and gut feeling to back those suspicions up. So, logically, I have to admit that it's at least possible her hands are in the cover up alone...kwim?

I am going with EB delivered what ended up being the fatal blow.
Mostly likely caused severe brain injury.

AB is aware of the injury and fails to seek help.
Because of the investigation it would bring.
Because of other semi healed injuries that would lead to abuse and negligence charges against him.

However many hours later they realize not only is she not recovering, she is either dead or dying.

AB is now criminally responsible for her death, not just a bystander and a parent that did not stop abuse. He failed to seek medical attention that would have potentially saved her life.

Now you have two equally responsible people for her death, and two equally motivated people who want to cover up her death.

There is a reason LE is being led to some evidence, mattress and prosthetics, and not others (like a fractured skull). Someone is likely trying to secure a deal before they provide evidence that could make the deal less appealing.

Ok..I'm lost...where is all of "the accomplice" stuff coming from today? I've seen at least 3 posts, today, about an accomplice...Did I miss something? And why all of the "code" talk?

I tried earlier to figure it out...but dismissed it...however, the myspace "evaluation" post, the "one person she would cover for"..."accomplice" again...I can't figure it please?

It's just some speculation/theorizing. If it seems like code talk, that's only because it would violate WS policy to actually name anyone who hasn't already been named in the media.. so I've just been using the generic term "other accomplice".
I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and my question again, was she on any psychotropic drugs: Celexa, Depakote, Lexapro, Remeron, Trileptal, Zyprexa, Gabitril?
I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and my question again, was she on any psychotropic drugs: Celexa, Depakote, Lexapro, Remeron, Trileptal, Zyprexa, Gabitril?

Under HIPPA laws, would we have an opportunity to learn this before a trial? *shrug*
I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and my question again, was she on any psychotropic drugs: Celexa, Depakote, Lexapro, Remeron, Trileptal, Zyprexa, Gabitril?

I don't think that we have any information regarding prescriptions for SSRI's Tricyclics or Anti-Psychotics.
You sound like you would be excellent parents and I'm sorry it hasn't happened for you (yet).

Would being a foster parent be an option you'd consider?

It doesn't require any legal expense. When the state takes child into its custody, the ultimate goal is to reunite the biological family. Even when a biological parent is clearly unfit, it's a long process for the state to sever parental rights. So many children are in the foster care system for years. By the time they are legally free for adoption, their chances of finding a permanent family are less. The older the child is, the harder it is for them to be placed with an adoptive family. And some states have programs to help cover the adoption expenses for older children or those who are more difficult to place.

I share your empathy for Zahra and others who are unfortunate enough to be in similar environments.

We have (and still are) considering that option. But I think, wisely, we haven't moved forward with it because fostering/adopting an older child who has been in foster care for some time brings a special set of challenges. We would have to be absolutely certain we could meet those challenges before we ever moved forward with something like that. To offer a child like that hope, and then discover we fell short of meeting their needs...not an option. So, it's a painstaking thought process for us. But, it's not off the table, not at all. We're just taking it slow.
Under HIPPA laws, would we have an opportunity to learn this before a trial? *shrug*

Probably not - unless it is hearsay.

I just thought maybe someone had confirmed something about her mental health since this topic continues to come up. Without me speaking with her, knowing her history, etc. there is no way I would offer up an opinion on what may be going on inside her head.:snooty::snooty:
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