NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #38

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AH HA!!!!!!!!!!!! A WATERBED! I knew it!

You called it, teh. (At least I think it was you.... in any event, some brilliant WS'er called the hose for the waterbed!) :waitasec:
Here comes the she said/he said....or she said/he won't say anything. Just as we all speculated early on, EB is totally throwing AB under the bus (not saying he doesn't deserve it!). Whether they were in on it together or it was just him or just her, she is going to do all she can to point the finger elsewhere, IMO. Obviously, just from the lies she told on her myspace page, we know we can't trust a single thing she says. I don't believe for a second that she was some poor little victim in all of this.

Checkmate LE! The plan has worked!
She is not upset that Zahra is dead... she is upset that Adam is free and SHE is locked up!
Now Adam gets to read the letters and SIGH...the jig is up!
I don't doubt that the letters are hers.

But one should be skeptical of any information contained therein.

As for their general tone - damning.
This is my very amaturish analysis of that handwriting IF she did write that. Don't know why she would start out "it's me, Elisa" though, but who knows. It looks like she makes felon's claws on the capital H's. People who make felon's claws are usually people who come off as the nicest people in the world until you get close to them -- then the "claws" come out and they do something despicable. She has a left slant to her writing in most of the letter which means holding back emotions or thoughts. Then the end of the letter switches to script and she goes to a rightward slant. Someone who changes slants like that is very off-balance and could one minute be calm and content, and the next be in a fit of anger or other emotion. On the line when she writes "we didn't really kill her", I see space both before and after the word "kill". When people lie, they hesitate a little bit even though their hand keeps moving so there is a space. And what occurs right after the space, is most always a lie.
Oh dear !! I hope you never see my handwriting .. Back slant,front slant,print to cursive with random capitals..:confused::help:
So she's claiming she died a natural death and then her father put her through a woodchipper. That's what I get out of that. :sick:


"We really didn't kill her, but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying,"

Suuuuuuuure EB.....whenever one of my relatives passes I always start thinking of disposal.....all that messy funeral director business, and organising the church service just gets in the way of saying goodbye in my own unique way.

How on earth, what on earth? She's kidding if she thinks that story is going to fly.

....and this.....

"I just wonder if Zahra hadn't survived Cancer an[d] been from Australia, if it would truly be like this. There are so many missing kids, but Zahra isn't missing," Baker wrote.

What are you trying to say EB.....that this is Zahra's own fault for being alive for you to kill....'If only she died of cancer' she laments, and she sits in her jail cell and ponders what might have been.

*paces around cell thinking of new angles of legal argument, fails, sits on bed reads more hate mail and wonders how much she has in her account.

None, hopefully.
Patty, They threw her leg away....God knows what to her body, and you think they cared about clothes? Sorry, not attacking you.....

I figured they got rid of almost anything that had to do w/ Zahra. I don't know why but i think her clothes were shredded to the mulch piles or burned in the back yard. Anything left after they reported her missing was just staging. imo.
I am trying to transcribe the letter. Can someone PM me how to get it posted?? Time for a forum??? Please??? We have a case that is high profile, international, with an internet connection (AB and EB met there), and now we have perps contacting the media - with or without lawyer permission??? For future analysis of unusual crimes, this one deserves a deeper analysis, and a forum will allow us to organize. Back to transcribing......
The letters are so entirely childish. I feel the next sentence will be "do you like me? check yes or no". Sorry OT.
From the letter: "We didn't really kill her but what Adam did after the fact...."

You didn't "really" kill her? Is that like saying I'm kinda pregnant? These things are not possible EB. Either you killed her or you didn't. If you didn't you would be screaming it from the roof tops on MSM video not writing to a collector of all things murder with your word games.

I think she has hit a new record with me. She can't possibly irritate me anymore then I am irritated with her right now.

"we really didn't kill her" I take that as something like, we locked her in her room and simply forgot to feed her....or ...her cancer came back and she didn't want to go through chemo again so we honored her request........or some other LIE
"We really didn't kill her, but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying,"

Suuuuuuuure EB.....whenever one of my relatives passes I always start thinking of disposal.....all that messy funeral director business, and organising the church service just gets in the way of saying goodbye in my own unique way.

How on earth, what on earth? She's kidding if she thinks that story is going to fly.

....and this.....

"I just wonder if Zahra hadn't survived Cancer an[d] been from Australia, if it would truly be like this. There are so many missing kids, but Zahra isn't missing," Baker wrote.

What are you trying to say EB.....that this is Zahra's own fault for being alive for you to kill....'If only she died of cancer' she laments, and she sits in her jail cell and ponders what might have been.

*paces around cell thinking of new angles of legal argument, fails, sits on bed reads more hate mail and wonders how much she has in her account.

None, hopefully.

I 10000% agree! I <3 you Mrs G Norris!
The Australian press claim that men get custody and the system is focused on male rights. And this may have caused problems with Zahra. We do know that he took her to the US against his own mothers wishes. What a way to treat your mom who raised your daughter since she was younger than 2.

I mean really this little girl needed a living mom or grandmom not a father
looking to marry a goth middle aged woman who thinks she is 22 and all that!
Sorry JMO. I cant imagine the life this little one led. How very sad!
Okay so I'm left to wonder, if LE really did rule out the woodchipper (which I realize of course, they have the option to lie about if they so chose), then what other kind of "horrifying" thing can be done "after the fact"?

I'm not believing the on a mattress under a bridge story myself. Nothing too "horrifying" about that, and why would EB make it sound WORSE than it really was?

I don't see any benefit at all to LE not telling us they found the body and are working to continue to process evidence. Wouldn't AB and EB be more likely to start talking if they knew the body had been found?

anyone else feel like she's trying to manipulate the receiver of the letters into posting her bail?
The writer of this ransom note is feeding us things, imo. They want us to have verification of certain info...things we may have already theorized or figured out on our own. "We didn't REALLY kill her" is intended to imply that, although they didn't outright murder Z, they neglected her to the point of fatality.

IMO, of course
The Australian press claim that men get custody and the system is focused on male rights. And this may have caused problems with Zahra. We do know that he took her to the US against his own mothers wishes. What a way to treat your mom who raised your daughter since she was younger than 2.

Men get custody as a rule?? Ack, I think that's horribly sexist. And how weird. Should be the most fit and nuturing parent -- not solely on gender.
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