NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #41

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Thanks to those who posted the link to the EB letter...but I can hardly read it. Is there a type-written copy somewhere? TIA

"salvarenga" transcribed the letters.

------i would link back to her posts but i don't know how.....(duh! )

-----here's her letter #1-------

Letter #1
Hello my favorite dark person,
Hey its me Elesa. I am going crazy in this cell. I have told the cops everything I know bout whats happened to Zahra. They arrested Adam but he got right back out how is that? See I told you I have no support. I have never been so angry over stuff as I am right now. He knows whats happened to Zahra and yet I’m the one in here at least for now. I have heard from mail I have gotten that people think is guilty and heartless to and me. Makes me wonder if there hasn’t been someone else.

My lawyers have asked me if I wanted to divorce him cause of some stuff thats come out about Zahra. We really didn’t kill her but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying. Makes me scared of him. So I probably am gonna ahead an file I have lost my whole life anyway. I have been filtered a lil of what the media is saying about me from drug problems to witchcraft. I have never had a durg problem an people think Paganism is devil workshipping. Our world is so full of hypocrits. Hope all is well with you since I heard from you I wrote you and still haven’t heard back. Hopefully your not believing the media.

Your the only friend I have at this point. Hopefully you send some pictures so I get an idea of who I am writing. I will be so glad to get out and go back to being myself. Put my hair back like I normally wear it an be myself. This just ain’t me. I am not happy with some of my lawyers decisions they wanna keep continuing cases that lowers my bond to a reasonable amount. and I ask about getting this Superior case on docket quick he says it could take 6 to 8 months. I don’t wanna be in here that long yet again cause of something I didn’t do. He did all this.

Halloween is almost here. I have done nothing but cry. I want out of at least solitary confinement. Im on suicide watch, why I have no idea. But I feel like I hav nothing to live for now. I heard I have even made it to the Nancy Grace show the keep calling my lawyers wanting a interview with me. Everyone does. Sometimes I think my lawyers shouldn’t keep me out of the media. I want a chance to tell the truth and defend myself, no one else is. But I keep getting told to say nothing is best.

I am gonna be debriefed this week so Adam is supposed to be arrested then again. I don’t know nothing has went the way it was suppose to, not yet so far. They are fussing at me for not eating but I cant I have lost way to much weight they say I’m killing myself but what do they expect out of me. I feel like a Gobbling (my note: Not sure on this word hard to make out) Chicken just waiting to get out. I am beyond stressed. When I saw my attorneys today and the said he was out after them promising me for my safety he wouldn’t be let out. I flipped and have cried since, you’re my only calming factor and again I can’t think you enough for reaching out to me for what reasons you have, I am so thankful. Really.

It would be nice to have a friendship, that’s something I have had very few of an now I see I had more obviously. I swear I am gonna launch a campaign for people like us. The freaks of the world I guess. I’m sick of being ridiculed by being me. I am 42 years old and dam it I am proud to say I am not a clone. Like the stepford wives. lol. Funny the so called Christians are the first to judge me. You wouldn’t believe all the hate mail. People actually wanna kill me. I will have to go into hiding and move across the country when I get out a here. That’s scary. Like I said my lawyers don’t tell me all the world is saying but if it is anything like these letters Omg.

I don’t like being sheltered though cause I need to know exactly what I am dealing with out there. So some psycho doesn’t come up behind an kill me. I mean I never thought it would be this way. My lawyers get death threats every day to. This is so crazy. I just wonder if Zahra hadn’t survived Cancer and been from Australia if it would truly be like this. There are so many missing kids, but Zahra isn’t missing the cops know where she is and what he has done.

If I hadn’t admitted to that stupid note I be out in 3 weeks but no they kept pushing an he did that too. Anyway how you spending Halloween? Have fun for me please. Its my favorite holiday an I hate missing it. No fair. Well I’ve said enough. I hope you write back soon and please send some pictures. I will talk to you soon I hope.
Dark Love Always,

Be part of the freak show!
Your in my dark heart…
“Some girls wanna be princess’s when they grow up. I want to be a vampire!!!”
Goth’s Rule
Vamp’s Rule!
**Also a doodle of a candelabra and a spider**
I'm going before I get in trouble, lol..nite all!
thank you for asking :blowkiss:
Can someone,explain how a forum is run as opposed to a single thread? It can be frustrating and confusing if you are used to a single thread format.

Trying to keep the
"I hate this forum why can't we have one thread" complaints to a minimum :floorlaugh:

I'll expand a little on my previous post to try to help ease the transition, by using some hypothetical thread titles. For example, if you want to discuss the current searches, go to that thread. If you want to discuss Zahra's medical history, go to that thread. If you want to discuss EB, go to that thread. Remember these are examples and may not be actual threads, but it's just to give everyone an idea how it works. There will most likely also be threads for media links for easy reference to the current news on the case, instead of updates interspersed throughout one long thread.

It really is much easier especially for those, like myself, who can't be here all day and want to catch up quickly! :)
octobermoon, you saw right through her..and came out of lurkdom because of it! C'mon girl..we need you to speak up more often! TY!

I'll Second!

Now who'll third the motion?
There is no time to read through all of the 40 posts on little Zahra so I apologize if I am repeating someone, but I am afraid they are going to find that after Zahra was killed, her little body was frozen and ran through the wood chipper. LE has not specified wether they found a bone or a PIECE of a bone. If so, she would be the consistancy of mulch. The dogs hit on the chipper and the wood piles. Maybe they were afraid the leg would jam the chipper, so discarded it separately.

Sorry to be so blunt.

About 15-20 years ago a man murdered his wife, dismembered her, froze her in the freezer in the garage the rented a wood chipper in the middle of a blizzard to run her through it, off of a bridge onto a river bank (had he been able to see better through the snow, he was aiming at the river itself. He was a pilot, she a flight attendent. So it HAS been done. He was caught when they found one perfectly manicured fingernail, then lots of bone fragments.
I'll expand a little on my previous post to try to help ease the transition, by using some hypothetical thread titles. For example, if you want to discuss the current searches, go to that thread. If you want to discuss Zahra's medical history, go to that thread. If you want to discuss EB, go to that thread. Remember these are examples and may not be actual threads, but it's just to give everyone an idea how it works. There will most likely also be threads for media links for easy reference to the current news on the case, instead of updates interspersed throughout one long thread.

It really is much easier especially for those, like myself, who can't be here all day and want to catch up quickly! :)

I agree. I find it much easier to weed out reading the posts on debates or topics I am less interested in. I have more freedom of choice over what I read if Zahra gets her own forum.

But on the downside. I have been here over a year. I have followed many forums. Many threads. Once the case becomes a forum. Be prepared to kiss resolution, kiss closure goodbye for a long long time. Get comfortable in those forums.

You are going to be here a while.

All In My Experience
thank you for asking :blowkiss:
Can someone,explain how a forum is run as opposed to a single thread? It can be frustrating and confusing if you are used to a single thread format.

Trying to keep the
"I hate this forum why can't we have one thread" complaints to a minimum :floorlaugh:

OK tigers. Whereas we currently have to click on one link that takes us to one thread for Zahra, no matter how many different topics are discussed in that thread, we are about to have a forum.

Currently: You get on WS, find Zahra's thread in the "missing..." forum, and post away. Someone says something on thread #27 that you need to reference in thread #39, and you have to go searching for it as best you can using tags etc.

Once we have a Zahra forum: we will be able to create individual topic threads under that forum. So the folks who want to dissect EB's Gein letters will be able to click on that heading, and the folks who want to discuss the implications of the wood chippers will be able to click on that heading. We will have a sticky for media reports and timelines... If there comes a time when EB has a court hearing, that will have its own thread. We will all be able to start our own threads, under the Zahra Baker heading.

Does that make sense?

Once you get used to forum life, please send a PM to JBean and panthera to tell them how appreciative you are and how awesome they are...

(ETA: as we wait for the Great Forum Event to occur I cannot help but think of the movie "Being John Malkovich"... JBean, let us know when you start down that tunnel ok?)
ty for jumping off my speculation - I agree with the bbm but I am not suggesting she was dumped IN with deer carcases or near them. Just in the area, where people wouldn't think anything of an odor of decomp. If you follow me?

I'm not caught up but I wanted to comment on this.

Shaniya Davis was dumped in an area that was well known as a dumping ground for deer carcases IIRC.

If you think about it, it does make sense. If you wanted to get rid of a body and knew of some place that always had a really bad odor.

OK I think I get it - so if I stay here I will magically teleport to the new forum

Wow you guys are great!

Anyway I just noticed netsleuther was hitting thanks on our posts arguing about who started the info regarding the 3rd person. Can you settle our dispute please lol
Was the name Pope ever an alias of EB? Or was it reported in the MSM relating to the Bakers?
thank you for asking :blowkiss:
Can someone,explain how a forum is run as opposed to a single thread? It can be frustrating and confusing if you are used to a single thread format.

Trying to keep the
"I hate this forum why can't we have one thread" complaints to a minimum :floorlaugh:

I do think an open discussion thread within the forum you would please most of the people most of the time... but of course no one asked me <smile>
There is no time to read through all of the 40 posts on little Zahra so I apologize if I am repeating someone, but I am afraid they are going to find that after Zahra was killed, her little body was frozen and ran through the wood chipper. LE has not specified wether they found a bone or a PIECE of a bone. If so, she would be the consistancy of mulch. The dogs hit on the chipper and the wood piles. Maybe they were afraid the leg would jam the chipper, so discarded it separately.

Sorry to be so blunt.

About 15-20 years ago a man murdered his wife, dismembered her, froze her in the freezer in the garage the rented a wood chipper in the middle of a blizzard to run her through it, off of a bridge onto a river bank (had he been able to see better through the snow, he was aiming at the river itself. He was a pilot, she a flight attendent. So it HAS been done. He was caught when they found one perfectly manicured fingernail, then lots of bone fragments.

At this point, I believe anything could have happened to poor Zahra. LE hasn't really released any info about evidence that would indicate she was dismembered, unless I missed something. I would like to think that a parent couldn't do that to their own child. The airline pilot woodchipper murder was the first case of that kind that I heard of. In the end they knew exactly what he did to dispose of her body, which is scary considering how "smart" he thought he was.
I fear change. Someone hold my hand.

New developments are heartbreaking and scary. I can't even comment at this point. *sigh*
Graphic Warning

I am not speculating about how this beautiful angel might have met her death; I can't go there yet. However, I've seen several posts discussing burning remains (ugh) and unfortunately, it's something I know about and can actually comment / clarify...A body can be burned with "regular" heat and on a BBQ grill...a small one at that...

Unfortunately, this happened in 2007 to my son's very dear friend. I've been hesitant to mention this, though I've thought about it many times while following this thread. However, I know all to well the agony posting things like this, brings to loved ones. On the other might be helpful for searchers, as this was never thought about when searching for
Tynesha...and I would have never believed, in a million years that you could essentially "cremate" someone on a patio grill.

I don't believe this is what happened to Zahra, at all...just to be clear. If you follow the links and links within those links, I'm sure there's still information out there describing the "smell" that neighbors recalled during trial, and it was a very distinct smell. Again...just thought it might be helpful to clarify and/or for others that might be able to "go there"...I can't.

Anyway, feel free to read the links if you want, they explain what was "left", found, etc...and verify that it can be done w/ "regular heat"...and unfortunately bares some disturbing simularities to some of the things we're hearing about Zahra.,2933,429746,00.html
Man Accused of Killing, Cooking Ex on Barbecue to Stand Trial

"We have determined through this investigation that the defendant dismembered Tynesha Stewart and . . . he burned the body parts," Harris County Sheriff Tommy Thomas said in March 2007. "There are no remaining body parts."
According to court records, police recovered 30 pieces of charred bone and hair from Shepherd's apartment, but Lewis said there is no DNA analysis that connects Stewart to any of those remains, leaving prosecutors without a victim's body.

After killing the 19-year-old woman and dismembering her body, Shepherd burned the parts in two barbecue grills, he acknowledged.

A piece of a tooth with Stewart's DNA was found in the garbage disposal in Shepherd's north Harris County apartment after his arrest in March 2007.
I think im getting the idea of a forum in my mind :) I have 1 question and I hope its ok to ask it!!! The vertual world topic is being discussed in the parking lot will it get its own forum spot or do we still go there for it? It scares me but is intreaguing (sic) all at the same time.
I fear change. Someone hold my hand.

New developments are heartbreaking and scary. I can't even comment at this point. *sigh*

Nobody, it will be OK, we will all be with you. Sometimes change is scary but needed. I will hold your hand:crazy:
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