NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #6

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I think we are going to see that progression in a battered spouse defense.
Look how much she changed in such a short time period.
Look at her bruises.
Zahra was not the only victim in that household.

Biodad better get to talking to supplying evidence because the bus is going to be gaining speed, and if he put that body through a woodchipper taking it totally to he said she said about how she died.... he could be in a world of hurt. He should be anyway imo

ITA...battered wife defense coming up! She was so afraid on the man! She really didn't know him before the marriage! Afterward he terrorized her so that she couldn't help her beloved stepdaughter. She only diseplined the child to prevent daddy from overdoing it! She knows NOTHING about the murder! She is totally misunderstood. LE rushed to judgment! SHE is the true victim here!

I'm deciding to post this because of a lot of "talk" I'm reading about the ruse SM (and, in my opinion, AB) has put forth regarding Zahra's "disappearance." The vast majority of Websleuths members cannot fathom the farce that Zahra's SM and father have created. Of course we can't - we do not abuse our children and we are advocates for children and all humans alike. But, as someone who grew up in a volatile home environment, there is no cognition of reality. I'm not talking about mental illness here. That, to me, is something different altogether. But, for someone who uses violence and hate, they do not think or react the same way we do. That does not make them any less guilty. But, nonetheless, in my experience, it's true.

As an adolescent, my mother met and fell in love with a man who was (and is) an addict and abuser. I'm not going to discuss my childhood at this point, but it was not necessarily happily. In fact, it was quite the opposite. But, my adolescence was far worse as I was forced to live with someone who always had an excuse for the way that he treated me. And, during that time and even into my young 20's, my mother and her boyfriend went to great lengths to hide what was going on. Bruises were explained away, broken limbs ignored or blamed on my clumsy nature, and, even when the police were called, stories were told that left me being questioned by LE as if I were a criminal and not the scared, abused girl I was. There is much more to this story, but I hope it can illustrate that someone who is able to create such a ruse is capable of anything - even when it is Zahra's case is.

I was going to write more, but this was difficult in and of itself. I hope it helps to illustrate my point. I am by no means saying that what SM or AB did was acceptable, please understand that is exactly the opposite of why I shared my story. I am sickened by what has occurred and by what sweet, innocent Zahra had to endure. No child should be abused and no human should be treated with violence - I would say that SM is a sociopath, but that term may be too polite. AB is another story altogether.

Okay, I need to take a step back and end this post. Zahra, sweetheart, we love you and we will fight for justice for you. You're in my heart and mind and will be forevermore...
They must really be pretty sure there's evidence in there. I feel sorry for the owner of the equipment/property and any of his other employees/families who are affected by this. These are tough economic times, and for a small business to have a key piece of equipment taken out of commission (and probably have access to the entire equipment lot restricted as well) is going to cost him and his employees (probably all or most being hourly employees) some significant income, especially given the autumn timing. Their loss will obviously be minor compared to the loss of Zahra's life, but at a time when many people are losing their homes due to reduced income, it could really have an effect. I hate to think of some child whose daddy barely supports the family by doing landscape maintenance work, not getting enough to eat this week, because of a child murderer who's sitting in jail refusing to talk. These are the trickle-down effects of crime.

I also was thinking the same thing..........those do not come cheap.
Imagine working with that again someday, breaks my heart.
Maybe insurance helps when it comes to that.
His business reputation will be hurt also, and how can he ever sue,
the Bakers have nothing........esp in jail.
ITA...battered wife defense coming up! She was so afraid on the man! She really didn't know him before the marriage! Afterward he terrorized her so that she couldn't help her beloved stepdaughter. She only diseplined the child to prevent daddy from overdoing it! She knows NOTHING about the murder! She is totally misunderstood. LE rushed to judgment! SHE is the true victim here!


You got it, Sister!! :furious:
On WSOC right now.....showing active search helicopter shots of Hartland Road in Burke County. Now talking about vigil at East Hickory Baptist Church tonight. Talking to different church members. Speaking with the pastor now.
Zahar has always had the same name.

WELCOME to WS Cotannah.

I am curious about your statement re: Bio mom. Can you elaborate? Has she been in trouble with the law in Oz? For what reason do you reach the conclusion that she is a 'fruit loop'? Please don't interpret my natural curiosity as being snarky as my questions are not intended to be disrespectful.

Glad you have joined the discussion!

Has the mysterious baby sitter come onto the scene yet? :innocent: :rolleyes:
Given she has more than one daughter I can see how easily it is for her to convince herself of the truth in that statement. :furious:

I'm holding out a glimmer of hope for Zahra, largely because of the babysitter in the Shannon Dedrick case. That babysitter had faced charges for homicide of a stepchild, whose body was never found, and been convicted of child abuse of another stepchild (and was still married to and living with the bio father of those children!). Shannon was missing for 3 days, as I recall, and all the evidence indicated she'd been taken by this child abuser-murderer/babysitter. The poor baby just *had* to be dead. And indeed she had been taken by that babysitter, but turned up unharmed in a box under the babysitter's bed! That case taught me that there's *always* hope, until a dead body is found.


Reminds me of the above case

Her murder is sometimes called the "Woodchipper Murder" because of the method in which Richard Crafts disposed of her body. Her death brought about the first murder conviction in the state of Connecticut in which a body was never found
IIRC the neice through marriage said that SM settled arguments with (stun) gun or fists.
SM's Black eye could be a fight with anyone.
BUT IMO, I think there was allot of fighting constantly and hitting, beating, drugs and maybe alcohol???
Very bad marriage?? and a little girl that needed so much love........and didn't get it!

Riley also said Elisa Baker feels she is being railroaded by police. "She says she is not a killer had nothing to do with this what so ever and that she has tried to cooperate with police and that she loves her daughter," Reilly said.

Uh huh.

And she's also battled brain cancer THREE times, had a daughter with mysteriously vanishing leukemia, and written songs for Chris Daughtry.

Oh yeah, and she's a fairy. A GOTH fairy.
He was home when the fire broke out. I posted a link a few posts back.

He left around 11 that morning to check on a job he said. He returned around 2 and that is when mom came out in a panic, screaming....he looked around for her and then called police. That is what he said on GMA.

I saw the article you posted, thank you.
Some of the articles are written like he was there, and others like he wasn't.
I am looking for anything independent from a police statement or other witness that says he was there. It sets my hinky meter off, and i was panicked after the fire is vague to me, but I am sure you are right.
Just a gentle reminder.

We can't directly call someone associated with a case, or a Suspect or POI names.

Like we can say: Her behavior kooky, instead of saying She's a kook.

Or we can say for instance:

He acts like an idiot or we can say his behavior is idiotic, we can't say he's an idiot.

Don't ask me why LOL that's just the rules here :)

Not pickin or pointing anyone out!
Someone mentioned a polygraph somewhere on here. Based on the statements of neighbors and friends this woman EB appears to be a pathological liar. Pathological liars are very capable of passing a polygraph test. A PL will have convinced themselves that the lies are real and the world they imagine is real. A PL will convince themselves of many things including their own innocence when in fact they are guilty. When confronted with facts a PL can be as calm and normal as anyone else within the normal range.
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