NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #8

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OOOOHHHHH I missed the bolded part... ok well there you go... they are both unstable and hot headed.

Yes, but I'm not sure I buy it. I don't believe BB (who would have filed these charges) is a reliable character without her own motives. There was bad blood between BB and EB and BB liked pressing charges. Too much has been said from family that make me question anything BB says.
ITA! I will believe this when I hear it from someone other than his MOTHER... what loving father turns a blind eye to his daughter getting abused. and if they had such a great relationship YOU KNOW Zahra would have told him that EB was beating the out of her.

None of EB family have said anything about AB good or bad.

We do have a picture of EB with a black eye...I wonder who gave that to her...Zahra...NOT...

I'm thinking AB knew how to hide his sinister side to the outside world. he may of been a raging maniac behind closed doors and was the catalyst that pushed the already metally unstable and drug addicted EB over the edge. and in her mind, the only retaliation she had was to attack Zahra and ultimately committ the unthinkable.. :furious:

It is much easier to just see him as the devil himself than to face the fact that human nature is never cut and dried-never black and white.

Absolutely nothing has pointed to AB being an abusive father or an abusive husband prior to leaving Australia-
Sadly drugs DO cause otherwise good people to do things that they otherwise would never dream of doing.

That isn't an excuse for bad behavior or failing his daughter it is just pointing out before he met EB he was by every account a good father. Everything in his life changed for the worse after meeting EB.

EB is violent- police reports show that with out question, her own family member admits to physically fighting her, that is where the Black eye comes from not AB.

As for EB using battered women's syndrome as a defense it will never hold water everything points to her being the dominate partner
Seems like LE has their own theory and is connecting the dots...........
I think that LE has more evidence then they are telling.........
for example.........
no forensic team would take time to take a wood chipper apart piece by piece.
LE would never ask owner of a woodchipper to give up such a valuable item.
LE found something of Zahra to make this from missing child to homecide!!!
Maybe lots of blood? flesh? something!!! IMO, it won't be long now.
JUSTICE for Zahra!!!
ITA! I will believe this when I hear it from someone other than his MOTHER... what loving father turns a blind eye to his daughter getting abused. and if they had such a great relationship YOU KNOW Zahra would have told him that EB was beating the out of her.

None of EB family have said anything about AB good or bad.

We do have a picture of EB with a black eye...I wonder who gave that to her...Zahra...NOT...

I'm thinking AB knew how to hide his sinister side to the outside world. he may of been a raging maniac behind closed doors and was the catalyst that pushed the already metally unstable and drug addicted EB over the edge. and in her mind, the only retaliation she had was to attack Zahra and ultimately committ the unthinkable.. :furious:

Well, we don't actually know that she didn't get it from Zahra. From what we've heard, Zahra had plenty of occasions to need to try striking back in self-defense. Please don't dash my hope that Zahra at least managed to land one good blow on her abuser!
He has a pending charge on the warrant that has not been executed for running his nephews wife off the road (where SM threatened her with the tazer gun) by report with the nephews infant daughter in the car. He didn't hide his rage behind closed doors.

He was by EBs side for that incident and an active participant. EB told people she hurt her hand beating Zahra but told him she fell so she was concerned about his reaction for some reason (probably that he didn't want cps out there again more so than he didn't want her beating his kid, but that is speculation on my part).

Just trying to think of all angles here so bear with me. I thought I had read somewhere that his charge had been dropped on running the nephew's wife off the road, but not EB's. That is when there was a falling out between her and the nephews wife. What if (bear with me, not taking sides) he was driving but she took control of the wheel? Just another possibility. I hope that makes sense. Sometimes it makes sense in my head but not so much when typed :crazy:

ETA: just used your post to elaborate on, impatientredhead!
According to this article, LE switched the investigation over to a homicide investigation, after possible HUMAN REMAINS were found in the Baker's vehicles. So, remains, to me, is not the same as death scents in both vehicles. There must be a strong indication of death, for LE to switch the investigation over to a murder investigation, according to what was found in BOTH vehicles.

I think this is a base of bad wording on the part of a reporter. There have been no other indications that any blood or remains were found and police have since said the scent the dogs hit on were "false leads".

I think the glove with the "red goo" is what made it switch to a homicide. Because NOTHING more has been said about it.
An executive producer at WSOC-TV posted this on her twitter account about 5 minutes ago:

Bulldozer tearing apart wood pile in Burke Co. in search of Zahra Baker. Chopper 9 skyzoom video on shortly.
I'm sitting here questioning if they are starting to look at other family members as possible suspects. Seems far fetched ... but why else are they asking for interviews with the family members ? There is at least one other person I can think of that may have had the motive and opportunity to do something to Zhara.
It is much easier to just see him as the devil himself than to face the fact that human nature is never cut and dried-never black and white.

Absolutely nothing has pointed to AB being an abusive father or an abusive husband prior to leaving Australia-
Sadly drugs DO cause otherwise good people to do things that they otherwise would never dream of doing.

That isn't an excuse for bad behavior or failing his daughter it is just pointing out before he met EB he was by every account a good father. Everything in his life changed for the worse after meeting EB.

EB is violent- police reports show that with out question, her own family member admits to physically fighting her, that is where the Black eye comes from not AB.

As for EB using battered women's syndrome as a defense it will never hold water everything points to her being the dominate partner

IMO.....We just have not heard NEAR enough about him to say that he was a good father. But that's just me. We don't have people lining up to sing his praises, just his Mom and maybe 1 or two of what seem to be her friends. I think his mom did not have a clue what was going on over here...according to one article she thinks they only moved once. Tells me she didn't know alot.
Extensive interview with BB, ex-gf of EB's nephew.

She discusses the rampant abuse on Zahra by EB.

She also talks about a phone call that EB made to her, the day before Zahra went missing. BB pressed charges against EB, and EB phoned her to try and get her to drop the charges. BB mumbles, but, I believe she said the charges had to do with something EB did to her own child

What charges was EB up on? Could she have taken out her fury about the pending charges on Zahra that Friday night????

Edited to Add: There were threats made by EB to BB, her daughter and boyfriend, that's what the charges were for. EB followed BB to the store, got out with a TASER GUN in her hand, and said she had a gun in the car.

Just trying to think of all angles here so bear with me. I thought I had read somewhere that his charge had been dropped on running the nephew's wife off the road, but not EB's. That is when there was a falling out between her and the nephews wife. What if (bear with me, not taking sides) he was driving but she took control of the wheel? Just another possibility. I hope that makes sense. Sometimes it makes sense in my head but not so much when typed :crazy:

I think it's very possible. It crossed my mind earlier that the charge may even be a bunch of bologna. My friend from HS and her "baby daddy" have these trashy domestic fights all the time and he had her arrested for supposedly running him off the road once. You can be charged with attempted assault with a deadly weapon (car) for doing that. So anyway, I'm always a little skeptical when someone says they were "run off the road." That's probably not fair of me, but it's true.

I must laugh at the photo, big wedding???
and the bride wore WHITE!!!!
Who planned the affair???
Guess SM did allot over internet.
for a AU citizen to marry a US citizen what paperwork do you have to go through to have the marriage LEGAL in US???

Is AB a citizen of Australia (or USA?) Is he here on Visa? What type of Visa?

IMHO we would have to know that status before we could find out. I searched but without knowing for sure I can't find the answers.

ETA: He may have petitioned and changed his citizenship, I can't assume he hasn't or he has.
I agree his mother may be a biased opinion but with EB's family openly SLAMMING her I would think if they had bad to say about HIM .... they would do just that.

I have to say I STRONGLY disagree with the line of thought that a child who has a great relationship with their parent is automatically going to disclose abuse. Children don't tell because of fear, because they are afraid of what will happen to them or other family members, because they feel ashamed, because they think they did something to warrant the abuse, or guilty, because they are brainwashed and groomed by the abusers. The list is endless. Even with a wonderful parent / child relationship the reality is that the majority of childhood abuse isn't reported by the child themselves to anyone.

this is true...
Hmmm. This is interesting. Why does LE want this?

And the Hickory police on Thursday afternoon asked media outlets in the region for any video interviews of family members.

Read more:

Presumably looking for evidence of any family making inconsistent statements, to identify them as individuals who probably know more than they're telling. And also maybe trying to ferret out whether there are any relatives who seem consistently sane, stable, and truth-telling.

They also might be interested in gathering enough information to arrest a family member who bought drugs from MGF -- i.e. to give somebody motivation to say more than they've been saying so far. It seems like a lot of MGF's relatives are sketchy sorts who may have their own legal concerns making them not want to get to close to police, but whose love for the attention of media cameras may have caused them to slip up and give police enough reason to bring them in for questioning.

Most media outlets that are using video footage have a *lot* more footage in their possession than what they've aired or put on the internet, and they don't retain the unused footage for very long unless authorities ask for it. Police want to get hold of any possible evidence buried in that footage before it gets destroyed.
An executive producer at WSOC-TV posted this on her twitter account about 5 minutes ago:

Bulldozer tearing apart wood pile in Burke Co. in search of Zahra Baker. Chopper 9 skyzoom video on shortly.

They seem to have quite an interest in wood piles...another reason I think it's specific info they are getting.
Extensive interview with BB, ex-gf of EB's nephew.
She discusses the rampant abuse on Zahra by EB.

Ummm. Yea. I stand by my thoughts that this girl has a motive and I'm not believing anything she says. How in the world do you talk about this like an episode of CSI you saw last night when supposedly your little sister is her bestfriend and you love and care for this little girl. At times she even looks like she's smirking / half laughing.
It is much easier to just see him as the devil himself than to face the fact that human nature is never cut and dried-never black and white.

Absolutely nothing has pointed to AB being an abusive father or an abusive husband prior to leaving Australia-
Sadly drugs DO cause otherwise good people to do things that they otherwise would never dream of doing.

That isn't an excuse for bad behavior or failing his daughter it is just pointing out before he met EB he was by every account a good father. Everything in his life changed for the worse after meeting EB.

EB is violent- police reports show that with out question, her own family member admits to physically fighting her, that is where the Black eye comes from not AB.

As for EB using battered women's syndrome as a defense it will never hold water everything points to her being the dominate partner

Forgive me if im wrong and feel free to set me straight. I dont recall anyone except BB saying AB saw SM abusing Zahra. From what ive seen of BB I dont truely believe everything she says. something about her brings up my hinky meter.
I also dont totally believe SM is the dominate partner, she very well may be but it could just be that hes at work while shes at home causing conflict.
I cant imagine anyone especially a grown man being forced to try to run someone over with a car. IMO they are partners in crime. I think hes probley just as dark of a person as she is. I honestly think he has a bad side but I cant see him abusing a daughter he took care of thru cancer.
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