ND - Dru Sjodin, 22, Grand Forks, 22 Nov 2003 - #2

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I wish they could beat the crap outta him and make him TALK! They've had him in custody for too long! :mad:
I was thinking the same thing. They should have tortured him into talking. I heard before that they played the Barney "I love you song" over and over and over again to make people talk (I think it was during the war).
Originally posted by Rachael
I was thinking the same thing. They should have tortured him into talking. I heard before that they played the Barney "I love you song" over and over and over again to make people talk (I think it was during the war).

That would do it for me!
My kids have watched Barney so much when they were young I don't think it would bother me!
the shoe thing really depressed me and then the blood added to it. I haven't given up completely, I hope she is found ALIVE but I have been depressed because the evidence so far doesn't look good :(
The fact that they asked the National Guard to help search for her makes me think they have an idea where she is. Last I heard the National Guard was only sending 90 or so people. The volunter turn-out when they have requested volunteer help is way more than that. I think they believe they know where she is but don't want volunteers or civilians finding her.

I am still praying for a miracle...

Edited to say: I just read that Minnesota is sending 150 National Guard troops, in addition to the 90 that North Dakota is sending. Still, a call for volunteer searchers would yield many more people, I think....
Originally posted by Bailey1
Found this on another thread but totally agree:

Our tax money has supported him while he relaxed and rested in prison and now our tax money is providing him an attorney to represent him for what? another crime , same thing over agan #4. What the hell is this system good for. When I see this SOB on TV I just could imagine what I would like to do> Wake up we need to revise some of our laws for the innocent citizens and quit catering to these ****s and providing the pro bono attorneys a paycheck.

Another good point is we spank our children when disciplining but we pamper a convicted rapist/murderer?? His rights ended when he was convicted the first time. This is insane. HE SHOULD NOT HAVE AN ATTORNEY. At the very least he should be put in a dark room with no food/water/encouragement/NOTHING until he talks. If we can't touch him, leave him to rot with all his lies and denials. These guys can dish out but can't take it...THEY NEED TO BE PUNISHED AND COHERSED...not protected.

Bailey...I agree with all you said...even though I am a female...I would really like to go MANO A MANO with that SOB ..like right now.

I wish that the first cop that interagated AR would have been a little tougher...enough to scare that rat ba$tard into talking...now it is too late and AR holds all the cards because there is no death penalty.:mad:

And..what about the person in Minnesota that had the final descion to let that rat free, with no supervision...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Sheriff apologizes to missing student's father

GRAND FORKS, North Dakota (CNN) --The father of missing college student Dru Sjodin warmly embraced Grand Forks County Sheriff Dan Hill on Wednesday, a day after the North Dakota lawman said he doubted the 22-year-old would be found alive.

Hill said he had apologized to the father, Allan Sjodin, and the two men were seen hugging and briefly shaking hands.

Authorities confirmed Tuesday that Dru Sjodin's blood and a knife were found in the car of the man accused of kidnapping her. The student has been missing since November 22.

Alfonso Rodriguez Jr., 50, who was released from prison in May after serving 23 years for the rapes of two women and attempted rape of another woman, is charged with kidnapping the student from a Grand Forks mall.

"It looks at this time ... like there's no chance we're going to find Dru alive," Hill said Tuesday. "I believe that it is more of a recovery than a rescue [mission] at this point in time."

Allan Sjodin said he and Hill had talked about his statement and that the sheriff was remorseful.

"The hope will not be given up on my part until I have Dru back," the father said. "When I have Dru back, then I can go one way or the other with it."

Dru Sjodin's mother, Linda Walker, had said earlier that she believed someone knew where her daughter was and pleaded with that person to "come forward with her and bring her home safely to us."

On Wednesday, Walker said that she still has hopes her daughter is alive.

Rodriguez was arrested December 1 in Minnesota.

According to an affidavit unsealed Tuesday, police first interviewed Rodriguez on November 26 after receiving a tip he was in Grand Forks the day the student disappeared.

During that interview, Rodriguez confirmed he was in Grand Forks the afternoon of November 22 and went to the mall, according to the affidavit.

Police got Rodriguez's consent to search his car and observed a knife in the trunk of the vehicle, the affidavit said.

The sheriff told reporters Tuesday that blood was inside Rodriguez's 2000 Mercury Sable and that a 4-inch folding knife with a serrated edge was found in the trunk in a pool of household cleaner.

The affidavit said blood was on the rear right passenger side window and in the back seat as well as two other areas.

The blood preliminarily matched DNA taken from Dru Sjodin's toothbrush, the sheriff said.

In addition, a black loafer belonging to the student was found beneath a bridge along the Red Lake River in the days after her disappearance.

The bridge is on a highway leading into Rodriguez's hometown of Crookston, Minnesota, about 25 miles east of Grand Forks.

Meanwhile, North Dakota Gov. John Hoeven and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty have called out the National Guard to aid in the search, starting Friday. Hoeven said he will continue to respond to the needs of local law enforcement.

Up to 1,700 volunteers have braved the cold daily and scoured the snow-covered area looking for the student.

"We're determined to find Dru," Hoeven said. "This is something that has touched all North Dakotans."

CNN Correspondent Jeff Flock contributed to this report.

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I feel terrible for this family. The fact that they found the shoe close to the river tells me that he must have dumped her body into the river. I can't see any other reason why her shoe would be there. I bet she gave him a pretty good fight.
Starpatch, I am a woman too! lol

If you read the Sandiego.com forum you can see many people feel strongly about our "system" letting these monsters out. So why do we still do it? Truth is this man should have never been assigned a "term" but LIFE or DEATH. If not death in this state, life for sure.

We need change. This guy learned nothing in his 23 years of incarceration but to work the sytem more. SOMEONE should be screaming in his face that HE IS EVIL and needs to be punished. The gaul of getting out after us supporting him safety, roof over his head, food, water, and then he gets out and RUNS to rob yet another human being of her innocence and right to future because he chooses if for her then not telling where she is is enuff to take matters into our own hands.

I saw the police chief on the news last night and he stated he believed that Rodriquez knows exactly what he is doing and likes being in control. THAT RAT...looking down while his plea was being read...no remorse. His attorney should be doing more to make him talk. When there is a missing person, there should be rights to making suspects accountable regardless of an attorney. Time is of the essence.
We cannot give up hope for Dru and we cannot stop praying for Dru. I know how it looks and it's doesn't look good but Hope and our Prayers are all WE have now.

I am so glad that Dru's mom tried to get in touch with Alphonso's mother. I would have done the same thing. I'm so sorry that her mom got no reply.

I wonder now why the Alphonso's sister have taken a different stance on their brother. First one of them yell's out in court for “Tito” to tell the Court where Dru is. Now they're saying he should have had counsel when he was released.

I personally don't think these type of offenders ever, ever change. You can spend years in prison and not get rid of those demon's that Alphonso had in his brain. It's not like you could have surgery and get rid of them and it seriously is time to change the law's regarding sex offenders.

Bailey 1....thank's for the head's up on the Sandiego.com forum. I'll go there after posting this. Do you live in San Diego? There are few of us that do.

God Bless everyone..........and Dru and her family.

Originally posted by Love_Mama
I wonder now why the Alphonso's sister have taken a different stance on their brother. First one of them yell's out in court for “Tito” to tell the Court where Dru is. Now they're saying he should have had counsel when he was released.

Actually, I don't think it was his sister who stood up and yelled in court. The reports I saw stated that it was one of his mother's neighbors.

Leave a light on for Dru Saturday night. From the message board at Dru's website, there is a request that you forward the below in an email to all of your contacts.

>As most of us are aware, Dru Sjodin (pronounced sha DEEN) was last
>from Nov. 22, calling her boyfriend on a cellphone from the parking
lot of
>a Grand Forks, ND mall where she worked at a Victoria's Secret. Dru,
>origanlly from Minnesota, but at time of abduction was living in North
>Dakota going to college.
>The police have in custody, suspect Alfonso Rodriguez Jr., but he
>speak of Dru's where bouts. People are searching day in and day out
>Dru, but have come up with very little.
>We are asking that this Saturday night join us in leaving a light on
>night for Dru. Please put a light on in a window, porch light,
>you prefer as a means of showing our support for the Sjodin family.
>...Please forward this email to everyone you know in your address
>Thank You!
Originally posted by Yakwoman
Actually, I don't think it was his sister who stood up and yelled in court. The reports I saw stated that it was one of his mother's neighbors.


Thanks Yakwoman. I first heard it was his sister. You know that goes!
Never believe the first news you get!

Okay.....light will be on at my house Saturday night.
Originally posted by Rachael
I bet she gave him a pretty good fight.
I had hoped she did, too. I searched for any evidence on his face, neck & hands in the photos I saw of him... nothing. One would think any scratches/suspicious marks on his body would have been listed in the affidavit. Unfortunately, I think she started to fight him, and that is when he knifed her.

He isn't the 27YO he *thought* he was when he last attacked a woman before going to prison. I think the situation got out of hand for this overweight, 5'4" troll trying to abduct a fit, 5'7" young woman way too fast and he hastily killed her. :(
Originally posted by Hammerized
He isn't the 27YO he *thought* he was when he last attacked a woman before going to prison. I think the situation got out of hand for this overweight, 5'4" troll trying to abduct a fit, 5'7" young woman way too fast and he hastily killed her. :(

You know, I was trying to think of who/what AR reminded me of and you just nailed it - he definately looks like a creepy little troll.
Originally posted by Love_Mama
Thanks Yakwoman. I first heard it was his sister. You know that goes! Never believe the first news you get!

Mama: What?? You mean the media isn't always accurate??? :eek:

LOL :)
I don't think anyone speaking to him in court is going to help or the fact that Dru's mother called his mother trying to get her to get the wherebouts of Dru from her son on her next visit.

Its simply not in his interest (and probably not his nature) to reveal where the corpse is. He is facing twenty years now. If he reveals where the body is and its across a state line, he could get the death penalty in federal court. So why should he open his yap?

he would much rather do easy time in an old folks prison for the rest of his life with free room and board and medical care than short time on death row.
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