Found Deceased ND - Savanna Lafontaine-Greywind, 22, pregnant, Fargo, 19 Aug 2017 #2 *Arrests*

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Here's another article that has more information regarding her demeanor in court:

Judge Frank Racek began the hearing by asking Crews if she understood her rights, then he read the three charges against her. Regarding the first charge, conspiracy to commit murder, he asked, “How do you plea?”

“Guilty, Your Honor,” she said.

Crews responded the same way to the other two charges. She choked up and seemed to begin crying when she made the second guilty plea, to the kidnapping charge. At times, she had a pained expression on her face. She repeatedly bit her lip.

And here's a statement from her attorney (that I'm going to have to disagree with):

“From where I stand, she accepted responsibility today,” defense attorney Steven Mottinger said after Monday’s hearing. He said the guilty plea “goes a long way in terms of us being able to argue for something less than life without parole.”

He can argue until he's blue in the face about how she accepted responsibility, but it's not going to go a long way in arguing to give her something less than life without parole.

That woman is going away for the rest of her life. And what a life she's going to have in prison when everyone else there finds out who she is and what she did.

Enjoy Christmas in jail you freakazoid, because when you get to prison, everyday is going to be hell on earth for you.
But what about murder???

Conspiracy to commit murder and murder are worlds apart! Is no one going to be held accountable for poor Savanna’s murder?!?!

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But what about murder???

Conspiracy to commit murder and murder are worlds apart! Is no one going to be held accountable for poor Savanna’s murder?!?!

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So did she throw him under the bus so she would get the lesser charge?

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She's a liar

I agree. Here's my reasoning: First, she says “I am ashamed of what I’ve done” and that she intends to apologize to the victim’s family in person at her sentencing. Then follows:

Crews declined the request to be interviewed and said if she were ever willing to talk, she would not do so until after the trial of co-defendant William Henry Hoehn, her live-in boyfriend at the time of their arrest.
“There is a possibility that I may be called on to testify,” she wrote. “I don’t want to jepardize (sic) the State’s case with anything that I might say.”

In her letter she says she's reluctant to tell her story because “I would not want to give the impression that I’m attempting to make excuses for my horrible actions.” And:

“To be sure, I’ve personally got a story and certainly, that story influenced my ability to control impulses and make proper decisions; especially since 2014.” She does not indicate in the letter what happened in that year that impacted her so greatly, but that is apparently the year in which she began dating Hoehn.

From court documents:

In court documents, Crews said she was “unemployed due to illness.” She added, “I’ve been ill for quite a while with no family able to help.” She didn’t identify the nature of her illness.

Crews acknowledged in her letter to this reporter that she does have a compelling story. “I can assure you,” she wrote, “that the truth of my history is far, far stranger than fiction. It’s a truth I’ve spent most of my life trying to forget.”

I can't quote more of the article due to copyright rules. While Crews appears to be remorseful that's not really what I hear. She says she doesn't have the right to say anything and doesn't want people to think her "story" is about excuses yet that's exactly what she did. IMO it's manipulative with a goal of eliciting compassion from both the court during her sentencing and from Savanna's family.

IMO I believe that Crews' real need is not so much forgiveness as a need to hear people agree that whatever difficulties she experienced in the past has shaped her and her actions and that it somehow mitigates her crime. IOW, it's more about how others see her and how she can use that than it is about true remorse.

Not only did she suggest that Hoehn bears equal guilt for Savanna's murder she also intends to testify against him in court. She even implied that he somehow caused her behavior to change after she met him.

Yep. Liar. All MOO.
so manipulative.

I agree. Here's my reasoning: First, she says “I am ashamed of what I’ve done” and that she intends to apologize to the victim’s family in person at her sentencing. Then follows:

In her letter she says she's reluctant to tell her story because “I would not want to give the impression that I’m attempting to make excuses for my horrible actions.” And:

From court documents:

I can't quote more of the article due to copyright rules. While Crews appears to be remorseful that's not really what I hear. She says she doesn't have the right to say anything and doesn't want people to think her "story" is about excuses yet that's exactly what she did. IMO it's manipulative with a goal of eliciting compassion from both the court during her sentencing and from Savanna's family.

IMO I believe that Crews' real need is not so much forgiveness as a need to hear people agree that whatever difficulties she experienced in the past has shaped her and her actions and that it somehow mitigates her crime. IOW, it's more about how others see her and how she can use that than it is about true remorse.

Not only did she suggest that Hoehn bears equal guilt for Savanna's murder she also intends to testify against him in court. She even implied that he somehow caused her behavior to change after she met him.

Yep. Liar. All MOO.
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