ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #4

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Does anyone here with some media expertise know if when LE provides information to the media, if it is ever in written form? I would guess so, but have no personal knowledge of that. No media people in my circle.
"the account for “seetommyb23” was linked to Bearson’s email and phone number. However, Snapchat informed Fargo police it only releases the contents of an account in response to a search warrant."

I wonder if separate search warrants are required by these social media companies for any accounts that might have sent something to Tom?

"There have been a number of search warrants filed in the case"

"he isn’t sure how many search warrants have been filed in Clay County District Court"

Could some involve out of the area?

"investigators have received a lot of voluntary cooperation from members of the public, which often removes the necessity for law enforcement to seek search warrants."

Sounds like perhaps there are voluntary cooperators and some not?

I believe each individual who has a device (cellphone) has to have a separate search warrant filed to the provider and organization (FB snapchat etc.). It's time consuming, unless someone consents to the search. It's almost like getting a DNA sample.

The Supreme Court ruled this last June. They likened it to a search warrant of someone's home. In this day many people keep more personal information about themselves on a cellphone or tablet than in their homes. When that came down it sent LE and providers into a frenzy as to how to implement the ruling. As a rule how many people had been convicted on evidence obtained from these devices without a warrant? This frenzy could explain the delay in requesting the SW's early on.

I also wonder if it makes a difference which county they are doing the search warrants. Fargo is in Cass county. Clay county would be in Minnesota.
I believe each individual who has a device (cellphone) has to have a separate search warrant filed to the provider and organization (FB snapchat etc.). It's time consuming, unless someone consents to the search. It's almost like getting a DNA sample.

The Supreme Court ruled this last June. They likened it to a search warrant of someone's home. In this day many people keep more personal information about themselves on a cellphone or tablet than in their homes. When that came down it sent LE and providers into a frenzy as to how to implement the ruling. As a rule how many people had been convicted on evidence obtained from these devices without a warrant? This frenzy could explain the delay in requesting the SW's early on.


I believe you are correct. That could have a lot to do with the differences in the timeline of the investigation. Since LE is investigating the Snapchats there could be dozens of search warrants to file (and follow up on) in a case where there were Snapchats between multiple people in multiple counties. Tom had many friends in many different places...
Does anyone here with some media expertise know if when LE provides information to the media, if it is ever in written form? I would guess so, but have no personal knowledge of that. No media people in my circle.

At times LE will release statements in written form, though they have not done so in this case as far as I can recall. I may be wrong, but you can find anything like that on the website of whatever agency released it. When they hold press conferences LE will usually not release anything beyond the spoken info they provide during the press conference. Though, like they did in this case with the video of the vehicle, LE will sometimes provide further materials at the press conference. If information is gathered via a question and answer session with a member of the media LE will not provide anything in writing.
At times LE will release statements in written form, though they have not done so in this case as far as I can recall. I may be wrong, but you can find anything like that on the website of whatever agency released it. When they hold press conferences LE will usually not release anything beyond the spoken info they provide during the press conference. Though, like they did in this case with the video of the vehicle, LE will sometimes provide further materials at the press conference. If information is gathered via a question and answer session with a member of the media LE will not provide anything in writing.

Bizzle.. If you are part of the media, I beg you to start asking some decent questions of the police. So far, the questions asked at the police press conferences by the media are making you all look complicit in some sort of mass conspiracy. I do not wear tinfoil hats but after Sadek murder, I'm a bit suspicious of LE and I'm wondering why the media isn't as suspicious as I am.

(Also.. It's well-known that ND is a very corrupt state.)

Besides the very obvious questions like manner of death and approximate time of death, here's where I'd start...

"Have the people who were last known to be with Tom, namely JW AND CM, been given lie detector tests?"

"Have any of the people associated with Tom ever been CI's?"

"Are JW and CM's statements able to be collaborated by anyone/anything else?"

"Where did Tom's phone ping from at 1:32am on 9/20?"

"What lead you to Larry's RV?"

"Why do you think Tom's body was found there?"

"Was Tom's backpack located with his body?"

"Was Tom's wallet located with his body? If so, was their money and/or credit cards left in it?"

"Was there evidence supporting Tom was murdered at Larry's RV or was his body dumped there?"

"Why is the shoe and phone so important? If they are important, why not put together search groups to look and pick up all of the trash in the areas around both NDSU, the train tracks, and the Moorhead Industrial Park?"

"Why did you wait five months to follow up on a warrant that was needed to get Tom's Snapchat activity when it's been reported by friends he was snap chatting right before his murder?"

"Why wait four months to release a spliced video of a car that could be central to solving the case? Wasn't this a waste of valuable time?"

"Why haven't you brought the FBI in, knowing the body may have been transported across state lines against his will?"

"Why is there no reward being offered?"

"Why aren't there pleas for the public to try to remember and report any details -whether seemingly insignificant or not - about the night of the murder?"

"Why are you keeping the family in the dark about the investigation?"

"Why was Tom at Sanford Medical Center the night of his DUI?"

"What amount of pressure was out on Tom to reveal where he got the alcohol the night of his DUI?"

"Did Tom hang out at any frat houses? Was he pledging any fraternities?"

I'm sure all of you could think of others. This was just a start.

Yes.. I'm the resident skeptic here.. But a lot of us have researched this case up one side and down the other.. We've found all kinds of angles and interesting coincidences that we can't talk about here. I'm just wondering if the police and/or media have been able to do the same and if they haven't, why not? I mean, I'd have (as well as my fellow super-duper websleuthers) sold my/our soul(s) for snapchat access by October 15th and they are just now "getting around to it?" Makes me think it's a crying shame... Like they dropped the ball... And what other balls have been dropped here? It's really a shame.

Unless, of course, they are really playing a game of cat and mouse.. Making themselves look incompetent so they can solve the case? Of course, I DO NOT believe that because I'm a skeptic. But I guess it's a possibility.
Bizzle.. If you are part of the media, I beg you to start asking some decent questions of the police. So far, the questions asked at the police press conferences by the media are making you all look complicit in some sort of mass conspiracy. I do not wear tinfoil hats but after Sadek murder, I'm a bit suspicious of LE and I'm wondering why the media isn't as suspicious as I am.

(Also.. It's well-known that ND is a very corrupt state.)

Besides the very obvious questions like manner of death and approximate time of death, here's where I'd start...

"Have the people who were last known to be with Tom, namely JW AND CM, been given lie detector tests?"

"Have any of the people associated with Tom ever been CI's?"

"Are JW and CM's statements able to be collaborated by anyone/anything else?"

"Where did Tom's phone ping from at 1:32am on 9/20?"

"What lead you to Larry's RV?"

"Why do you think Tom's body was found there?"

"Was Tom's backpack located with his body?"

"Was Tom's wallet located with his body? If so, was their money and/or credit cards left in it?"

"Was there evidence supporting Tom was murdered at Larry's RV or was his body dumped there?"

"Why is the shoe and phone so important? If they are important, why not put together search groups to look and pick up all of the trash in the areas around both NDSU, the train tracks, and the Moorhead Industrial Park?"

"Why did you wait five months to follow up on a warrant that was needed to get Tom's Snapchat activity when it's been reported by friends he was snap chatting right before his murder?"

"Why wait four months to release a spliced video of a car that could be central to solving the case? Wasn't this a waste of valuable time?"

"Why haven't you brought the FBI in, knowing the body may have been transported across state lines against his will?"

"Why is there no reward being offered?"

"Why aren't there pleas for the public to try to remember and report any details -whether seemingly insignificant or not - about the night of the murder?"

"Why are you keeping the family in the dark about the investigation?"

"Why was Tom at Sanford Medical Center the night of his DUI?"

"What amount of pressure was out on Tom to reveal where he got the alcohol the night of his DUI?"

"Did Tom hang out at any frat houses? Was he pledging any fraternities?"

I'm sure all of you could think of others. This was just a start.

Yes.. I'm the resident skeptic here.. But a lot of us have researched this case up one side and down the other.. We've found all kinds of angles and interesting coincidences that we can't talk about here. I'm just wondering if the police and/or media have been able to do the same and if they haven't, why not? I mean, I'd have (as well as my fellow super-duper websleuthers) sold my/our soul(s) for snapchat access by October 15th and they are just now "getting around to it?" Makes me think it's a crying shame... Like they dropped the ball... And what other balls have been dropped here? It's really a shame.

Unless, of course, they are really playing a game of cat and mouse.. Making themselves look incompetent so they can solve the case? Of course, I DO NOT believe that because I'm a skeptic. But I guess it's a possibility.

Not a media member myself. My roommate's girlfriend works for one of the major newspapers in the Twin Cities so I asked her about it.
For anyone following the Jennifer Houle case, it appears they found her at 7pm tonight.
Hard to imagine anyone following this case doesn't know the FBI was brought in on day one after the discovery of the body.
Bizzle.. If you are part of the media, I beg you to start asking some decent questions of the police. So far, the questions asked at the police press conferences by the media are making you all look complicit in some sort of mass conspiracy. I do not wear tinfoil hats but after Sadek murder, I'm a bit suspicious of LE and I'm wondering why the media isn't as suspicious as I am.

(Also.. It's well-known that ND is a very corrupt state.)

Besides the very obvious questions like manner of death and approximate time of death, here's where I'd start...

"Have the people who were last known to be with Tom, namely JW AND CM, been given lie detector tests?"

"Have any of the people associated with Tom ever been CI's?"

"Are JW and CM's statements able to be collaborated by anyone/anything else?"

"Where did Tom's phone ping from at 1:32am on 9/20?"

"What lead you to Larry's RV?"

"Why do you think Tom's body was found there?"

"Was Tom's backpack located with his body?"

"Was Tom's wallet located with his body? If so, was their money and/or credit cards left in it?"

"Was there evidence supporting Tom was murdered at Larry's RV or was his body dumped there?"

"Why is the shoe and phone so important? If they are important, why not put together search groups to look and pick up all of the trash in the areas around both NDSU, the train tracks, and the Moorhead Industrial Park?"

"Why did you wait five months to follow up on a warrant that was needed to get Tom's Snapchat activity when it's been reported by friends he was snap chatting right before his murder?"

"Why wait four months to release a spliced video of a car that could be central to solving the case? Wasn't this a waste of valuable time?"

"Why haven't you brought the FBI in, knowing the body may have been transported across state lines against his will?"

"Why is there no reward being offered?"

"Why aren't there pleas for the public to try to remember and report any details -whether seemingly insignificant or not - about the night of the murder?"

"Why are you keeping the family in the dark about the investigation?"

"Why was Tom at Sanford Medical Center the night of his DUI?"

"What amount of pressure was out on Tom to reveal where he got the alcohol the night of his DUI?"

"Did Tom hang out at any frat houses? Was he pledging any fraternities?"

I'm sure all of you could think of others. This was just a start.

Yes.. I'm the resident skeptic here.. But a lot of us have researched this case up one side and down the other.. We've found all kinds of angles and interesting coincidences that we can't talk about here. I'm just wondering if the police and/or media have been able to do the same and if they haven't, why not? I mean, I'd have (as well as my fellow super-duper websleuthers) sold my/our soul(s) for snapchat access by October 15th and they are just now "getting around to it?" Makes me think it's a crying shame... Like they dropped the ball... And what other balls have been dropped here? It's really a shame.

Unless, of course, they are really playing a game of cat and mouse.. Making themselves look incompetent so they can solve the case? Of course, I DO NOT believe that because I'm a skeptic. But I guess it's a possibility.


I have to say in all fairness, I've highlighted the questions that I too have wondered about.

Also I would add the questions, "WHERE were they when the now famous text message was sent?" Exact location.
Now that the snow is melted and before the grass starts to grow up, why not put together a search group to look for the shoe and the phone?

What would it hurt?

Searching is free.
The delay in the Snapchat thing really bugs me.

There is no excuse for a delay in checking out critical communications.
Now that the snow is melted and before the grass starts to grow up, why not put together a search group to look for the shoe and the phone?

What would it hurt?

Searching is free.

Where would you like them to look? You can bet the RV lot has been gone through.
Hard to imagine anyone following this case doesn't know the FBI was brought in on day one after the discovery of the body.

If you watched the police press conference in February, Moorhead Police Chief clearly stated that the FBI was not a part of the investigation and never had the file but that they were just then planning to use some resources from the FBI, including a suspect profile.

So after 4-5 months, they are just working on that suspect profile?

I have to say in all fairness, I've highlighted the questions that I too have wondered about.

Also I would add the questions, "WHERE were they when the now famous text message was sent?" Exact location.

You're not wondering about the backpack or if he had his wallet? If this was a robbery? You are not wondering about where he died?
According to earlier reports, his wallet was still on him. The only time the backpack was ever mentioned (that I could find) was when his roommate said he left with it.
Hard to imagine anyone following this case doesn't know the FBI was brought in on day one after the discovery of the body.

Here's investigator Lt. Penas quote: In February! 4.5 months after murder investigation started!
"The FBI's been working with us ever since the beginning of the investigation. We have a great working relationship so they've offered their assistance in the situation.

'So basically my little knowledge of how that works is that they need an entire case file to begin the process so we have not yet started that process yet but we are very close to having as much information together as we can even though this is an ongoing investigation in which we will continue to interview people, continue to track down any leads or suspects possible.

'We will in the near future provide them any and all information."

I'm not sure if they are working together or not based on that statement.
According to earlier reports, his wallet was still on him. The only time the backpack was ever mentioned (that I could find) was when his roommate said he left with it.

Thank you - I couldn't remember for sure.

The backpack was mentioned by two people in the dorms... Even so.. Where is it?

Did the wallet have money in it? Was this a robbery?
Where would you like them to look? You can bet the RV lot has been gone through.

I can't answer for IB but I would say that the whole industrial park in Moorhead.. It's awful. Even Larry's RV has trash all over.
Here's investigator Lt. Penas quote: In February! 4.5 months after murder investigation started!
"The FBI's been working with us ever since the beginning of the investigation. We have a great working relationship so they've offered their assistance in the situation.

'So basically my little knowledge of how that works is that they need an entire case file to begin the process so we have not yet started that process yet but we are very close to having as much information together as we can even though this is an ongoing investigation in which we will continue to interview people, continue to track down any leads or suspects possible.

'We will in the near future provide them any and all information."

I'm not sure if they are working together or not based on that statement.

They said they're working with the FBI. I don't know how you can extrapolate from those statements that maybe they're not.

Just like you want to claim they're keeping the family in the dark when they have said, and the family has said, they keep in contact. Naturally, they're not going to tell the family (or anyone else) every single detail regarding the investigation even though you feel you're entitled to all the details in your list of questions .

Do you really think if you keep asking/demanding to know details of the investigation such as where TB's phone pinged from at 1:32am on the 20th, they're going to release that information?

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