ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #4

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The Tom Bearson Foundation website and pages are set up now. It is at TomBearson.com. I did not provide a link in so much that it is a charitable foundation that raises money to help others. I did not want to confuse this post as a request for donations. The site has a lengthy bio about Tommy from his Mom which sadly ends with the fact that LE has provided no details to them about how Tommy died. Also tons of pictures and videos.

Nope this kid won't be forgotten.

There was a segment on the Bearsons and the foundation on KX4 News tonight. The reporter ended the segment by saying the Bearsons believe the police are closer to an arrest. The police had no comment.
Closer to an arrest as in closer than 8 months ago? Closer than a week ago? I guess if an arrest is to be made, each day would make it closer until the actual arrest.

Guess I'm just frustrated for the family. Whoever is responsible needs to be held accountable, and as each day goes by, and that person is living, and breathing, and free, that bothers me. Tom isn't having that same chance.

Tom's Mom's first Mother's Day without him. So upsetting.

And then there was this article just a couple days ago on ValleyNewsLive.com about the gangs in the area.

While it is no secret that there is gang presence in Fargo/Moorhead, we have NO idea whatsoever if it related to Tom's death or not.

If Tom was walking home to his dorm minding his own business, why would he be targeted? Wrong place, wrong time? Possible. But again, why take him all the way to Moorhead? But I just have this feeling that someone in his circle that knows what's up.

I have said this from the beginning that people who he was hanging with up there know what happened. I have hung out with some of his Sartel friends and as a group they didn't really like or trust his new friends up there. Not sure how many up there had his back. Very sad deal
I would think the guilt would get to someone sooner or later. But then again, some people have no conscience. And depending on the circumstances, some may fear for their own life if they start to talk. I don't believe this was a random stranger that hurt this young man on his way to the dorm. The scenario I believe most likely happened is that when he left the party he either decided to go to another party or was stopped and offered a ride and talked into going to another party. Perhaps when he got there, a person (maybe drug dealer from out of town) became suspicious of him because he wasn't in the usual circle, etc. - "who is this guy" sort of deal.. I'm not saying Tom was there doing drugs, but maybe because he WASN'T could have been his only fault that night.
My opinion only. I know no more about this case than any of you, but those are just my thoughts. So sad indeed.
I believe there must be something for LE to cross city and county jurisdictions to conduct interviews in Sartell area. They would have to convince authorities the valid reason and get cooperation, wouldn't they?

I agree. Especially when they have already done interviews and according to news stories even re-interviewed people. What information do they think they are still lacking from these people to go through the process you mentioned? And why travel to Sartell? Is it just easier now that college is done and everyone that needed to be interviewed again should be at home in one town? Are they conducting a group interview? Strange. That's all I can say.
Here is a particularly touching one for me from the foundation's website.

Yes I have heard also through a family member that the parents/family are not "in the loop" and have been told no details about suspects/motives.

I am praying for resolution. I really think the world is missing a bright light with Tom being gone.


Do you have a link that states the family is 'not in the loop' or is that just gossip?

According to Greg Bearson, Tom's father, law enforcement is in contact with the family on a regular basis.


Mr. Bearson also stated in regards to law enforcement: "They have been absolutely fantastic and generous to our family. They are dedicated and committed to finding resolution on this and we believe they're going to."
Do you have a link that states the family is 'not in the loop' or is that just gossip?

According to Greg Bearson, Tom's father, law enforcement is in contact with the family on a regular basis.


Mr. Bearson also stated in regards to law enforcement: "They have been absolutely fantastic and generous to our family. They are dedicated and committed to finding resolution on this and we believe they're going to."

According to Toms website, Deb Bearson said they have been given no details. Did you read his website?


Check it out yourself. I also know a close family member through one of my family members who has said the same thing.
60 Minutes is headed to North Dakota. It appears they are going to check out the Confidential Informant program. Although it's focused on Andrew Sadek, don't be surprised if Tom's name comes up.
According to Toms website, Deb Bearson said they have been given no details. Did you read his website?


Check it out yourself. I also know a close family member through one of my family members who has said the same thing.

I'm not seeing where the family requested, and were not given, details. Looks like the family is very pleased, according to Mr. Bearson's comments, with the way the investigation is being handled. They had nothing negative to say about LE---only high praise and positive comments. So much for your inaccurate gossip.

You claim to know 'close family members' in other cases too, doesn't mean you do. :floorlaugh:
According to Toms website, Deb Bearson said they have been given no details. Did you read his website?


Check it out yourself. I also know a close family member through one of my family members who has said the same thing.

(BBM) I believe it would benefit you to become a 'Verified Insider' when you post things like this.
I believe it is a myth that a victim's family is the first to know of a POI or intricate details of a murder investigation. Due to the fact that many times a culprit is close to the family, a friend of the family or an acquaintance they may be the last to know until an arrest is made. The very last thing investigators want is for a family to step in the middle of an ongoing case for retaliation or vengeance. IMO the fact that Tom's family has few details is not a barometer as to the job LE is or is not doing. The fact that they continue to correspond regularly means a lot to me, so does asking questions locally in Sartell.

The kid I used to babysit graduated in his class and was friends with Tom. With that said I am not going to dig around that area.

**This has zero merit** But my mom is friends with the afformentioned kid "who graduated with Tom's" mom and mentioned something about a break in the case coming. I have no idea.

Would you at all be interested in my driving over to the area where he was found and making a video? I drove by there a month or two ago. It was dark, all of the campers and trailers are quite close together and packed into this relatively small lot. The interesting fact that that this RV lot is damn near literally in the back parking lot of the new sams club. Like I could throw a rock into the back lot. (edit I would have offered to do this much sooner but i recently got my driving privileges back. long story)

Or really any other videos of the F/M area really...
According to Toms website, Deb Bearson said they have been given no details. Did you read his website?


Check it out yourself. I also know a close family member through one of my family members who has said the same thing.

Did you read his website? The only thing mentioned on the website that has anything to do with the investigation comes from the section titled "Tom's Story" and says the following:

"At the time of this posting, the specifics to Tom’s death have not been released, and we do not know who did this to our amazing son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, friend, and boyfriend."

That doesn't imply they aren't being kept in the loop. It just means the case is unsolved, and that any known details have not been sent to the media -- all of which we already know.
The kid I used to babysit graduated in his class and was friends with Tom. With that said I am not going to dig around that area.

**This has zero merit** But my mom is friends with the afformentioned kid "who graduated with Tom's" mom and mentioned something about a break in the case coming. I have no idea.

Would you at all be interested in my driving over to the area where he was found and making a video? I drove by there a month or two ago. It was dark, all of the campers and trailers are quite close together and packed into this relatively small lot. The interesting fact that that this RV lot is damn near literally in the back parking lot of the new sams club. Like I could throw a rock into the back lot. (edit I would have offered to do this much sooner but i recently got my driving privileges back. long story)

Or really any other videos of the F/M area really...

That's a great offer!! Thank you.

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