NE article about Patsy?

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sissi said:
I like that label, "micropsychotic". In looking it up, and yeah, I had to, it appears these little episodes occur less frequently as one ages, so darn..darn..she would likely be symptom free by now. Eight years removed from a possible diagnosis! Patsy gets away again!

Likely I will now be overusing this new found (on my part) word, as until now I called what I see "adult temper tantrums". When a child wants something that he can't have, or wants a situation to be what it can't reasonably be, he can shout ,lay on the floor, hold his breath or whatever he needs to do to try to force the adults to play by his rules. My son-in-law, a sociopath/pd mongrel type, has these tantrums often, he gets an idea in his head, acts out, often criminally, puts the blame on his victim de jour, never has the need to feel remorse because the whole action was/is someone elses fault. While I have always seen these episodes as "adult temper tantrums", I see this guy will now have a psychiatric defense when he finally kills someone, a "micropsychotic episode". Sounds like a month of r&r due him at the local institution, poor guy.
Ours will get the break, he has a history of these behaviors, assault, domestic violence, property destruction, and on, so likely his has built a defense with years of these "micropsychotic" episodes.
Poor Patsy, BM, considering she has only a disassociative personality disorder ya' think she just had one little episode, that nasty one where Jonbenet died?


You're back! Haven't seen you around much lately. How does this son-in-law of yours manage to stay out of the pokey? From the way you describe him, he's a prime candidate for three hots and a cot.

Microspychotic? I just made that up. heh, heh You don't mean to say there's really such a phenomenon? Wouldn't I make a great psychiatrist!

While we're not on the subject, what's your opinion of Jeffry MacDonald, with respect to his guilt or innocence? I can see I'm going to have to review that "Fatal Vision" case, because I faintly recollect another neat (cool these days) term that the mind scientists came up with to describe his behavior. It wasn't sociopath, but something close to that. Evidently, if you believe the psychopathologists, these anti-socials (that's the new term) can function well in society, are usually gifted, are apt to be overachievers (whatever that means) and see the rest of us (extremely psychologically well) folks as stepping stones to their success and nothing more. In short, they use people; have no conscience. I have no doubt there are at least a few folks like that roaming around out there--the predators. I think I've met one or two in my long sojourn.

Dissociative personality? Well, now I've learned a new term. Tit for tat. Is that anything like multiple personality? Are any of Patsy's alleged psychological problems well documented? Or, are we assuming that because we "KNOW" she killed her kid, she must be as fruity as a pineapple upsidedown cake? Or, if she's just covering for Burke, maybe she's not quite that fruity; maybe more like the single cherry in a whole can of fruit cocktail?

On the subject of psychology in general, there's a fellow by the name of Szats (SP?) who is himself a psychologist who says most "mental illness" is not illness at all. And there's another fellow by the name of Laing (or Laying) who asks, "In adjusting to the mad whole, does not a well person become really [genuinely] sick?"

It has always amused me (a lay person, if not a Laing person) that we refer to folks as psychologically this or psychologically that or he has a psychological problem, etc. Now, if you parse the term and define it literally, you are saying that so-and-so has a study-of-the-mind problem. What on earth does that mean? I think to be correct, we should say he has a psyche problem. Psychology purports to study the psyche---an invisible source of behavioral manifestations. The less visible something is, the more comfortably we can speculate about it.

But, I, if you overuse this new-found term, there is probably a disorder in the diagnostic manual (the psychiatrists' bible) that applies to your condition. Watch out for a "group of individuals" in white coats, rushing in your direction.

And, top o' the mornin' to ya....
I've been here, doing hard time with the kiddies and have made several false starts at replies, just can't quite finish one.

Was it Euripides, who said "whom the gods want to destroy they first make mad"? Poor Patsy, the cancer wasn't enough to bear, those gods got after her, gee, what rotten luck.Oh on the subject, a slow response to "the divinci code", the Vatican has officially warned all christians to avoid reading the book at all costs! How were we to know? Damn my mind has been poisoned, I am running to last supper sites peaking at "peter" aka mary magdeline. To think I never read the gospel according to phillip and thus did not know God was a maneater..hence all of those animal sacrifices to keep him well fed. Oh we are so easily influenced, so don't buy the book!!

Let's see, the little girl in FL, likely they gave her killer a head start, after all ..grandma's lie detector test came out a little some time was wasted on that!! What is wrong with people, is the entire generation just plain STUPID! ..must have been that thimerasol..they are all madhatters!

What do I think..Patsy fruit and nutty, or victim of a murderous lune? There is NO doubt in my mind that that a PC term..anti social personality..killed Jonbenet and it wasn't Patsy. I can't explain every detail, or make it all fit, but I have someone here that could make it all work (and yep yep, he's been arrested, but the little tear running down the cheek, and soft hearts that won't testify have kept him up and running to continue to destroy lives).
Patsy doesn't seem to fit into this. Hey btw, I used sun-in on my kids hair, because yeah I hated to give up on that tow head look ,I put on makeup before I go downstairs, I have worn the same jeans twice, and I have mine made to fit, I am borderline narcisistic? I've raised five kids, am working on three more, I LOVE their talents, ( I have a 9 year old that can do order of operations correctly!), my one daughter belonged to a dance company that traveled ..starting at age 8. Another sawed the legs off of my coffee table before turning four , but at 18 built a sun porch for me! I had one bedwetter, who had night terrors ,as well, and he's alive..I never felt he should die for his imperfections. I pray to my God every day, and I ask for a lot more than I give thanks for. So now I'm narcissistic and a delusional fanatic? What I'm saying is the things we do in our daily lives can't be picked apart and separated in an effort to apply some kind of evil pathology, and this is what I see so many doing to Patsy. She is the mother of a murdered child, does anyone want that status? It's the WORST! I hope for her, that someone solves this crime to give her the peace and closure she deserves.
Yes, she is certainly the mother of a murdered child, but compare her behavior with that of Laci Peterson's mother--Sharon Rocha (I think that's her name). Her heart-piercing and eloquent comments after her daughter disappeared and then was found dead are a stark contrast to the obtuse doubletalk of Mrs. R.

In fact, I think Sharon Rocha could run for some elective office & get elected--unlike Mr. R.

P.S. What talented kids you have. Mazel tov.
Has she ever thought about divorcing your son-in-law? But that often provokes a killing. I had an aunt who was shot, along with her oldest of about seven sons, who was driving her to apply for a divorce, and pretended he was dead in order to get them away. The father drank. In so many cases, the wife was about to leave the husband. Does she keep a cell phone on her to call for help?

Red Chief, that's a very good post. I especially like the last paragraph. Yeah, I had a few psych courses, enough to find out it's a lot of doublespeak, still in its infancy almost.

That's funny about you making up a new term. I've rephrased my above post so it reads a bit more clearly.

Yes, we really don't "Know" Patsy is the killer and it's like "Fools rush in" if we negatively presume too much and will be proven wrong, made fools of. Patsy was forced to participate in the coverup because caught in "the wrong place at the wrong time", and It's true she didn't cry enough right at first, but the self-preservation acts had to come first. She must have just been kept too busy to let grief hit her during the emergency.
They may have all been brainwashed, professionally, although people in that kind of business would use someone else as "insulation" instead of revealing himself personally. She may not know exactly who it was, but may know what he is. Immune from prosecution and powerful enough to be believed if it were her word against his, maybe. A typical sociopath. Hates beauty queens. And women in general, as some once pointed out there's murals of women in coffins in a "gallery" under the Denver Airport. Some at WS, before our last site move, felt one resembled JonBenet.

There's gotta be a lot more to this than meets the eye.
sissi said:
I like that label, "micropsychotic". In looking it up, and yeah, I had to, it appears these little episodes occur less frequently as one ages, so darn..darn..she would likely be symptom free by now. Eight years removed from a possible diagnosis! Patsy gets away again!

Likely I will now be overusing this new found (on my part) word, as until now I called what I see "adult temper tantrums". When a child wants something that he can't have, or wants a situation to be what it can't reasonably be, he can shout ,lay on the floor, hold his breath or whatever he needs to do to try to force the adults to play by his rules. My son-in-law, a sociopath/pd mongrel type, has these tantrums often, he gets an idea in his head, acts out, often criminally, puts the blame on his victim de jour, never has the need to feel remorse because the whole action was/is someone elses fault. While I have always seen these episodes as "adult temper tantrums", I see this guy will now have a psychiatric defense when he finally kills someone, a "micropsychotic episode". Sounds like a month of r&r due him at the local institution, poor guy.
Ours will get the break, he has a history of these behaviors, assault, domestic violence, property destruction, and on, so likely his has built a defense with years of these "micropsychotic" episodes.
Poor Patsy, BM, considering she has only a disassociative personality disorder ya' think she just had one little episode, that nasty one where Jonbenet died?
Uh, Sissi... are you my ex mother-in-law????
As a mother of 3 children, all of whom are completely different people, I tend to agree with you. Each child is supposed to be different and special.

As a mother, it is just too hard to coomprehend any mother doing to their own child, what happend to JB. Although Patsy clearly seems to have been living vicariously through her daughter, maybe to relive her past, I don't think she killed her. Having seen some of the autopsy photos *disturbing to say the least*, I just can't see a mother doing that to their child.

She may have written the note to cover up for someone else. That I don't know...
Eagle1 said:
Has she ever thought about divorcing your son-in-law? But that often provokes a killing. I had an aunt who was shot, along with her oldest of about seven sons, who was driving her to apply for a divorce, and pretended he was dead in order to get them away. The father drank. In so many cases, the wife was about to leave the husband. Does she keep a cell phone on her to call for help?

Yes Eagle she has considered it, and spent thousands to get the process moving, however in our city, where most children are neglected by absentee fathers, the courts were automatically going to push him into half custody.
Dangerous! Yes! Will he kill her? My guess is yes, and likely me and the kids too. His problem isn't alcohol, he's a textbook sociopath/psychopath, so much so, that HIS psychologist approached my daughter's counsellor, to alert to the grave dangers he feels exist. Can the police help? Courts? In a small way, yes , with restraining orders, keeping him away from schools, homes and workplaces, but it's a paper, and just a rule, and he has yet to follow a rule.
In order to absolutely protect these women, there should be a program similar to witness protection to move them quietly away.
However, my daughter always has hope of some "cure", and in fact, you will love this one, her comment yesterday, " I feel sorry for Scott Peterson, he's just like Bob, people who see it hate him, maybe someone else killed his wife, maybe Scott is going to die because he's a sociopath and was easy for the jury to hate". My comment, so what, one less sociopath, who needs them!

Back to case, after RC sent me off to read the entire '98 JR interview, I saw something I recognized. Paraphrased, ""Patsy brought home people like one brings home lost pets", she was so friendly, something he didn't understand however I do , and as I've said before, Patsy was naive to let so many people into her life, doing so likely caused one deadly exposure.
Seeker said:
There's nothing online about it that I can find, however it's posted at FFJ that there is an article in this weeks NE stating Patsy has been "cured" of cancer yet again.

I noticed the first post was made yesterday...did the rag come out yesterday (today's date is on the top of the actual rag online)?

How can she be "cured" (no cancer patient says they are cured, they use the word "survivor" knowing it may come back) again? Puleaze! So what's up with this? Did she lie about having cancer again just to upstage Burke's birthday (which was yesterday and he's a legal adult now, 18)? Mz Drama momma even has to upstage her own son and be the center of attention on his special day?

Or are the Ramsey's getting ready to pull another one of their many money making schemes?

Something is up, and it's going to make the Ramsey's look even more guilty than they do already. Maybe she's terrified that Burke (now 18) is going to confess to what he knows and she's afraid. But, "how cruel can you be, boy, when your mom is so ill?"...this should keep him quiet for a little while longer eh John? Like until he's, oh I don't know, 40?

---------------------->>>Well, the next collective book to be authored by the Ramseys should tell How they did that. It would be a best seller. They could call it "Gone Again", or a popular take off on Gone With The Wind, "Gone With The Cancer ~ Again".

Edited to add: In the NE article was the doctors name mentioned that had cured her yet again.

Also she obviously was not cured before, because it came back again. Is 'In remission' the words that should have been used. Mr. Demille is my Makeup alright, this is my better side ? . (Funky punctuation. Jazz and Funk equal Junk.)



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