NE NE - Christi Jo Nichols, 22, Gothenburg, 10 Dec 1987

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Christi met Mark Nichols in the small town of Gothenburg, Nebraska and they were married soon after. It seems their marriage was troubled from the start. Mark was domineering towards Christi and made sure he was in control at all times. Soon after the marriage a daughter Lindsay was born in December of 1984 and in April of 1986 a son Preston came along. By all accounts, motherhood really agreed with Christi. She was an extremely devoted mother who always put her children first and she was so proud of them.

As the marriage continued to struggle, Christi would often be seen with bruises and even had a few ER visits due to assaults. She eventually confided to some of her close family members that Mark was abusing her. She had initially expressed wanting to leave but not knowing how to do it. As her and her first cousin Debbie began to grow closer in the few months before Christi went missing, she did tell her that she was definitely getting a divorce. In some letters they had exchanged around that time, Christi had detailed Mark’s controlling and abusive nature. The two cousins met up at Pete’s Place just a few weeks before she went missing for a drink. On the way home Christi confided in her and asked Debbie’s opinion on something very unsettling. Debbie recalls Christi saying: “do you think Lindsay would be traumatized if she saw her dad stab the wall behind my head with a knife?” Debbie says, “Christi, what are you talking about?” Christi goes on to say they were in a fight and Mark had her up against the wall choking her and stabbed the wall behind her head while Lindsay came down the stairs and witnessed it. Christi was more worried for Lindsay than for herself, Debbie remembers. Christi then lifts her shirt up and shows Debbie a huge bruise covering her entire side. Debbie encourages her cousin to leave her marriage. Christi tells her she plans to but she is going to an attorney out of town because she doesn’t want Mark to find out.

On December 9th, 1987, Christi did go see Attorney Claude Berreckman who had an office in Cozad, NE (about 10 miles from Gothenburg). The lawyer recalls how scared Christi was and told him she wanted a divorce but didn’t have the money. After viewing the bruises on her, he said they’d go ahead and get started anyway. He even encouraged Christi to not return home to Mark and said he would call her mother so she could stay there, but she declined. According to the attorney, he did call the Gothenburg Police and reported some instances of abuse Christi had told him about. Christi made an appointment to come back to his office the next week but he would never see his new client again.

Some interesting information that I will mention is that, by all accounts, the police chief of Gothenburg, Bob Shackleton, and Mark Nichol’s family were very good friends. So apparently, right after the phone call from the attorney to the GPD reporting the abuse was made, Mark Nichols finds out. The one thing Christi was trying to avoid. We believe she went to work that day after her legal appointment and when she goes to Mark’s parent’s home later that night (who had apparently been babysitting them while both parents worked) to pick up her children she is told she can’t take them. Mark had found out about the lawyer she visited and was livid. Christi was panicked at the thought of not having her children and contacted the police and tried to file a police report but Bob Shackleton told her Mark had the right to withhold them from her. She was also told to leave the property and if she returned again, she’d be arrested. This was apparently the 3rd time that day alone Police Chief Shackleton had harassed Christi. He had also confronted her at the Jack & Jill store (according to the clerk who witnessed it) as well as on the street (which the Chief later admitted to Connie) telling her something to the effect that she needed to ‘get her act together with this thing with Mark’. Christi was in a frantic situation now and all she cared about was getting her children back. She calls Connie in a panic that night about her children being taken and Connie says she and her husband will come right over there. Christi declined their offer, worried what her protective stepfather would do to Mark if he encountered him.

The next day, December 10th, 1987, Christi calls her mother and tells her Mark has brought the children home. He had a list of ridiculous demands that she had to agree to in order to get them back. Some of them were the length of miles she could travel, he said he had taken her name off the bank accounts so she had no money and she had to stop the divorce proceedings. She wasn’t allowed to take the children anywhere and he told her if she left town she would be arrested (given how Shackleton had treated her thus far she knew that was true) and would never see her children again. To his face, Christi agreed to his demands so she could have Lindsay and Preston back but told her mother she would not be following Mark’s rules. Christi was to meet with the abuse counselor later that day. Even with Mark’s threats she was determined to continue with it so she could take her children and escape this horrible marriage she was trapped in. Unfortunately, the abuse counselor Betty Koch met with Christi in, of all places, Police Chief Bob Shackleton’s office. It appears that, once again, Mark Nichols was probably alerted as to what Christi was up to. The abuse counselor wasn’t able to divulge everything about their meeting as it was confidential, but she did tell Connie that Christi needed to get out of the abusive situation she was in and she had wanted her to go to a shelter that night. Christi declined and said she’d get her children and be back the next day to go to the safe house. But by the next day, she would be missing.

So, on the night of December 10th, 1987, Mark and Christi take their children and go out. The townspeople that saw them seemed a bit surprised they were out together as it was known in the small town they weren’t getting along. It is thought that Christi agreed to go out with him that night to try to keep things calm until she could take the kids and leave. They took the kids to Pizza Hut and then hired a teenage babysitter, Diane Janssen, to watch the children at their house for the rest of the evening. Mark and Christi then went to the bar, Pete’s Place, where Christi worked and that Mark’s uncle owned. His uncle recalls it was evident how stressful things were between them that night. He said they spent a few hours playing pool and shuffleboard before the bar closed at midnight. After they left the bar, the couple apparently stopped at the Jack & Jill convenience store in town according to the clerk. He said Mark did some shopping while Christi seemed very nervous and wanted to get somewhere it seemed and she just stayed around by the clerk talking to him. He said Mark bought some milk and breakfast items and they left. That was the last time Christi Nichols was ever seen alive.

Then Mark and the babysitter’s stories differ greatly. When they arrived home, Mark claims that Christi came in the door a few steps ahead of him and marched right to the bathroom, where she stayed for 15 minutes, and didn’t go talk to the babysitter. Diane Janssen was adamant that only Mark arrived home that night. She only heard one car door, heard one set of shoes on the tile floor and of course didn’t see Christi. Mark paid her and she left. In one account Mark claims him and Christi went to bed and in another he says they stayed up until 2 am arguing and then went to sleep.

During this time frame, I do want to mention a pretty chilling sighting of Mark Nichols that appeared to be right around the time he returned to relieve the babysitter. This person wishes to remain anonymous. He was a teenager hanging out late at the park that night, as he often did, which was next door to the Nichol’s house. He spots Mark Nichols by the back of the house near his black pickup truck. Mark makes eye contact with him and starts angrily walking towards him. This person gets scared at how Mark is approaching him and yelling at him and walks away, not wanting any trouble. A few days later he hears about the disappearance and realizes it was the same night he had that angry encounter with Mark Nichols. It has haunted him ever since.

The next morning, December 11th, 1987, around 8 am Connie phones Christi to see how things are. Mark answers and tells her Christi is still in bed. Connie is skeptical of his answer and given how tumultuous their relationship had been lately, asks a friend of hers who works for Social Services to phone Mark and ask for Christi. So, she calls a few minutes after Connie and Mark tells her that Christi is out shopping. Mark then says he cleaned out the car and once again his story differs greatly from Christi’s grandmother’s. According to the newspaper account, Mark says he was ‘crying and upset’ as he drops his kids off for her to watch. However, Christi’s grandmother said he didn’t say one word to her about Christi being missing or even asked her if she had seen or heard from her granddaughter. He just dropped the kids off at 11 am and then picked them up about 2.5 hours later. It is unknown what all Mark Nichols was doing during that time. He did apparently go try to file a missing person’s report for his wife but given she had only been missing a few hours, he was unable to do so.

Even though Christi’s family was now starting to get worried about where she was (and at the time they lived a few hours away), Mark Nichols was keeping himself quite busy. Literally the day his wife goes missing, he takes their children and moves out of their house and in with his parents. He then forges Christi’s name on the titles and sells their Ford Pinto and Mercury Cougar, leaving him with a black pickup truck.

There were a few full-scale searches for Christi with hundreds of volunteers, but according to her mother, Mark nor his family participated or tried in any way to help find her daughter. Mark wanted people to believe she left him and abandoned their children but that seemed very unlikely. If she were just going to flee on her own, she wouldn’t have bothered to see the attorney or abuse counselor. It was also reported that Christi may have had a boyfriend around that time. It was even stated in a newspaper article that there was a note found under the seat of Christi’s car to this mystery man that read:

“I want you to know I will probably be leaving after Christmas and I will try not to see or talk to you until then. It will all work out somehow. I’m really sorry.”

There were a few things that were happening around the time Christi went missing that are worth mentioning. First off, there was a major construction project going on around then and an overpass was being built. They had dug deep caissons in order to pour the concrete. I found a mention in an old newspaper article on the disappearance from the head of the Roads Dept. Merle Bergmann and he said:

“a tremendous amount of gravel fill used at both locations and remained uncovered during the winter of ‘87-88. I imagine that something could have been buried in that gravel late at night and the next morning you’d never be able to see that there had been any digging.”

Another very interesting bit of information is that Mark Nichol’s parents were pouring a concrete pad on their property in Gothenburg just a few days after Christi’s disappearance. I was indirectly in contact recently with someone who was there when the project was going on and he said it was obvious the sand ‘had been messed with’ and had to be redone before the concrete could be poured. His parents then put a garage on top of the pad. It was also stated in a newspaper article that some lye had been stolen during that time from a nearby farmer’s Co-Op.

Christi’s family did everything they could think of to try to find their daughter. They hired a PI, Dennis Whalen, soon after her disappearance who worked tirelessly to try to find her. When he was given access to Mark and Christi’s house weeks after she went missing, he was surprised at what he found. Under the laundry basket in their bedroom was an area of blood. It appeared to be a small amount but when it was cut out and sent for testing it ended up being around the size of a cup saucer and was enough to soak through the pad to the floorboard. Mark claimed it was menstrual blood but tests determined it was not and that it did belong to Christi. The State Police were then brought into the case.

Then in March of 1988, there was hope that a clue had surfaced in Christi’s disappearance. At the Maxwell Rest Stop (about 25 miles from Gothenburg) a trucker found Christi’s blue suitcase. It had a few random items belonging to her inside which Mark had precisely detailed months earlier as things his wife had supposedly taken with her. It also appeared that the suitcase had been carefully placed there and Terry Ehrens was quoted as saying: “We don’t know if it was put there to throw us off the trail or put us on the trail”.

After Christi went missing, Mark had custody of the children initially. Connie and her husband continued to come every few weeks and have visits with them. Then in February, when the State Police got the case, they arranged for Christi’s parents to take custody of the kids as Mark was under suspicion for his wife’s disappearance. Mark was absolutely furious at his in-laws having custody and would drag them into court every few weeks for various reasons. There was even a point when Connie recorded some phone calls (she said Lindsay was hard to understand and Mark would get frustrated if he couldn’t understand her on the phone so she was trying to help) and Mark sued her for $10,000 for recording the phone calls. Christi’s parents had to travel a lengthy distance numerous times to court because of this but before the trial officially started the judge dismissed it on no grounds as they had custody of the children at the time and had every right to record the calls. Connie and her husband retained custody of the children (while Mark got supervised visits) for several months but they were eventually put into foster care and then Mark got custody back when there were no charges forthcoming. Christi’s parents did have visitation after that but Mark kept making it increasingly difficult for them, moving often. He “divorced” Christi in 1990 on abandonment grounds and soon after married his 3rd wife. He then told Christi’s parents they had a mom now and didn’t need to see them anymore and Christi’s parents reluctantly, to stop the children from being repeatedly questioned and harassed by Mark, thought it was best they didn’t press. I will mention that according to Christi’s family, soon after Mark moved to North Platte with his children and after marrying his 3rd wife, was arrested at one point and charged with domestic violence in regards to her but I was unable to find out what happened with those charges. I believe soon after they left the state.

Christi Nichols had a plan. She was trapped in a violent relationship and was trying to get out. She was doing everything in the right and, she thought, safest way. She would end her marriage, take her children, and leave town. If she had planned on abandoning her marriage and children, the attorney and abuse counselor meeting wouldn’t have been necessary. There was only one thing stopping Christi from going through with the plan. A controlling husband who was about to lose control. Christi’s life was very important and just because she’s been gone for more than 30 years doesn’t make it less so. She left behind two children and countless family and friends who loved her and still miss her. I believe her mother summed it up best when she said, “I want people to remember this. I want people to think about it.”

Also, check out this photo that Mark Nichols posted to his FB page in 2016:


There's no way he didn't kill Christi, IMO. I'm sure the kids have been brainwashed. I hope Christi will be found. She wanted to get herself and her children out of an abusive situation, and she paid with her life, with Mark being aided by local law enforcement to harass her and cover up a crime.
Last edited:
Dec 14, 2023


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