NE NE - Jason Jolkowski -19 - Omaha - 13 Jun 2001 - #4

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I doubt very much that the family dissuaded LE. I certainly have never read that anywhere. :)
There is a poster here who keeps asserting that Jason’s family did so but will not provide a source for that.
Jason’s family are considered victims. Saying that they dissuaded lines of investigation is victim blaming.
Totally willing to change my thoughts and angle on this. But I still don't think we can rule out someone from the church. From what I understand, law enforcement never checked out people who attended church. If true, I think that was a mistake.
Do you have a source for this? That is a pretty big assertion to say law enforcement “never” did something.
Ok, this might get interesting...

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but Jason was born on a Wednesday (24th June, 1981). He vanished on a Wednesday (June 13th, 2001).

His last appearance in the Church was Sunday (10th June, 2001) and his birthday (24th June, 2001) was set to fall on a Sunday.

To me, that's much more than a little strange. Could this disappearance have a religious angle to it? You might say I am looking too in depth for this, but i'm not sure I am. This case hasn't been solved, so absolutely nothing is off the cards and it's more than time for "out of the box" thinking.

Speaking of the last appearance in Church 3 days before he went missing, Jason was said to have done a reading (as a lector) at 9am on Sunday Mass. On that Sunday, Jason read Proverbs 8, verses 22-31 and Romans 5, verses 1-5.

Notably, Romans C5 V3-5 says: "3 But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. 4 And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope 5 that will never disappoint us. All of this happens because God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with his love."

I am now thinking Jason was very possibly targeted by someone from Church who knew Jason intimately - intimately as in very well. Someone who presented themselves as trustworthy, but underneath the veil, they were anything but trustworthy. They will have knew Jason well enough to know his birthday, age, even his address etc. The question is: who.
Well, someone didn't want him to see his birthday, meaning it had to be someone who knew him well enough to know his birthday / date of birth. Someone in a trustworthy position e.g in Church.

It makes me wonder whether Jason picked those bible verses to read, or someone else had him read them. It's very curious to me that the specific verse he read in Romans talks about suffering being character-building and effectively dying (in layman's terms: suffering is preparing you for heaven).

To pick that extremely specific verse tells me that it's possible someone told Jason to read that under the veil that it's just a nice, positive message, when in actual fact, it was effectively a bad omen. I would call into question whoever told Jason to read that verse.

This is why I am thinking the person behind this likely attended the Sunday Mass prior to Jason disappearing.
When the reverend moves away within a short timeframe after the victim goes missing, and you combine that with verses being read, it does raise eyebrows. I've actually worked on a case during my time in LE which had this kind of theme, so it's extremely plausible.

Totally respect your opinion, but I have worked for police and solved many, many crimes using my methodology/methodologies. I'd rather check every angle and find an answer than miss an angle and not find an
<modsnip - quoted post was removed>
Thanks, but its not like the family or the public have a checklist of every single person LE talked to. I don’t think anyone can say that LE did not speak with even one person from church.

I don’t think it is fair to his family to insinuate they somehow blocked avenues of investigation. The investigation is up to LE not the family. Sure they will ask the family about his lifestyle but I would bet they asked his small friend group and classmates too. LE is not stupid they aren’t going just take his parents’ word for everything. They know parents don’t know every aspect of their child’s life.
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I think thats a really really far reach.
Far reaches aren't impossible and to be honest - look where we are now. Nowhere. No suspects. Nothing. Far reaching is needed. Different ideas are needed. New theories are needed. Old theories need re-visiting etc you get the idea.

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My theory is that he ran off to join the circus. So everyone needs to entertain that theory even though no one in Jason’s life ever mentioned his love of the circus and as a matter of fact the circus was not even in town.
Does this make sense? Just because you can think of a scenario doesn’t mean it’s likely.
There is not much to go on here so I understand speculation but the majority of speculation I see is either not based in any evidence or it is contrary to what we know about Jason.
The below is an encapsulation of what has been previously posted on here. However, since we have new posters on here & since it's a hassle to go read all of the previous posts - IMHO this is worth bringing up again:

What is your best theory on what may have happened to Jason?

IMHO one of two things happened to JJ: His disappearance is connected to either voluntarily going into a house or voluntarily getting into a car - on the way to the H.S. At this point, I don't know which is more likely - i.e. the house or the car possibility. As I stated (or at least implied) in previous posts, there are unfortunately plenty of freaks/sickos in suburbia.

I don't believe that JJ:

-Voluntarily ran away from home & hasn't contacted his family since June 2001.
-Was accidentally hit by a car & quickly removed from the scene by the panicked driver.
-Accidentally fell into a crevice/gap/hole & subsequently died.
-Was the victim of a robbery/drive-by shooting in which the perps. then immediately removed the body.
-Was assaulted due to mistaken identity & then removed from the scene.

It's true we don't know what happened here & that there are 0 clues. However, I just don't find the above 5 theories plausible - for reasons I went over in previous posts.
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The below is an encapsulation of what has been previously posted on here. However, since we have new posters on here & since it's a hassle to go read all of the previous posts - IMHO this is worth bringing up again:

IMHO one of two things happened to JJ: His disappearance is connected to either voluntarily going into a house or voluntarily getting into a car - on the way to the H.S. At this point, I don't know which is more likely - i.e. the house or the car possibility.

As I stated (or at least implied) in previous posts, there are unfortunately plenty of freaks/sickos in suburbia.

So, I don't believe that JJ:

-Voluntarily ran away from home & hasn't contacted his family since June 2001.
-Was accidentally hit by a car & quickly removed from the scene by the panicked driver.
-Accidentally fell into a crevice/gap/hole & subsequently died.
-Was the victim of a robbery or drive-by shooting in which the perps. then immediately removed the body.
- Was assaulted due to mistaken identity & then removed from the scene.

It's true we don't know what happened here & that there are 0 clues. However, I just don't find the above possibilities that plausible - for reasons I went over in previous posts.
Let this post be the return to common sense in this thread!!

I agree. It's the best theory I've got after a lot of time spent reading up on everything available on the web. I think Jason was most likely lured into a house/car by a neighbour, or someone who knew him from the church etc. Either that, or I still find something off with the story that the mother/brother told, which was discussed a few pages back. All my opinion of course.
The below is an encapsulation of what has been previously posted on here. However, since we have new posters on here & since it's a hassle to go read all of the previous posts - IMHO this is worth bringing up again:

IMHO one of two things happened to JJ: His disappearance is connected to either voluntarily going into a house or voluntarily getting into a car - on the way to the H.S. At this point, I don't know which is more likely - i.e. the house or the car possibility. As I stated (or at least implied) in previous posts, there are unfortunately plenty of freaks/sickos in suburbia.

I don't believe that JJ:

-Voluntarily ran away from home & hasn't contacted his family since June 2001.
-Was accidentally hit by a car & quickly removed from the scene by the panicked driver.
-Accidentally fell into a crevice/gap/hole & subsequently died.
-Was the victim of a robbery/drive-by shooting in which the perps. then immediately removed the body.
-Was assaulted due to mistaken identity & then removed from the scene.

It's true we don't know what happened here & that there are 0 clues. However, I just don't find the above 5 theories plausible - for reasons I went over in previous posts.
I agree with this. And I do tend to favour the going into a house scenario over the getting into a car one. The only time I hedged on that a bit was when I read about a so-called witness driving by the convenience store past Benson High, who claimed on another forum to have seen Jason walking by. The description of the sighting sounded so realistic, but of course is to be taken with a grain of salt.
Back to the basics.
Missing Since: June 13, 2001
Omaha, NE
'Jason went missing when he was 19 years old. His photo is shown age progressed to 36 years. Jason was last seen leaving his home to walk to Benson High School, where he was supposed to meet a coworker for a ride to work. He never arrived at the school and has not been heard from since. Jason's nickname is J.J.''
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Far reaches aren't impossible and to be honest - look where we are now. Nowhere. No suspects. Nothing. Far reaching is needed. Different ideas are needed. New theories are needed. Old theories need re-visiting etc you get the idea.

I've worked on cases in real life that you wouldn't believe could have ever happened in a million years but they did - not every case is extremely complex, and not every case is extremely simple. No offence but I have worked in law enforcement with people who don't like/accept different ideas and that's not how you solve something. You can't take anyone's word for gospel (no pun intended, since there were comments about a church). The current narrative has led to this case still being unsolved - there's no "wrong-think", every idea is worth exploring until the case is solved.
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