GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

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Apr 9, 2011
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Hello, I am new around here and not sure where to post this story information.
Almost 3 years ago in Gering, Nebraska, Juliette (age 2) was murdered. There were three adults living in the home at the time of her death.

"This is long but an overview of the case.

In the spring of 2010 our family was finally able to obtain the autopsy report. It confirmed that Juliette died from multiple blunt force trauma which included a lacerated liver and head trauma. She had other injuries, but the 4 inch laceration to her liver caused her death per Mr. Weimer former DA in September 2008.

Juliette and Jaelyn’s Father was attending Army bootcamp at the time of Juliette’s murder. Jaelyn is currently in permanent custody of her Father and Paternal Grandparents. He will be leaving soon for his 3rd tour of duty overseas...........

On July 10th, 2008 Juliette spent the day at Oregan Trail Days, a local annual festivity with her twin Sister Jaelyn, their Mother, her boyfriend, and her other roommate and ex. boyfriend. They didn’t arrive home reportedly until midnight after stopping at the liquor store.

At 3 a.m. on July 11th, 2008 the mother and her boyfriend took Juliette to the Emergency Room and reported they had witnessed a seizure and that she was running a temperature. The hospital reports that Juliette was responding normally, and after examination was sent home with instructions to be monitored closely and to follow up with her primary doctor. Juliette was released around 4 a.m. Upon returning home the mother claims she put Juliette to bed around 4:30a.m., and took a sleeping pill around 5a.m. ... Yes Sleeping Pill!!!! Who was going to take care of Juliette with her seizure and temperature and Jaelyn when she woke up?????

Upon waking up over 7 hours later just before noon. The mother claims that she found Juliette not breathing in her crib. The details get sketchy from here. What we do know is they went to the neighbor’s home where the neighbor called 911. Why the two boyfriends or mommy didn’t use their cell phones, we don’t know. The mother did call her brother who arrived around the same time as the authorities. The mother claims she can't talk about the case because a police officer instructed her not too. Isn't that interesting. Really!!

We have heard for nearly 3 years from the Scottsbluff District Attorney’s Office that they are working the case and that justice will be done. First, from Weimer DA, who is now a Judge and then from Wasserberger former DA and now the new DA Mr. Warner who was from the Attorney General’s Office and has been assigned this case for over 2 years and is the now new Scottsbluff DA. He too preaches the same rhetoric they have told our family nothing for nearly 3 years.

We have been told that the problem with this case is that since no one is talking this case will be too hard to convict. No confessions. REALLY! We have also been told that the neglect/abuse charges that they would use in this case have already passed their statues of limitations for charging... Our question is, are they only looking at only misdemeanor charges... When there are felony neglect /abuse charges that would apply to this case here.

It has also come to our attention that proper protocol was not followed by the responding officer in this case. We couldn’t understand why this case hasn’t been prosecuted... well now we may know why! Once Juliette’s broken little body was removed from the home, the responding officer left the scene without securing it. This officer also did not request a search warrant properly the first time, so a second search warrant needed to be obtained and so the house was not sealed off until 5 days after Juliette’s death. During this time people were coming and going at will. Also, none of the adults that were in the house were officially interviewed until days after Juliette's death resulting in time for them to create a cover. Also, they have failed the lie detector tests and still nothing has been done in this case. The DA said, "Just because someone isn't telling the truth or their story changes doesn't mean they are guilty." Again really!!

This case was botched from the beginning and then covered up! It is time that someone answers for their mistakes and stands up for the life of this precious little girl!

This tragedy was never anything our family expected. At the time this occurred my parents had moved from Gering, Nebraska back to Green Bay WI for 3 years. The mother decided she wanted to be single again after only a year of marriage & my brother had no where to go but back home to his family in Wisconsin without the girls because mommy wasn't going to let the father have them. My brother then decided to enlist in the Army. He has 7 brothers and sisters besides many other extended family members but unfortunately we all live in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois and Ohio. There was none of his family living in Nebraska to see what was happening to his little girls. As you have read mommy was involved in drugs, had two boyfriends living with her and liked to party at the children's expense. My brother had sent nearly $7,000 to support the twin's in 7 months and mommy was still over 3 months behind in rent and utilities. She chose her life style and her men over her children.

This 720sq ft house had mommy, her two year old twin girls, two adult men & a 15 yo runaway living in it just weeks before Juliette's murder. There was abuse and neglect occurring in that home and the police have done nothing in this case.

Two weeks prior to Juliette's murder she was taken to the emergency room for stitches to her head at 10:00 p.m. & there are different version of stories of how the injury happened.

Less than a month before Juliette's murder mommy & her boyfriend were involved in an assault on a man with a baseball bat where her boyfriend eventually went to prison for this crime and the man he beat with the baseball bat eventually stabbed another man to death. These were the types of individuals that mommy had her two year old twin's exposed to. The mother was also present at the baseball bat felony assault and the police never even talked to her. Her boyfriend was living with her and her twins and never reported the incident leading to a delay of arrest for nearly a month. If the police had arrested them when the assault occurred then maybe CPS would have gotten involved to protect my nieces before Juliette could have been beaten to death less than a month later. So many issues with this whole case."
What can we do?? Where can we go for help? :banghead:
Hi Justiceforjuliette! Welcome to Websleuths!

First, we need a link to a news story about this case. Then we can move your post to the appropriate thread where our members can help you. Do you have a link to where this was discussed in the news?
Kimster, I finally found where I posted this again....yes, I have many links. We have a facebook page, a website and also the links to articles. what all do you need??
This has been moved from the resource center. Please help our new member! :grouphug:
Welcome to Websleuths, justiceforjuliette. I'm so sorry that you and your family have gone through this.

I have two questions:

1) could a civil suit be filed for wrongful death?
2) are you sure the statute of limitations applies? I mean, wouldn't the clock stop ticking at her death, meaning any other abuse should be related to the timing of her death, not all the time that has since passed. Does that make sense?

The aunt of Juliette has not answered these questions yet. She has tried to be a member here and it says she can not with her email address. Do you know why?
The aunt of Juliette has not answered these questions yet. She has tried to be a member here and it says she can not with her email address. Do you know why?

Yes, some e mail services won't work for this site to confirm members, for example, I had an aol one that wouldn't work, by my cox communications one did work....a mod should be able to give you a list of which ones are ok so that you can pass that information on to the aunt.
The aunt of Juliette has not answered these questions yet. She has tried to be a member here and it says she can not with her email address. Do you know why?

I alerted a mod to your question so maybe they can help you...
Thank you both, I will past this along to the Aunt. She knows so much more about this case. The more I learn through her, the more upset I get. I just don't understand why they haven't done any thing to solve this. We are trying to get media attention to cover this in hopes that they will uncover the scandal with the police department. Does anyone have an idea how to do that?
It is heart breaking. It has been more destructive that I can comment on. I love her so much and I never even had a chance to meet her. I am willing to do what it take to make sure who ever did this rots behind bars.
This is the 3rd unsolved murder in this area! What is going on with the monkeys in office? They are all worried about their own political races than anything else. The 3rd DA in this case has applied for judgeship!!! How can this happen?
Peeples, yes, we have sent countless emails to Nancy and everyone else you can think of that covers this type of info. It is to the point that I feel most of our efforts go in vain.
I will do what I can and send an email to Nancy Grace for you justiceforjuliette. I am very sorry for your loss. Juliette was a beautiful child and I enjoyed reading about her spunky personality.

I do have a few questions and I hope that I am not prying too much.

Was Jaelyn ever subjected to any abuse? Or did it seem Juliette was the target of the abuse?

Also... Do you know if the hospital did any kind of cat scan on Juliette when her mother (I use that term loosely) took her to the hospital earlier that night? What... if any... tests did they run on Juliette at the hospital? I would think that after a reported seizure that they would have run some tests... at least!

When Juliette was taken to the hospital weeks earlier with the head injury... did the hospital suspect any kind of abuse or did they think that it was simply an accident and allowed everyone to go on their way? Also the bruising that I read about in the article... where there were visible bruises through her hair (on her head)? I would assume that they were visible to the people who treated Juliette earlier that night? Does the hospital keep records of children coming into the hospital? You would think with Juliette suffering a head injury just a few weeks earlier and her being in there with a reported seizure that they might want to check further into it and at least keep her over night for observation?

I don't know if you can get any of those records or not, but is there any way you can get the information on the doctors and nurses that treated Juliette and get some answers from them? Ask them questions as to why they released Juliette from the hospital that night... what tests were done to have them make that decision and why they didn't call DCF when Juliette was in the hospital twice in a few weeks?

It also states that there were neighbors that knew about the neglect and abuse... did they ever call DCF? Was there ever any complaints to DCF at all?

Like I said... I will do my part and write Nancy Grace an email requesting that she put some air time into Juliette's case. Try and keep the local stations on the story too. Maybe with a little pressure with the added media... the mother will at least try and defend herself and slip up?

I'm praying for you and your family! Little Jaelyn is in my prayers and so is Arianna. Even if she isn't the daughter of your brother? She needs prayers too!
Lola~ thank you so much. I will go through the questions....

Was Jaelyn ever subjected to any abuse? YES, when CPS took her into custody, she had bruises around her neck. There is a course on the web that tells that and it is also public matter by her family.

I am guessing they would have done a CT can for Juliette the night of the seizure. Her family has the reports and I will need to ask some information there.
I am going to forward the information to her Auntie, Monica. I am only her side-sick! She can answer more of your questions.

This area seems to be a "turn your head it didn't happen" kind of place. I feel that is why nothing has been done.

The mother will not talk to anyone about the case. She was ordered not to talk to anyone about it by a detective. Do you have a facebook acct? you can view her page there as well.
God Bless you for your efforts. <3 Juliette's Auntie's Side-Kick!
Lola~ thank you so much. I will go through the questions....

Was Jaelyn ever subjected to any abuse? YES, when CPS took her into custody, she had bruises around her neck. There is a course on the web that tells that and it is also public matter by her family.

I am guessing they would have done a CT can for Juliette the night of the seizure. Her family has the reports and I will need to ask some information there.
I am going to forward the information to her Auntie, Monica. I am only her side-sick! She can answer more of your questions.

This area seems to be a "turn your head it didn't happen" kind of place. I feel that is why nothing has been done.

The mother will not talk to anyone about the case. She was ordered not to talk to anyone about it by a detective. Do you have a facebook acct? you can view her page there as well.
God Bless you for your efforts. <3 Juliette's Auntie's Side-Kick!

Yes, I have facebook and just added Juliette's page to my "Likes."

What detective told her not to talk about the case? What kind of detective wouldn't want a "person of interest" to talk as much as possible? She doesn't have a lawyer does she?
Thank you so much for becoming a supporter! At one point we had over 12,200 fans and due to a glitch in the system of administration we lost it all :(
Yes, you read it all right. Something is fishy there isn't it!
In regard to asking doctors and nurses questions - they are bound by privacy laws and are not legally able to answer questions unless LE does the asking. You are putting them at risk of losing their professional license AND a $50,000 fine by doing so - this violates HIIPA.
CT scans are not routinely done on children with fevers who have a seizure. It is fairly common for young children to have seizures with high fevers.
The father can request medical records (expect to pay for them) and have a trusted family friend who is a doctor or RN review them if you like.

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