GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

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I just found this case through Facebook. I am totally heartbroken and shocked that there has been no justice for this sweet angel.

I totally encourage everyone to watch this clip, that was put together by the local Fox station:

~Bumping this video up~I just watched it and can't see too good, thru my tears...Every effort of each of the WS family can keep speaking and making a difference, for the family and especially to give Justice to Beautiful Juliette~

So please, everyone be READY... to do that. I will even post a summary here for all of you to send. And any of the above images can be used by anyone to assist in Justice for Juliette... if anyone wants another one made let me know.

(respectfully snipped for response):

I'm ready! I am there for you, the family and most of all for Juliette....

~I deeply want Justice for Juliette~
The Assistant Attorney General/County Attorney is a real charmer. The family hopes that for Juliette's sake he will find justice for her. His response?

"Now don't give me that 'for Juliette,' do you know how many dead babies I've worked on?
I've worked on dozens of dead baby cases." :sick:
wow how rude and cold of him to say that.

Anyway I will help in anyway I can. When the time is right to bombard news media I will help with that too.
I'm unable to contact the page owners on Facebook, but I have an idea or 2 for their vigil. Does anyone know how to make contact with the family?

I can share my thoughts with you and you can pass them along. I'm in FL and although the Caylee/Casey case is the top news ATM, the media will need something to discuss whilst the jury deliberates.

The absolute horror of a baby murdered during that same time, and still awaiting justice may be the story for them to air.
Good grief, they should have charged everyone that was in the house. Then go from there.
Is there anywhere we can get info on what stories were told by the three adults that were in the house? I read that the stories keep changing, and I'm just curious as to what these three adults (or even one of them) say happened. I truly hope that Juliette gets the justice she so deserves, and SOON!

Monica Hall "I hope for Juliette's sake you will find justice for her.."
Doug Warner "Now don't give me that 'for Juliette.' Do you know how many dead babies I've worked on? I've worked on dozens of Dead Baby cases."

It is absolutely disgusting that he would talk to the family that way! One can certainly tell what sort of person HE is. What a :loser: !!!
I will be happy to write letters for a letter campaign to get this story out to the media. I just need to know who to write. This truly is awful to think that the daddy to this little girl is serving our country and we can't bring the killer of his daughter to justice. I am so sorry for the family of little Juliette and want to encourage the family to keep on with your fight for justice. You are Juliette's heroes. I did send an email to NG. Perhaps if she gets a lot of emails about this case she will pay attention. Right now, the focus is on Caylee Anthony but when this trial is over she's going to need something else to focus on. Unfortunately, these cases are not rare. I wonder what this says about the way we value our children in this country. No child should ever suffer. Once again, I am sorry for your loss and will help in any manner I can.
I'm unable to contact the page owners on Facebook, but I have an idea or 2 for their vigil. Does anyone know how to make contact with the family?

I can share my thoughts with you and you can pass them along. I'm in FL and although the Caylee/Casey case is the top news ATM, the media will need something to discuss whilst the jury deliberates.

The absolute horror of a baby murdered during that same time, and still awaiting justice may be the story for them to air.

All you need to do is go to Facebook and if following the links here on WS does not get you to the Justice for Juliette page to press "Like", Then you can go to Facebook and in the search bar just type Justice for Juliette. That is what I did, I pressed "Like" and then was able to make contact to help. Good Luck.
Thank you so much for becoming a supporter! At one point we had over 12,200 fans and due to a glitch in the system of administration we lost it all :(
Yes, you read it all right. Something is fishy there isn't it!

I just found this case through Facebook. I am totally heartbroken and shocked that there has been no justice for this sweet angel.

I totally encourage everyone to watch this clip, that was put together by the local Fox station:

I haven't been able to load this you have another?
This is an incredibly sad and frustrating story. My heart and support go out to all those fighting for justice for Juliette.

Who in the heck beats a 2 year old child to death? It seems so odd that the child would be taken into the hospital for an illness, only later to be murdered in the home of the parent who took her for treatment. Is it confirmed that the original hospital visit didn't show any signs of abuse? The pieces don't seem to fit and the only 3 people in the world that have answers aren't talking. How is the mother's family acting? Are they assisting in the investigation or are they shielding the mother and her friends?

For some reason, I felt the need to see the mother's face, but couldn't find any photos in the articles, social media, blogs or message boards for Charyse Guerts. I did see a quote in one of the articles where she states she is cooperating with LE and wants someone to be punished for murdering the child she misses. That's it. There were, however, several wonderful pictures of Juliette, Jaelyn, and dad Casey.

I would like to see Nancy Grace pick up this story; including televising the clip of Doug Warner and his heartless response to the family's request for justice for Juliette; light a fire under that man. What I've seen too much of lately is cases just stalling or not being pursued in smaller towns when there is no local investigative reporting on the story. I would like to see Nancy televise photos of the girls and their dad, but also Charyse, the boyfriend, and the roomate; all 3 of the POIs. Pressure... LE knows who was at the house and still it seems no progress in the case. How can this be when a 2 year old was murdered? Why has there been no arrest of the mother for child neglect? A child was beaten to death in her care in her home. I understand that LE doesn't know which one(s) of the adults present is responsible for the beating, but start with the mom for god's sake, and go from there. She, without a doubt, was responsible for protecting and caring for the child and Juliette died because her mom neglected to fulfill that responsibility.

What is the mother doing now? What is her post-crime behavior? Is she still with the boyfriend? Still in contact with the boyfriend and/or the roommate? Did neighbors see anyone else at the house that night? How long had Juliette been deceased when 911 was called? Was the family given the time of death? Were the adults caught on surveillance video at the liquor store that night? If so, what was their demeanor? Why was the house not treated as a crime scene and the adults not questioned for days?

Tons of questions... Outraged.

Justice for sweet Juliette...
I will be happy to write letters for a letter campaign to get this story out to the media. I just need to know who to write. This truly is awful to think that the daddy to this little girl is serving our country and we can't bring the killer of his daughter to justice. I am so sorry for the family of little Juliette and want to encourage the family to keep on with your fight for justice. You are Juliette's heroes. I did send an email to NG. Perhaps if she gets a lot of emails about this case she will pay attention. Right now, the focus is on Caylee Anthony but when this trial is over she's going to need something else to focus on. Unfortunately, these cases are not rare. I wonder what this says about the way we value our children in this country. No child should ever suffer. Once again, I am sorry for your loss and will help in any manner I can.

The following link has a list of the national news sources we emailed:

The more attention the better, put some pressure on those who have failed this baby so far.

Personally I think this is a good starting off point. Thanks to LCoastMom for locating this link and making our lives easier :)

I will also contact Citizens Against Homicide. Their founder Jane Alexander passed away recently but her work is being carried forward by some very dear people who believe no killer should walk free.
In response to yllek:

(respectfully snipped to show the pix of the mother)

"For some reason, I felt the need to see the mother's face, but couldn't find any photos in the articles, social media, blogs or message boards for Charyse Guerts."
Here is what is available:


  • Charyse G_Brandon_Dustin.jpg
    Charyse G_Brandon_Dustin.jpg
    18 KB · Views: 224
  • Charyse G.jpg
    Charyse G.jpg
    4 KB · Views: 221
From some late night research:

Is Charyse Geurts a murderer?
with one comment
Statistics rarely give an accurate portrayal of the state of children’s rights in America and in fact, according to Jeffrey Bennett, former mayor of Corona, California, fatal child battery and abuse has risen at least 40 % since 1992.
I was first introduced to this horrific reality in 2001 when researching a case in the Pacific Northwest and sadly, the situation has not improved for our Nation’s kids.
Recently I heard about Juliette Geurts, a two-year old twin from Gering, Nebraska, who died as a result of blunt force trauma to the head as well as a four-inch laceration to the liver that caused internal bleeding.
At the time of her death, three adults were present in the tiny home, her mother (CHARYSE GEURTS) and both of the Mother’s boyfriends (DUSTIN CHAUNCEY AND BRANDON TOWNSEND)
The investigation into this child’s murder has been weak at best. No one sealed the crime scene until five days following her death, her twin was not taken into protective custody until four days following Juliette’s murder and since her killing, and all three people of interest have fled town and apparently prosecution.
To add insult to injury it’s widely known that one month prior to Juliette’s killing, DUSTIN CHAUNCEY was involved in another horrible event (he attacked another person with a baseball bat) which resulted in a short stint in prison. Guess who drove the car that delivered Chauncey to the attack?
CHARYSE GEURTS. No charges were filed against her; she was never even questioned although she’s confirmed as being ‘present’ in the police report.
This woman had two men living with her and her twin toddlers in a tiny home, knowing that at least one of them had violent tendencies and a hair-trigger temper. No one has questioned her in Juliette’s murder nor have they bothered to question either man.
How is this possible?
(When Jaelyn was taken into custody, four days after Juliette’s killing, it was noted that she had large bruises on her neck as though someone had grabbed her.
Still no investigation although Jaelyn is in the custody of her paternal grandparents in Wisconsin and her Father, although as a Soldier, he’s in Afghanistan and must deal with this from afar)
Is anyone wondering yet how this can happen? How the authorities could be so incompetent as to allow this to continue on in such a disgusting fashion?
DAVE WARNER, local attorney and aspiring politician (running unchallenged) not only has no answers for the victim’s family, he is refusing to release the police report and related information so they can investigate on their own or have closure.
Countless phone calls, emails and letters have been sent and filed on Juliette’s behalf, to no avail. No one seems very interested in attaining justice for this child.
Dave Heineman 402-471-2244 or 308-632-1370
This is just heartbreaking... I'm so sorry your family is going through this.

To the seasoned WS'ers on here... I'm in awe of what you guys do, and how thourghly you do it. My only two suggestions would be first, to contact someone from the "Army Times". The story might not be appropriate for their publication, but they have contacts with the MSM and may be able to help push the story out there. The second would be for family members to petition the US Reps and Senators for the state of the father's home of record. Ask for a meeting in person if possible (it's actually easier than you'd think). They may not have any jurisdiction per say, but they can wield a lot of influence and, I'm know this sounds bad, but it's the kind of thing they love... Supporting the Armed Forces, and fighting against corruption in state government. If you do meet with them, definitely play up the fact that there's a huge push to get the story in the national spotlight.

HTH, and again, I'm so, so sorry your family is going through this.

ETA: You also might want to try Kelly Kennedy at USAToday... She used to be a reporter for the Army Times, and is very active in supporting the military members.
Hello. I plan on putting the word out about what happened to this poor little girl, and how no one has been arrested or charged with her murder. I will do my best to get as many people possible to flood the offices there in Nebraska with DEMANDS FOR JUSTICE for this innocent, helpless child. I hope and pray that others will pass this story along. Who will be this child's voice? Obviously, not her "mother". Even if just one person reads this and sends an email or a petition to the DA's office etc., whatever possible, it will help. If we get together, we can make a real difference, no matter how small it may seem. I hope and pray that Juliette will get the justice she so deserves someday. And, her "mother" (and I use that term loosely), and the two boyfriends, will face the music, and then get theirs. Thanks for letting me post about this. Justice for Juliette!!!:(:cry:
As soon as Caylee's case is resolved, I will post something here and we will start a media blitz. I will get the basic facts of the case together for everyone to send in.

When I saw Juliette featured and saw there were responses to her thread... I lost it.

I am so overwhelmed and so very grateful that someone is finally paying attention to Juliette.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


I'm unable to contact the page owners on Facebook, but I have an idea or 2 for their vigil. Does anyone know how to make contact with the family?

I can share my thoughts with you and you can pass them along. I'm in FL and although the Caylee/Casey case is the top news ATM, the media will need something to discuss whilst the jury deliberates.

The absolute horror of a baby murdered during that same time, and still awaiting justice may be the story for them to air.

I assume that you do not have a facebook? The page owner is Juliette's aunt Monica and her facebook is listed on the left hand side of Juliette's.

You can try this on Juliette's website?

I haven't been able to load this you have another?

It is the same 8 minute news update from May, it is posted several times throughout the thread now. The same one with Doug Warner's heartless comments.
don't wanna sound shallow but........I only had to look at these people's(the 3 suspects) photos and I can already imagine what happened in that house.

don't even know what upsets me more....that they got away with it (so far) or that officials are doing NOTHING.

it's not like you don't have nothing to start with!they have plenty!the medical records,three people who were in the house and so much more!so frustratingggggggggggggg!:banghead:

hope this case will get the attention it deserves,Juliette was such a sweet innocent baby!
I'm on board. Just say go and I will be part of the media blitz. I agree we should wait until Caylee's case is resolved as we may get a better response then. It is completely reprehensible that these perps aren't being pursued in this case. Maybe we can shame them into action.
This is deeply disturbing.

Can we please have all pertinant media email information listed clearly in this thread or at the begining ?

With so many people on here following the Caylee Anthony murder I think now IS the time to hound the media relentlessly. So many people are tuning into their shows for updates that even a short mention of this case now will bring more attention than after the current trial is over, as many viewers will have moved on.

Now is the time to push for attention & push hard.

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