NE NE - Marialice Clark, 14, Omaha, August 1972

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Ed Clark has started an online petition to get an investigation launched on the disappearance of his sister, Marialice Clark. She was only fourteen years old when she vanished in August of 1972.

Brother of missing ATF witness seeks federal probe of Omaha Two case

An Arkansas man, Ed Clark, launched an online petition Feb. 1 to encourage President Barack Obama to investigate the facts surrounding the disappearance of his sister, Marialice Clark, from Omaha in August 1972. Marialice was a named informant in a federal search warrant affidavit filed by Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division agent Thomas Sledge.

“In July of 1970, when I was 15-years old, my 12-year old sister Marialice Clark was named as the informant on an affidavit for a search warrant to raid the Omaha headquarters of a group called the National Committee to Combat Fascism, an off-shoot of the Black Panther Party. The chapter headquarters was near our house. We could see their back porch from our front porch.

Clark said, “Two years later, in August of 1972, Marialice disappeared. She was never seen again. My mother petitioned the court to declare her dead in 1980, never knowing Marialice had been named as Tom Sledge's informant....Marialice wasn't a militant. She was a school girl. How would you feel if this happened to your sister?”

Omahans join call for probe of ATF over missing teen in Omaha Two case

The call for an investigation of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division over missing teen Marialice Clark has gained supporters in Omaha, where the fourteen year-old disappeared in August 1972. Before her disappearance, Marialice had been named as an informant by ATF agent Thomas Sledge, a former Omaha policeman. Marialice's brother, Ed Clark of Arkansas, has asked for public help with an online petition to get an investigation into ATF actions against his sister and to find out what the federal agency knows about her disappearance.

Wikipedia Page

She was just a child. How could ATF leave her holding the bag with a terrorist org like Black Panther's Combat Fascism? They don't even arrest the people who go on to kill a police officer in a bombing.
She was just a child. How could ATF leave her holding the bag with a terrorist org like Black Panther's Combat Fascism? They don't even arrest the people who go on to kill a police officer in a bombing.

An interesting case in which there seem to be at least 3 possibilities;
  1. Revenge by the Panthers (or, more accurately, their Omaha associates - since they had actually disbanded the Omaha branch before all of the events of 1970 due to inactivity).
  2. A fate unrelated to the events of 1970.
  3. Action by one or more of the LE agencies involved in the events of 1970.
I do not pretend to know which of these is most likely, but felt it appropriate to post this reply as noone has raised 3. on this thread. I would rarely consider LE action to be a reason for someone to go missing (except in the rare case of witness protection, which seems very unlikely in the case of a 14 year old left exposed for 2 years). However, in this case the level of venality, criminality and corruption by multiple LE agencies requires it to be considered. The background to this case is centred on the Omaha bombing of August 1970. Marialice Clark was used as an informant to justify action based on supposed knowledge of arms and explosives at the Committee House (although even the FBI did not believe this was true). In August 1970 someone lured police to an abandoned building and an explosion killed one officer and injured another. This led to the conspiracy amongst multiple agencies to convict Rice and Poindexter (the 2 leaders of the Committee). I do not know whether they were guilty. I do know that the LE agencies manufactured a case and had good reason for removing any embarrassing risks to their conspiracy. Was Marialice one of those? It is one possibility.

Anyone who wants to look further will find a concise summary on Wikipedia (under Rice-Poindexter case, as cited in #1 above), but there are many msm articles and books which cover the same material at more length.
Looking more closely at the events surrounding the disappearance of Marialice Clark it is obvious that the one group that had absolutely nothing to gain (and much to lose) from her disappearance were the Black Panthers and their jailed associates - Rice and Poindexter. Their best hope of overturning their convictions for the bombing were to demonstrate a pattern of criminality by LE agencies - and her testimony would have been vital if, as her family believe, ATF Agent Thomas Sledge lied about her interview and information obtained. Her disappearance also meant that her role (real or otherwise) was concealed until the 1990s.

The more you look at this case the more you suspect the hand of either LE agencies or rogue agents in her going missing.
Do you think there is a possibility that Marialice might Grundy Jane Doe? Marialice was last seen getting in a car with Illinois plates and Grundy Jane Doe was discovered in Erienna, Illinois. They also both have a scar/birthmark on their right hip.
Grundy County Jane Doe.
Do you think there is a possibility that Marialice might Grundy Jane Doe? Marialice was last seen getting in a car with Illinois plates and Grundy Jane Doe was discovered in Erienna, Illinois. They also both have a scar/birthmark on their right hip.
Grundy County Jane Doe.
This has been my thought exactly! I contacted the Grundy Co coroner awhile back about it and now that she is in NamUs hopefully that should help.
Marialice Clark – The Charley Project


  • Missing Since 08/01/1972
  • Missing From Omaha, Nebraska
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Black
  • Age 14 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'2, 130 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics African-American female. Black hair, brown eyes. Marialice may spell her name "Mary Alice" or "Mary Ellis." She has a birthmark on her right hip and a scar on the back of her head.

Details of Disappearance

Marialice was last seen near the Bali-Hi Lounge in Omaha, Nebraska on August 1, 1972. She got into a car with license plates from Chicago, Illinois and has never been heard from again.

Two years prior to her disappearance, Marialice's name was listed on a federal search warrant as an informant. Twelve years old at the time, she had reportedly told the authorities that dynamite and machine guns were hidden in the headquarters of an Omaha group called the National Committee to Combat Fascism, which was an offshoot of the Black Panther Party. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) had gotten a warrant to search the building, but the search never happened.

In August 1970, someone lured police to an abandoned Omaha building where a suitcase full of dynamite exploded, killing one police officer and injuring another one. David Rice and Ed Poindexter, two leaders of the National Committee to Combat Fascism, were charged with the officer's murder, convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Rice died in prison in 2016; Poindexter remains incarcerated, even though the Nebraska Parole Board voted unanimously in favor of both men's release. They maintained their innocence over the years and stated they believed they were framed by a conspiracy involving multiple government agencies.

It's unclear whether Marialice's alleged role as a police informant was a factor in her later disappearance, but her brother believes the ATF lied about her giving them information and placed her in danger by naming her in the warrant. Her disappearance remains unsolved.
I have wondered about her name being listed on the warrant as playing some sort of role in her disappearance...but I wonder why she went missing 2 years after the fact rather than sooner?
Do you think there is a possibility that Marialice might Grundy Jane Doe? Marialice was last seen getting in a car with Illinois plates and Grundy Jane Doe was discovered in Erienna, Illinois. They also both have a scar/birthmark on their right hip.
Grundy County Jane Doe.
"In November 2019, extended relatives of the victim, including a fourth cousin and a niece in Alabama had been identified through genealogy"
Maybe there is a possibility here?
I have wondered about her name being listed on the warrant as playing some sort of role in her disappearance...but I wonder why she went missing 2 years after the fact rather than sooner?

The obvious possibility is that the LE conspiracy to frame Rice and Poindexter was in danger of unravelling and her testimony would have been dangerous. I have no idea of to what extent Rice and Poindexter were guilty but the degree of police, ATF and FBI corruption in this case should have resulted in long prison terms for numerous parties involved and the stench rose all the way up to Hoover himself. That would have been enough reason to remove threats to the official story.
Marialice Clark, 14, Vanished In 1972 Under Strange Circumstances

Her brother believes she may have fallen victim to the government’s takedown of the Black Panther Party.

April 5, 2021

Five years ago, Ed Clark launched a petition in the hopes of attracting the attention of former President Barack Obama. Back in 1970, when Ed was 15-years-old, his 12-year-old sister Marialice Clark was named in a government affidavit as an informant against the National Committee to Combat Fascism (NCCF), a group he describes as “an off-shoot of the Black Panther Party.” Two years later, at just 14-years-old, Marialice would go missing, never to be heard from again. Ed penned a lengthy tale about his family and he hoped that President Obama would approve of a relaunching of an investigation into Marialice’s case. It doesn’t seem that Ed Clark’s dreams have been fulfilled just yet.

I came across Marialice’s missing person case on the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), and there was near-to-no information about who this young teen was. Included in the report was that she was last seen getting into a vehicle with Chicago, Illinois license plates, but other than that, the story of Maialice Clark wouldn’t be told to a global audience until her brother Ed came forward to publicly plea for help.

I don’t want to mishandle Ed’s story, so the quotes included in this article are exactly as he has written them. He explained that the NCCF chapter’s headquarters were near where his family lived. “We could see their back porch from our front porch. Our older sister Linda dated the head of the NCCF, Ed Poindexter,” he explained. “The young men who were members of the NCCF were a part of the neighborhood. We had no fear of them.”

In August of 1970, The Charley Project reports that police responded to an abandoned building where they were violently confronted with a suitcase filled with dynamite. The explosion injured one officer and took the life of another, and fingers were pointed at NCCF’s Ed Poindexter and David Rice. The two men were arrested, tried, and convicted of murder, and they were sentenced to life in prison.

Back in 2016, Rice passed away while incarcerated, but Poindexter still lives. Both men repeatedly insisted that they had nothing to do with the explosion and were adamant that the government conspired against them.

What Ed Clark didn’t know was that there was an affidavit reportedly created by ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) Agent Tom Sledge that “claimed my baby sister saw 10 boxes of machine guns with six guns in each box inside the NCCF. He said she described the guns so accurately he knew they were AK-47s. He also claimed Marialice saw 15 bundles of dynamite with 12 sticks to the bundle inside the house. He said that five men– some of whom I knew– made a bomb out of dynamite in front of my sister. I do not believe that is true. Sledge never told our mother that he put my sister’s name on his affidavit– and he spelled her first name wrong as’Mary Ellis,’ making me wonder if he even met her.”

Clark claims that the affidavit gave authorities the green light to “raid the NCCF.” He added, “However, the Omaha FBI had an informant in the chapter and they knew the information in the affidavit was false. An FBI agent contacted the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice around July 21, 1970 and asked that it intervene to stop the raid. The DOJ told a U.S. Attorney in Omaha it did not want a repeat of the raid in Chicago that killed Black Panthers Mark Clark and Fred Hampton in December 1969. ATF agent Tom Sledge was told to return the search warrant to the judge unserved. Marialice never told anyone that she had met an ATF agent, and she never told anyone that she saw machine guns, dynamite or men making bombs at the NCCF.”

Two years later, Marialice Clark vanished without a trace. No one has seen or heard from the teen since that time, and according to Ed, their mother attempted to have the court declare her legally dead in 1980. Their mother reportedly never knew that Agent Sledge named Marialice in documents as an informant.

“In 1997, my mother received a copy of the ATF affidavit. From the time she learned that Marialice was named on that affidavit, she wondered if Marialice was in a witness protection program,” wrote Clark. “But, how could a 14-year old be put in a witness protection program without informing her mother? How could a 12-year old be named as an informant without telling her mother? Especially if she truly saw such dangerous things.”

Those who support the Clarks believe that the Marialice was a “victim of the nationwide effort to eliminate the Black Panther Party.”

“It is a crime to lie on an affidavit,” Ed Clark continued. “Sledge should have been investigated and fired in 1970 over this affidavit. Everything Sledge did to investigate an August 1970 bombing that was blamed on the NCCF should be also be questioned and investigated. He may have fabricated evidence to convict two innocent men for a crime they did not commit. Marialice wasn’t a militant. She was a school girl. How would you feel if this happened to your sister?”

Marialice Clark wasn’t added to the government’s missing person directory until 2020. Details regarding the investigation into her missing person case are unknown.

At the time of her disappearance, Marialice Clark stood 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 130 pounds. She had black/dark brown hair and brown eyes. Marialice is described as having had a birthmark on her right hip and a scar on the back of her head. She would be 62-years-old at the time of this publication. Her name has been spelled “Mary Alice” or “Mary Ellis.”

Anyone with information about this case is urged to contact the Omaha Police Department at (402) 444-4127 or their local authorities. There is no case number listed for this missing person case.

Please share this story to help Marialice’s loved ones learn about what happened to her all those decades ago. She is our sister and her life matters.

Marialice Clark, 14, Vanished In 1972 Under Strange Circumstances
Putting to one side the question of guilt in the Omaha bombing case and the connections with Marialice's disappearance, it is astonishing the degree of pure corruption in this case and the rewards for the corrupt. Richard Curd, the ATF agent with Tom Sledge, became Regional Director of the ATF in LA. Jack Swanson, the Detective Sergeant who withheld evidence and lied under oath, became Acting Chief (not sure if he was made permanent). It is hardly surprising that the cover up was so effective when the guilty were rewarded for their corruption.
In 1972, a black 14 year old girl named Marialice Clark vanished from her native Omaha, Nebraska. But her case wasn’t the “typical” missing child case. Several months prior to her disappearance she was repeatedly sexually assaulted and bravely escaped and called the police, who never investigated her heinous victimization. And two years before that, she was named in a damning ATF affidavit at just 12 years old, describing in brutal detail the types of weapons and explosives she allegedly saw. But did any of this really happen? We don’t know. On Monday, November 1 a popular true crime podcast will be covering Marialice’s story for the first time. No other media outlet has told her story in the past. Stay tuned and join the Facebook group to keep up with the ongoing fight to find Marialice, see the astonishing records and appalling lack of police work into her disappearance, which continues to this day. Here’s the link to the group: #marialiceclark #findingmarialice #whereismarialice
This case has blown my mind. According to Wikipedia's article: Rice–Poindexter case - Wikipedia
"In July, a warrant was issued to the ATF to search NCCF headquarters for 60 machine guns and 180 sticks of dynamite. The warrant was based on information provided to agent Thomas Sledge by a 12-year-old girl, Marialice Clark, who was the sister of Linda Clark, a girlfriend of Ed Poindexter. Sledge spelled Clark's name incorrectly in his affidavit as Mary Ellis Clark. Sledge claimed that Clark watched five men make a bomb out of dynamite, including Frank and Will Peak, two cousins of Duane Peak, a 16-year-old who would be the state's main witness against Rice and Poindexter. The affidavit claimed the men planted the bomb at Components Concepts Corporation, took a photograph of it there, and came back to NCCF headquarters and showed the photograph to Marialice Clark. The Omaha FBI called the Justice Department in Washington because they had an informant in the NCCF chapter and knew there were no machine guns or dynamite located there. The Justice Department ordered the US Attorney in Omaha, J. William Gallup, to rescind the warrant and cancel the raid. An attorney in the criminal division of the DOJ told him that due to the murders of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in Chicago in December, 1969, the DOJ wanted no more raids on Black Panther houses."
Apparently, Duane Peak was considered the first suspect, until he wasn't... suddenly.
And now we have this: Fifty years ago an Omaha prosecutor told confessed bomber Duane Peak that truth did not matter in policeman’s murder

I mean... WHAT???????? This teenager was in the middle of a very big plot, I think. What kind of world we live in?
What kind of world we live in?

The summary of the Cointelpro programme at COINTELPRO - Wikipedia and the information contained in the FBI document at http://blackpanther7.pdf ( concerning the class action resulting from Cointelpro says it all. For a number of years the USA was exposed to rogue security agencies operating without oversight and engaged in everything from bugging to assassinations. Whether the latter includes this case is something which will probably never be proven but the record does demonstrate that they would not have baulked at removing a child.

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