NE - Omaha Double Murder #3 - *Arrest Made*

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This is probably not worth even saying out loud, but is there any chance Shirlee could have cleaned his house as well? I remember seeing she cleaned other houses for doctors.

I'd like to know the same thing Omaha!

Does anyone know what type of neighborhood, income wise, is the Lake St address? I have no idea of the income residents pull in.

My daughter works for an Omaha television station. If anyone has any questions, I can see if she can find out anything. I certainly don't want to put her job at any risk, but perhaps she can give something that we don't know already.
My daughter works for an Omaha television station. If anyone has any questions, I can see if she can find out anything. I certainly don't want to put her job at any risk, but perhaps she can give something that we don't know already.

Awesome, norestforthewicked! Maybe she can throw us a lil nugget 'off the record'.

BTW, It is great seeing you here. I really enjoy your posts on the Alcala thread:seeya:

You can google the address on Google Earth. I just plain googled it
and got a picture of the house. It's in the $187,000 range. It's like the
houses that Union Pacific built for their workers in the l940's. Pretty
standard resident-type housing. My thought was that it would be pretty
difficult to hide anything in an apartment, but easier to dig a hole
and hide something at a house. The killer probably burned the
bloody clothes and briefcase, though. I promise to learn how to put the
websites on this thread, just don't know how to yet.
Tommy Hunter's funeral was packed with people. The older brothers spoke at the
funeral. Their grief was evident. They were not cold or remote. In my opinion, they were not involved.
Tommy Hunter's funeral was packed with people. The older brothers spoke at the
funeral. Their grief was evident. They were not cold or remote. In my opinion, they were not involved.

I'm glad you posted this. It is a sad reality that in cases like this, the immediate family members are usually among the first suspects. There has been some discussion on these threads of that possibility. I know it is unsettling for the Hunter and Sherman families, as well as those who know them to read these things. These things however must be addressed, if only to be able to dismiss them. I believe most of us have concluded that Tommy was not killed by someone in his family. What is perhaps more possible is that someone in his family may have done something that set things in motion, perhaps years before and long enough ago that the family member may have forgotten.
I know right after the crime there was a lot of rumor along these lines, the seeming silence of the family has also seemed to generate some of this. We need to realize that everyone and every family is different, we process grief differently. We also do not know what has transpired between the families and OPD. It is possible they shared with them the need to keep a low profile.
If MB is innocent then I hope he can be cleared quickly, if not then I hope for a speedy conclusion. These families deserve closure.
I spoke with my daughter who works for an Omaha TV station. She said that she personally (as well as their station) is following this case and will let me know whenever they get any news on this. So, crossing my fingers that this is resolved. Sorry I couldn't be of more help now, but perhaps in the future.
Sadly, I don't think this supposed lead is part of this horrific murder. I don't think this person is involved. Nice diversion, but not gonna happen. I want this horrific crime solved, but this is not going in the right direction.
Sadly, I don't think this supposed lead is part of this horrific murder. I don't think this person is involved. Nice diversion, but not gonna happen. I want this horrific crime solved, but this is not going in the right direction.

Can you tell us why you think that and if you have others that you are suspicious of?
I think many of us are taking a well needed break from sleuthing this case while events in Canda sort themselves out. BTW, if anyone knows of any more recent developments on MB, please post them.
ShowerSinger, obviously we don't want any names, etc but if you have a general idea of what direction you think LE ought to be looking we'd be interested to hear it. Remember, the families and LE are reading this thread.
I wonder if MB performed any autopsies while at Creighton?

I believe he did. I am told that CU higher ups became concerned over some of the things he was doing in connection with autopsies. He apparently was taking his own pictures of at least one of them; a child I believe. Not sure if he felt this was for his own educational benefit or was trying to share them with others. He was apparently repremanded for that and it started things going downhill.
Please don't ask how In know this, but it was something I was told by someone who should know.

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