NE NE - Ryan Larsen, 11, with autism, La Vista, 17 May 2021

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FBI analyzing video in autistic boy's disappearance - KTVZ

Investigators have announced FBI experts in Omaha and in Quantico, Virginia, are analyzing surveillance video and working to enhance it. The videos have not been made public.

“These are not available for public release, and we are not providing additional comment on the nature of those videos; these are part of our investigation,” the release states.

That's kind of a clickbait headline by KTVZ. The LVPD announced that on May 27th. Since then, they have actually commented on the videos.

So, no news, so MSM just recycled old news as if it were new. At least they're talking about him though... even if it is to say the same thing. It seems like everyone gave up on Ryan so quickly :(
That's kind of a clickbait headline by KTVZ. The LVPD announced that on May 27th. Since then, they have actually commented on the videos.

So, no news, so MSM just recycled old news as if it were new. At least they're talking about him though... even if it is to say the same thing. It seems like everyone gave up on Ryan so quickly :(

I know, I've been bringing him up daily in my interactions with others here in Lavista and omaha. I ran into someone yesterday who was not even aware of the case/search for Ryan or that he was even missing. I'm just heartbroken and infuriated that the news has trickled down to nearly nothing. I don't know what I would do if it were my child but what I do know is that we as a community cannot give up until he is found. He is an 11 year old boy. He relies on adults for Survival and we do not give up when times are tough because we have more than just ourselves at stake. Why is it so quiet? Do they have any leads whatsoever? Either way, where is the press conferences now? Where are the pleas for info to bring this child back home?

I feel like I'm ranting but I can't just let this die down. It's not fair to Ryan. I don't believe he is far. They never came to my door in the search and I am dang near directly across from where he lived and where he was last seen. If he was not kidnapped, I believe he is still close to area. I don't believe they have spanned out quite as much as they need to. I've seen far too many cases where missing persons are located just outside of the search area.

please keep his name out there if the press and LE are not. Every time I see someone walking down the street at night I wonder if it's Ryan and pray he's still safe although the chances are looking more bleak by the day. Regardless, he needs found.
I know, I've been bringing him up daily in my interactions with others here in Lavista and omaha. I ran into someone yesterday who was not even aware of the case/search for Ryan or that he was even missing. I'm just heartbroken and infuriated that the news has trickled down to nearly nothing. I don't know what I would do if it were my child but what I do know is that we as a community cannot give up until he is found. He is an 11 year old boy. He relies on adults for Survival and we do not give up when times are tough because we have more than just ourselves at stake. Why is it so quiet? Do they have any leads whatsoever? Either way, where is the press conferences now? Where are the pleas for info to bring this child back home?

I feel like I'm ranting but I can't just let this die down. It's not fair to Ryan. I don't believe he is far. They never came to my door in the search and I am dang near directly across from where he lived and where he was last seen. If he was not kidnapped, I believe he is still close to area. I don't believe they have spanned out quite as much as they need to. I've seen far too many cases where missing persons are located just outside of the search area.

please keep his name out there if the press and LE are not. Every time I see someone walking down the street at night I wonder if it's Ryan and pray he's still safe although the chances are looking more bleak by the day. Regardless, he needs found.

I agree, I think he's close too. I don't think he went down to Walnut Creek. Last Tuesday they were all over the Wildewood area, and I saw they were walking along the railroad tracks too. Those are two excellent places to look, and I'm surprised it took them so long to do so. They said they looked before, but not thoroughly.... why not? It's so close to him and a fantastic place to hide.

I was also thinking of where my kids would go if they took off. I'm almost certain that they would head east or south, just because that's where we always go. Why haven't they given us the same info for Ryan so we can help look for him? Where does he spend his time when he's outside? Which parks does he go to? Which trails? If they go to Walnut Creek, do they go down 84th St? 96th? If my kids went to Walnut Creek, I know exactly the path they'd take... the way we always get there. What areas are familiar to him? I feel like without this type of information, it's really hard to know where to look.
I keep trying to think about where my 11 y/o with autism would go if he walked away, he’d go home. He absolutely would go home and hide in one of his hiding spots. He hides now when he needs some space, and I still panic every time until I have eyes on him. Usually it’s closets.

If he couldn’t get into the house, I’m not sure what he’d do. Probably go to the park to swing. The boy loves to swing.

I’m leaning away from kidnapping in this case, only because Ryan is 5’8” which makes him seem less childlike.

Are there any vacant houses in the area? Could he be hiding in a shed? I worry he’s not still alive, he may have gotten into a building and not been able to get back out. I’ll go back to the maps and see what the area looks like again.
Are there any vacant houses in the area? Could he be hiding in a shed? I worry he’s not still alive, he may have gotten into a building and not been able to get back out. I’ll go back to the maps and see what the area looks like again.

(snipped by me)

Not really any vacant houses. It's an average middle-class neighborhood. There IS quite a bit of construction just a little way down on 84th Street though. That would be a good place to hide. Construction also seems like it could be the kind of place you could get stuck.

The thing is, he was seen on camera at the corner of 84th and Harrison. That is a major intersection. There is almost no pedestrian traffic there, so I really feel like someone would have seen him if he tried to cross the street. It would have stood out. That goes for anywhere along 84th, Harrison, Giles, or 72nd St. They're all busy and you'd almost have to cross at a corner... unless he crossed at night. If he was just wandering down the street, someone would have seen him... even at night. If he went through a neighborhood, someone would have seen him or have video of him. People have cameras and those Ring things. There's no way he would've been able to just disappear like he did.

I don't want to say it, and I'm sure LE has thought of it (and probably checked), but I really hope he didn't hide in a dumpster.
(snipped by me)

Not really any vacant houses. It's an average middle-class neighborhood. There IS quite a bit of construction just a little way down on 84th Street though. That would be a good place to hide. Construction also seems like it could be the kind of place you could get stuck.

The thing is, he was seen on camera at the corner of 84th and Harrison. That is a major intersection. There is almost no pedestrian traffic there, so I really feel like someone would have seen him if he tried to cross the street. It would have stood out. That goes for anywhere along 84th, Harrison, Giles, or 72nd St. They're all busy and you'd almost have to cross at a corner... unless he crossed at night. If he was just wandering down the street, someone would have seen him... even at night. If he went through a neighborhood, someone would have seen him or have video of him. People have cameras and those Ring things. There's no way he would've been able to just disappear like he did.

I don't want to say it, and I'm sure LE has thought of it (and probably checked), but I really hope he didn't hide in a dumpster.

I was looking at the map from where the school is to where he was last seen. I see there is a Little Caesars there, any chance he’s as obsessed with Little Caesars as my guy? Because if my kid had $5 with him, he’d be heading there. I haven’t seen much information on this kiddo. Where did he live? Did he have a phone? Credit card? Debit card? Not that my son is great about answering texts, calls, etc but I can trace him with it.

I just want this boy found.
This is a total wild card thought here but... any chance this guy is a baseball fan? I believe Omaha has a minor league team that has a pretty snazzy (relatively) new stadium just a few miles west of where he was last seen. I am sure there are SOOO many places he could have been heading that it really is just impossible to investigate them all without the publics help. ...but that leaves me wondering why there hasn't been a louder plea FOR the public's help. (Unless there has been & I just haven't realized it?)
I was looking at the map from where the school is to where he was last seen. I see there is a Little Caesars there, any chance he’s as obsessed with Little Caesars as my guy? Because if my kid had $5 with him, he’d be heading there. I haven’t seen much information on this kiddo. Where did he live? Did he have a phone? Credit card? Debit card? Not that my son is great about answering texts, calls, etc but I can trace him with it.

I just want this boy found.

When my son learned how to ride his bike, he made a map of all the places he wanted to go. That Little Caesars was the first place he wanted to go :) Still though, he would've had to cross Harrison to get there, and I just don't think there's a way he could have done so without someone noticing. Unless there are tunnels under the street... hmmm... I may have to investigate that this afternoon... now I'm curious.

He lives in the apartment complex right there at that intersection. Southfield Apartments.
I am sure there are SOOO many places he could have been heading that it really is just impossible to investigate them all without the publics help. ...but that leaves me wondering why there hasn't been a louder plea FOR the public's help. (Unless there has been & I just haven't realized it?)


That's the thing, there really hasn't been. Even in the first days, I saw so many people online on SM on the 17th and 18th looking for info on volunteering to search and no one had any idea. It always ended up being a thing where you had to hear from someone who heard from someone that they were meeting at wherever at whatever time. That lasted about 3 days and then LE specifically said they don't need more help. I don't have any idea if volunteers have searched since then, which is so strange.

So not even a louder plea for help... ANY plea for help. LE has thanked the public for their help, but that's the extent of it.
'Somebody knows something': On Ryan Larsen's 12th birthday, police say they're investigating sex offenders

"We've expanded radius of looking into sex offenders that live in the area on the Douglas County. And so, we're, we're diving deeper into the history of some of our sex offenders, where they were," he said.
"It's like he was there, and he's gone. But somebody knows something, somebody has to know where he went, had to see him. Somebody needs to come forward," Lausten said.

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