Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 - #3

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I wonder if they will hold court on Friday, or take it off for a long weekend?
Do we know if the 3rd woman is KB?
The one who trades her car with his car is KB I think.
Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
Woman #3

Prosecutors asked what she brought up to the stand.

The woman She replied that she had a mechanical eraser to mess with...she said she was really nervous to be questioned today.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
The woman said met Boswell on Tinder in October 2017. She said she reached out to Boswell first. Boswell went by another fake name.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
Boswell told the witness Trail had bad arthritis and needed to give him massages and oral sex to feel better.

She said she didn’t want to but said she would try it.

“I didn’t like it but they were a package deal, so I had to go with it.”

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
NOV. 1 Boswell drove herself and the witness to a Ameristar Casino in Omaha.

The two gambled and went to dinner - all paid by Trail.

Trail was upstairs in the hotel room waiting for them to come back afterwards.

“I don’t like people just giving me money; money isn’t free.”

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
The witness said she was nervous to go back to the hotel where Trail was.

She said it started with a massage for Trail, then she took a shower with Boswell.

She said she gave Trail oral and then had sex with Boswell. Trail stayed on the bed while Boswell and her had sex.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
She said the three checked out November 3rd.

After the casino, Boswell and Trail wanted to take her back to Wilber.

Nov. 3rd-6th, she stayed at Boswell/Trail. She left the 6th because her mom was worried about her being with strangers. Boswell paid her $150.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
The witness goes on to talk about other types of punishments she went through with Boswell/Trail.

She said she had a safe word - “ocean”.

She was doubtful saying the word would have helped during her punishments.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
. “She got off on the pain”

The witness talked about Boswell wanting the women she had sex with to scream/yell in pain so she could orgasm faster.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
Between Nov. 8th-14th, the witness remembers Trail yelling at her for wasting his money and Boswell’s time for not devoting all of her time to Boswell.

She said she still loved her family and cat so she didn’t want to give that up.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
The witness goes on to describe more arguments she had between Trail/Boswell.

The two wanted her to quit her job so she could dedicate all of her time to them.

She said she wanted to quit in the right way by putting in her two weeks.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
For her punishments, Boswell would have sex with the witness with a strap on.

She said she was a criminal justice major and studied the renaissance era.

She remembered torture techniques from a project - she used those them for Boswell to get off faster/stop the pain.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
The witness said at one point she offered to try role playing.

She wanted to be a cat so Boswell got her a collar and leash.

It was her way of having a dominant and submissive relationship.

If she was in trouble, Boswell made her crawl on her hands/knees.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
. This is where the dates get a little fumbled stay with me here:

. The witness said on Nov. 17th, after breakfast, Boswell pulled her aside in the casino.

Boswell asked if she remembered the “soccer girl”.

Boswell said she wanted to kill her and needed her help.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
She said she woke up on the 18th and Trail wanted his car taken to Walmart near the hotel.

Her and Boswell drove Trail’s car - parked it there.

The two took a taxi back to the hotel.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
Nov. 19, Trail told the witness she didn’t need to worry about killing the soccer girl anymore.

Trail told her that she had “already proven herself to the group.”

Boswell/Trail and the witness checked out on Sunday the 19th.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
. After checking out, the two told the witness they needed her help for a cocaine trip to Grand Island.

“I don’t know why they were so adamant about using my car.”

Trail said they would get the cocaine that was going to be and dropped out of the sky by plane.

Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
. “The plan didn’t make any sense to me,” said the witness.

-- We're getting more details after this break, I'll be back with more shortly. --
Cat girl is KB I think. The witnesses have selective memories and I do not think they seem particularly reliable. Is Boswell going to be called as a witness or is that not possible?
The one who trades her car with his car is KB I think.

Cat girl is KB I think. The witnesses have selective memories and I do not think they seem particularly reliable. Is Boswell going to be called as a witness or is that not possible?

JMO, I don't think BB can be called to testify as a witness. Her case has not yet been adjudicated and she's facing the same charges for the same crime as AT.

That said, JMO, AT's case will have been adjudicated when BB is on trial and it might be possible that he can testify at BB's trial. I say this because Charles Starkweather (NE case) was convicted and sentenced to death in the late 50's for a murder spree, and he testified against his gf, Caril Fugate at her trial. She was also convicted.
Why do witnesses 2 and 3 have gaps in their memories? Is it the drugs, or were they scared for their lives and the lives of their familes. Are these two the two women who Trail says were involved with him and Sydney ? They have not been charged so what is the real story. Was it just Boswell and Trail? The neighbours heard no yelling or screaming after all. I don't know what to make of it. None of them are reliable testimonies IMO.
The neighbours heard no yelling or screaming after all. I don't know what to make of it. None of them are reliable testimonies IMO.[/QUOTE]

It is odd that the neighbors sharing adjoining walls heard nothing... it made me wonder if Syd was drugged. In a way, that would be a blessing as she may not have completely known/felt what was happening to her :( However, with all the talk about “torture” turning people on sexually, it makes me fearful (and sickened) to think she may have been tortured by these monsters :(

Or are the neighbors telling the truth? So far some of the witnesses memories seems pretty sketchy.
A little clarification in regards to reporters using witness names
Jenna Liston FOX42 on Twitter
It was up in the air. The media was told not to record any audio or video but there was nothing set in stone about names.

After today's witness who said she had to take sleeping pills to get through the night, the judge decided to ban all witness' names who can't be recorded.
Another reporters take on the judge disallowing names to be disclosed of these certain witnesses. At least one other reporter retweeted as well. It is what it is, but does make me wonder why they are getting the added protection when others who are also implicating AT & BB arent.
Paul Hammel on Twitter
Never been told not to reveal the names of people identified in open court in front of 100 other people. Does this mean the judge will punish non media types who publish the names on social media? Lots of implications here
Three witnesses talk about Trail giving them allowances, Boswell's 'kill bag'
Three witnesses talk about Trail giving them allowances, Boswell's 'kill bag'
The three women had similar stories. All in their 20s and drawn in after matching with Bailey Boswell on Tinder, though she went by other names on the app, like Kelsie and Jenna.
But in the end, when she was supposed to kill another girl in the group, A.G., she didn’t want to do it. She didn’t want to steal for Trail and Boswell, either, she said.

While A.H. said she believed what they said about special powers and flying and reading minds, the other two women were more skeptical. A.G., who since has moved out of state, said she didn’t believe it when Trail claimed to be a vampire and showed her how he could hypnotize Boswell, who she knew as Jenna.
A.G. said she didn’t see them do anything like that, but Boswell and Trail talked about having to kill for sacrifices.
A.G. said she was supposed to do a cocaine run with them on Nov. 18, 2017, in exchange for $15,000. When she didn’t hear from them, she was OK with it. She’d been trying to distance herself from them but wanted to keep things on good terms. She said they'd hinted it would be easy to target her.

She said she brought them an apple cake at her last visit, which at first she said was Nov. 16, the day Loofe’s remains were dismembered and dumped in rural Clay County. She later said she was mixed up on dates. It must have been a couple of weeks sooner.

“So you weren’t involved in the killing or dismembering of Sydney Loofe?” Assistant Attorney General Mike Guinan asked her.

No, A.G. answered

K.B. said Trail had told her if she ever stole from him he’d kill her and her whole family. It scared her, but she didn’t think much of it at the time, she said. People say stupid things.

She said she was in a dominant-submissive relationship with Boswell and sometimes wore a pink collar and leash Boswell bought her. She said Boswell got off on talk of torture and once asked her if she would kill for her. K.B. said she told her no.

When Boswell and Trail picked her up Nov. 17, 2017, to go to the casino in Council Bluffs they seemed quieter, tense even. She said she agreed to go to Grand Island with them, on a cocaine run that would mean $25,000 for her.

But by Nov. 21, 2017, Trail hadn’t found the drugs, which he said were supposed to be dropped from a plane, so they decided to go to Kearney. Boswell wanted to find someone to torture and kill, K.B. said.

It was Thanksgiving break and they figured it would be easier to find someone who wouldn’t be missed, she said. They checked into a hotel there on Nov. 22, but then K.B. got a voicemail from a Lincoln police officer on her cellphone.

"I was for the first time super scared and showed it,” she said.

The three split town right away. When K.B. found out she had been reported missing in Omaha, she called to say she was fine. She went home the next day.

When Murray asked her if she had any idea how that pink leash ended up out at the scene where Loofe’s body was found, she said she didn’t know.

“Is it possible that you helped dispose of a body?” he asked K.B.

“I don’t know,” she answered.

There were chunks of a day later the week of Loofe’s disappearance that she can’t remember.
Until meeting with prosecutors recently, K.B. said, she thought she might have been there and repressed the memory.

I feel like KB possibly repressing or SELECTIVELY FORGETTING the memory is quite convenient for her. I think my eyes rolled right out of my head. JMO
“A.H. spoke of Boswell having a "kill bag,” a hammer and pliers inside, and joyfully talking about wanting to pull off people’s fingernails and cut off their eyelids as she tortured them....
A.H. admitted she was OK with killing someone, even excited about the idea, and actually wanted to kill a woman she’d seen at a Walmart in Beatrice, who had met Boswell on Tinder, too....
“So you wanted all this stuff, the torture, the killing, the breathing in the steam?” Murray asked A.H.

She said she did.”
Three witnesses talk about Trail giving them allowances, Boswell's 'kill bag'
Home for the night, had a chance to read media reports above so will add my 2 cents worth. One reporter indicated BB wanted the last witness to help her kill soccer girl. Acoustics in courtroom are poor but I think BB wanted “stalker” girl killed Bb had said this girl would not leave her alone and constantly text her. When last witness was shown picture of “stalker” girl it was a picture of the 2nd girl who testified. Witness #1 had also testified that BB and AT had discussed killing this person
IMO witness #1 was the most graphic and out there of the 3. Witness number 2 made several statements on her deposition that she directly contradicted while on the stand
One being she said in deposition taken 12/24/2018 that the last time she was physically in Wilber was 11/16/2017 but on stand said it was early November when she had already severed her ties with BB and AT but was still texting them and heard AT was depressed o she took him a cake. When ? About the date of 11/16 she said it was only a text-not a physical contact
Witness #3 was coolest and calmest of the 3
She truly wanted her sub don relationship with Bb and would do whatever to keep it
She also agreed to along with BB to find 2 people to kill because AT wanted to watch someone be tortured and killed. Fortunately LPD called this witness before it started
This witness has a memory block of the 18th of November. No recollection of the day but ended up with scratches and cuts on her legs
When you think it can’t get any weirder it does
Taking tomorrow off. My brain needs a rest
The neighbours heard no yelling or screaming after all. I don't know what to make of it. None of them are reliable testimonies IMO.

It is odd that the neighbors sharing adjoining walls heard nothing... it made me wonder if Syd was drugged. In a way, that would be a blessing as she may not have completely known/felt what was happening to her :( However, with all the talk about “torture” turning people on sexually, it makes me fearful (and sickened) to think she may have been tortured by these monsters :(

Or are the neighbors telling the truth? So far some of the witnesses memories seems pretty sketchy.

I would imagine that Sydney was probably gagged or had Duct Tape over her mouth. It's possible that she was drugged as well. From what I've been reading on this case, I would say it's safe to imagine that this poor girl was indeed tortured -most likely for a long period of time- and died a horrendous death.
Home for the night, had a chance to read media reports above so will add my 2 cents worth. One reporter indicated BB wanted the last witness to help her kill soccer girl. Acoustics in courtroom are poor but I think BB wanted “stalker” girl killed Bb had said this girl would not leave her alone and constantly text her. When last witness was shown picture of “stalker” girl it was a picture of the 2nd girl who testified. Witness #1 had also testified that BB and AT had discussed killing this person
IMO witness #1 was the most graphic and out there of the 3. Witness number 2 made several statements on her deposition that she directly contradicted while on the stand
One being she said in deposition taken 12/24/2018 that the last time she was physically in Wilber was 11/16/2017 but on stand said it was early November when she had already severed her ties with BB and AT but was still texting them and heard AT was depressed o she took him a cake. When ? About the date of 11/16 she said it was only a text-not a physical contact
Witness #3 was coolest and calmest of the 3
She truly wanted her sub don relationship with Bb and would do whatever to keep it
She also agreed to along with BB to find 2 people to kill because AT wanted to watch someone be tortured and killed. Fortunately LPD called this witness before it started
This witness has a memory block of the 18th of November. No recollection of the day but ended up with scratches and cuts on her legs
When you think it can’t get any weirder it does
Taking tomorrow off. My brain needs a rest
Wait a second - W#2 was a target for murder? Does she know that?

Wait a second - W#2 was a target for murder? Does she know that?

Correct. She was the one that was too nice and didn’t have enough evil in her. Per witness #1 plans were to take her to PA and kill her along way. Witness # 3 had never met either of the other 2 girls
Crazier by the minute
Did she know- I don’t think so
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