NEW NEPAL - Zisimos Souflas, Mount Everest region, 24 April 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
No, there was no conversation to ST from ZS on 27th. We only know about the phone call because ZS phone had ST number in the dialled numbers, with the date 27th April. After getting a print out from the phone company we found out that the call never connected (it wasn't on the sheet) and ST didn't speak to ZS nor did he have a 'missed call' from him.
Just in case this hasn't been clarified, the last evidence we have of Zisimos is an email he sent to the Ford volunteer project to ask for his money back as he wasn't happy with the project and was hoping for something a bit more spiritual (he was just painting the monastery). That was on 24th April.

That ZS felt disappointed in Ford Nepal, the non-religious org that builds Buddhist monasteries in a predominantly non-Buddhist country, is perfectly understandable.

Also, charging people money to volunteer isn't fair. However, since his career ambition was to get involved with international aid, to quarrel with his former "employer" over what was probably a relatively small sum would be contrary to his business interests. Add the fact that Namche Bazaar is a fascinating locale; surely the matter of Ford fees could have waited until he returned home; unless someone were pressuring him to call in any money owed to him. For example, maybe some group or person knew that Ford customarily returns the money of volunteers who complain about their experience. Maybe this person or group was pressuring ZS to donate money; for example, a cult might require tuition for meditation classes, or perhaps some other type of group might demand money.

The question that you may need to ask yourself is whether the email to Ford seems consistent in tone and content with ZS's character.

Also, was he a Buddhist? Since Ford Nepal has been criticized for pushing Buddhism, to write and complain that they aren't spiritual enough seems ironic. On the other hand, if ZS were a very serious Buddhist, he might follow their tradition of accepting menial tasks as a type of prayer.
The email to Ford Nepal does seem within character for Zis, he was quite shrewd with his mony and if he felt ripped off, he wouldn't leave it. I can't help but wonder where he sent the email from, we still haven't managed to pinpoint ZS last location.

He wasn't Buddhist but he was certainly interested in the religion. If he has gone off to a monastery, why would he not tell his family?

I've been speaking to a Russian man about his missing friend Igor Dashkin who went missing in Namche on 24/02/12. Although the case doesn't seem particularly similar. How many more people are still missing?

From the above link:

Disappearances in Tunnel --

He got lost in Nepal
[by Angeliki Nikolouli]

Greek-English Zisimos Souflas 27 year old traces lost at Nepal lost on April 24th.

The young man traveled from England to Nepal in mid-February 2012 to attend the wedding of a friend, son of former Prime Minister of Nepal, Kathmandu. After the marriage, he remained there to "explore" the country.

One day prior he contacted his mother [April 23, 2012], telling her that he will return to England on May 14th. The next day, he left the hotel [April 24, 2012] where he was staying in the village Namke taking only his passport.

In July, the family received a call from the town of Pago Myanmar, which is headquarters of Buddhists, but does not know if it is related to the missing person.

His family fears for his life. His height is 1.85.

We have two pieces of evidence that ZS did not have plans to deliberately disappear as of April 24, 2012:

1. the email to Ford Nepal requesting return of volunteering fees;
2. the email to his mother (if the above source is correct).

Previous disappearances in Nepal have had political overtones; but since ZS had only been in Namche Bazaar at most one night, and since this town's successful economy has been built on foreign tourism going back several decades, politics seemed an unlikely motivation to abduct or harm ZS. However, if ZS were close friends with the family of a former Prime Minister, possibly politics is a factor.

Goenka Vipassana (GV) has a branch in Pago Myanmar:

Although Goenka himself is an ethnic Indian; he was born and raised in Myanmar (also known as Burma).


In Vipassana, Mr. Goenka found the way out of his miseries experienced in his early life. Born in Mandalay, Myanmar, in a business family of Indian origin, he became one of Myanmar's ranking business leaders, with offices in many countries. By age 30, he was elected president of the Yangon (formerly Rangoon) Chamber of Commerce and head of many social, educational and cultural organizations.

Mr. Goenka had outstanding success, but not inner peace. Instead, stress brought on crippling migraine headaches, which the world's best doctors were helpless to treat, except with addictive and debilitating drugs. Besides, Mr. Goenka said, he was a very short-tempered, egoistic, person making himself and others around him miserable.

It was at this point that Mr. Goenka met and was inspired by a unique personality in post-war Myanmar: Sayagyi U Ba Khin, the first Accountant-General of independent Myanmar. U Ba Khin also taught Vipassana and worked to spread its practice in public life.

Could ZS have been coerced into joining GV subsequently to April 24, 2012? The meditation group may have invited him to attend a 3-day session in a mountain retreat at high elevation. They would have advised him to hike up to Namche Bazaar for acclimatization purposes, then perhaps they would have provided a helicopter ride to the retreat.

ZS likely would have expected to be back in Namche on the 27th April, but possibly the helicopter never returned, leaving him stranded in the wilderness with the group.

One suggestion might be to try contacting helicopter pilots who work in the Himalayas. If GV runs a compound in Rolwaling, they would likely notice the traffic, as well as the design and make of the helicopters.

GV seems to be politically connected. Many countries including the US have used their 10-day class in prisons; easy government money for the group.

How do they get those connections? Perhaps they bluebug all the electronics of the 10-day students, and monitor conversations to discover which students have ties to people with political or business influence. And, then, just as other cults do, they follow those particular individuals, and try to persuade them, or even coerce them into joining or supporting their group.

My guess would be that ZS himself made the call from Myanmar.
Maybe a private investigator could persuade a group of college student volunteers to help out; he could first create the appearance that they have important social, political or business connections, and send them into these 10-day sessions to observe. They wouldn't have to stay the whole 10 days; many students walk out early. Maybe their cell phones & laptops could be engineered before-hand to register any tampering by GV.

Also, my suspicion is that GV puts substances into the food; which may explain why 10-day session students are not allowed to leave after the ninth day, but are required to stay the extra tenth (non-meditation) day. GV wants to be sure that the substance is not detectible by blood test. By the way, the substance would not necessarily have to be an illegal drug: many plant substances act the same way as cannabis or psilocybin, but they are technically not illegal, since they are not well-known enough to have a history of abuse. The volunteers could obtain food samples for laboratory analysis.
Goenka Vipassana is deliberately organized in such a manner that each of their facilities in their various locations is considered separate and independently-managed. If there were sufficient grounds however, GV could be possibly be prosecuted under the US Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act.


Felonies which could possibly be considered within this context are assault (substances added to provided food without consent), tax evasion (not behaving as public charity), wire-tapping without permission, money-laundering, drug trafficking, abduction, kidnap, emotional and/or physical coercion or abuse (see testimony of former meditation students on YouTube), and not cooperating with a criminal investigation.
I'm wondering if the same men that have been arrested recently in Nepal for the death of missing Colorado grad student Aubrey Sacco could also be responsible for the disappearance of Zisimos, since apparently many of them are involved in the tourism business.

Link to article about the arrests:

Aubrey's thread: NEPAL - Aubrey Sacco, 23, Langtang, 20 April 2010 - Missing on trek **ARREST** - Page 6 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Effective measures sought for trekkers’ safety

Though it is more than two years since 29-year-old British national Zisimos Souflas went missing from Namche Bazaar, his whereabouts still remains a mystery.

Police personnel, locals and Souflas’ relatives carried out a massive search operation but the effort went in vain.


His relatives regularly visit Nepal with hopes to trace his whereabouts, chances of finding him alive have become very slim, authorities say.
Is my brother dead or alive?

The sister of a man from Sheffield, who went missing over two years ago, says she fears her family will never have the answers they so desperately need.


His mum Pauline echoes official advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office that warns trekkers not to set off alone in Nepal.

She says, “We may never know what happened to my son. But please, whatever you do, don’t trek alone. It’s too dangerous.”

For more information, see: and

Family of missing Sheffield trekker ‘living in limbo’ on third anniversary of his disappearance
Friday 24 April 2015
The mother of a Sheffield man who vanished while on a solo trek in Nepal has spoken of her heartbreak on the third anniversary of his disappearance.
There are several theories about what happened to Zisimos. He may have fallen ill while trekking if he did not complete the acclimatisation needed before climbing at high altitude. Another theory is he may have joined a Buddhist retreat.
Pauline added: “We are still living in limbo. We are no nearer to knowing what happened.


Family of St Andrews student missing in Nepal still hold out hope of closure​

Sophie Souflas is determined to keep her brother Zisimos in the public’s eye, despite it being almost nine years since the 27-year-old vanished in the foothills of the Himalayas.

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