Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #2

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Watching the NG show. She just stated that Steven is now blaming his brothers and that the brother's smeared Teresa's blood in 6 places in his car. This was in a court filing after conviction. Anyone ever heard Teresa's blood was in Steven's car? I haven't.

Thanks I'll watch NG later
For anyone interested, here is Brendan talking about Teresa being tied up and introducing the rope:

2/27 interview pg 458
W: I also heard that he told you how he did it, that's true isn't it?
B: Yeah
W: Tell me what he told you
W: What did he tell you he did in the jeep?
B: That he tied her up and stabbed her

pg 459
W: Did he say anything about shooting her? Tell me again how he killed her
B: He said he tied her up and stabbed her

pg 471
W: And you told me before that he said he did something else to her, you said he tied her up and he stabbed her in the truck. Is that right?
B: Yeah
W: Do you wanna add that to your statement? OK
F: What did he use to tie her up with, did he say?
B: Rope
F: Rope
W: Did he say anything about duct tape?
B: ...........
W: No (answers question himself)

Like most of the information Brendan gives, it's very likely he's guessing and using cues from the investigators to come up with the info he thinks they want. I think it's reasonable to assume most people would guess if someone is tied up, it's done with rope- that's the answer I would have given. The investigators get him to bring up the leg irons by bringing it up themselves in later interviews.
Watching the NG show. She just stated that Steven is now blaming his brothers and that the brother's smeared Teresa's blood in 6 places in his car. This was in a court filing after conviction. Anyone ever heard Teresa's blood was in Steven's car? I haven't.

Is she talking about his appellate documents? Those are online, I know he does list CA and EA as suspects (along w. ST and BD- Brendan's brother)
TMZ reported that Wisconsin native Steven Avery, 53, who was convicted of murdering photographer Teresa Halbach in 2005, filed papers in 2009 that his brothers Earl and Charles were behind the killing.

We discussed this earlier. This is being blown out of proportion. The brothers were listed in a court document filed by his attorneys in 2009 in an attempt to get a new trial. They are making it sound like he's given some interview from jail and now accused his brothers of this crime. We don't know if this came from SA or if they were listing any and all potential other suspects. The court document lists previous crimes and run-ins the brothers have had with LE. This was originally aired on TMZ which is known for exaggerating information.
It really is all in wording. As I said, there could be any number of reasons an officer could run a plate. For example, what if he had 5 license plate numbers written down in a notebook and one of them was Teresa's. They could be all missing vehicles, or missing person's last seen in these vehicles, etc. He wants to try to commit to memory better what Teresa's is. He thinks it is a certain plate number but not positive. So, he asks the dispatcher to run that plate. A police officer doesn't have to be standing in front of a vehicle to run the plate.
I'll give it that the investigation was shoddy at best but the evidence is overwhelming IMO that he kidnapped, brutally raped and tortured, murdered, dismembered and disposed this woman's body. There is no way in hell that LE could have secured her body parts and put them along with her phone and other belongings with steel-belted tires into a burn barrel and burned it twenty feet from his back door without him knowing about it. There are witnesses who saw him burning things in the burn barrel. Tires burning put out a thick black fire. How can that be explained? In order for all the evidence, blood, sweat, phone calls, her trip out to the junk yard, her car hidden, plus dozens of other evidence to be planted you would have to have the "perfect storm" along with a all planets lined up in a perfect line, a purple moon, hell two purple moons, snow storm in July in Miami, you name it, would have to happen.

Some of you say that 'he doesn't look like a murderer',well to me he, with his total lack of facial expression and total lack of any empathy for the victim appears to be just what he is, IMO, a 'cold-blooded' psychopath. He drew sketches of his "torture chamber" he wanted to build when he got out of prison so that he could torture women. Think about how he must have hated women because a 'woman' had put him in prison for 18 years for a crime he did not commit. That is called 'motive'. He chose her and he lured her out to his home and she was never seen again. Her car was hidden among the junk cars and his sweat was under the hood on the latch. His blood in her car. There is actually so much evidence it would take a while to type it out. jmo

I completely agree with you. There is just no way that all this could have been accomplished by anyone other than SA. It's so obvious to me that he is guilty. I guess people just get overwhelmed by straw man arguments and get confused...I just don't get it.
Mention of rope/leg irons in 3/1 interview (the confession):

pg 550-551
F: What did you see and what did he tell you
B: He showed me the knife and the rope
W: Was she tied up already? Or did you help him do that?
B: She was tied up already
F: Where? Tell me how she was tied up
B: Like the rope was right here around her body
F: Are you sure?
B: (Nods yes)

pg 558-559
W: Was she tied up?
B: Yeah
F: Describe that again how she was tied up, and make it easy on yourself, just tell us the truth the first time
W: The hard part's over
B: That it was like wrapped around her like three, four times
W: Wrapped around where? Show us where on your body
B: Like, like right here
W: Ok. What about her feet?
B: Yeah
W: Yeah, what?
B: They were tied up
W: What were they tied up with?
B: Rope
W: What kind of rope?
B: Like, ah, like that round
W: Something you'd use for clothesline? That kind of thing?
B: Yeah
W: What color was it
B: Like white and blue
F: What about her hands?
B: I don't remember

pg 566-567
W: Was she alive?
B: Well she was handcuffed to the thing
W: She was handcuffed to what?
B: The bed
W: What was handcuffed? Her hands or her legs or both?
B: Both
W: And what were they handcuffed to?
B: Like the hand like there is round poles on each side
F: Of his bed? And you, your, your getting there OK. Let's back up again and did you get the mail
B: Yeah

pg 573
F: Describe gain, were you accurate when you described how she was on the bed, how is she attached, where is she, tell us that and be truthful again
B: That she was chained up to the bed and she's faced up
F: Face up, no clothes on
B: No
W: What do you mean she's chained up, explain that
B: Like some handcuffs
W: Where are the handcuffs? On her arms or on her legs, or where?
B: Both
F: Do you remember the color of the handcuffs? And the leg irons?
B: (shakes head no) Like regular ones
F: Which would be what color?
B: Silver
I agree with you. This was in 2009 and some are discussing as though it is recent.

But I am concerned about NG stating that there were 6 places of blood smear in Steven's car which Steven said were placed there by his brothers. I have not heard there was any blood in Steven's vehicle and am looking to find if there is confirmation of this. It's inflammatory if not true.
I agree with you. This was in 2009 and some are discussing as though it is recent.

But I am concerned about NG stating that there were 6 places of blood smear in Steven's car which Steven said were placed there by his brothers. I have not heard there was any blood in Steven's vehicle and am looking to find if there is confirmation of this. It's inflammatory if not true.

To be fair, NG is known to be somewhat inflammatory. How Casey Anthony managed to get a not guilty verdict w. her round the clock witch hunt is beyond me- it really shows some jurors are able to put the media storm aside and rule on the evidence. I will try and look through the documents that she is referencing and see if there is any talk of blood smears mentioned in those documents.
Watching the NG show. She just stated that Steven is now blaming his brothers and that the brother's smeared Teresa's blood in 6 places in his car. This was in a court filing after conviction. Anyone ever heard Teresa's blood was in Steven's car? I haven't.

Brothers , plural ? He's only got the 2 brothers, correct ? TIA
I agree with you. This was in 2009 and some are discussing as though it is recent.

But I am concerned about NG stating that there were 6 places of blood smear in Steven's car which Steven said were placed there by his brothers. I have not heard there was any blood in Steven's vehicle and am looking to find if there is confirmation of this. It's inflammatory if not true.

I've noted NG to get many facts wrong over the years. I wouldn't put too much stock in her. I've never heard anything about blood in SA's car. I think she's just got her facts wrong, as she often does.
I'll give it that the investigation was shoddy at best but the evidence is overwhelming IMO that he kidnapped, brutally raped and tortured, murdered, dismembered and disposed this woman's body. There is no way in hell that LE could have secured her body parts and put them along with her phone and other belongings with steel-belted tires into a burn barrel and burned it twenty feet from his back door without him knowing about it. There are witnesses who saw him burning things in the burn barrel. Tires burning put out a thick black fire. How can that be explained? In order for all the evidence, blood, sweat, phone calls, her trip out to the junk yard, her car hidden, plus dozens of other evidence to be planted you would have to have the "perfect storm" along with a all planets lined up in a perfect line, a purple moon, hell two purple moons, snow storm in July in Miami, you name it, would have to happen.

Some of you say that 'he doesn't look like a murderer',well to me he, with his total lack of facial expression and total lack of any empathy for the victim appears to be just what he is, IMO, a 'cold-blooded' psychopath. He drew sketches of his "torture chamber" he wanted to build when he got out of prison so that he could torture women. Think about how he must have hated women because a 'woman' had put him in prison for 18 years for a crime he did not commit. That is called 'motive'. He chose her and he lured her out to his home and she was never seen again. Her car was hidden among the junk cars and his sweat was under the hood on the latch. His blood in her car. There is actually so much evidence it would take a while to type it out. jmo

I don't think there is any evidence of rape and torture w.o Brendan's confession. That doesn't mean it didn't happen (personally, I think rape was the motive, but I don't think that makes Steven the prime suspect, and I don't think there is any evidence of it) but Avery was not tried for rape, and he was found not guilty on the charge of mutilation of a corpse. Steven was not the only person who knew Teresa was at the junkyard (in fact, CA was supposedly asking if she ever showed up) and there were other potential suspects on that property who should have been thoroughly investigated and looked at as suspects- they had both motive and opportunity, as well as access to the crime scene.

One thing I am certain of is that Teresa was NOT raped, tortured, or killed in Steven's trailer or garage. There is no way all the trace evidence of that would have been cleaned up, especially in the trailer. The "confession" of kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder told to investigators by Brendan did not happen. Period. If it had, you can bet they would have used it against Avery.
Professor Plum, Candlestick, Library !
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