Found Deceased Netherlands - Anne Faber, 25, Utrecht, 28 Sept 2017 *Arrest*

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Weglopen blijkt hardnekkig probleem in Den Dolder

Escaping appears to be a persistent problem in Den Dolder

The Hague - At the much-discussed mental health care clinics in The Dolder, it has happened thirty times in the past three months that a patient did not return, or did so too late, after his or her leave.

This emerges from figures that De Telegraaf requested from the Ministry of Justice and Security. This is the first time that it has become clear how often patients there are staying away without authorisation. VVD, PVV and PvdA are worried and demand clarification from Minister Dekker (Legal Protection).

Treatment centre Wier and the Forensic Psychiatric Department (FPA) in Den Dolder have been under a magnifying glass for some time after incidents. For example, during his stay at the FPA in Den Dolder in 2017 Michael P. was given a lot of freedom, which enabled him to kill Anne Faber.

In the spring, patient Peter M. disappeared after a leave of absence. According to his family he was very dangerous. There is a great deal of unrest in the area. Since the beginning of June, Fivoor's institutions are obliged to report daily to the Ministry of Justice and Security about patients who do not stick to the agreed leave period.

From these data it appears that one third of the offenders have been placed in Den Dolder because of a punishment. The other patients who did not return or returned too late were treated there without a criminal title. One of the missing patients has still not been found. The patient disappeared on 27 August after unaccompanied leave.

According to a spokeswoman for Fivoor, it is difficult to say how long the other patients have stayed away. "It all depends on the individual case. We look at each patient when we report it to the police and the ministry, sometimes after half an hour and sometimes after a day." Fivoor has no evidence that the permit-breakers have been involved in incidents in the past three months, she says. "In addition, they were mainly low-risk patients, and two medium-risk patients."

The majority of these are unique cases, on a patient population of approximately 150 in Den Dolder. "These numbers do not frighten us, they are also part of it. We make a careful risk analysis beforehand," according to the Fivoor spokeswoman.

Nevertheless, information about these 30 missed patients was not only passed on to the department, but also to the police and the municipality. The spokeswoman is unaware of how the number relates to other institutions. "It is difficult to get good figures on this."

VVD Member of Parliament Van Wijngaarden: "These numbers are huge and that worries me." PVV Member of Parliament Markuszower even thinks that the minister is complicit when 'life-threatening tbs'ers go wrong'. "Dekker now knows it's all wrong and does nothing. He himself is now the greatest danger."

According to PvdA Member of Parliament Kuiken, the figures show that it is not about incidents 'but that the people treated there are structurally too easily able to evade supervision'. "That's disturbing."

Minister Dekker does not want to respond. His spokeswoman does report that talks are being held with Fivoor about ways to keep the number of runaways as low as possible.

They don't do ankle monitors in the Netherlands?
Politie: ontsnapte tbs’er Van E. is opgepakt

The tbs'er who escaped from the Nijmegen Pompe clinic on Thursday afternoon during a supervised leave, is the Barneveld child molester Harry van E. UPDATE: He was arrested by the police in Rilland, Zeeland, on Friday.

When he was last convicted, the judge stated that he was becoming 'ever more cunning' and therefore more dangerous, especially for young girls. The police are on a manhunt to catch the man, and have shared several photos.

Van E. took off yesterday around 3.10 p.m. during a supervised cycling trip in the outskirts of Malden. He cycled away on a black mountain bike, the police reported in the afternoon.
A little later the message came that he had been captured.

A psychologist and a psychiatrist concluded that Van E. was less accountable because of his disorders. The court sentenced him to two years in prison and to two years of compulsory tbs. The court ruled that the risk of recidivism is high.


"He left his practitioners under the illusion that the therapy was successful," the Arnhem judge wrote, "and that the fantasies had stopped. By doing so, the defendant deliberately misled the counsellors. Although the suspect was apparently open-minded, things happened in his head that could not bear the light of day." According to the court, "coercive care offers the most security to society." According to the court, this is the only way that safety is ensured 'to the maximum'.


Safety had to be ensured to the max, yet somehow this man was able to simply cycle away.

‘Mijn dochter Anne ging door een hel’ | Nederlands Dagblad

"My daughter Anne went through hell"

Almost two weeks after Anne Faber went missing, her body was found. She was found violently raped and killed by Michael P.

Wim Faber seems to avoid mentioning that name as much as possible. He puts a pot of tea on the dining table. In the house in Arnhem works of art, by his own hand, are displayed. Cubes are stacked under a Plexiglas roof, in different materials and colours. A hue that stands out is bright pink. Anne gave him the pigment powder for that colour, for his birthday. "She had read about it: it is the most intense pink, by the British artist Stuart Semple. He made it in response to Anish Kapoor, who has a monopoly on the blackest black."

Since the murder of his daughter, the art teacher hardly produces any works anymore.

What was it like that so many people felt involved in Anne's disappearance?

"I experienced that indirectly when I turned on the television or read the newspapers occasionally. Yeah, you know, I just thought it was right. It was about Anne... I probably would have thought it very strange if everyone had shrugged their shoulders." In the silences in Faber's speech, the sounds of birds are heard from the garden.
"The fact that there were always new developments during the search, of course, contributed to all the attention. First her coat was found, then that bicycle in a pond. More and more people searched along, the army joined in."

Mourning is what Faber calls awkward. "The awareness has barely penetrated. So I'm taking into account that my situation is actually only getting worse."

In the book Anne, Chronicle of a quest, his brother Hans Faber describes how Wim googles 'Anne Faber' for months immediately after getting up, not to miss a single news item. "Some subjects keep nagging in my head. Often I am triggered by something I read or hear. The only thing I can do then, is restlessly look again for where my dissatisfaction comes from. By immersing myself in the theme, entering into conversation with experts: Victim aid the Netherlands, lawyers, professors - you name it. I have often been confirmed in my reflections."

Faber, for example, criticized an earlier lawsuit in which P. was tried for the cruel rape of two underage girls. He also denounced the course of detention that followed. "A question that now concerns me: what is a just punishment? That is not a fixed fact, but determined by culture and time." In October he gave a TED Talk on the subject in Veghel.

You want to reconsider what we think is a normal punishment in the Netherlands?

"Yes. What seems unjust to me is that an offender should always keep a perspective on freedom. That means that a person can be sentenced to life imprisonment, but that after 25 years there is always a review to see whether an offender is eligible for release. That bothers me enormously.

It has to do with human rights. But they are aimed at the perpetrator; what happened to Anne is forgotten in those same rights. And there's no talk of retaliation."

Michael P. was sentenced to 28 years in jail and tbs with duress. Would you be sitting here any different if he literally disappeared behind bars for life?

"Absolutely. I find it incomprehensible that I can't be given that guarantee. Then all those questions wouldn't go through my head." Faber's staring out the window.

"And I'm playing in my mind with the idea that it would be fair to impose the death penalty. I catch myself shoving more and more in that direction. If people knew what horrible things happened, I think we'd be punishing more like in the United States."

In your brother's book you outline a dilemma: on the one hand this information is too horrible and personal to disclose or discuss with anyone at all, on the other hand it leaves society ignorant.

"By omitting these terrible details, an abstract, subdued image is created. In my opinion, it is a human tendency to think that perhaps it was not so bad. That may play a role in the views on punishment.

Professor Jan van Dijk - co-founder of Slachtofferhulp Nederland (Victim Support Netherlands) - also relates the way in which victims are looked at in our Christian culture. According to him Calvin was one of the first to call Christ 'victime': slaughter sacrifice, the Lamb of God. On the cross Jesus said: 'Forgive them, for they know not what they do. We should follow that example, according to those Christian values: forgive."

Do you feel like you've been pushed to forgive Michael P.?

Faber hesitates. "In a way, yes. If you have to give the perpetrator perspective on freedom, it's a form of forgiveness."

"I think that in criminal law, victims' opinions should be taken very seriously. They're seen as angry or sad, and therefore irrational. While they're the experts of experience. Just when you're talking about retaliation, in the realm of feeling, you can't ignore victims."

Have you been in contact with the previous victims that P. made?

"I spoke to one previous victim and her family. All people at that table during the meeting were damaged. By one and the same person. If you think about what that one person did and you offer him the perspective of freedom as a society, then that strikes me - I repeat myself - as unjust."

Is there anything in such misery that still offers comfort or hope?

Faber points to Consolation, which lies on a pile of other books. "Got it from the writer Hella van der Wijst, who announced the TED Talk speakers. I've read it and I can't find any consolation in it. In other people's stories, or fellow sufferers or something like that, no. I wouldn't know what comfort I can find in it. There are still too many questions that come to mind for that.

And hope... I have faith in some of the people around me. I feel connected.

But that Christian morality of hope and glory in another life, I can't imagine. The worst thing has happened, how can it be right?"

You don't think you'll ever see Anne again?

"I don't believe in anything. Not in reincarnation, heaven or... Let's just say I'm agnostic, that sounds a little more sympathetic."

So the last time you saw her...

"Yeah, that was the last time." Faber sighs deeply. "When she was actually unrecognizable. We were called in a hurry late at night to say goodbye."

Is that the image of Anne you remember, or is that another memory?

He remains silent foir a moment. "All sorts of images of Anne come up." After another silence: "Even now I can hardly talk about it ... They are images of those last moments of Anne. And I haven't been there, I know that. But when I think of September 29th, 2017, from quarter past seven to ten o'clock, that's just... hell."

At Wim Faber's request, detectives showed him the route that Michael P. and Anne must have taken. He read the police report including a list of all the injuries and decided to go inside the morgue a second time to take a close look at everything.

You were looking for answers, but most of the questions remained.

"Yes." And then again, "Yes. Yes."

Would you have done it like that again, now that you know how awful it was and there are unanswered questions at the same time?

"That's not something I'm wondering about at all. I don't want to psychologize myself either."

Because such questions are meaningless?

"If I'm gonna dive into my own psyche, I think I'm gonna go crazy. Then I'm gonna freak out. So I won't."

Is there anything at all that helps you not to freak out?

"I'm trying to stick to the routines I've always had. Playing sports three, four times a week, keeping busy with the art and my work, staying in touch with the people around me. I don't go to bed too late when I'm free, I don't get up too late. I try to eat healthy. Those are the things I still have a little grip on."

How do you see your future?

"The future is too far away ... I've always made plans, like: okay, then Anne and her brother Rogier are this old, first studying, then working. But especially in Anne's case, all that's gone. So everything can just suddenly disappear again. All at once.

I had the illusion that you can insure everything. If your house burns down, you have insurance and you can go on. But now something's happened that makes everything shaky. Because of the past, the present and the future. I stagger on a regular basis myself, I suffer a lot from dizziness.

Everything has changed. I have changed. Just say one word and it's changed. There is nothing I can take for granted anymore "

Jolande van der Graaf, crime reporter, via Twitter

Jolande vander Graaf on Twitter

Michael P., killer of #AnneFaber, would have tried to escape from the PI [prison], I just heard.

And that in the company of serial killer #AdmilsonR. who committed three murders with his brother.

The escape would have been thwarted, thank God. And now the two "gentlemen" have reportedly been transferred.

All of this, I stress, still unconfirmed.

Admilson R. and his brother Marcos killed the married couple Jan and Greet Venendaal back in the past. Berend Smit was also murdered by this duo...


Update: MSM now confirming this news
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