Netherlands - Gino van der Straeten, 9, didn't return from playground, found deceased, Kerkrade, 1 Jun 2022 *Arrest*

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Poor little Gino and the other victims. They were horrifically failed. For some reason, these types of crimes often result in a light penalty. The system does so little, even though many offenders will offend again, some of the most traumatizing crimes possible.. It's as if everyone says, Oh well, shrug, we'll try a little something and hope it works. WHY?
Nieuwe oproep politie in zaak-Gino levert veel camerabeelden op

New appeal by police in Gino case yields many camera images

To give the investigation a new impetus, the police repeated this earlier appeal last week. The time period was extended to 18.30-19.30 hours. Images were also requested on which the Volkswagen could not be seen. This resulted a large response, says spokesman Wim Coenen. "A lot of camera images have come in by now. We have also actively requested images ourselves. For example, surveillance images of companies or institutions along the route. All these images are now being analysed by us. That will certainly take a few more days."

The investigation is also being intensified on other fronts. For example, neighbourhood searches are again being carried out on a large scale. In Chevremont, citizens who live in the vicinity of the playing field where Gino disappeared are being questioned again. In this way, the police hope to find new witnesses who can provide valuable information. Earlier, two children aged 10 and 14 who had played football with Gino stated that the boy had been lured away by a man pretending to be a football coach, most probably Donny M. Gino would then have been taken away in the Volkswagen Lupo.

In Geleen, too, full use was made of neighbourhood searches. Several residents of the apartment complex where Donny M. has a studio say they have been questioned at least four or five times by detectives.

With the intensification of the investigation, the judiciary and police hope to be able to outline a timeline of what happened between Wednesday night 1 June, when Gino disappeared, and Saturday morning 4 June, when the lifeless body of the boy was found behind a burnt-out house in Geleen, fifty metres from Donny M.'s flat.
The police are also investigating whether there are possibly more suspects.
M.'s pre-trial detention was extended by ninety days last week. He is suspected of kidnapping and murdering Gino. Child *advertiser censored* was also found on his mobile phone.

Police are visiting the groundfoor appartment of the suspect again after alleged break in. Neighbours say the police-seal had been broken. Dutch news-article.

Politie onderzoekt inbraak in flat van Donny M., verdacht van ontvoering en moord op Gino (9)

Zus Gino gearresteerd voor inbraak bij moordverdachte Donny

The police have arrested three women for breaking into the home of Donny M. (22), who is suspected of abducting and killing nine-year-old Gino. A sister of Gino is among those arrested.
This emerges from information in the hands of L1. The police confirms that three women have been arrested.

On Sunday 18 June, Donny's house in Geleen was broken into. The man in his twenties had already been in custody for a fortnight. Whether anything was taken from the house during the burglary has never been made public by the police. Investigative services suspect that personal belongings and documents of the man in his twenties were targeted.

On Tuesday morning, the police officers were at the door of three women. They were all questioned by the police and then released. Among them were Gino's sister from Kerkrade, with whom he was staying at the time of the disappearance, and the organiser of the silent march for the deceased boy

The latter could not be reached for comment Wednesday morning. Phil Boonen, lawyer of Gino's sister, does not want to comment on the matter at this time. Lawyer Alper Cinar, who is representing the third woman, does not want to comment on the substance of the case either. "But we are looking forward to the proceedings with confidence."

According to a police spokeswoman, the trio is suspected of burglary, housebreaking and disturbance of a crime scene. The fact that the women have been released does not alter their status as suspects. The police are still investigating the case and do not rule out making more arrests.


You go girl! None of the people who put Donny M. back on the streets without supervision will face any consequences for their deeds or the lack thereof that led to Gino's kidnap, maltreatment and death.
You stood up for your little brother and I applaud you for that.

We know how the Justice system treats (cuddles) perps like Donny M. Your friend made it crystal clear in her speech after the Silent March that you have lost all confidence in empty promises and you no longer respect those who make them.
Donny M. (22) bekent doden en ontvoeren negenjarige Gino

Donny M. (22) confesses to killing and abducting nine-year-old Gino

During a police interrogation, 22-year old Donny M. confessed to being involved in the kidnapping and death of nine-year old Gino. The boy disappeared on the evening of Wednesday 1 June and his body was found three days later in Geleen.
Murder suspect Donny has meanwhile shared his side of the story with the police. A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Justice said that she could not comment on this 'at the moment'.

Donny's lawyer Sjanneke de Crom will not answer questions about the confession either. "We are awaiting the investigation", is the only thing Peter Smit, who is speaking on behalf of the relatives, wants to say at the moment. For the time being Donny is charged with murder, kidnapping and possession of child po rnography. He will appear in court for the first time during a public hearing on 14 September.

Information from L1 shows that there is not only a confession of the man from Sittard, but also that his dna was found on the kick scooter of the victim. That scooter was located on 2 June during the search for Gino, who was still missing at the time.


....... shared his side of the story with the police.
Sharing is caring as they say, and of course there are many sides to this unfortunate happening blablabla, but was it really necessary to describe a murder confession as sharing his side of the story?
I am tempted to ask the reporter why he is using therapy talk. It is so out of place here!
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Onderzoek naar zorg aan Donny M., verdachte bij dood Gino

The Social Affairs Inspectorate will investigate the extent to which appropriate care and supervision was provided to Donny M. The 22-year-old M. is suspected of involvement in the abduction and death of the 9-year-old Gino, in June of this year.
The Inspectorate for Health Care and Youth (IGJ) reported on Thursday that it will also investigate how the parties involved worked together. It was announced earlier that the suspect has a history of sexual abuse.

The Social Affairs Inspectorate is a cooperation of four government inspectorates, namely the Health Care and Youth Inspectorate, the Justice and Safety Inspectorate, the Education Inspectorate and the Dutch Labour Inspectorate. The local supervisor of the municipality of Sittard-Geleen will also be involved in the investigation into Donny M.

Various organisations and professionals from the criminal-social domain were involved with the suspect before June of this year. With this investigation, the supervisors want to get a coherent picture of the guidance, care and support the suspect received.
The investigation report must be ready in the spring of 2023.

It became known previously that Donny M. had confessed during a police interrogation to having been involved in the abduction and death of the 9-year old Gino. The boy disappeared on Wednesday 1 June. His body was found three days later in Geleen.


This is one of those rituals, similar to dancing around the oak tree during a full moon. Keeps people in well-paid jobs busy and nothing will change.
'Gino (9) werd door Donny M. seksueel misbruikt en dezelfde avond omgebracht'

According to prosecutors, 9-year-old Gino van der Straeten was sexually abused and murdered by Donny M. on the same evening after he was abducted in Kerkrade in early June. Several sources confirmed this to De Limburger on Monday.

On Wednesday, 22-year-old Donny M. will appear in court for the first time during the first pro-forma hearing in the case. "Questions have been answered that the relatives have been waiting for for a long time, but of which they don't really want to hear the answers," lawyer Floor Oehlen, who together with colleague Phil Boonen is representing Gino's mother and sisters, told De Limburger. In terms of content, they do not want to comment right now.

Investigations show that Gino was murdered on the evening of his disappearance. The boy's family has been informed about the investigation and the cause of death. Donny M. has since made a statement about kidnapping and killing Gino. The little boy's lifeless body was found three days after his disappearance at the indication of Donny M. in a backyard in Geleen, a few dozen metres from M's home.

Donny M. was previously convicted of attempted manslaughter in 2015. M., then 15 years old, had thrown a paving stone at a car from an overpass at the time. A psychologist deemed the then 15-year-old Donny M. to be mentally weak. He diagnosed an autism spectrum and attention deficit disorder in the teenager. According to the expert, the boy would be very fragile and with little learning ability. Throwing the stone could only be attributed to him in a lesser degree.

After Gino's death, it was revealed that in the past, M. was also found guilty by the court of assaulting two boys aged 7 and 10, and sexually abusing one of them, on 28 June 2017.


Gino (9) fought for his life with Donny M., who abused and murdereded him: 'Gets a kick out of other people's suffering'

MAASTRICHT -The last hours of 9-year-old Gino van Straeten's life must have been hell. That emerged on Wednesday during the first hearing in the criminal case against the man who has confessed to killing the child. Donny M. (22) gets a kick out of other people's suffering, and that proved fatal for Gino on 1 June this year.

Donny M. has admitted to kidnapping Gino on 1 June from a football pitch where the child was playing. He took him to his home in Geleen, fed him xtc and kamagra - a type of Viagra - and abused him. He then smothered Gino with a pillow and possibly strangled him as well.

There are signs that Donny M. also pushed the child's head under water. Therefore, the cause of death is not yet 100 per cent certain. It could be suffocation, strangulation, but also drowning.

Whatever it may have been, Donny M. does admit that he killed Gino. "That's right," he answered all questions about it from the president of the court.

Gino's mother became overwhelmed. She shouted at Donny M., pointed to her son's picture on her t-shirt and called him a "monster". When she collapsed and could not be calmed down, the court decided to briefly adjourn the case to calm everyone down. The mother was led out of the courtroom, supported by prosecutor's police, and decided to go home.

According to the prosecution, Donny M. has not yet shown the back of his tongue [told everything]. For instance, he admitted only last Wednesday that he sexually abused Gino. The prosecutor said he is giving varying statements, and seems to be aligning his confessions with the findings of the investigation in the case file. He is being prosecuted for murder, kidnapping and sexual abuse of the boy. And additionally for possessing and making child *advertiser censored*. A video was found in his possession of a sleeping child with whom he committed lewd acts. That child was traced and has filed charges. Donny M.: "What has happened and what I have done is horrible.

Gino must have been fighting for his life, investigations show. For example, Donny M. is said to have stated that he wrapped a towel around his arm as the boy bit him. And it was also told that an initial attempt to choke Gino with a pillow in the bathroom failed. Gino screamed, after which Donny M. turned on music on his JBL speaker, and once again pressed the pillow on his face. Until Gino stopped moving and stopped screaming.

Donny M. searched for information on "choking with a pillow" on the internet at 9.30pm. Gino had been in his home for two hours by then and from pressure marks on his neck and bruises on his flank, it is clear that much more had taken place, about which Donny M. has not told anything to date.

The prosecution believes Donny M. also tried to strangle Gino, pushing him underwater with his head. He did the same to a dog before, "because he kicked at the suffering" of others and animals, the prosecution said.

According to Donny M., the child's watery stomach contents were caused by drinking several glasses of water to wash away the xtc and kamagra. Gino also allegedly showered, and Donny M. cleaned his body.

After Gino died, Donny M. packed the body in rubbish bags and hid it under a shed behind a burnt-out house near his own home. There, Gino was found three days later on his indications.

Because the prosecution believes Donny M. is far from confessing everything, the officer asked for the investigation into his mental capacity to be postponed. The prosecution fears that otherwise the investigation will take place on the basis of incorrect facts and get off to a false start. "We see worrying clues in the file for a different course of events than he now admits. A course of events that indicates a different personality."

Lawyer Sjanneke de Crom and also the court did not think this was a good plan. According to De Crom, Donny M. "is a vulnerable suspect", and she is concerned about his mental state. His memories are still fresh now, De Crom said, and M. is keen to disclose. She fears he may "clam up" if the investigation into his mental capacity is delayed.

The court appeared to agree with her and decided that Donny M. will go to the Pieter Baan Centre for examination on 17 October. There will be another pro forma hearing on 5 December. It is not yet known when the hearing in substance will be.

'Donny M. bleef ondanks vinden kinderporno op vrije voeten'

'Donny M. remained at large despite discovery of child por nography'

Police found child por nography on the phone of Gino murder suspect Donny M. (22) in early 2021. The investigating authorities never arrested him for this. No investigation was launched either.

Donny, the man who confessed last week to kidnapping, drugging, abusing and killing nine-year-old Gino van der Straeten, is certainly no stranger to justice. But no alarm bells were ringing anywhere. "The phone has been in a container with the team fighting child por nography. That phone has been overlooked," a justice spokeswoman told the newspaper.

On 4 June - the day Donny was handcuffed - the phone surfaced, according to investigations by De Limburger. The justice spokeswoman acknowledged to the newspaper that the investigating agencies "searched the systems at the time they had the Gino case on their radar". "That's when the info was found about the discovery of child por nography. The phone was then taken out of the container again for further investigation."

Could the nine-year-old boy's murder have been prevented if the police had arrested Donny immediately upon finding child por nography on his phone? That is what Gino's family is asking themselves. Phil Boonen, lawyer for the mother and sisters of the deceased Gino, tells De Limburger that "action must follow".

Lichaam moeder vermoorde Gino in woning gevonden

The mother of Gino van der Straeten, the young boy who was abducted and murdered in June, has died. She died a natural death.
Judy op het Veld, spokeswoman for the family, has informed L1.

The body of Gino's mother was found in a home in Maastricht on Tuesday evening. "This is really terrible. It is beyond words. The sisters are so sad," the family spokeswoman said. According to Police investigations, no foul play is suspected.


RIP. Poor mother. Poor sisters.

The mother of Gino van der Straeten (9), murdered in June, was found dead in her home in Maastricht on Tuesday evening. This was confirmed by Judy op het Veld, spokeswoman for the family. "The exact cause of death is not yet known. Only foul play has been ruled out."

A police spokeswoman would not give further details out of piety. "The woman did not die due to a crime," the spokeswoman reported. Partly for this reason, she is not making any further announcements in this regard. Investigations are still underway at the woman's residence.

"All the things that are now being hurled into the world about the cause of death are not only premature, but also terrible for the family. It is still far too early to say anything about it," Op het Veld told De Limburger.

"It's hard to imagine what that's like for her two daughters. First their little brother, now their mother. Impossible to describe," Op het Veld continued. "I understand that people go looking for information, perhaps from a certain sensationalism, but please also grant this family the peace and time to be able to come to terms with these terrible happenings."

The Foundation 'Namens de Familie' assisted Gino's mother and both sisters. The spokeswoman called the mother's death "terrible" for both sisters of Gino. According to her, the mother was "grieving immensely" the death of her young son.

"Words fail to describe this" she said. "Gino's death is still so fresh, what do you do when you hear this. Another farewell and funeral. Moreover, the second pro-forma hearing surrounding Gino's death is approaching. This is a very sad time for the mother's daughters, sisters of Gino."

Geen dna van Gino in woning Donny M. gevonden: 'Vreemd'

Six months after the abduction and death of Gino van der Straeten (9), there is still no hard evidence that the boy was in the home of suspect Donny M.
The Justice Department announced this on Monday during a non-substantive hearing at the Maastricht court.

So far, no dna traces of the nine-year-old boy have been found in the suspect's house in Geleen. "That means that for now the prosecution has no forensic confirmation of Donny's story that he murdered Gino in his home," chief press officer Joan Holthuis explained.

So did the suspect lie when he was heard by the police? Or have traces been erased?
Justice cannot yet give answers to that, as investigations are still ongoing. "We don't have all the results in yet," the press officer said.

Lawyer Phil Boonen, who is assisting the bereaved family, continues to find it "strange" that there is no "forensic support for Donny's story". In line with the judiciary, the counsel also stresses that the investigation is not yet complete. "It may be that further investigation does show that traces have been found. It is complex," Boonen said.

It was an emotionally fraught day for Gino's sisters. For the second time this year, they were confronted with the suspect. The relatives are left with many questions and need answers. After brief deliberation, the court decided that only Boonen should be allowed to inspect the investigation file.
Justice has no objection to this, but the picture must be complete, according to the prosecutor. After all, it is unusual to share documents with relatives at an early stage of a criminal trial, Holthuis explains. "That only happens when there is a complete file. Above all, we don't want all kinds of findings that are in it to start a life of their own. While they later emerge to be completely different when the full story is complete."

The final autopsy report showed that Gino was most certainly strangled, the prosecution confirms. Indeed, pressure was applied to the neck with compressive force. The administration of MDMA - the raw material for ecstasy pills - may also have contributed to the victim's death.
In addition, Donny is also suspected of possessing and distributing child *advertiser censored* and lewd acts with an incapacitated person in 2019. The suspect was recently admitted to the Pieter Baan Centre (PBC). That report is still pending.

The next hearing will take place on 15 February. This will be another non-substantive hearing.

What a heartbreaking case.

Even if there is successful prosecution, there’s no way forward to justice for all the victims.
Thank you, @ZaZara, for the case updates.

The system needs to be held accountable. As an individual, I feel powerless but perhaps connecting with a worldwide community will force change.

My best wishes to Gino’s surviving family, to all the victims (many unknown) of this predator, and to the communities he has forever damaged.
There's simply no justice for this type of crime. I just can't understand how someone can hurt someone this badly. He murdered Gino and destroyed Gino's whole family, they have been suffering so very much. I really hope they find peace and light, and get some help because this is truly a heartbreaking tragedy. Rest in peace Gino and Gino's mommy.

Donny M. (23), suspected of kidnapping and killing Gino, absent from Maastricht court

MAASTRICHT - Dna of 9-year-old Gino has been found after all in the home of the man being prosecuted for murdering the boy. Traces on the lock on the inside of the bathroom door leading to the bedroom were found. Droplets of vomit were also found in the bathroom.

They are the first traces indicating that Gino was indeed in the flat of suspect Donny M.
The public prosecutor announced this on Wednesday in the Maastricht court, where the third preliminary hearing took place in the criminal case against suspect Donny M. The suspect himself was not present. Earlier, he confessed to sexually abusing and killing the boy in his home in Geleen.

In December, the prosecution had said that forensic investigation had not revealed any trace of Gino in the house. The dna now found on a door lock is a mixed profile of several people, including Gino.

Two small drops of vomit were found on a bathroom cabinet and on the floor of the bathroom. Traces of MDMA and sildenafil were found in those drops and in the liquid that came out of Gino's mouth. The latter is the active ingredient in the erectile drug Kamagra. Donny M. earlier stated that he had made Gino swallow Kamagra.

An almost empty ampoule was found in the kitchen of the house containing a blue liquid that contained traces of MDMA, amphetamines, caffeine and GHB.

During the hearing, the officer also told the court that Donny M.'s bedding had been put in the washing machine just before his arrest. The bed had not been re-made. Despite the fact that the washing machine had already been running, hairs were found. It is currently being investigated whether there are hairs of Gino among them. Investigations are also ongoing into the rubbish bags and tape with which Gino's body was wrapped, and the pillow Donny M. allegedly used to smother the boy. No biological traces of the boy were found on the pillow he claims to have used. Investigations are still being carried out on another pillow.

The Pieter Baan Centre conducted an investigation into Donny M.'s mental capacity, which has been completed, but the report is not yet ready. According to the officer, the investigators are also struggling with the flu outbreak, which has caused a delay.

The court is reconsidering a request by Gino's family for more people to attend the hearings. It was earlier rejected because the case was categorised as a 'high-risk hearing'. The prosecutor urged the court to reconsider that decision "especially if the request is within reason."

Gino sisters Kelly and Naomi, besides losing their little brother, also lost their mother who died unexpectedly in November. The next hearing is scheduled for 10 May. The chances of the case being heard in substance before the summer seem slim.


Could a reconstruction in flat Donny M. uncover missing puzzle pieces after Gino murder?

Geleen - Public prosecutors want to get a better picture of exactly what happened to Gino (9) in Donny M.'s home in Geleen. An on-site interrogation should shed more light on that. On the usefulness, necessity and risks of such a reconstruction.

Suspect Donny M. (23) has confessed several times to kidnapping Gino van der Straeten in Kerkrade and drugging, abusing and suffocating the little boy in his Geleen flat. Anyone thinking that this concludes the case will be disappointed. After all, the twenty-something may retract his statement. What will remain in that case? Clues to his involvement, such as DNA traces, but that in itself does not constitute conclusive evidence for murder or manslaughter. And the statements he made do not tell the whole story, according to the prosecution. Not all elements in the version of Donny M. correspond to traces found. Alternatively, traces are missing in places where you would expect them. A reconstruction should provide clarity.

What exactly happened to Gino? At what time, in what order and in what places in the house? Donny M. has testified about this, but the Prosecution now wants to return to the crime scene: his flat in Geleen's Dommelstraat. The suspect's scenario is to be reconstructed there. Such a visualisation should either substantiate or undermine his statements. Could Gino have been suffocated in the tiny bathroom with a pillow, as the suspect has claimed? When did Donny M. administer drugs to the little boy? How and where did he abuse him?

A reconstruction costs a lot of money, police capacity and time. There are plenty of cases where such a reconstruction would be a waste of time and money, but in doubtful cases an investigation can give just the decisive push, concludes investigator Jan van Manen in his PhD thesis The video reconstruction in the criminal process, at Maastricht University. According to the prosecution, this is a case in the latter category. "This is not a case for open ends. We want to know exactly what happened," according to a spokeswoman from the prosecutor's office. The Prosecution considers this very important for the next of kin, but also for the eventual punishment to be imposed and possible tbs treatment.

Here's why: if, during a reconstruction, substantiation is found for the theory that he killed on impulse, this would not result in a conviction for murder but manslaughter. Or vice versa: one finds substantiation for murder, as the suspicion now stands. That is a difference of years of imprisonment. Moreover, someone convicted of murder gets different treatment in a forensic hospital than someone who did not act with premeditation.


Donny M. and his lawyers have not yet decided if they will cooperate.
The evidence in the files is sufficient for a conviction (manslaughter) as things stand now. The question remains if a conviction for murder (premeditation) will be possible.
This guy is going to slide…mark my words. The fact that they are going to all this trouble to ‘recreate’ the crime scene to test Donny M’s scenario. What the h*ll? The guy confessed! They have the child’s body in which horrible things were done! They have video of DM and another child! Do they have to prove step by step that yes Donny M’s confession is right? He did it. No one else. He possibly will end up in a comfy institution somewhere with all the meds he wants and weekend furloughs. There is little justice in this world.
Oriënterend onderzoek naar handelen politie inzake kinderporno Donny M.

The Justice and Security Inspectorate

News release | 21-03-2023 | 15:00

Exploratory investigation into police actions concerning child p ornography Donny M.

The Justice and Security Inspectorate has launched an exploratory investigation into police actions after they found child p ornography on the mobile phone of Donny M., who is suspected of killing 9-year-old Gino in June 2022.

It was only after Donny M. was arrested in this case that the child p ornography was implicated in the investigation against him. In 2021, that find had no direct legal consequences for him; no investigation followed.

However, the JenV Inspectorate has recently received new information about the police's course of action through another, long-running investigation into Donny M. This information makes the JenV Inspectorate want to know how the police handled their deliberations and carried out their work after the child p ornography was found on the phone.

Based on the outcome of its probe, the JenV Inspectorate will determine whether and how it will set up a further investigation.


Space added by me. The term is essential to what is at stake here, and the content would be hard to understand without it.

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