Netherlands Netherlands - Maarsbergen - WhtFem 12-15 - 'Het Heulmeisje' - Poss German - Oct'76

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves


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The Netherlands

Bizar Cold Case.

A naked body of the woman was found on October 24, 1976 by ​​a forest ranger in the parking lot (Heul) along the highway A12. How she came there, is not known. It was clear that she was dead for several weeks to months. Research has shown that the girl between 15 and 18 years was when she died.

The girl was buried in a tomb in Maarn. It was long thought that it was the remains of Monique Jacobse from Bilthoven. Jacobse disappeared in 1975 at the age of 18, after she had run away from home.
Ten years later after skull investigation determined that the girl was Monique Jacobse . The grave tomb had her name and her family thought it was her.

In 2006, the case took a bizarre turn when Jacobse was looking for contact with her sister. She told that she had left ,first to Germany and eventually, she emigrated to the U.S.. without contacting her family.
After more than 30 years her family is reunited.


End of 2006, a three-dimensional reconstruction of the head of the Heul Girl was made. This was previously done with the 'girl Nulde' and 'Maas Girl'. Both girls could be on the basis of the reconstruction identified.

Today there will be a broadcast on Dutch tv : "Heul Girl 'Monique Jacobse get identity back."

The cold case is re opened after recieving news tips/broadcast;

Reconstruction of the head of the Heul Meisje

Police Utrecht recieved after a broadcast of TROS Missing seven new tips about 'Heulstraat Girl', the young woman who in 1976 was found dead in the parking Heul But in Bergen. It is still not known who she was.

Because one of the tips leads to Poland , the Polish television will soon pay attention to the matter, says a police spokesman.

Opsporing Verzocht:
After the AVRO program Investigation Requested (in 2012) had shown the reconstruction of the head,tips were coming in.
An employee of the Utrecht police said that a Dutch taxi driver heard a conversation in which a man said he had slain the young woman and that she was from Essen (Germany). Also reported is a witness who said that,in the summer of 1976,when he was driving home from work,he had given a lift to the victim and her friend and dropped the two off one kilometer from the parking Heul in Maarsbergen. According to him, the young woman spoke German
The tip did not lead to the identification of the murdered woman.

Eiffel Girl

A breakthrough came recently when researchers through a new method discovered that the girl is from Germany. Nature Researcher Laura Font Morales: "Based on what someone has eaten or drunk you can see where someone lived. Thus the relationship between certain atoms in the teeth of the girl was extremely low, allowing us to finally conclude that she is from the Eiffel in Germany. "
The police thought for years from that it this was a woman from 15 to 20 years, but early this year was her age adjusted to 12 to 15 years. Possibly they never reported missing.

To have something to say about the last months of her life analyzed Font Morales and Davies also the hair of the girl. The Heul Girl has in recent years a time lived in Eastern Europe, and has come to Western Europe at some point, the researchers discovered. , "How long they had been in Western Europe, we unfortunately do not know" Font Morales says, "because we do not know exactly to what extent they have cut that we have examined the hairs."
Who has long hair herein houses a substantial part of its recent history. Hair grow on average an inch per month, twenty-four inches hair is so for two years of information. However, the last part is the closest to your scalp. "The further from there so the hair is cut, the less we know from recent history," said Davies. As the most advanced isotope method even change nothing.

The arrest of the offender is not the first priority. "The case is barred in the Netherlands, so we hope that people will now mostly talk," said Jaap Spelt. "But if the perpetrator is a German, he still can be tried in Germany."

German link :
A new article on the investigation into this case...

Police in two countries trawl DNA records to identify 1976 murder victim

Police in the Netherlands and Germany are to carry out a search of DNA databases as they try to solve a 40-year-old murder case, Nos reported on Monday.


Wow. She really, really looks like my niece. (My niece is Dutch and lives in the Netherlands. And is current a teenager, so I know it's not her.) Except my niece has lighter hair. Going to ask around my husband's family now. I know a few of them lived in Germany in the 70's.
I think that they should check the border crossings records into the Netherlands around that time. If she came in legally there will be a record of it. Or they could query the IND ( Dutch immigration) and see if anyone came from the DDR matching her description at that time. ( I know she could be illegal, but we can't check that.)
I think that they should check the border crossings records into the Netherlands around that time. If she came in legally there will be a record of it. Or they could query the IND ( Dutch immigration) and see if anyone came from the DDR matching her description at that time. ( I know she could be illegal, but we can't check that.)

I doubt whether all persons crossing the border would be registered. There were border checkings until 1993 between the Netherlands and Germany, but given that for example the RAF terrorists could get into the Netherlands undetected I'm unsure persons crossing would all be registered. Even if this has been done I don't think there would be any records still in existence given the tighter EU personal data rights (compared to US) under which keeping data like this without a clear and necessary purpose this long would likely be illegal.
I know it's a long shot, but if she was a refugee from the ddr, she probably would have been registered. And as far as I know the ind doesn't have to destroy their records, but I can ask my mother in law, as she used to work for them as an immigration officer. It's definitely a long shot, but might give some kind off a lead.
I doubt whether all persons crossing the border would be registered. There were border checkings until 1993 between the Netherlands and Germany, but given that for example the RAF terrorists could get into the Netherlands undetected I'm unsure persons crossing would all be registered. Even if this has been done I don't think there would be any records still in existence given the tighter EU personal data rights (compared to US) under which keeping data like this without a clear and necessary purpose this long would likely be illegal.
I know it's a long shot, but if she was a refugee from the ddr, she probably would have been registered. And as far as I know the ind doesn't have to destroy their records, but I can ask my mother in law, as she used to work for them as an immigration officer. It's definitely a long shot, but might give some kind off a lead.

Those from the DDR or Eastern Europe being registered in West Germany would indeed be more likely. Given the isotope analysis pointing to a stay in Eastern Europe in the last years of her live, before living in the West German region of Eifel/Essen such a registration would indeed be a possibility if she was a legal immigrant (from the West German perspective).
The case "Heulmeisje": after 40 years still no offender
Dietmar Seher
On 21 Oct. 2016 at 19:22
A facial reconstruction shows how the "Heulmeisje" might have looked. A facial reconstruction shows how the "Heulmeisje" could have looked out.

1976 murdered, never despised: the case of the "Heulmeisjes", the criminal police still busy decades. Traces lead to the Rhine and the Ruhr.
Dusseldorf .. Cold Cases. Cold cases. Criminal policymakers call crimes unresolved throughout the world for decades. If, however, the fate of children remains uncertain, cold cases do not leave any detectives really cold. Until the retirement period, some people are pondering about the work that has not been completed, says Frank Scheulen from the State Criminal Police Office in Düsseldorf.
563 Long-term missing is in North Rhine-Westphalia. Among them are 13 boys and girls, who were not even 14 years old when they disappeared. 20 years is the same as with Debbie Sassen in Düsseldorf and Tanja Mühlinghaus from Wuppertal. Scheulen can therefore understand why the Cold Case team of the Dutch police in Utrecht in one of its most mysterious events does not let loose. Even the German Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden is still ranking 25th in the current search list.
A young girl has fallen victim to this murder, which happened 40 years ago. It was perhaps only 12 or 13 at his death. Nobody knows his name. Only the isotope analysis of his bones and teeth give a few indications of a possible origin. How, after such a long time, can the truth of the events come to light?

A forester finds the corpse

It is 1976. The A 12 motorway leads from the Rhine-Ruhr area via Arnhem and Utrecht directly to the North Sea. Between both Dutch cities lies in this time at Maarsbergen and in the direction of travel Germany the parking De Heul. On 24 October, a Sunday - in the old Federal Republic, Helmut Schmidt has just won the election and SchalkeAll news about Schalke 04 Bayern Munich beaten 7-0 - a ranger in the wooded environment of the park bays encounters a naked, half-decayed female corpse , It is under a leaf cover. After the location, it gets a name. Heulmeisje.
The dead, making investigations, was teenager. The experts have not yet known the possibility of DNA testing. Science is not yet ready. But here, they believe, it could be Monique Jacobs from the neighboring town of Bilthoven. 1975 the 18-year-old disappeared from her parents' house. The missing case, though without a trace to the murderer, seems to be concluded. Family and friends will now believe for 30 years that it is Monique, who rests in the grave with the number 26 in the cemetery of Maarn.

Who is the dead heulmeisie?

"Misconductions" can exist in missing assets, assured the Düsseldorf-based LKA man Scheulen. Was it not so with the Austrian Natascha Kampusch? This is exactly what is happening in 2006 at Utrecht. Monique Jacobs, who is believed to be dead, lives. She comes by train from Germany, where she has led her own life. The background for their long descent is of a family nature. But who is in the grave 26? Who, for heaven's sake, is the dead Heulmeisje?
Thirty years are a long time in the criminal investigation. Comparison of the genetic material in a DNA test has long been standard in 2006. The last hours of the Stone Age huntsman Ötzi have already been comprehended in 1991, as is the isotopic examination. In Utrecht and at the university in Amsterdam, where the bones of the murderer of 1976 were brought, criminalists such as Wim Perlot and researchers like Gareth Davies soon learn more. They read in the corpse as in a biography. Some tracks will lead to NRW.
The girl, was younger than expected. She could be born between 1960 and 1964. She was 1.60 meters tall and slim. This results in the epiphysis examination of the bones. The young woman had long auburn hair and a light skin during her lifetime. In the lab reveal teeth and hair: Heulmeisje lived in the first seven years somewhere between Eifel and Ruhr. Groundwater lanes in the corpse, partly volcanic, confirm this. Around 1975 their life must have undergone a violent change. There is much evidence of a longer stay in Eastern Europe. She was back in Germany or the Netherlands just before her death. It was a time when her body was scarcely able to get proteins and meat. Perhaps she had suffered hunger, Professor Davies said. The signs of "extreme poverty" could have resulted from an abduction. Was Heulmeisje in the hands of the Eastern European Red Light Mafia?

The suspects must be 70 or 80 old

In Germany and the Netherlands, TV search broadcasts "xy unresolved" and "Obspor- ted cooking" have not just been reported once. The police officer Wim Perlot has been able to collect testimony. A car driver wants to take the young woman and a companion as a hitchhiker at the time of the event and have dropped out near the place of discovery: "They spoke German". A taxi driver remembers a passenger who was drunk and who wanted to know Heulmeisje or even killed him. She comes from Essen, he said. And in 2012 an informant has filed two men have thrown the lifeless body away. They were then 30 or 40 years old. This statement also highlights the BKA

In the Netherlands the act is time-barred
It is mid-2016, almost forty years after the sonorous discovery of the forester. None of the tracks has ever gotten really hot. In Utrecht they are playing their last card. The Dutch police compare the DNA of families of missing children with the genotype of the corpse in German files. This is a legally difficult issue in the United Europe. It is not finished. The Landeskriminalamt currently only confirms that in NRW no hit had been achieved. Maybe elsewhere in Germany? The wasting time is eating the odds. But policemen do not like it when cases with children remain without education.
In the Netherlands the act is time-barred. In Germany, murder is not punishable. The hunt goes on.
Anyway I was looking at some old newsitems about the Heulmeisje and after a broadcast on the Dutch tv (a while ago) some tips came in with possible names of girls who vanished during that time in Germany,not much information seems to be avaible about the missing around that time...

I do think no leads panned out because its way over a year ago that tips came in and now hopefully a new DNA search will give her an indentity back
There's something I don't understand from this and other articles, when it mentions the case is barred is there a stature of limitations on murder in The Netherlands or is it for the manner in which her body was disposed of if they were unable to determine cause of death?
Yes because this crime was commited before 2005 so the killer cant be convicted .From what I know and understand the law is changed in 2005 in Holland .

The cause of death is to my knowledge never revealed but it seems the body was decomposed badly or maybe because of perpetrator knowledge that the cause of death is not known but she must have suffered a lot before she was murded
Offender unknown, victim too. Some investigators retire with tormenting uncertainties. Like the "Heulmeisje". Their identity has been searched for 42 years.
Heulmeisje "is the long-term mystery of the BKA
Like the "Heulmeisje". It has a regular place on the list of unknown dead of the Federal Criminal Police Office. It is her long-term riddle. The search for his identity has struck incredible volts. It is, one knows today, at the young age of 12 or 13 killed. That was 42 years ago in the Netherlands in the autumn on the busy A12 motorway, which shovels tourists from the Rhine-Ruhr area to the beaches of the North Sea and long-distance drivers into the major seaports of the Benelux region. Since then, many of the tracks have led to Germany. The investigators have repeatedly told about it in programs such as "XY Unsolved" by ZDF or the Dutch equivalent "Obsporing Verzocht". This has resulted in suspicious transaction reports. But no goal-scoring.

It is Sunday, October 24, 1976.
Between Arnhem and Utrecht, in the direction of Germany, a forester finds in the wooded environment of a motorway parking lot a naked, half-rotted girl's body. It lies under the leaves that have fallen down. The parking lot near Maarsbergen is called "De Heul". The dead becomes heulmeisje.
Soon there is a suspicion: Is not, the year before in neighboring Bilthoven, the 18-year-old Monique Jacobs disappeared? Assigning body parts with the DNA method does not exist yet. And so an unexplained missing person's case seems to turn into sad security. The dead is Monique Jacobs, she was murdered, police and relatives agree after a short time. The file Heulmeisje is closed, without that a perpetrator was identified. The mortal remains found in the parking lot, supposedly those of Monique Jacobs, are buried in grave 26 in the churchyard of Maarn.

But the supposedly rapid solution of the case turns out to be a fatal mistake. Because Monique Jacobs lives. In 2006 she will travel by train from Germany. She contacts relatives and police. For her own reasons she wanted to lead her own life without contact.

Science advances enlightenment
The investigators are stunned. To which murder victim belong the bones in grave 26? After thirty years, they unfold their file. Forensics has made untold progress. Genetic DNA testing is the norm. In Utrecht and at the University of Amsterdam, where the bones of the murder victim were brought from 1976, policemen like Wim Perlot and researchers like Gareth Davies soon learn more. They read in the corpse parts from the churchyard of Maarn as in a biography.

The dead, it is certain, was younger than 1976. She could have been born between 1960 and 1964. She was six feet tall and slim, with chestnut hair and fair skin during her lifetime. All this results from the now possible epiphyseal examination of the bones. And in the laboratory, the experts learn even more: Heulmeisje lived somewhere between the Eifel and the Ruhr in the first seven years. Groundwater traces in the corpse, some of volcanic origin, are typical of this area.

The analysis is reason enough to extend the search to nearby countries. In the year following the surprising turnaround in Monique Jacobs' work, at the beginning of 2007, a request for mutual legal assistance from the Rijkspolitie in Heerlen was received by his colleagues in the German city of Erftstadt near Cologne. Whether Pauline Sybille Breuer, missing since May 5, 1976, could be identical to the dead found in Maarsbergen? Their sister is asked for a DNA sample. The old rule of thumb seems confirmed: not infrequently, a criminal case in the other.

Pauline's sister Gertrud had last seen the missing person. On a summer evening in 1975, the then 22-year-old drunk in her door, with a pistol, a brass knuckle and a bottle of beer in her pocket, saying, "I've got something important to do. Take care of yourself and your kids You hear from me. " It was her last known sentences.

There are many question marks left
However, the novel use of genetic material for investigation purposes can also create facts that do not provide the security that relatives of those missing for many years need so urgently. Heulmeisje's DNA did not end up in line with that of Pauline Sybille Breuer.

Who was Heulmeisje? And who killed the young girl whose body was found on the Dutch highway parking lot? After three decades and many wrong tracks, the two big question marks remain. Time for the interim balance: What is on the table? What do we know?

The Dutch police have collected - partly due to the TV investigations - whole file mountains of information and statements. The Federal Criminal Police Office also knows tangible results: "Around 1975, the girl is said to have resided in East Germany or Eastern Europe and lived until the time of death in Western Europe (Germany or the Netherlands)." In the period before her death, in 1975, she had "a very one-sided diet". Reasons for this: An "extreme poverty". Or a kidnapping.

The Dutch professor Gareth Davies has used the isotope method for these findings. Isotopes are information carriers in hair that can provide information about ingested food. Heulmeisje, he says, initially received the food that corresponds to that of the people of rich Northwestern Europe. Later she was hungry until death.

That could mean: the trail leads into the red light milieu. In the meantime, a Peter C. has been suspected, who was responsible for five murders of prostitutes in the Maastricht area and went to school in Maarsbergen in 1976. On the other hand: A car driver wants to take a young woman and a companion as a hitchhiker to the possible crime and let out near the site: "They spoke German." A taxi driver remembered a passenger who was drunk and told interesting things about Heulmeisje. She comes from Essen in the Ruhr area, he has hinted. If this passenger existed, was he the culprit?

Finally, in 2012, when a head of Heulmeisje, reconstructed on the basis of forensic science, had long since become part of the publicity investigation, an informant wrote: Two men threw away a lifeless body at the time of the crime in question. They were then 30 or 40 years old. "They are today in the 70s accordingly," says the BKA. "The police want to know who these men are."

For five years, a so-called "cold case" team of the Dutch police, a special unit for long unexplained cases determined. The search continues. By Heulmeisje, in the case of the Main Girl, the Teltow Canal Man, and dozens of other unknown crime victims. Murder is not barre

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