Netherlands Netherlands - Maarsbergen - WhtFem 12-15 - 'Het Heulmeisje' - Poss German - Oct'76

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That’s all I Could find.Sorry for the bad translation from German -English...used Google because reading German is taking a lot of time for me...this article is mainly a about giving her identity back and finding her killer /kidnapper. I do think it must be a familymember...otherwise she would have been reported missing...(?)
I did read in previous newsarticles that they thought she was around 18 years old but in 2017 her remains were unearthed and they did investigate her kneecaps so she was around 13-14 years when found murdered (nude covered with leaves)

It does seem unlikely that she worked in the horeca in The Hague or Scheveningen as newsarticles stated but maybe some restaurant owners hotels etc didnt know (her age), couldnt care or had no way of knowing because of two men were with her (forced to labour)
Its not illegal to start working at the age of 15 (these days)

It is strange that the police didnt show a drawings of the men who were with her when given a ride
The person who picked up the hitchhikers heard them talking in German and told the police that they came around the Ruhr area wich is later confirmed by isotop
The men were around that time 30-40 years old
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To be honest...I am confused about the year she was found...first I thought that a Dutch famous criminal reporter Peter R. de Vries had the year wrong,when I googled if he had written about the case.All I could find was a tweet about it with the mention of the year 1975

Today I tried to digg up old newspaper articles and came across one today that also wrote about the year 1975
The article was about a 73 year suspect who commited suicide in 1994 (when they still thought that the remains of the young girl was Monique Jacobse)

Will translate the article asap
Its too bad that the region where she was found doesnt have the archive online (yet)Screenshot_2018-06-25-18-07-28.jpeg
Part 1
Timeline Heulmeisje:
(black is from the orignal investigation case)
(red is from what is later known by DNA,Isotope research,second facial construction and aftertips)
-Around 1961-1963,a baby girl is born (She probably grew up in Germany,in the Eifel/Ruhr region,according to isotope research * in the city Essen ?)

-The last few years of her life,she lived in Eastern Europe and after that,1,5 year in Western Europe Amsterdam/Maastricht or Utrecht?

Summer of 1976
-According to man,who gave 2 lifters a ride said that the persons spoke German.
A man and the young girl talked about The Hague/Scheveningen and the work they did in the catering industry..later the conversation shifted into an argument with eachother.She wanted to go back to Germany but he wanted to stay.The driver saw in the back of his mirror that she smoked a stuyvesant cigarette and both didn't look like tourist.They didn't have any luggage and he was wore a suit and she had only a small handbag.
The driver dropped them off close to the parkinglot,called De Heul and never saw them again.
-A young teenager who went to a Technical school at estate Valkenheide in Maarsbergen cycled daily from his hometown Woudenberg to the school in Maarsbergen.He was seen often talking to a German speaking girl at the Motel Maarsbergen on his daily route to home
-Around that same time,there was an American military/soldier,age around end 30,who was originally stationed,somewhere in Germany,living at the Bergweg 39 in Maarn
Two neighbourgirls came by his house often to pay a visit,in that short time he lived there.
It could be that he was also working in Soesterberg at United States Air Force.
In that short time,a young German girl was also living with him,when the American military drove back and forward from Germany to The Netherlands,the German girl stayed in the house and was well taken care for with food etc
The neighbourhood girls said that the American had a wife and children in Germany but it was known he picked the run away German girl up and brought her to The Netherlands and had a sexual relationshift with her in the short time they lived together in Maarn.Suddenly they were both gone.

24 october 1976

The summer of 1976,ended,it was a hot summer,with hardly any rain,no grass had grown,leaving everything arid,dry and yellow
Many farmers had trouble feeding their cattle and a lot of cattle were put down because there was no food or enough water for them.

But on 24 October,a family decided to go for a forestwalk,the weather was nice,around 9/13C but they got lost ,so they decided to walk to the direction of Highway A12,that took them to a dead end of a path,that ended at a gate,before reaching the parkinglot,called De Heul
When they were walking to the direction of Highway A12,a bad odor came their way.The father stopped and said to his wife and two kids: "I think it's a dead animal" They wanted to check it out,what kind of animal it was, that was rotten they all walked towards the smell.The family searched between the trees and stopped by a small bult,that was covered with branches and leaves.Still not knowing what was underneath it,the father took a twig and with that twig,he shoved the leaves away.As white as a gohst,he muttered…"I think we should call the police"
Two small feet sticked out

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Lost my notes to finish part 2 of theTimeLine but have not forgotten about her.
Takes time to look up,the old newspaper articles and piece it together..

In the meantime,here is the latest news::

" DNA research Heulmeisje still not started.

MAARSBERGEN - The large-scale DNA research into the origin of the so-called Heulmeisje has still not started. This confirms the police after questions from RTV Utrecht. According to the police, a number of new tips have been received in the past three years and that is why we are still waiting for such a major investigation.

The Heulmeisje was found dead in 1976 under a pile of branches and leaves at the former De Heul parking lot along the A12 motorway near Maarsbergen.

It was long thought that it was a missing girl from a neighboring village. That girl was eighteen years old at the time. But in 2006 it turned out that she was not the one found at De Heul. The missing girl had started a new life abroad without anyone knowing anything about her 'old' life. In 2006 she suddenly contacted her family again.

DNA research
From 2006, the police are therefore looking for the identity of the Heulmeisje. In 2016 a large-scale DNA study was announced. The DNA of the girl would be compared with the DNA of missing and criminal people in the database of police in the Netherlands and Germany. It took quite a lot of effort at the time to get the Germans so far. But it appears that research has not been done so far.

The Utrecht police are looking in Germany because previous research has shown that the girl must have lived somewhere between the Eifel and the Ruhr area for the first seven years of her life. Afterwards she lived for several years behind the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe. The last year of her life she received very unilateral food, and she probably lived in the Netherlands or West Germany.

The research was done on the basis of isotopes (chemical elements) in, among other things, her teeth. The Heul girl was between 13 and 15 years old at the time of her death.

New leads
Police spokesman Bernhard Jens says that since the announcement of the DNA investigation in 2016 a number of new clues have been received by the police.

Jens: "The Heulmeisje research is not our top priority, but before we start an intensive research as DNA-related research, we first have to check the new indications, and if that is the case, we will still use that DNA research.
lDNA-onderzoek Heulmeisje nog steeds niet gestart | RTV Utrecht
GT (google translation)
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The case "Heulmeisje": after 40 years still no offender
Dietmar Seher
On 21 Oct. 2016 at 19:22

Very good, I see you did a lot of researching, the #heulmeisje is now on #twitter btw. I have several old Dutch articles and think the part with the old man we can forget. Also I know the teeth of the heulmeisje were perfect and never saw a dentist (which makes you wonder how they could have identified her as MJ, who had her teeth worked over several times and had a lot of amalgam inside).
Look here:
and then compare the newest facial construction with the missing girl with the richt height, age etc.


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So even if they catch the killer in the future he won't be charged and convicted because of the Dutch law. Am I right?
I really don't understand why some countries have statute of limitations for cases involving serious crimes, like murder. It's ridiculous.
No justice for this girl...
So even if they catch the killer in the future he won't be charged and convicted because of the Dutch law. Am I right?
I really don't understand why some countries have statute of limitations for cases involving serious crimes, like murder. It's ridiculous.
No justice for this girl...
Maybe if he's Dutch. But if it shows up the girl is really a German, he'll get his punishment allright. They already had her twice on TV, so let's hope the best!
"Het Heulmeisje" has been unidentified for 43 years today.
It seems that this will be the case and her ID will remain unknown.
Hard to believe that after all the research that had been done so far,it is decided that a large DNA scale will not take place.

“ A large-scale DNA investigation into the identity of the murdered "Heulgirl" may never start. "We would still like to get that going. But the choice for such a large-scale investigation has so far fallen on other issues, "said Utrecht police spokesman Martin de Wit.“
“Agreements have been made about the number of such investigations that we, as police, are allowed to provide each year. Urgent matters then of course always have priority. Our coldcaseteam can use this tool for one of their matters every year. And so every year the trade-off is which case has the highest priority. Factors such as the chance of success, sustainability, barred and social impact all play a role. "

’Heulmeisje’ blijft anoniem
Funny, I just yesterday thought about her... it should be possible to identify her... but DNA genealogy in Europe is super limited, so I am afraid we will not know her name any time soon, unless someone comes forward. Which if abuse was involved, is unlikely...

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