New Anthony Spokesperson: Caylee is alive! Presser planned

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*Someone* with the same mitochondrial DNA as Caylee apparently.:bang:

Ooooh, I'm getting a Jaye Eyre vibe. Maybe the Anthony's have been keeping a female family member in their attic all these years, and she expired this year.
I wonder....was GA taking care of Caylee during the day while KC pretended to go to work? Before June 16th?
Okay is this the same MB that claimed someone from W/S sent her death threats? That is until Tricia called her bluff and she removed the mistruth from her blog. Pretty sure it's the same person. I have no reason to believe a word spewed from her lips after that..although I wouldn't believe it even if that didn't happen.

One and the same.
:mad:Evidence that Caylee is alive?:eek:
All right then-look forward to hearing this one...
The child is dead, has been dead and will continue to be dead, and they just continue on beating THIS dead horse...Caylee was a CORPSE when the hair that they have in evidence came off of her head. Caylee was a CORPSE when her body decomposed in the trunk of Casey's car and fluids leaked from her poor little body and caused a stain on the carpet...The car STILL wreaks today just as it did when it was first taken into evidence. This just makes me sicker and sicker. The audacity in these people is unreal, or surreal actually...Caylee is not alive so how they are going to show evidence that she is should be very interesting.:furious:

I agree. I'm sure there are lots of little girls out there who look like Caylee, I've seen a few here where I live and I live in CA. Why I didn't report any sightings of Caylee? Because she is dead. The trunk proved it for me as well as Casey NOT reporting her missing for 30 days.. Wait, she would never have reported her missing, her mother did. :furious:

I'm sure this is just more media hype to keep us all in suspense for the defense. Hey, I think I made a funny there..:waitasec: hehe (kidding) :crazy:
Is it at all possible that the woman who claimed to have seen her confused the airport terminals? Is it possible that the terminals she said were actually the terminals where the disembarking occurred?

IMO, the police come to every siting with the preconclusion that the child is dead. While that may be the case in the end, I think sitings need to be thoroughly investigated. Police shouldn't presume that a person reports something only for self promotion or publicity. Granted, most sitings are simply mistaken and some are publicity hounds....this is why we, the taxpaying public, support police departments. Their job is to thoroughly investigate, not to brush off what they presume to be erroneous leads.

I'm probably gonna be arrested one of these days bacuse I look closely at every little girl I see in Caylee's age bracket. Lucky for me, given the current mindsets, that I haven't seen one who resembles her very much. I can't help it. I am a grandmom who has raised 2 granddaughters from about that age.....I would have died if something like this tragedy happened in my family.

I think the police could very possibly have been convinced Caylee was dead because her mother didn't report her missing, lied to them about where she left Caylee and with whom, along with plethora of other things, and has never co-operated with them to find Caylee, or ever even given them any verifiable information that would give them any place to start looking for an alive Caylee. It burns my jets when people blame the police when this woman has never given them anywhere to start and anyone with ears has heard her giving them nowhere to start. It's obvious to me from those tapes that these police officers were willing to do whatever it took to find Caylee-in whatever state she might be in, but that it was a heinous lying, unco-operative mother who was gumming up the works. That would make them wonder if the mother hadn't killed the child and was now covering up, wouldn't it? Wouldn't it make most of us allow that possibility? Then, cops got back lab results indicating decomp in the trunk of the car which smelled like a dead body, but apparently they continued to check out other leads as well. That is probably what wastes taxpayer money in this situ! Don't blame the cops for that. Blame KC.
Oh. Are you talking about the yard work they did during that one weekend in July? Wasn't it near July 4th or something? I thought they were just doing yardwork then like normal homeowners do on the weekends.

I believe you can also find reference to it in the interview with Greta? I am 100% sure Turbo wouldn't put something as fact if it was just speculation. IMO
It is the basic opinion, but I have contended this from Day 31 when she made the 911 calls then mentioned Caylee being missing as an afterthought. I agree with you. :blowkiss:

ITA! When CA made the two previous 911 calls, she had KC, she had smelled the death car (noticed it had a car seat and Caylee's mama doll), been denied talking with Caylee for 31 days, searched the backyard with George and her daughter was refusing to take her to see Caylee. I am sure there are more, but those were just off the top of my head.

Opps....forgot washed the decomp smelling pants and re-washed the kitchen knife.
these people are f'ing nuts and the KFN are encouraging it!
Yes, that's how I understand it. It's from a dead female with their DNA. Cindy is alive, check, Casey is alive, check, Caylee is missing.

I understood that the stain in the trunk was in fact decomp fluids. Was that just rumor?

I haven't seen anything that says what the stain is. Has anyone else?
I believe you can also find reference to it in the interview with Greta? I am 100% sure Turbo wouldn't put something as fact if it was just speculation. IMO

I wouldn't be so sure unless she offered a link.. it's been known to happen.
I haven't seen anything that says what the stain is. Has anyone else?

To my knowledge the source of the stain or what the stain actually consits of has not been confirmed.
these people are f'ing nuts and the KFN are encouraging it!

Yep, I agree and I also am starting to think that much of the A's
strange behavior is from the company they're keeping, someone
mentioned the connection on the KFN thread.
Remember George praying that it wasn't "his Caylee" in the trunk at
the tow yard, telling the Police how he knew what the smell of death was like. NOBODY could do such an about face unless they were being twisted around by the company they are keeping. (KFN and such)

ETA - Love the birds you have!
Originally Posted by PaulaF513
It's the socalled "death band" that may well be disputed. It isn't 100% conclusive so far as I've been able to determine.
Neither is an early pregnancy test. A Paternity test. Or so many other tests which we rely on daily and that are accepted into our court systems as "proof".

The reports we have seen thus far are only the PRELIMINARY reports! We are not going to see the results of the further testing, cross-testing, re-testing, and the battery of other significant finds until they go to court to present them as their case.
Are you sure that they were digging in the backyard looking for Caylee before LE arrived or is this just your opinion? I don't remember reading this anywhere or hearing LE say that this was a fact.
Oh they sure were! Because we had a big discussion going on about that!
Now, why in God's name would you begin digging up your backyard, upon finding out your grandaughter was missing... for 31 days! ???
And remember also, that they did some industrial cleaning on the car, the clothes in the car, and goodness knows what else!
Michelle Bart (Burque) is another character who latched on to the Anthonys,
she has just recently joined KFN. I had predicted that she may be filling some of the empty spots on "their board"
She has a few companys: Being the main one.
And a blog for the Anthonys:

The trial is coming soon, this is the time to try to sway
potential jurors into drinking the Kool Aid.

Can someone identify the person behind the counter in the coffee shop in the site? Is it the drunk cowboy???????
LE is holding this back which means it is significant evidence. ;)
Yes, I think LE has evidence that's going to curl our toes, personally.

Remember a report a month or so back, stating that you could " see " where Caylee's body had been in the trunk and visualize the position in which it was? That link has to be here somewhere.

And tomorrow we're going to be reading that Caylee is alive???
I don't believe a word of that!
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