New book coming out by Paula Woodward

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
more fruit from the 12/29/96 search warrant:

Your Affiant is aware that Detective Steve Ainsworth of the Boulder County Sheriff's Department was assisting in the processing of the Ramsey residence on December 28, 1996. Detective Ainsworth told Your Affiant that the video inside the compact video camera depicted children washing fruit in the kitchen. He said this tape was dated August of 1996. He also told Your Affiant that there as another compact video tape located next to the compact video camera that is in the kitchen. Officer Yamaguchi told Your Affiant that he saw a standard size Betamax video camera. Betamax video tapes, and Betamax player/recorder in the main floor study of the residence.
Interesting. I'd like to see that video and would also like more details on this fruit cocktail supposedly found in her system with that pineapple.

Miz Adventure...

Fleet White must have been quite shocked when John went straight to the cellar room and 'discovered' JBR's body, when he knew he had already checked the room and JBR was not in there. (John had no idea Fleet had already looked there - he found out a long while afterwards).
We're never going to get the full story on that basement sequence. Its unfortunate because I think its one of the key aspects of the case. LE need to talk to both John and Fleet one more time. Once one of them dies, it's over. I suppose Fleet could talk after John dies but I have my doubts.

Then there was the ransom note. I wouldn't mind betting that the FW's saw Patsy's personality all over that note.
Anyone who read that note would've saw Patsy all over the note...especially that close circle of friends.

Fleet attempted - many times - to beg the R's to give police interviews and TELL THE TRUTH. I believe this is what caused the huge rift between them.

John knew that the Whites knew roughly what had occurred that night. This is why the R's attempted to discredit the Whites by underhand methods.
Of course the Whites knew. The whole "mega-Jonbenet" thing on Priscilla's end and Fleet coming unhinged when he found out the cops had issues with their stories not matching on how her body was found.

The fact the Ramseys would attempt to throw the Whites under the bus knowing they knew more than the average person is bizarre and deserved a much closer look.

The FW's held their tongues.
NO ONE should've held their tongues. THat's why the case is in the limbo its in twenty years after her murder.


Once JR leaves us, it will be open season for the JonBenet case.
After the fiasco of the big anniversary, I agree that John's death is probably the last chance to find out anything. Any info coming out then will probably be from someone we least expect.

Fleet White might give an interview, I cannot see him passing on without telling the world what his opinion is.
I can see it. He's a key figure in the story and has waited 20 years and counting. He's the last person I expect to hear a statement from.


I recently went back over the CBS segment where Jim Clemente tried to talk to Hunter, where he was evasive. I'm more convinced than ever now that something (God knows what) came out in the Grand Jury hearings that Alex Hunter REALLY does not want people to know about. At least, not until after he's dead.
Me too and its likely something a lot more ominous than Burke.

Off topic....

This is one of those sites you cant stay away from for long or things back up. Its only been about a week or so since I last logged in and there are 24 threads with new posts(likely a couple hundred) since I was last here.

Hello All. I am pleased to announce that Paula Woodward, author of the book, We Have Your Daughter has agreed to host an AMA here on Saturday, December 17th, at 4 pm EST / 2 pm MST / 1 PM PST. Paula is on Mountain time, so the 4 pm time slot I feel works best for all involved.

I have no plans to attend since Paula is IDI and I work that day. However I am putting this out there in case some would like to ask her some hard hitting questions about her IDI bias or bogus fruit cocktail report. :facepalm:

I have no plans to attend since Paula is IDI and I work that day. However I am putting this out there in case some would like to ask her some hard hitting questions about her IDI bias or bogus fruit cocktail report. :facepalm:

Just play along. Someone should ask her if the Intruder redressed JonBenet, see what her reply is?

Similar for the pineapple, did the Intruder fetch JonBenet a nice snack before heading down to the basement?

I'm fairly biased against Woodward. I was honestly hoping for a better book and a good IDI argument. I really want someone to come out with a really well researched and convincing IDI. I'd like a good IDI theory not because I want something to attack, but I'd kind-of like to go back to the days when I can blame this on some mysterious monster—put the boogie man back under JAR's bed and I can get plugged back into the Matrix. I won't ever have to think about this abomination, a rich man's justice, again.

The timing of Paula Woodward's book was bad for her. Her main argument hinges on tDNA belonging to the murderer. Finally having the truth revealed about tDNA destroyed her argument. She attacks Mark Beckner's AMA on reddit. He had to withdraw what he said and then claimed that the key to this murder investigation was the tDNA. There's no doubt in my mind that Paula will try to reinstate the claims about tDNA. It should be interesting to see how much of a contortionist she is. Will she not answer the questions, change the subject or answer in such generic statements that she doesn't say anything at all? Of course, there will be a thread opened here and her AMA will be thoroughly attacked.

I don't think I'll be tuned-in for it when it happens. Evasive and misleading answers to the questions will ruin my day.
Somewhat off-topic, I apologize, but just wanted to let people know that there is a new JonBenet special on CNN tonight (13th) at 8 EST. Looks like another R puff-piece, but I just thought people would be interested nonetheless.
Somewhat off-topic, I apologize, but just wanted to let people know that there is a new JonBenet special on CNN tonight (13th) at 8 EST. Looks like another R puff-piece, but I just thought people would be interested nonetheless.

It helps to remember that CNN is based out of Atlanta, Lin Wood's stomping grounds. It's not a coincidence that CNN does the pro-Rs stuff.
Her AMA is up but she has said nothing new.



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Thought I would put this here.

Hi Ms. Woodward. Firstly, thank you joining us today and answering our questions.The autopsy report states that the pineapple fragments were found in JonBenét's duodenum. When referring to the fruit cocktail findings I've noticed that you use the term "stomach contents" while Lin Wood claimed (via his Twitter) the fruit cocktail was found in her "lower intestine". If they were discovered in the large intestine, these findings are likely not relevant to JonBenét's death, whereas if they were in the stomach or duodenum, the opposite is true. I hope that makes sense.
So, my question for you is, where exactly were the grapes, grape skins and cherries found?

[–]BuckRowdy[+215]FenceSitter[score hidden]5 minutes agoFrom u/paulawoodwardama :
The contents of the stomach/intestine were in a mixture contained in a test tube. In October 1997, Boulder police contacted University of Colorado scientists to test the mixture. They replied on December 25, 1997 and with a final written report on January of 1998. The mixture they tested contained cherries, pineapple, grapes and grape skins.​

Our first question comes from u/vapergrl [-1]:The unmatched male dna on her waistband/panties imo has to be the key to unlocking the truth. (and it is amazing that in 20 yrs codis has not come up with a match).
Does Colorado frequently collect dna for lesser offenses or is it possible the dna could match someone with a criminal record (but their dna has never been collected). And what are the chances that something like familial dna could be used to narrow the search, and how far off is that likely to be?

[–]PaulaWoodwardAMA [S] [score hidden] 49 minutes ago
The type of test that was used first in 1997 by Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Cellmark Labs was different than the Touch DNA test used in 2008. The DNA told me yesterday "We frequently check cold cases with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to see if one needs to be reviewed." He cited the increased technology for DNA and that although a test has not been scheduled they are looking at retesting for new DNA with new testing. Not an expert on DNA, so that would be 1997, the first tests, 2008, the second tests, and 2017, an as unyet scheduled new DNA test. Thanks!
[–]AtticusWigmore [-807]FACT ME [score hidden] 42 minutes ago In his civil complaint against Werner Spitz, Burke Ramsey (via Lin Wood) asserts the stomach (GI region of some kind) contents were "fruit cocktail". Is it your understanding he learned that from your book?

II. Wrt the finding of pineapple, green grapes, skins and cherries as opposed to what Thomas wrote in his book as did Kolar- is it your impression from reviewing this data in the files that it was concealed in some manner?

[–]PaulaWoodwardAMA [S] [score hidden] 17 minutes ago
I don't know. I don't remember Burke saying that. The actual report did not say green grapes. It said pineapple, grapes, grape skins and cherries. The information is easy to find. It's in my book, we have your daughter, I believe in the autopsy section.
[–]Brendon56 [-316] [score hidden] 18 minutes ago Hi Paula, thank you ffor coming on board and doing this.

Is there anything you can share that states whether or not Burke was part of the investigation and the GJ hearing as a suspect?

[–]PaulaWoodwardAMA [S] [score hidden] 12 minutes ago
Here's the information that I have about whether Burke may or may not be a suspect. The first comes from Colorado Human Services, the child protection agency. It was mandatory that they interview Burke and they did so in early January. That's when they wrote their report where they said "It is clear from his interview that Burke did not see his sister, JonBenet's, death. That then leaves the question for those who theorize Burke hit JonBenet with a hammer, there is a disagreement between your theory and that of Colorado Human Services and their Child Protection Team. You can decide who you think is right. Good question.
[–]PaulaWoodwardAMA [S] [score hidden] 12 minutes ago
Here's the information that I have about whether Burke may or may not be a suspect. The first comes from Colorado Human Services, the child protection agency. It was mandatory that they interview Burke and they did so in early January. That's when they wrote their report where they said "It is clear from his interview that Burke did not see his sister, JonBenet's, death. That then leaves the question for those who theorize Burke hit JonBenet with a hammer, there is a disagreement between your theory and that of Colorado Human Services and their Child Protection Team. You can decide who you think is right. Good question.

Colorado Human Services, the child protection agency. It was mandatory that they interview Burke and they did so in early January. That's when they wrote their report where they said "It is clear from his interview that Burke did not see his sister, JonBenet's, death.
Maybe he didn't, might be that Patsy ligature asphyxiated JonBenet?

What Paula Woodward is refuting above is explicitly Kolar's BDI All.

This leaves BDI Partial still on the table.

Oh for some of that Journalistic Snakeoil, what do they call it: rhetoric, LOL.

Sorry I couldn't help watching. It was like watching a train wreck. She appeared very confused and discombobulated. Didn't even know there was news about updated DNA testing. Good God, don't IDIs keep up with the news?!!!?
[–]PaulaWoodwardAMA [S] [score hidden] 12 minutes ago
Here's the information that I have about whether Burke may or may not be a suspect. The first comes from Colorado Human Services, the child protection agency. It was mandatory that they interview Burke and they did so in early January. That's when they wrote their report where they said "It is clear from his interview that Burke did not see his sister, JonBenet's, death. That then leaves the question for those who theorize Burke hit JonBenet with a hammer, there is a disagreement between your theory and that of Colorado Human Services and their Child Protection Team. You can decide who you think is right. Good question.
It's horrifying to think this woman is cashing in on her nonsense. As for the Colorado Human Services "conclusion", that was the opinion of one person, and based on very limited interaction with Burke, not a battery of questioning and tests.

One thing we learned about Burke from watching the limited parts of the interviews released is that he was a very bright, clever nearly 10 year old. He was no doubt instructed to repeat over and over that he heard nothing, saw nothing and knew nothing. A very deep sleeper, he was. That photo of the bowl of pineapple threw him for a loop though. But Paula says JBR ate fruit cocktail not pineapple, so maybe that's what confused him....
[–]PaulaWoodwardAMA [S] [score hidden] 12 minutes ago
Here's the information that I have about whether Burke may or may not be a suspect. The first comes from Colorado Human Services, the child protection agency. It was mandatory that they interview Burke and they did so in early January. That's when they wrote their report where they said "It is clear from his interview that Burke did not see his sister, JonBenet's, death. That then leaves the question for those who theorize Burke hit JonBenet with a hammer, there is a disagreement between your theory and that of Colorado Human Services and their Child Protection Team. You can decide who you think is right. Good question.

Where's her source for this? Who is "they" who wrote this mysterious report? She seems to be pulling all of these convenient "facts" out of thin air, or out of something else.
Where's her source for this? Who is "they" who wrote this mysterious report? She seems to be pulling all of these convenient "facts" out of thin air, or out of something else.

Mhmm anddddd cannot even admit to a smoking gun.

[–]MissAurelieRose [+21]Leans RDI [score hidden] an hour ago
Another question: I tend to lean towards believing that one or all three of the people in the house that night were involved in this crime. I do, however, remain open-minded to other theories. If you were to try and convince a person of the intruder theory, what's the one piece of evidence or one line of reasoning you would present to do this? What's the smoking gun for you?

[–]PaulaWoodwardAMA [S] [score hidden] an hour ago
I don't have a smoking gun. What I know is that as far as we "know" there were four people in the house that night, but we don't really know if someone else was there. And that is one of the other mysteries. Will we ever know?

[–]MissAurelieRose [+20]Leans RDI [score hidden] an hour ago
If there was an intruder, it's curious that they should remain in the house for a number of hours and only leave behind half a nanogram of genetic material which has turned out to actually be a composite of up to three individuals including JonBenét. Just breathing or speaking near a surface for around thirty seconds leaves more DNA than that. Anyway, thank you again for your response. I don't think we'll ever know.
Paula Woodward has about as much credibility as my grandmother - who harbored criminals in her boarding house (including Pretty Boy Floyd) and ran shine out of southwest Missouri during the prohibition days, then had her son-in-law take the rap for her when the operation got busted. Twice. He did hard time both times.

IOW - zero credibility. I don't trust a word she says. She's a sock puppet for JR. That is all. End of story.
Whoa, what the heck is the bit about the souvenir taken from the crime scene?? Irritating when people in the know (supposedly) drop tidbits and then say "sorry, confidential, can't explain what I'm talking about" and nope out of there.
Paula Woodward has about as much credibility as my grandmother - who harbored criminals in her boarding house (including Pretty Boy Floyd) and ran shine out of southwest Missouri during the prohibition days, then had her son-in-law take the rap for her when the operation got busted. Twice. He did hard time both times.

IOW - zero credibility. I don't trust a word she says. She's a sock puppet for JR. That is all. End of story.

Lmao! Reminds me of this woman who is also a Ramsey apologist. AND she says OJ couldn't have done it. When I asked her why not? She said, "Because he is from Buffalo." I kid you not!! People like them including Lacy, run by emotions.

I saw a bio of PBF on History. That's so interesting you have that "connection." You could write a book on that and your grandma! I would read it!
Whoa, what the heck is the bit about the souvenir taken from the crime scene?? Irritating when people in the know (supposedly) drop tidbits and then say "sorry, confidential, can't explain what I'm talking about" and nope out of there.

Oh I know, so annoying!!!! :gaah: So something is missing? Big deal. BR could have hid something. It means nothing.

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