New Developments and General Discussion, 08/10/2012

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Indeed. I have not done enough research, and don't know if this is still a graveyard in which people are still interred, but could there have been graves dug in advance of a burial? That could explain the depth, if that detail is accurate. Not likely an easy feat to dig a 5 foot grave manually.

But more to the point, a five foot grave is really overkill.

Well, I dunno about that. When my time comes...I hope to be buried at least six feet under.
If I had to dig a five foot grave with a shovel, by the time I was finished, I would be ready for it.

Me, too.

And BSL seems to me to far too lazy to do this. He just hid Lisa under fence boards (granted, I know Lisa's case didn't get so much attention). I am wondering if this is just a reporting error and it was really 5 feet long and he threw some dirt/foliage on top and it was really like a one-two foot grave. I just don't see him (or anyone, really) spending four hours (per Chicken Fried's assessment) or even more than two hours max digging a grave.
Indeed. I have not done enough research, and don't know if this is still a graveyard in which people are still interred, but could there have been graves dug in advance of a burial? That could explain the depth, if that detail is accurate. Not likely an easy feat to dig a 5 foot grave manually.

But more to the point, a five foot grave is really overkill.

I think Mickey was found in the woods that surrounds the grave sites.
Bolded by me. I just want to make sure I am understanding this correctly- someone (or multiple someones) saw the GMC white truck (and we know from ACI he at one time had a GMC white truck) with Louisiana plate numbers matching BSL's in the area when Ali went missing?
If so, why was he never questioned before about Ali as a RSO driving a truck with a matching description and license plate number seen driving around the neighborhood when she was taken? Wouldn't they run LE run the plate, see he's a RSO and talk to him? Wouldn't we know by now (after his arrest) he was talked to after Ali went missing? Was his then-truck caught on camera in the area when Ali went missing (otherwise it seems unlikely people would just remember the truck's plates unless it was doing something suspicious as they wouldn't know Ali was missing yet if it was in the area soon after/before/when Ali was taken- hope that makes sense).

Are we (or KLFY, I guess) absolutely sure about this? I hope the police where Ali went missing, FBI, etc are all over this!

Because they didn't know it was a Louisiana plate. Apparently they were just running TX plates; had assumed it was a TX truck, but it wasn't. When they heard about the burned truck in SJ County, and about BSL being from LA, the PI ran the plate numbers against plate numbers in LA (and I imagine against the list of BSL's known vehicles)

I apologize for the bit about him owning a white GMC; the color was unknown, but the potential tipsters did say a white truck was in the area where Ali was walking (or would be walking) Apparently she was heading towards her place of employment, according to the website dedicated to her appearance.
Hope you don't mind me jumping off your post. Question, suppose they now have an indictment against BSL for Ali's death wouldn't be be tried for that first? Not sure if she was before Lisa or not so I may be jumping the gun. And if that is the case and he is put away for life would he be able to return to be tried for Lisa and Mickey's deaths. If not maybe he is in fact going to be THE witness since he may not be able to return??? Hope this made sense. Again this is just a question as I have no idea what procedure would be in a case like this. I know one of you will be able to address. Thanks in advance

Lisa was killed in 1999. Ali went missing in April 2010.
Hope you don't mind me jumping off your post. Question, suppose they now have an indictment against BSL for Ali's death wouldn't be be tried for that first? Not sure if she was before Lisa or not so I may be jumping the gun. And if that is the case and he is put away for life would he be able to return to be tried for Lisa and Mickey's deaths. If not maybe he is in fact going to be THE witness since he may not be able to return??? Hope this made sense. Again this is just a question as I have no idea what procedure would be in a case like this. I know one of you will be able to address. Thanks in advance

Again my opinion... He would stand trial/plead and be sentenced for Mickey Shunick & Lisa Pate first, as well as any other under a plea agreement. If a trial is necessary and BSL is found guilty, he would face the DP or serve the LWOP in LA.
BSL, would then be tried in other states for victims abducted/murdered in their jurisdiction.


Gary Hilton abducted/murdered known victims from 3 different states GA/FL/NC -

Mererdith Emerson (GA)01/2008 Plea agreement LWOP 01/2008.

Cheryl Dunlap (FL) 12/01/2012 Death Penalty verdict 01/2011

John & Irene Bryant(NC) 10/2007 tried 03/2012 Fed DP/opted for plea to LWOP
Just saw Mickey's mom posted that the family would receive Mickey's remains in "weeks or months". So sad in still not knowing how long until they can put their daughter to rest. :(
I probably shouldn't have added that one but I heard that was the area he rented a car but I could be very wrong. If so I hope someone can tell me exatly where so I can correct it. I cannot recall but I heard coldspring from somewhere is the place.

At first we only knew that the truck was found in Sam Houston National Forest in San Jacinto County. It's a large area, so in picking a spot to show as a possible location and to get an idea of where it was, we used Coldspring since it's the county seat and the location of the sheriff's office. I believe that's the only significance in the Coldspring location. It's a tee tiny little town.
I think Mickey was found in the woods that surrounds the grave sites.

I'm in the middle of a job so can't look for the link right now... but unless I'm mistaken, I saw multiple early reports that the grave was found in a "grassy area" behind the cemetery - not the woods. Look on Google Earth and the grassy area is plainly visible.
I'm in the middle of a job so can't look for the link right now... but unless I'm mistaken, I saw multiple early reports that the grave was found in a "grassy area" behind the cemetery - not the woods. Look on Google Earth and the grassy area is plainly visible.

the caption under the photo in this article says: "Evangeline Parish sheriff's deputy tapes off a wooded area off of La. 10 near Vidrine where law enforcement officers were searching for the body of Michaela "Mickey" Shunick. The remains found on Tuesday were confirmed as Shunick's on Thursday. / AP"
this one along with many other sites if you google "wooded area Mickey" says wooded area:
Just a quick question.......a few days ago someone pointed out that websleuths was on the news...the news was talking about a case..and it showed a pic of shreck? A PI with that pic and name? Is that the same case we are talking about here...missing Ali L?
I hope this doesn't come off disrespectfully, Donamena. I just had a feeling there may be a misunderstanding here. It seems like you may be thinking the initials "gf" mean grandfather? As in the father of the grandfather owns the business. But we are referring to the father of BSLs girlfriend, so the last name being the same is probably more than a genealogical coincidence.
No, I'd never use letters like that. I was trained differently. I have a BA in anthropology from a university in New Orleans. I have my MA in history from UL-Lafayette. I have done hours and hours and hours of research in this area. With all due respect, unless you truly know who your ancestors were in 1812, you may not know who you're related to. I do know the difference between GF (girlfriend) & grand-fa, which is how a historian doing research would list it in their notes. There were no GFs in my notes, by the way, just 'sa femme' or 'gran-mere' 'novia' or 'esposa' fiancée or wife.

Contact the Center for Louisiana Studies should you ever consider finding out more. They have reams of information. So do Fr. Hébert's books. His research goes all the way back when this area was called the Attakapas Territory after a First Nation tribe that occupied much of the area. He began with records in the late 1700s. He died before he got past the 1920s, if I remember.

If you research in the birth, marriage, death, vendor-vendee, probate, brand-mark books, criminal & coroners' records, you'll see who the first families were, & how enormously inter-related they were & are. Fr Hébert also helped me with ecclesiastical records, which are closed to the public.

As I think I've explained before, there weren't very many choices in marriage. People tended to marry kin. A short look at the ecclesiastical records will tell you how many dispensations were given for first cousin marriage. The Broussard geneaology group understood this well when they set up their foundations. 250,000 relations comes from a great deal of cousins marrying cousins. It comes from 9-12 children per father & mother. If either parent died, the surviving spouse often re-married. More children. Especially if the wife died.

The professors at the UL-L history department require primary document research for a thesis. That means sitting in the courthouse day after day reading the original documents, not copies. In the original languages. Not translations. And the original maps. Not copies.
I did my thesis on a small, inter-related group who had never been documented in Louisiana history before. My thesis committee was brutal. I had 4 history professors on it, the late Director of the Center for Louisiana Studies, an archaeologist, a geographer, & a biologist. They held my feet to the fire. They were precise. I could not be otherwise.

People are free to believe whatever they wish. To find a history they believe & are comfortable with. No matter how much it would seem odd to a researcher. That's how family stories take root.

What is in the archives is all historians have to work with. It took me 3 1/2 years to finish because my subject matter was so complex. I went to the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, & NARA. Ive been to the Louisiana State Archives in Baton Rouge. I've been to the courthouses of St Martin, St Mary, Lafayette, Evangeline, St Landry, Jeff Davis, Vernon, Rapides, Natchitoches, Calcasieu, Cameron, Acadia, St Bernard, what was left of them from fires, & Orleans. I've done my time in the trenches.

Ask my husband. He went without a home-cooked meal for that length of time. I left the house at 6:00 am & came back at 10:00 pm. I had my own key to the history department, the building, the library & the Center. I logged hundreds of hours of ethnographic fieldwork. I don't say things lightly. It may seem incorrect to others, but I've done the research to back up what I believe. And that's why I have a thesis with distinction. It means digging & leaving no stone untrurned. I'm proud of it & more than happy to be challenged by anyone. I doubt that they'd be any harder than my committee & the Dean.
Well, here is an interesting tidbit to me -- remember when they took BSL out to the graveyard-- early in the morning and did not return him until late? Cannot recall the exact times - but it was longer than anyone thought it should take....could it be the reason for the delay was that they found more than they bargained for in the grave? Like more bodies?

The reason I say that -- BSL at one point lived near Oakdale and traveled around those parts from Church Point to Oakdale all his life. He probably knew that particular graveyard from whatever reason you would want to know a deserted place kinda near your home territory. However, when he grabbed Alexandria (assuming he did) that area was not as familiar to him and so I wonder if he actually did go to a graveyard to bury her. I am thinking that perhaps he may have used the same grave site simply because it was closer to his house and in more familiar territory.
Sounds familiar....

“But Alexandria apparently lives on her phone, uses her text messaging all the time. When she left, everything stopped once she got off that bus. Everything. There has been no activity on that phone since then, which leads to the possibility that something may have happened to her at that point.”
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