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DNA Solves
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Wow! Just read that George's gun was ordered on August 29 and delivered on September 4th. I hope it was for work.
In SET TWO of fox document dump, KC tells TL that she caught LA touching her in her bedroom when she was in middle school and she told her mom about it.... OMG

She's a known LIAR & she tells this to a guy she hardly knows..That makes me seriously doubt it's true.
OMG....did she use the shovel to kill Caylee?? I think she was planning to eliminate George and Cindy, also. She likes Lee, so I suppose he was going to be allowed to live....

Well, for one we are talking about Casey world and we all know what that means, Lee does not live in the same house, two this is my scenerio, Casey would have came home and found mom and dad dead and probably Caylee too, she was already putting stories out there that her dad was cheating on her mom and had a gambling problem and that they were not getting along and that her mom had planned on leaving her dad, so that was probably her plan is why she put Caylee in the backyard, but her plan was cut short, so the first thing that probably came to mind is the babysitter.
I know, i'm freaking out- trying to get a screen capture of it so y'all can read it too. TL says KC was upset because her mother wouldnt believe her!! HOLY C_________________!

what page are you on? I can't find it!
In SET TWO of fox document dump, KC tells TL that she caught LA touching her in her bedroom when she was in middle school and she told her mom about it.... OMG

OMG!!!! This case is like a sick T.V. show I can't help watching. The sad thing is, it's real and poor Caylee paid the price of living with such a screwed up family.
I know, i'm freaking out- trying to get a screen capture of it so y'all can read it too. TL says KC was upset because her mother wouldnt believe her!! HOLY C_________________!

Holy C is right!! Could this be the reason Lee didn't want to give up his DNA sample??
Wow! Just read that George's gun was ordered on August 29 and delivered on September 4th. I hope it was for work.

Remember how he said he came close to taking his life over everything that had happened? I wonder if buying this gun was part of that plan.....
Why? I want to know why.

Unless there's proof to the contrary in today's doc dump, while Cindy was visiting her parents on Father's Day, 6/15 she discovered from her mother that Casey had tapped into Granpa's bank account that was used to pay his nursing home expenses.

If that's correct, then I can imagine how enraged Cindy would be by the time she got home and confronted Casey.
Read this at the bottom:

It says "Jesse mentioned that in September of 2005, Casey mentioned that she didn't feel comfortable around her <blacked out>. Casey allegedly told him that before this day, <blacked out> had tried to have sex with her. Jesse didn't elaborate, but from the context of the conversation, he believed that Casey meant <blacked out> had tried to pressure Casey into having sex with her."

Holy C is right!! Could this be the reason Lee didn't want to give up his DNA sample??

This is probably the reason why LP hinted that Lee was Caylee's real dad..He has always known about things way before they come out..How is that?

I'm not confident it's even true so I'm surprised LP would so easily fall for this story from KA. :confused:
This is just not fair!! I knew I should have went for Boston Market for Thanksgiving dinner. WW is a very scary looking dude. I always envisioned him as a geek. And are you kiding me "neck breaking"?
Holy C is right!! Could this be the reason Lee didn't want to give up his DNA sample??

Honestly, I've always thought that was an option. Hiding the pregnancy, not knowing who the father is, the things LP said, Lee not giving up his DNA and now this. :waitasec:
In SET TWO of fox document dump, KC tells TL that she caught LA touching her in her bedroom when she was in middle school and she told her mom about it.... OMG
Are you serious? If this is real, then I think I know what Baez plans to lay out at trial.
FTR... this was redacted and was told to Jesse in 2005 by KC on the first set, page 48 or 2318 whichever number you reference: "her XXXXXXX" and "*advertiser censored*" had tried to".... you get the picture.... So KC told someone else that *advertiser censored* was like that... I'm not at all saying that it is true but that she has obviously been spreading this story for awhile.
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