New Jan. 5th issue of National Enquirer

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Aug 3, 2008
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I have a friend who works for a magazine distributor and he gave me a copy of the Jan. 5th National Enquirer today. Headline on the front page reads "Casey Anthony's Prison Confession to Preacher".

Inside is the following quote which I found interesting:

Casey supposedly states to Rev. S (who has visited KC in jail) "I'm so sad. I miss Caylee so very much!" then "I'm finding my faith in God again, and that brought me joy". She has rediscovered her faith. She is praying and reading the Bible in her cell.

Another snippit states:

That's a stunning change for the 22-year-old mom who became known locally as a wild party girl, plowed through multiple lovers, downed shots, smoked pot and advertised for sexual partners on Web sites.


Keep in mind that this came from the National Enquirer so this should be taken with a grain of salt. Still I found it interesting since during GA's FBI interview, FBI did make reference to KC having some "racy" photos online which would turn up at some point.

So maybe she really WAS a "call girl or escort"
I was thinking she could have been a call girl or escort, and then I thought maybe if she was that her clients would come forward, then I realized that they probably wouldn't come forward. So this is very likely IMO.

ETA: I mean it makes sense, as far as the internet searches on the PC go and that she would lie about working at Universal.
I've suspected her of being a call girl from day one. She had to be going somewhere when she said she was going to work.
They probably consider her having a page as advertising for sexual partners imo. I still believe there are many more nasty pics of Casey out there on the Internet, but I think the magazine is just trying to sensationalize.
I also skimmed through an enquirer at the store today- really couldnt stand there and read it all but it had a snippet where it said she was saying in jail that Caylee needs a baby sister and she wants another baby- no clue who she said this to, if she even said it but figured I'd add this in-Is this the same Enquirer or was that last months I was reading that was still left in the rack?
What a guy! What a wonderful pastor, he actually discussed his talk with the National Inquirer??? Just when I thought it was safe and no more bombshells..yikes. I do not believe these people, are they really that hungry to see their words in print? sheeeesh
Do NOT link any possible racy photos or questionable sites in this thread. Thank you.
I've suspected her of being a call girl from day one. She had to be going somewhere when she said she was going to work.
From day one.........ME TOO!!!! as soon as I looked at her, and I have posted this, but for some reason, I got sort of shut down, like I was waaay off. Maybe I am, but I dont think so. I have been in the barscene for a long time, as a bartender, and a former bar owner. I can spot em a mile away.:loser:
I also skimmed through an enquirer at the store today- really couldnt stand there and read it all but it had a snippet where it said she was saying in jail that Caylee needs a baby sister and she wants another baby- no clue who she said this to, if she even said it but figured I'd add this in-Is this the same Enquirer or was that last months I was reading that was still left in the rack?

The story about KC wanting to give Caylee a baby sister was in this weeks Enquirer.. the one I quoted in my original post is due to be released next week.

They say that she yells that she needs to have a baby, she needs to have a baby sister for Caylee to play with. (I really don't think this is true, unless JB put her up to this as a plot to plead insanity...)
What a guy! What a wonderful pastor, he actually discussed his talk with the National Inquirer??? Just when I thought it was safe and no more bombshells..yikes. I do not believe these people, are they really that hungry to see their words in print? sheeeesh

Hey Manny. I love your avatar!

Although it may seem like the pastor spoke with the NE I doubt this is the case.

Here is how it usually works. Someone working inside the jail overheard Casey and the Rev's conversation. This person then sold the info to the Enquirer.

It happens all the time.

The only way the National Enquirer would print this is if they were certain their source had access to this conversation.

Then again, the person who had access to the conversation could have told someone else about it and THAT person sold it to the paper.

It would seem this would be an easy source to weed out if the jail wanted to.

Maybe, it was Casey herself. They pay good money for these stories.
The article also states that KC wears a baggy blue prison jumpsuit for their meetings, making it impossible for the minister to tell whether she has lost or gained weight during her incarceration.

Just before their sessions, Casey shuffles into a windowless classroom at the Orange County Jail, her hands cuffed and fastened to a silver waist chain which, in turn, is fastened to ankle shackles.

Across the table from her sits Rev. S. He cannot touch her to offer comfort. he can't hold her hand or pat her shoulder, he can only try to touch her soul.

It would not suprise me at all if she told Ref.S she has found faith in God again. Not to be cynical but, she does seem to conform to whom ever she is with at the time.
The National Enquirer, to my knowledge is actually more thorough with their stories than many of the tabloids out there. They got it right with the John Edwards affair, with Jamie Lynne Spears pregnancy, with Patrick Swayze and Paul Newman's illness and many, many other things of late.

Wouldn't surprise me if this was true. I do find it surprising that Casey has 'returned' to God... although a lot of murderers, rapists, abusers and general criminals do it, I've always thought Casey was too narcissistic to turn to a higher power than herself.
Well I hope she is getting religion, because One of the shrinks on NG said that is a sign that a killer is ready to confess. At the time, NG commented on the fact she wasn't heading in that direction, maybe now.
Well I hope she is getting religion, because One of the shrinks on NG said that is a sign that a killer is ready to confess. At the time, NG commented on the fact she wasn't heading in that direction, maybe now.

I wish she would confess too. Unfortunately, if Casey says she has turned to religion, it's probably not true. She is just telling the pastor the "right things," for her own benefit. It's what she does.
iirc, ca said kc was reading the Bible daily and kept it by her bed ---

She was also the most advid reader of the Bible in her youth & that was what brought the family hope when la was was her faith.....

I don't think its a major turn--but that is up to God........they all seem to find God in jail....
IMO the defense team leaked this to make it sound like she is a good person and has found God. Again just my opinion.
What a guy! What a wonderful pastor, he actually discussed his talk with the National Inquirer??? Just when I thought it was safe and no more bombshells..yikes. I do not believe these people, are they really that hungry to see their words in print? sheeeesh
I dont believe a word of it.The issue where KC.says Caylee needs a sister is the latest issue on sale. I sell them.
So she says she found God! Well Golleeeee KC.You'd better start singing "Nearer My God To Thee".How can she lie about anything to a Minister!! She hasn't found God~never will.She is going for points she made a boo boo when she refused his visit after they found Caylee. ......I look for a lot of stories about KC/Caylee as mag sales are way off due to the economy.I read them for free.

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