New Pics Of KC Halloween Party

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If u look in the pictures there is a blue alcoholic drink in a bottle on the table
Definitely could be same blue drink flound at Scene

Seriously, I doubt it. These photos are from @2006. No way it could it be the same drink. Also, the scene had a huge amount of trash and debris there. I'm sure most of that trash is unrelated to Caylee's murder. The area is off a road, near a school and in a neighborhood. Bound to be tons of trash thrown out of car windows, etc.
If you are saying that it's the same kind of drink with some kind of interesting drug properties, I doubt that as well. There are tons of blue drinks around, alcoholic ones as well as gatorade. I don't see how we make the jump from a blue colored drink in the background of a picture at a 2006 party, a bunch of trash at the crime scene including a bottle of nearly empty gatorade and some big drug addiction involving exctasy.
I don't think casey was any kind of hardcore drug user. The lollipop was probably just a lollipop. After all, it was a Halloween party and Halloween is associated with candy. This goes double for the lollipop casey had at the beach which one poster thought might indicate she's using drugs. Exctasy users generally don't decide to do so in broad daylight, at the beach, with their kid in tow. Exctasy is about bumping loud music, dancing, night time, lights, touching each other and sex.
You know, throughout this case we have tended to cast everything casey did in a sinister light, as if she was involved in sophisticated theft rings, on drugs non-stop, selling herself and beating or selling her daughter and stuffing her drugged baby in the truck, all while involved in some high-tech drug and/or sex trade conspiracy. I don't buy it. casey is evil but evil people often live mundane lives in between the harm they do.
Frankly, I think casey did not do much besides drink and a little pot smoking. I think she went from guy to guy for relationships but I don't think she was anymore promiscuous than many girls of her age and era, unforutnately. I don't think she dragged little Caylee to drug and sex parties (the one party we know of which she may have brought Caylee too is not reported to have anything more going on than a bit of drinking) and I don't think she drugged the child as an alternate to a babysitter.
I think casey was a young, spoiled and selfish girl who would rather party than parent or work, so she lied and stole from her friends and family and got her parents to watch her kid for her while she acted like an idiot. I also think she had a spoiling yet enmeshed and controlling mother who berated casey for leaving the child care to her and who used Caylee as a means to punish casey. I think casey hated and resented her mother for this and in turn, used Caylee to hurt her mom. Since casey is likely a socipathic narcissist, when the resentment built as she began to realize how limiting a child can be on a social life and that her mother was not going to simply let her leave Caylee all the time without some consequences, casey coldly researched how to get rid of her "little" problem and payback her mom at the same time and when the time was right, casey did it.
In the meantime, casey probably treated Caylee as normally as many, just not with any true depth of love or feeling, more like a teenage babysitter might, and, she partied when she could and spent the rest of the time pretending to work while trolling for a new guy and relaxing at home on the phone or driving around spending money she stole.
This person is trashy and sordid enough without having to add all these drug addiction, sex worker, chronic child abuse scenarios, especially without any real indication that any of that was actually happening. Bottom line? Sometimes seemingly normal people live seemingly normal lives before they coldly and methodically snuff out the life of a loved one, leaving many who knew them to ask, "What the hell?"
They are good at hiding the truth but the truth usually consists of not much more than greed, shallowness and a sense of entitlement which leads to relationship problems, lack of employment and unsophisticated criminal activities. For the rest of the time, they behave pretty much like everyone else. LOL.
ITA. I live in Orlando too, about 15 mins out from your area, and those pics are a typical young adult party, especially for a Halloween party. I could show about 100 pics just like that from friends's Myspace accounts. It's the norm nowadays :)

My daughter (18) and her boyfriend (21) just said the same thing. Back in my day, no matter how hardy we partied, you'd never catch me kissing a member of the same sex like that, but it seems to be the norm nowadays and it apparently doesn't mean anything. :waitasec:
Seriously, I doubt it. These photos are from @2006. No way it could it be the same drink. Also, the scene had a huge amount of trash and debris there. I'm sure most of that trash is unrelated to Caylee's murder. The area is off a road, near a school and in a neighborhood. Bound to be tons of trash thrown out of car windows, etc.
If you are saying that it's the same kind of drink with some kind of interesting drug properties, I doubt that as well. There are tons of blue drinks around, alcoholic ones as well as gatorade. I don't see how we make the jump from a blue colored drink in the background of a picture at a 2006 party, a bunch of trash at the crime scene including a bottle of nearly empty gatorade and some big drug addiction involving exctasy.
........................snipped for space.......

I'm dancing like a banana here! Finally a post that keeps it all real. Great job, G! Kudos to you!!!!
I don't think the pics are that big of a deal. When I wasn't a mom, I partied it up, danced with my girlfriends like it was nobody's business and even gave some of them a smooch. I wouldn't DREAM of doing anything like that now that I have kids, but I have morals and standards which I wish to impose upon them. Back in the day I only had myself to worry about and that is what I did. I was young and a free spirit.

I think it's a bit ignorant that she is a mother with responsibilities and she's putting herself out there like this. YES mom's can have fun, but dang have some respect for yourself and your child. JMO.
During the height of my rock n roll years I had a few women crush on me and all I had to do was say I didn't swing that way emotionally or physically. There were a few times close girlfriends and I would tell a gross guy comming on to one of us that we were gay and then we would hug one another but never make out. KC's escapades appeared more of an attention seeking shock value behavior, and just another way to weasle herself into someone's graces for gain even if it was only to stick out in a crowd at a party.
You know, throughout this case we have tended to cast everything casey did in a sinister light, as if she was involved in sophisticated theft rings, on drugs non-stop, selling herself and beating or selling her daughter and stuffing her drugged baby in the truck, all while involved in some high-tech drug and/or sex trade conspiracy. I don't buy it. casey is evil but evil people often live mundane lives in between the harm they do.
Frankly, I think casey did not do much besides drink and a little pot smoking. I think she went from guy to guy for relationships but I don't think she was anymore promiscuous than many girls of her age and era, unforutnately. I don't think she dragged little Caylee to drug and sex parties (the one party we know of which she may have brought Caylee too is not reported to have anything more going on than a bit of drinking) and I don't think she drugged the child as an alternate to a babysitter.
I think casey was a young, spoiled and selfish girl who would rather party than parent or work, so she lied and stole from her friends and family and got her parents to watch her kid for her while she acted like an idiot. I also think she had a spoiling yet enmeshed and controlling mother who berated casey for leaving the child care to her and who used Caylee as a means to punish casey. I think casey hated and resented her mother for this and in turn, used Caylee to hurt her mom. Since casey is likely a socipathic narcissist, when the resentment built as she began to realize how limiting a child can be on a social life and that her mother was not going to simply let her leave Caylee all the time without some consequences, casey coldly researched how to get rid of her "little" problem and payback her mom at the same time and when the time was right, casey did it.
In the meantime, casey probably treated Caylee as normally as many, just not with any true depth of love or feeling, more like a teenage babysitter might, and, she partied when she could and spent the rest of the time pretending to work while trolling for a new guy and relaxing at home on the phone or driving around spending money she stole.

I couldn't agree more.

Sometimes the simplest explanation really is the best one -- Casey does not have to be a mastermind, a master criminal, a long-term child abuser or evil incarnate to do what she did. Seemingly normal people commit heinous crimes for stupid, selfish, ugly reasons.

IMO, we can't understand that someone *like that* could do something *like that*, so we build her up into something much more sinister than she ever was. We all probably know someone with many of her characteristics, personality type and ability to harm others gravely (hopefully they don't act on it the way she did!!). What's really shocking is that she killed her child, as this is particularly heinous, but we might not be so shocked to learn that someone like her killed an ex-boyfriend or even a female rival. What she did was evil, but I'm not sure she's pure evil herself. That's what's truly scary to me, though.

Also, I love your analogy of Casey as a teenage babysitter rather than a mother. It seems like this matches with some descriptions of her -- she seemed like a good mother to those around her, but this was probably surface. She seems to have enjoyed dressing Caylee up in sunglasses or play dresses and she seems to have liked getting attention from Caylee and from others about Caylee (how cute she was, etc). A teenage babysitter loves to show off her charge and the cute things it can do, but she isn't in love with the child the way a parent is. She isn't ready to die for the child the way most parents are. And when she gets bored and annoyed or frustrated, she will be glad to get rid of the child as quickly as possible back to its parents. Too bad Casey wasn't a good teenaged babysitter--if she had been she'd have given Caylee to her parents to deal with while she ran off to live her own life rather than destroying her child's life instead.
So, instead of spending Halloween taking her beautiful little girl out trick or treating..this is what she's doing? Real classy. Not that I expected anything less..

I don't think good parties start before 10-11pm ...Plenty of time to have taken Caylee out trick or treating.

I am usually not one to defend Casey...but...I will say...THANK GOD no one was following me around with a camera when I was 18, 19, 20 years old! I don't see the big long as Caylee was being cared for by someone responsible.
HUH??? Wow!! I am reeeally out of it then... cause back when I was I used to go to parties..BUT NOT LIKE THAT ONE!! LOL!! Being a woman I can see wanting to get a man's attention, BUT NOT LIKE THAT EITHER! But then I'm just a southern girl and I have lived a very sheltered life. I must say, I have become somewhat educated in this thread seeing these pictures.

I know.. I was shocked to.. but... I have several nieces and a daughter that is 24. My daughter is not bi and she is not wild. Quite moral actual. But when she was 19 it was not uncommon for the girls to "dirty dance" or "grind". Most times at the clubs alot of girls are dancing like that and grabbing each others "girls." Needless, to say this mom was shocked when we all went out to a bachelorette party a couple of years ago. However, the girls were like.. no big deal.. I asked my daughter about girls kissing like those in the pictures and she says.. some girls do to "push the limits." Mostly tho, she said when they get around 23-24 they stop doing it. Especially if they are settling down.
What we see in this pictures is very much going on in the party world of 17-23 year olds.... Casey is not the only girl in the picture.. (not standing up for her.. just saying...)
Yes, I believe you do have a right to say so. However, it's more appropriate to do so in the political forum in the basement.

We have many people here, including lesbians.

I still have a right to feel this way just as they have the right. Thats the way the conversation was goin. Just because there may or may not be lesbians here who can leave their opinion-------I can't leave mine? It isn't for e-body and I am just as much somebody as the next person. I'm not trying to argue but somebody said it was nasty to them and I feel the same way. It is a "choice" and it isn't mine. I don't see any thang political about it. If you choose to kiss girls then hey---more power to you. I don't understand why it being nasty to me makes it a big deal.
We have people here expressing their opinions on both sides.

Some have said girls kissing girls shouldn't automatically feel dirty and others have said its nasty to kiss another girl.

Both opinions should be able to be expressed in the same place.

Thank you so much for putting this in a better way than I ever could.
I graduated college last year in NJ where I was in a sorority where we had a lot of mixers and a lot of partying. Trust me, if you asked anyone of my sorority sisters their opinions on these pics they would say "very trashy." It could be in part that it's just the 3 of them that seem to be trying so hard to entertain everyone but something about these pictures looks trashier than your average college party. In fact, it's almost pathetic cause most of the guys don't even seem to be enjoying what they're watching or even paying attention! My opinion is that these 3 girls got TRASHED somewhere beforehand and then showed up to a party filled wiht younger guys who weren't near as wasted as they were. Also, according to NG's show website, these pictures will be the BOMBSHELL for tonight--can't wait to see what she has to say!
I get the feeling there may have been some ecstacy use going on with this "party"...not that I have any personal knowledge of the drug, but saw on a program that they frequently use lollipops when on it. I wonder how it is that these pictures just came out now ?
Yes I first got the impression that this could have been for show (whether for free or pay, IDK) but when I took a closer look at the faces of KC [especially KC] and the conga line women (and the man and woman apparently "doing it undercover," I see what looks akin to sexual desire (or some really good acting.:sick:)

Look at KC's eyes in first pic, her eyes are closed like she is really getting into the deep kiss with the other woman.

Yup, I noticed that too~~
I've danced with other girls & I'll say ONLY danced to get rid of guys that were bothering me. NO kissing them, I don't & won't go that route to get rid of unwanted pests. I've done this as recently as a few years back & I'm in my 40's. It does work when you don't want to be bothered, but this is at a private party not a club! Casey & her ex(?)-BFF Annie has had many rumors of them once being more than friends. I can't give you a link, but when I read her & Annie's(before it was private) Myspace before she(KC) deleted everything, from what was posted in her & Annie's comment's to each other sure did leave me with the impression that they were more than just friends! The pics go IMO beyond the accepted normal behavoir for today's 20 somethings.

JMHO Please don't bash me for my opinion everyone! It has kept me away from posting long enough! :blowkiss:

I did not read all of the posts, but I viewed the pictures, and in them KC is sucking on a lollipop. My son said that is a BIG sign that the person is on Xstasy. (something about rolling, they use lollipops, pacifiers etc) Apparently it makes you very uninhibited sexually (did she need a drug for that???) , and usually when the girls do it, they end up very touchy feely & kissy with other girls. In most of KC's less racy ?? pictures, she poses, smiles etc. These are pretty candid photos and are telling a story. Her face looks like she is out of it, adn drugged in the one where you can really see her. I believe these are the photos that GA said a father should never have to see of his daughter. I would be heartbroken and would not want to hear about it being trendy to behave like that.

Although their "loving" behavior seems like they are definitely on something, I'm gonna have to go against the lollypop theory being x. First of all, there's booze all over the place which tends to lead to some girl on girl action (doesn't necessarily need to be X). Plus KC seemed like an attention *advertiser censored* and clearly liked anything sexual. If you look at other pictures of KC, she often has lollypops in her mouth including one of her and Caylee at the beach (I highly doubt she was trying to get high then!) Plus it was a Halloween party so I'm sure there was a lot of candy there. From pictures and videos, she seems like the girl who always likes to have something in her mouth (lollypops, gum, food, and judging by her reputation, I can imagine a certain something else-haha) so I think it's more of an oral fixation thing, or maybe she really just likes candy (we've all seen her commissary reports!).

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