New Poll. Public can Vote. Have U Changed Your Mind About Haleigh's Culprit?

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Now that Haleigh's stepmom Misty failed a polygraph who do you think took Haleigh?

  • Her Biological Father Ron

    Votes: 8 1.3%
  • Her Biological Mother Crystal

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Her Step-Mother Misty

    Votes: 42 7.0%
  • Ron and Misty Together

    Votes: 31 5.2%
  • Crystal and an accomplice

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Strangers to the family

    Votes: 5 0.8%
  • Someone else not mentioned in this poll

    Votes: 35 5.9%
  • Haleigh's life taken by Misty with an accomplice

    Votes: 51 8.5%
  • Marie Griffis with accomplices

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Haleigh was not kidnapped. She died at the hands of Ron and/or Misty. Accidently or on purpose

    Votes: 177 29.6%
  • unsure

    Votes: 26 4.3%
  • Teresa Neves with accomplices

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • killed by crazy bad news cousin or boyfriend on the side while Misty witnessed or was away from the

    Votes: 29 4.8%
  • A member of Misty's family

    Votes: 21 3.5%
  • Through Misty's extreme negligence, someone known to the family took Haleigh

    Votes: 50 8.4%
  • Misty assisted someone to take her away

    Votes: 14 2.3%
  • by a local perv whilst Misty was away partying

    Votes: 6 1.0%
  • as usual, MC left after kids were in bed. the cousin, a SO or a "friend" of MC took Haleigh

    Votes: 25 4.2%
  • fake abduction

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • HaLeigh molested on bouncing couch and killed by man in black

    Votes: 5 0.8%
  • Misty was home & sleeping, someone who knows family abducted Haleigh

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Nobody "took" her. Accidental death & coverup.

    Votes: 38 6.4%
  • Unknown due to lack of evidence pointing to anyone.

    Votes: 7 1.2%
  • Didn't change my mind because Misty was alway's guilty in my mind,the only thing that has changed is

    Votes: 8 1.3%
  • Lie Detectors again and again Prove unreliable - Junk Science

    Votes: 2 0.3%

  • Total voters
My intuition tells me that Misty knows where she is and that she may have assisted someone else to take her and that she knows where she is . I didnt vote because I dont see this choice on the voting form . I feel that she is still alive and whoever has her is keeping her in hiding .

Dear Gruuvin,

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Thanks to Busylady and Flossie JMO for their help in getting me the info. I am calling CNN and will attempt to purchase the Mike Gelano show everyone is talking about. Can't say for sure if I can buy it. Depends on cost.

I voted unsure ( the same as before) While i Think MC knows what happened to her I can not say who took her away from the home that night.
Haleigh was not kidnapped. She died at the hands of Ron and/or Misty. Accidently or on purpose

After hearing of this arguement, I feel Misty was angry and frustrated and did something to HaLeigh to end her life...accidently

Why would she call her brother first and not dial 911 immediately upon noticing HaLeigh was not in her bed...because she's got something to hide..
I want to change my vote to not kidnapped R&M did something to her.
my vote has not changed ! And lol if anyone thinks that the other of the 99.9% can't mess with the voting PROXIES
I admit I am shocked nobody has bought the Galanos tape and sent it to Patty G. I don't have a credit card or I would have months ago.

We just might have that show here:

We do have the video where Ron states he passed with flying colors as well as Misty passing the poly -
YouTube - Nancy 2/11/09 Haleigh Part 1 of 7 Ron Passed Poly With Flying Colors

My vote remains the same. I hope nobody plays games to skew the votes.

My vote has not changed either, I remain convinced that something happened to little HaLeigh at the hands of RC & MC. Just don't know if it was an accident or anger...
I don't believe that he passed the poly Tricia. Even tho polys are not foolproof, I would be shocked if he passed it. IF he did, I will take a HUGE step for, I would LOVE to know the results.

I could have sworn someone in LE said he passed but then again I hallucinate a lot.

Does anyone know for sure about this?

We were just discussing that in the RT. Busy said it was confirmed by LE on Mike Galanos (sp?) show, but the video of the show has to be purchased. I don't doubt Busys word for a second, but I would love to hear it myself!


Thanks to Busylady and Flossie JMO for their help in getting me the info. I am calling CNN and will attempt to purchase the Mike Gelano show everyone is talking about. Can't say for sure if I can buy it. Depends on cost.


Can anyone clarify that what was thought to be confirmed by LE on Mike Galanos show was about polygraph results? I can't find anything like that. :waitasec: There was quite a bit of discussion about the Galagos show tape in the last 24 hours, but AFAICT, it was just about LE confirming that Ron picked Haleigh up at the bus stop... and older discussions about neighbors sighting Haleigh that afternoon.

I ran the searches, because I think if LE had ever said Ron passed his poly, it would have been huge and memorable news...

The Search I used was simply: Keyword(s): Galanos ; Forum: Haleigh Cummings 5 years old and child forums

I tried the rumor threads and got no hits on Galanos at all...
The problem with this case is that there are so very few "good guys" and so many "shady characters". When everybody has something to hide, it becomes this Col. Mustard in the Library with a Candlestick routine (too many options and unclear direction). The one fact, that seems to get clearer every day, is that Misty knows something. Regardless of how involved she may or may not be, she is hiding something that is actually related to this babies disappearance.
My vote has not changed either, I remain convinced that something happened to little HaLeigh at the hands of RC & MC. Just don't know if it was an accident or anger...

Hi, LillieBelle!

I voted 'Ron and Misty Together'. I do not know if it was accident, anger, or she was just sent away with someone for the donations/money.

The donations/money and how close it is to little Caylee's case was my first theory. I really felt Haleigh was alive for a long time.

Now I just do not know, but one thing I feel to the depths of my soul is that whatever happened to Haleigh was due to Ronald and Misty. And they both know where she is and what happened to her, IMO.

Just JMO
I voted exactly the same as before...Misty....I never thought Ron was involved in it, although I think he knows now what happened and I sadly think she isn't alive either.
None of the choices fit my thoughts, so I added another option.

After the poll is completed, maybe you can include ALL of these options, and run the poll again, without the choice to add new options, that way all of us can vote on a the complete set of options.

I do agree that Misty is hiding important information and she looks extremely guilty of something.

However, my thoughts haven't changed since the beginning. Misty was doing something she shouldn't have been, and Haleigh was taken because the opportunity was there. Perhaps she had been stalked for some time, and when Misty left, or was otherwise occupied, Haleigh was taken by a sex offender and/or someone with a vengeance against Ron and/or Misty. Sadly, I do not believe this little girl survived for very long.
I am going to first say that I have not read much in the threads on Haleigh since the very beginning and I have not been following the case NEARLY as closely as Caylee, but I will say this:

I have always believed that Misty was not home the night that Haleigh disappeared. I thought that she probably left the house at night, leaving the kids home alone often and that someone in the trailer park knew her routine and snatched the baby when he knew the time was right. I hoped she was alive and believed there was a chance.

Sadly, after hearing the polygraph info, I am now convinced that was not the case. If not being home was the extent of Misty's guilt, when asked if she knew where Haleigh was, she would have passed at least that question with flying colors. 95% deception is a lot if you truly do not know where she is. I have since come to believe that Misty was having sex in another room in the house on the blanket and that poor Haleigh walked in on it and had to be silenced.

I believe that getting rid of this DNA was the reasoning behind washing the blanket so late. Gotta get rid of the evidence if you "can't find the baby." Any idiot knows what can be done with DNA these days. I don't know if whoever it was took her or killed her, but when I heard about the poly I came in on the middle and didn't know at first that the poly was set up by Tim. Once I heard that Misty requested Tim, I lean more to the baby being killed.

It dawned on me that it had been just a month longer that Caylee was gone. Perhaps she was alive for another month but because of media coverage they killed her after the dogs stopped coming with LE. I fear that since we know the condition Caylee was in at 6 months gone, and how little evidence could be recovered, maybe Misty thought it was now safe to call Tim and get this mess over with. I hope that she is still alive, but I fear she is not.

I've never thought much of Ron. I will be very disappointed to find out he had anything to do with this child going missing. I do believe he married Misty to "keep his enemies closer." I have no doubt that he is an a$$, but I can just about guarantee you that if I thought that my live in had allowed something to happen to my child, I would be very hard to live with and in public, I might even act slightly supportive while giving you plenty of rope to hang yourself. Not unlike when the world was looking for Caylee...if I could just have 5 unprosecutable minutes with that girl, we'd have us a baby! I have always thought from the beginning that Misty is where everything goes screwy, no matter how, she radiated guilt to me.
I can't help but think that Misty and Ron had issues long before the night that Haleigh disappeared. That being said, I think that Misty made arrangements with either her brother or cousin to take her. Misty had Haleigh "disappear" to "get back at Ron". Some how I get the feeling that Misty and Ron's relationship has always been a very explosive relationship. Misty is very young and Haleigh "disappearing" sounds like something that a "teen" would do for revenge. I could be way off base and I hope to God that she really is alive!!!!! I think that Misty called her brother to let him know that all was about to hit the fan. If I remember correctly - Ron made her call 911 when he arrived and Misty told him that Haleigh was missing. You can hear in Misty voice of the 911 call that she was under "tremendous" stress and had a hard time just trying to say what she said. I think that Ron's initial reaction really scared her - much more than she had anticipated it would. And, Ron didn't have much nice to say about Misty during that call either.
After reading a bit more, especially a post by Tuba, who mentions Ron and Misty on the phone about 8:30 pm, plus some astrological stuff, I'm rethinking my original thoughts again.

I know Misty is holding back everything. At first I thought she was just covering for herself because she was up to no good (leaving the kids alone, having visitors of the male gender, drugs, sex, whatever) but now, after reading much more and weighing it with her failed polygraph, voice testing, and questionable hypnosis session, I'm thinking she's covering for a lot more than doing some guy and not watching the kids. This gal seems SOOOOO GUILTY. :furious:

I'm wondering how hard the little brother sleeps? Did he really sleep through all the action in that house? I know at one point there were reports he saw "men in black" take his sissy, but I'm wondering if he was drugged so he'd sleep? Was he tested? If there had been an altercation between Haleigh and Misty, wouldn't he have seen or heard it?

Like you, HRCODEPINK, I'd love just five minutes with the little twit. I'm not law enforcement and I don't have to worry about jeopardizing the case. :furious:

Honestly, if Ron is totally innocent, and he married this kid just to keep her closer, he's far stronger than I would be. :waitasec:
I never thought that Ron had anything to do with Haleigh's dissapearance. I still don't. I think that Misty knows what happened to the sweet little girl. I think that she had friends over and was possibly carrying on should we say with one of her visitors and while she was busy some of her other visitors decided to take advantage of Haleigh. I think Haleigh died in the process and then was dumped in the dumpster behind their trailor. The dogs hit on that dumpster. I think she was either moved from the dumpster or the dumpster was dumped before Haleigh was found. I think Misty knows or has a good idea of what happened to Haleigh. JMO Why didn't she call 911 immediately when she saw Haleigh missing? that's a huge red flag to me. If I were babysitting and a child was missing I'd call before I could even breath!!
i think Misty knows who took Haleigh...but I don't think she was directly responsible. I think the scenario MaryAnn came up with is plausible..I've thought that maybe Misty owed a dealer $$ and they took Haleigh as retaliation... I don't think Ron has anything to do with it. I think the only thing he is guilty of is stupidity when it comes to women and who he leaves his children with.

Poor Haleigh...i've felt for a long time that she was still alive...but now i'm starting to doubt it.

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