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OK,Here is a question..I think I read somewhere that Pasty said,after she found the RN she ran to JB's room and was screaming for JR,did either of this 2 ever say that they ran to Burke's room to check and see if JB was sleeping in his we know sometimes JB went to his room..I have never read anywhere if this question was asked by anyone

and I am very excited about what Trica said on the radio about something big happening this yr...does anyone have a clue as to what it may be?
OK,Here is a question..I think I read somewhere that Pasty said,after she found the RN she ran to JB's room and was screaming for JR,did either of this 2 ever say that they ran to Burke's room to check and see if JB was sleeping in his we know sometimes JB went to his room..I have never read anywhere if this question was asked by anyone

and I am very excited about what Trica said on the radio about something big happening this yr...does anyone have a clue as to what it may be?

Patsy had given two versions of that morning. She claimed to have come down the spiral (back) stairs to make coffee very early (5:30), found the note on the stairs , read it partially without picking it up (this was found to have been nearly impossible on those stairs when investigators tried it) and then ran upstairs to find JB not in her room. She also claimed to go to JB's room first and found her missing. She did say she called for JR, and mentioned that she heard JR screaming as he came up from the basement. He denied ever being IN the basement at that time. She also said she had "flashbacks" of JB screaming. How could she have had a flashback of something she claimed not to have heard in the first place?
It was JR who claimed to have looked in BR's room, and said he appeared to be asleep. This was the line the family always took (that BR was asleep the whole time). Later BR did admit to LE that he was actually awake, and only pretended to be asleep, and that he heard rushing around and loud talking. In the enhanced version of the 911 call placed by Patsy that morning, BR can be heard on the tape and JR can be heard talking to him. It was definitely a child's voice, and as at that time JB was already dead, BR was the only other child in the house.

As far as Tricia's news- hope springs eternal!

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