New Timeline/Theory Based On Body Discovery??

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DNA Solves
Hi, I just want to say quickly that I really believe Casey had Caylee's body in the backyard. I also think G and C's story about the pool ladder is very important. I think Casey used that pool ladder to climb over the fence in her backyard....went into the woods....followed the trail that she knew by heart from her earlier childhood days....and left Caylee out in those woods. I think she intentionally brought the garbage bag with Caylee's body all the way through the woods and almost to the road on purpose to make LE think someone stopped on the side of the road and dumped the body.

In one of the first tv reports....I saw the police with the cadaver dogs RIGHT AT THE FENCE in the A's back yard.(behind Caylee's playhouse)I think that is where she sat Caylee down while she grabbed the pool ladder to get over her fence. Casey would not stop on the side of the road to dump Caylee's body when she had easy access to it through a path from her backyard!.....Then when she was done, she put the pool ladder back up at the pool instead of where C and G put it to keep it away from Caylee. Thus making Cindy question George as to why the pool ladder was down...............Any Thoughts?

The aerial images of the Anthony neighborhood most people - including the media - have been using are Google Earth images taken April, 2002. The land behind the Anthony's was developed in 2004. Here is an image from early 2008 that can be found on the Orange County Property Appraiser's website:


The red arrow points to the Anthony home. Given the above, IMHO, I think there is zero chance she jumped the fence with a body and carried it north.
The aerial images of the Anthony neighborhood most people - including the media - have been using are Google Earth images taken April, 2002. The land behind the Anthony's was developed in 2004. Here is an image from early 2008 that can be found on the Orange County Property Appraiser's website:


The red arrow points to the Anthony home. Given the above, IMHO, I think there is zero chance she jumped the fence with a body and carried it north.

Hmmm...on the news they were showing aerial photo's as well and they must have been photo's or views before that land behind the home was developed because there was a line of trees RIGHT UP TO the fence in the back of the A's house. Weird. In the views I saw it looked like a patch of forest in the shape of a hot air balloon and it ended right to the edge of the fencing. Oh well
The aerial images of the Anthony neighborhood most people - including the media - have been using are Google Earth images taken April, 2002. The land behind the Anthony's was developed in 2004. Here is an image from early 2008 that can be found on the Orange County Property Appraiser's website:


The red arrow points to the Anthony home. Given the above, IMHO, I think there is zero chance she jumped the fence with a body and carried it north.

Thanks for posting this. It looks very different than the Goolde Earth images. I thought she may have gone the back way into the woods at first, but after seeing this and some other things, I agree that she did not do this.
Here is a possible timeline based on my research to date and the latest facts regarding the discovery of little Caylee's remains:

June 15

Father's day visit to Cindy's father. Last known videos and pictures of Caylee taken. Fight with Cindy sometime after Cindy and Caylee return. Presumably Cindy grabs KC by the throat or neck during the argument.

I have thought "what could have made Cindy that angry"? I am wondering if somehow Cindy discovered that KC had on at least one prior occasion placed Caylee in the trunk to sleep. That certainly would rise to the level of anger described by relatives. It would also help support rumors that the DA is thinking about charging the Anthony's with obstruction. See my post here.

June 16

KC and Caylee do spend the night at parents. See post here. According to George, the two leave right before he leaves for work. Cell pings indicate they did not leave the general area. They may have gone to Lee's, or perhaps even the playground at the Hidden Oaks Elementary School. However, computer forensics show she was back at her parents around 2 PM.

Caylee dies around 3:30 PM. I am heavily criticized by some for this but I still believe the death was accidental. I think it could have been a drowning in the swimming pool.

Another possibility I have considered of late is, if KC had used chloroform in the past on Caylee - which is a distinct possibility based on my hunch as to what the previous day's argument with Cindy was about - that she may have chloroformed Caylee when they returned to the home.

Here is the scenario:

They return from the playground (I think the playground is more plausible than Lee's). Caylee goes off to play or watch TV while mom is on the phone and computer. At some point near 3 KC is on phone with JG - JG hears Caylee in the background (note, I am not talking about the call later in the month when he thought he heard Caylee - this is a different, documented call). Caylee is probably over-tired and needs her nap, but won't go down.

KC gets a rag full of "momma's helper" to get her to go to sleep. The amount of chloroform is enough to kill Caylee, but it is probably not immediately noticed by KC.

She calls Tony around 3:35 to make arrangements for the evening, likely telling him she will head over when mom arrives to watch Caylee. She then checks on Caylee and finds her dead. She probably notices because the baby's bladder and/or bowels emptied upon death.

I do not now believe that Casey's calls around 4:00 PM to GA and CA were to report an emergency. I think they were to find out how much time she had to get out before someone showed up. This would be the behavior of a narcissistic person - me first.

I can see her running through the house grabbing some clothes and stuff and throwing it all in the trunk. She also grabs some of Caylee's stuff so that mom will know that Caylee is spending the night with her. That stuff and Caylee all go into the trunk.

On her way up to Tony's she texts him, probably to say her mother showed up early so she is on her way.

June 17

Returns to Anthony home, backing into garage. I am guessing that she did not move the body out of the trunk, but largely tried to figure out what to do. May have loaded additional stuff into the car.

June 18

Returns to Anthony home, backing into garage. This time she is thinking "well, I will just bury her in the backyard and no one will be the wiser." Shed is locked so she goes to borrow a shovel from neighbor BB.

Carries body to backyard, places it on ground where a month later cadaver dogs give inconsistent hits. Digging proves to be too difficult in several spots she tries, so she returns body to trunk. Shovel goes back to BB.

June 19

A possible detailed timeline is discussed here. However, here is a synopsis of what I am thinking occurred:

Checks on Caylee outside Tony's and notices stain on trunk liner and fluids seeping from Caylee's mouth. This probably is due in part to all the movement of the body in the backyard on the previous day. Realizes she has a mess to deal with and starts out toward parent's home. Changes mind and goes to store near JBP to buy duct tape and garbage bags.

Transfer of body into the bag may have occurred almost anywhere, but I think Casey knew the time needed to move things into the bag, tape everything, etc would take time and attract attention, so she needed a secluded spot. Some have suggested the Oviedo home and it certainly can fit within the allowable time. One ping at approximately 3:05 supports but does not prove a trip to that home. See here.

Puts tape on baby's mouth to stop fluid from seeping. This is the only "problem" she sees, only problem she "solves". Places body in a trash bag along with pillow and sheet she took from home on 16th to make it look like she was spending the night somewhere. Seals bag with duct tape as well. I think this explanation is quite plausible. I don't think KC would kill outright, but once faced with a dead Caylee her narcissistic personality did not care what happened to the body.

Note: the 2.6 days determined by the forensic testing was based on the decomposition stain in the trunk and not on the odor analysis. I have asserted that because the weather during this time was quite a bit cooler than what was assumed by the body farm, 3.0 days is an appropriate length of time to use. Once the body was placed in a leak-proof container such as a sealed garbage bag, the chemical composition of the stain would not change.

June 20

Trip to parents in an attempt to clean the stain. Body remains in trunk.

June 21 - 22

Body remains in trunk.

June 23

KC runs out of gas en-route to parents and places call to Tony. Tony picks her up somewhere on Chickasaw near parent's. Both drive to parent's, Tony breaks lock off shed per KC's instruction and takes gas cans. Tony drives her back to car and watches her put gas in tank. It appears she does not return to parents from there.

See here and here.

June 24

Drives to parent's home and pulls forward into garage (per GA). Recall that the previous three times she backed in (per BB). This means to me she was there for some reason other than to deal with the body.

George is home and surprises her. Wants to get a steel wedge out of her trunk - not because he needs it but because he suspects KC stole his gas cans. KC rushes out to the car ahead of him and hands him the cans.

The incident has really spooked KC. On her way back to Tony's she turns right on Suburban instead of left. She pulls to the side of the road next to the woods. Making sure no one is looking, she pops the trunk, takes the bag out, walks to the edge of the woods, and tosses it down the small slope into the brush.

She then heads back to Tony's.

June 25 - 26

No visit to parents. Notices a strong smell beginning to form in car.

June 27

Smell has become quite unbearable. Tony is going to expect her to take him to airport in her car, but that will not be possible with the smell. Goes to parent's house knowing she is low on gas to get some things (also hoping to get the car to run out of gas). Checks mail and finds Cindy' JCP card. Takes that, activates it, takes food, and heads to Tony's.

On her way back the smell is so bothersome she texts Amy about it, but describes it as being due to a dead squirrel being under her car in the past. Runs out of gas at Amscot. Calls Tony who picks her up.

I do not believe she ever visited the site of the body after June 24.

This is very well thought out and supported by the pings. Except for the accident part, I think you have it nailed.
something that I think we should think about, below is a list, between 6/18 and 6/27 of the amount of time spent at the a's house.

6/18 2:42-3:42 1 hour
6/20 1:44 arrival ping, next ping is by tone's at 2:18, so no more than maybe 15 min
6/23 2:44-3:19 next ping 1 tower north of the tower by the a's at 4:01
6/24 2:42-2:55 13 min
6/27 11:09-11:33 24 min

imho 6/18 or 6/23 were the only days she had enough time.
Bold by me.
This fits with what I think happened....
I think that they both went swimming. I think that when they got out
Caylee was busy playing or tired and laying down and Casey got back
on the computer.
I think she left the ladder up and Caylee got back into the pool
and drowned. (Cindy asked George about leaving the pool ladder up)
The comment about the "they haven't even found her clothes"
and the fact that it's being speculated that she had no clothes on
when found and possibly wrapped in something could also fit with this.
My grandkids live in their swimming suits in the summer because we
get in and out of the pool off and on throughout the day.
If she was wrapped in something... it may be a towel.

I think you are absolutely correct! I think that Caylee was found in swimming suit. I also think that she was wrapped in a towel. Something at the crime scene immediately sent law enforcement back to the A's home. I believe it was a towel that had the A's initials on it that was purchased from JCP.
I think you are absolutely correct! I think that Caylee was found in swimming suit. I also think that she was wrapped in a towel. Something at the crime scene immediately sent law enforcement back to the A's home. I believe it was a towel that had the A's initials on it that was purchased from JCP.

why duct tape the mouth? why the zanny story and why no call to 911 of an accident???
Hi, I just want to say quickly that I really believe Casey had Caylee's body in the backyard. I also think G and C's story about the pool ladder is very important. I think Casey used that pool ladder to climb over the fence in her backyard....went into the woods....followed the trail that she knew by heart from her earlier childhood days....and left Caylee out in those woods. I think she intentionally brought the garbage bag with Caylee's body all the way through the woods and almost to the road on purpose to make LE think someone stopped on the side of the road and dumped the body.

In one of the first tv reports....I saw the police with the cadaver dogs RIGHT AT THE FENCE in the A's back yard.(behind Caylee's playhouse)I think that is where she sat Caylee down while she grabbed the pool ladder to get over her fence. Casey would not stop on the side of the road to dump Caylee's body when she had easy access to it through a path from her backyard!.....Then when she was done, she put the pool ladder back up at the pool instead of where C and G put it to keep it away from Caylee. Thus making Cindy question George as to why the pool ladder was down...............Any Thoughts?

Hi elle. Interesting theory. I've been going round and round about the pool ladder too. In your scenario, where does the decomposition in the trunk come in ?

Finally--Adam Walsh case closed - killer identified as Otis Toole. May Adam's family find a measure of peace...
The aerial images of the Anthony neighborhood most people - including the media - have been using are Google Earth images taken April, 2002. The land behind the Anthony's was developed in 2004. Here is an image from early 2008 that can be found on the Orange County Property Appraiser's website:

<snipped for space>

The red arrow points to the Anthony home. Given the above, IMHO, I think there is zero chance she jumped the fence with a body and carried it north.

I wouldn't say zero chance. It may be developed, but there's still a right-of-way between the house behind and the Anthony house.

I don't feel strongly that she went that way to place the body where she did. But I do feel strongly that she was very familiar with those woods because of its proximity to her backyard - and that she most likely went back there as a kid.

Whether she went over the fence using the pool ladder or drove around, hmmm... don't know. I would believe either scenario at this point.
Body was initially bagged 6/19 3:07-3:57PM using a large trash bag from Tony's apt. Several small trash bags were taken out of a large one which was ultimately used for the body. One small bag w/ pizza box, etc. remained in the Pontiac. This initial bagging stopped the ADD clock. There was enough time to execute this transfer @ the Oviedo House.

Body bagged a second time 6/20 1:30-2:18PM on the final Pontiac-backed-into-G&C's trip in preparation for final disposal. The small trash bags from Tony's apt (minus one) and some decomp-stained items (e.g. clothing) were also bagged.

Body disposal on Suburban Dr. date was one of the following .

6/20 - final back-in-@G&C's day
6/23 - outta-gas day
6/24 - here-are-your-eff'n-gas-cans day
6/27 - leave the Pontiac @ Amscot day

If the body was still in the trunk on 6/23 Casey would be very reluctant to call Tony for help w/ gas cans when she ran outta gas. She did keep him away from the car, as she did George 6/24, however, that may have been simply due to the smell. The bags of decomp stained clothing and trash likey remained in the trunk after the disposal and were the source of the smell that Casey thought she would solve when she jettisoned them on 6/27AM - not knowing the stain also contributed to the odor. Casey may have held onto her stained clothing thinking she could launder it when Tony left for NY 6/30...esp. if one of her favorite outfits was involved.

I'm thinking the 6/20 final back-into-G&C's trip was for the final (second) bagging complete w/ duct tape. The body disposal on Suburban Dr. took place as Casey exited Hopespring Drive between 1:51-2:18PM and 6/20 @ Fusian she partied her a$$ off 'cause she was relieved that the body was outta the trunk and she hadn't been caught.........yet.

The other alternative is that Casey made it TO G&C's on 6/23 and ran outta gas on her way BACK to Tony's after disposing of the body. Casey's cell data on 6/23 suggests that she had an hour between 1:41PM (last ping @ Tony's before G&C's) and 2:44PM when she first pinged near G&C's w/ a call to Tony. Long call w/ Amy in this time suggests she maybe waiting for Tony before starting to walk. An incoming call from Tony @ 3:02PM for 1.4mins maybe directing Tony to her location as she walks toward G&C's. Casey takes an incoming call from Mark H. @ 3:19PM and talks for 5mins indicating Tony's not around yet. At 4:01PM Tony calls Casey and she's pinging on her way back toward Tony's apt. This scenario seems unlikely as the reason Casey was going to G&C's 6/23 was perhaps to secure gas if she knew she was running low and couldn't go Sunday 6/22 w/ Cindy @ home. No other compelling reason to go to G&C's 6/23 since it appears the reason for the 6/24 trip was to return the cans taken 6/23...and she simply got caught. IF Casey had made it to G&C's 6/23 she would've found a way to get into the shed if she still had a body in the trunk.

The above suggests to me the best date for final disposal on Suburban was 6/20 1:51-2:18PM.
Body was initially bagged 6/19 3:07-3:57PM using a large trash bag from Tony's apt. Several small trash bags were taken out of a large one which was ultimately used for the body. One small bag w/ pizza box, etc. remained in the Pontiac. This initial bagging stopped the ADD clock. There was enough time to execute this transfer @ the Oviedo House.

Body bagged a second time 6/20 1:30-2:18PM on the final Pontiac-backed-into-G&C's trip in preparation for final disposal. The small trash bags from Tony's apt (minus one) and some decomp-stained items (e.g. clothing) were also bagged.

Body disposal on Suburban Dr. date was one of the following .

6/20 - final back-in-@G&C's day
6/23 - outta-gas day
6/24 - here-are-your-eff'n-gas-cans day
6/27 - leave the Pontiac @ Amscot day

If the body was still in the trunk on 6/23 Casey would be very reluctant to call Tony for help w/ gas cans when she ran outta gas. She did keep him away from the car, as she did George 6/24, however, that may have been simply due to the smell. The bags of decomp stained clothing and trash likey remained in the trunk after the disposal and were the source of the smell that Casey thought she would solve when she jettisoned them on 6/27AM - not knowing the stain also contributed to the odor. Casey may have held onto her stained clothing thinking she could launder it when Tony left for NY 6/30...esp. if one of her favorite outfits was involved.

I'm thinking the 6/20 final back-into-G&C's trip was for the final (second) bagging complete w/ duct tape. The body disposal on Suburban Dr. took place as Casey exited Hopespring Drive between 1:51-2:18PM and 6/20 @ Fusian she partied her a$$ off 'cause she was relieved that the body was outta the trunk and she hadn't been caught.........yet.

The other alternative is that Casey made it TO G&C's on 6/23 and ran outta gas on her way BACK to Tony's after disposing of the body. Casey's cell data on 6/23 suggests that she had an hour between 1:41PM (last ping @ Tony's before G&C's) and 2:44PM when she first pinged near G&C's w/ a call to Tony. Long call w/ Amy in this time suggests she maybe waiting for Tony before starting to walk. An incoming call from Tony @ 3:02PM for 1.4mins maybe directing Tony to her location as she walks toward G&C's. Casey takes an incoming call from Mark H. @ 3:19PM and talks for 5mins indicating Tony's not around yet. At 4:01PM Tony calls Casey and she's pinging on her way back toward Tony's apt. This scenario seems unlikely as the reason Casey was going to G&C's 6/23 was perhaps to secure gas if she knew she was running low and couldn't go Sunday 6/22 w/ Cindy @ home. No other compelling reason to go to G&C's 6/23 since it appears the reason for the 6/24 trip was to return the cans taken 6/23...and she simply got caught. IF Casey had made it to G&C's 6/23 she would've found a way to get into the shed if she still had a body in the trunk.

The above suggests to me the best date for final disposal on Suburban was 6/20 1:51-2:18PM.

Nice to see you posting again, I would say this is a wrap :clap::clap::clap:
This is a cross-post from the In the trunk 2.6 days thread that I thought was relevant here as well.

With the discovery of the body in a bag, with duct tape around the head and (rumor has it) around the bag as well, it appears KC had the body in her trunk more than 2.6 days. So a question comes up - when did KC put the body in the bag and where?

I have argued that little Caylee died around 3:00 PM on the 16, due to an accident while mom happily chatted and texted on the phone and simultaneously used mom and dad's desktop computer. We can argue about when and how on another thread. I will note, however, to those who think that Caylee was chloroformed and placed in KC's trunk prior to leaving for Tony's, that this report will indicate that she probably would not survive more than an hour...putting death as late as 5:00PM (give or take).

Recall that the Body Farm report assumed Florida temperatures averaged 35C during the time in question when they came up with 2.6 days. I found a weather underground station in Orland kind of / sort of in between the Anthony's and Tony's, which should provide a reasonable approximation of the temperatures KC's car would experience driving back and forth between those locations. On top of that, this station reported temperatures every 2 to 6 minutes.

I also found a forensic report that, amazingly, discussed trunk temperatures in white automobiles. In parallel, Bond found an experiment some guy did in measuring ambient air, interior, trunk, and glove compartment temperatures. The plots posted provided insight into how fast the trunk temperature would rise and fall as the air temperature warmed and cooled.

With Bond's exceptional help (he is the Excel man) I was able to create the following plot. To keep things from getting cluttered, I plotted ambient air temperature in Farenheit and Accumulated Degree Days (ADD) in Celcius. Our spreadsheet based ADD, however, on trunk temperature, not ambient temperature. Trunk temperature was higher. I thought it instructive to show ambient air temperature to give a sense of what the actual weather was like.


From this plot we can see that by assuming a 3:00 PM June 16 death the leaking decompostional fluid stops around 3:30 PM on June 19. Originally I believed this to mean that KC had discarded little Caylee at that time. However, the finding of remains in a garbage bag indicates to me that she was placed in the bag at that time.

Note that 3:30PM June 19 occurs during a period of cell phone inactivity just after pings from the Blanchard Park area are followed by a single ping near Dean and University, indicating a possible northward route (or return to Tony's).

I do not believe KC would have put the body in the bag at Tony's or a busy park like JBP. I imagine the job being messy, not fast, and suspicious (trash bag, duct tape, open trunk...). She did not travel to her parent's house that day either. So where did she do this?
I do not believe KC would have put the body in the bag at Tony's or a busy park like JBP. I imagine the job being messy, not fast, and suspicious (trash bag, duct tape, open trunk...). She did not travel to her parent's house that day either. So where did she do this?


In pchysic Gail's video, (toward the end of the video), the group is walking down a wooded path with tire marks in the road. This area is not real close to the dumping area, but it seems to be close to the chain link fence or school (not sure, I do not know the area at all).

The tire marks show this road is (or was) vehicle accessible at some time, but is also well hidden from view (from the looks of the video, anyway). Perhaps Casey donned her jogging outfit, drove into this wooded road area (if this is even possible, and if it is, Casey would know about how to gain access to it, being very familiar with the area). So let's say she does her dirty work there while working from the trunk, then drives to the dumping scene to finish up. Just a thought.
My thoughts:

Caylee died after GA saw she and KC because there's no way that KC would have taken the chance that GA would lean over to kiss Caylee.

Either as JWG has stated that Caylee drowned or she drugged her in the trunk before she went to her boyfriend's house and Caylie died.

KC kept Caylie in the trunk for 2-3 days. The body would not have to be in the trunk long for the smell to become powerful and 2.6 days would do it. The stench could have lasted a very long time even though Caylie's body was no longer in the trunk.

Then she wrapped Caylie up and put her in the woods. KC had second thoughts about it and figured she'd be safer if she buried her, so she borrowed the shovel.

In the last pictures of Caylie, she has dark circles under her eyes and looks both tired and jumpy at the same time. I've seen people who take drugs look this way and honestly when I saw her sitting on great-grandad's lap that's what I thought. If KC had been drugging Caylie it could also have had a cumulative effect and the last time her little body just couldn't handle anymore.
I just joined about 20 minutes ago and there is a lot about this case here already. No big surprise. So rather than go back 3,000 pages I'm just going to post some ideas here now and sort of jump in the pool during a swim already taking place. Forgive me if a lot of this has been surmised before.

Sorry this is long.

There is a book Double Trouble Squared and in this book is a character named "Zanny the Nanny" This book was originally published in 1991 which would be when KC was 7 years old. It's a book for kids 9-12. I believe she read this as a child or was aware of it.

Zanny which is also a street name for Xanax is the name she used for the nanny because she would give Caylee Xanax to put her to sleep whenever she wanted to party. I don't think she told her friends this because some of them would freak out and so she'd put her in the trunk of the car to sleep and told her friends she was with "Zanny the Nanny" as her own little sick joke.

I think Xanax was a very expensive way for her to knock Caylee out and so she started to look for cheaper ways like chloroform.

Her knowledge of chloroform probably comes from the same place most people's knowledge of this drug comes from, the movies and TV. I've never seen a movie where someone dies of a chloroform overdose and so she probably thought it was impossible to overdose someone on it. Unfortunately, I think she learned the hard way.

So she freaks out because she comes down one morning to leave the latest one night stand and she looks in the trunk and finds a dead or dying child. Now she's frantic. She tries to call everyone she knows to ask for help in what to do. No answers. Before she can reach anyone, Caylee dies.

She's desperate now and goes home. She takes Caylee out to the playhouse because she knows it was her favorite place to be. (This is why the cadaver dog hits on that). While she's frantically trying to figure something out she runs to a neighbors and asks for a shovel. She backs the car up into the garage and gets Caylees body and does what she does to the body, putting duct tape over the mouth to make it look like a kidnapping and murder. She then puts Caylee into a trash bag. There is some conjecture that there was a book just like the one Caylee's reading in the heart wrenching video's we see on TV in the bag or near the body. I believe she is rapt with grief and puts that book in the bag to give Caylee something she loved to be buried with. (I can't watch the videos of Caylee anymore it just tears my heart out.)

She leaves the body in the car and waits til nightfall and then goes out to the place where pets have been buried and she and her friends used to hang out and she digs a shallow grave. She wants Caylee close so she can visit her secret grave now and again.

When she realizes she is free of the ball and chain around her ankle or "The little snot head", as she called Caylee, she is euphoric. She can party all the time now without any responsibilities. She gets a tattoo of "Sweet Life" and enters the hot body contests and generally tries to drown her sorrows because I truly believe she loved the child she just saw her as a big piece of weight holding her down.

The meter reader sees the bag a few months later possibly dug up by an animal or she just didn't do a good job of burying the body. He calls the police and then drives away. The cop shows up nobody's there and the cop leaves. The MR calls again and this time a detective sees that cadaver dogs have covered that area and doesn't send anyone out. The third time a cop comes out and starts to go in and says he sees a rattlesnake and won't go any farther. (I wonder if this is the cop she was sleeping with.)

Tropical storm Fay hits and the body is tossed around by the water. When it dries up the bag is where the meter reader comes across it again.

This theory doesn't explain the neck breaking stuff on the computer and the missing children searches done long before this happened.

The searches done for escort services was job hunting for her I believe.

Well there's my two cents.
Bond/JWG - I always look forward to your well thought out theories. You guys truly are the excel kings!!

I really struggle with the idea of KC just putting Caylee in the trunk, not in a container or bag from the get go. She would be flying around back there, bouncing off the sides. KC would have been terrified to re-open the trunk to see what position she was in.

I feel in my gut (ha ha) that she was immediately placed in the bag (after she was on the ground in the backyard). The bag must have had a small tear or hole in it (maybe from jostling around while she drove) that leaked the fluids. She would have been much smarter to use one of the A's plastic bins. I think she noticed the leak and put her in another bag or two on top of the first layer before dumping her in the woods.

I don't think for a second she would ever chance a free and exposed Caylee in the trunk.....if stopped by police, with TonE, with her parents. TOO RISKY. She would feel much safer having Caylee in the trash bag just in case.

I also don't think she could handle EVER seeing Caylee's face again after whatever it is she did to her so she immediately placed her in the bag. She may have drowned her, suffocated her, whatever.....placed her on the grass and covered her with her towel.....started panicking.....then put her in the trashbag and into her car. She never saw Caylee with her own eyes EVER again after she initially placed her in the bag.

I think her backing into the garage on those dates AFTER the 16th are KC attempting to clean her trunk. (remember, they took the bissel cleaning machine!) She probably thought she was in the clear before the heat and time made the stain start to grow again.

I initially thought that she jumped the fence and walked her to the woods but after JWG's recent pic, I don't think she would chance walking between the houses with a big ol' black trash bag on a hot summer day. She must have drove around the corner on her way back to TonE's.

I believe Caylee was in the trunk for 2+ days (with a leak/hole in the bag) before the final dump at the woods.
Kellio - I pretty much totally agree with your timeline.

I never realized that KC received a call from the A home at 7:45 am on her cell on 6/16. That doesn't make ANY sense if GA is telling the truth. First of all, he said they were in their bedroom and didn't come out until 12:50 on her way to work. (I don't know any 2 year olds that sleep in that late and would stay in bed or a bedroom until 1pm!) HE'S LYING because he doesn't want to point the finger at CA for causing the fight that started this nightmare in the first place.

Why else would GA call her the next afternoon??? Because he knew she was not home the night befpre and he was checking on her? Maybe CA called GA and told him to try and "reach out" to her because they were worried about Caylee after the fight. I'm sure KC left the house that night FURIOUS yelling things like, "You will NEVER see Caylee or I again!"

I'm dying to know if the hotel surveillance is true. And, wow, wouldn't that be something if TonE and KC *were* in a big fight the night of the 15th (Why can't you come over AGAIN, KC???). KC was so backed into a corner and took it all out on Caylee.

I think she planned to kill her. Maybe not that day and in that moment but she had been thinking about it for awhile and in the heat of the moment, went through with it.

I often call my own cell from home to find where (what room) I left it. I sometimes lay it down and then look everywhere and then think "Oh, I'll just call it." Sometimes that doesn't even work when I have it on vibrate and it takes 15 minutes and several trips around the house to finally find it in my car etc.
I often call my own cell from home to find where (what room) I left it. I sometimes lay it down and then look everywhere and then think "Oh, I'll just call it." Sometimes that doesn't even work when I have it on vibrate and it takes 15 minutes and several trips around the house to finally find it in my car etc.

I do this too and want to kick myself everytime I leave it on vibrate because it takes awhile to find.

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