New to this case - what should I read/watch?

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I read in the Caylee threads that a few people won't post in the threads here because they think people on BOTH sides fight too much . That isn't right as the forums belong to everyone .
I read in the Caylee threads that a few people won't post in the threads here because they think people on BOTH sides fight too much . That isn't right as the forums belong to everyone .

Expressing conflicting opinions is not fighting as long as it is done civilly. That is what is done on a discussion board. Not knowing both sides of a case leads to misinformed opinions, IMO. Yes, the forums belong to everyone, and, as far as I know, no one is being kept from posting.

I feel that the reason some people feel that the opposite sides are "fighting" is that many people who become involved in this case have very strong feelings one way or the other about it. I know I do! The very nature of the case causes the polarizing opinions. Many other cases on this board are almost cut and dried. Everyone believes the same, so there's no disagreement. That's simply not the case for the WMFree.

ETA: If the "fighting" bothers someone, they can always put the combatants on "IGNORE" and post.
Newcomers might want to start by reading some of the defendant's letters to his family in his own handwriting. Here are some by Damien Echols. Notice that there is an aggressive theme in his letters and he frequently repeats that "everyone is going to pay". These were written a short time before the three little boys were killed.

"I can feel pressure building up inside my body. The more I think about this situation the worse it gets. Sometimes it gets so bad it almost makes me go into a frenzy. Rosey says control it for awhile longer and then we’ll le teverything go all at once like a blizzard. They will all pay."

"No more. Everyone will pay because everyone is too stupid to open their eyes. This is the final times and I am the new Messiah. Wake up and smell the crud, Faggets. I don’t care whether you are saved or not. Everyone pays the price."
You are telling me this CR but I am telling you and everyone else what I read on this very forum .
Many other cases on this board are almost cut and dried. Everyone believes the same, so there's no disagreement
This is not true at all . I post all over these forums and there are many opinions on almost any case that you get involved in . People are different and come from different places and always have ideas that don't agree with everyone else's or anyone else's . I prefer the ones where everyone doesn't agree . I would rather look at things from someone elses prespective whether I agree with it or not .
I don't need the ignore button and such explained to me as I am obviously posting here .
Then I guess I'm missing your point. I thought that you were saying that people don't want to post on this forum because of all the "fighting" about the case. Yet you're saying that there are disagreements on other forums on this board but people continue to post on those forums. Why, then, do the disagreements on this particular forum/case preclude people from posting here? The admins on this board will not tolerate name-calling and other uncivil posts. So, when a difference of opinion is expressed, it must be done civilly. Like I said, I must be missing your point here.
I am still reading Devils Knot, I watched 48 hours and allot of videos on the case. Im no expert but Im trying to come up with an opinion. Its hard, theres points on both sides. I really am leaning towards guilty. I do think all of the confessions have significance. I think if a person wants to twist the confessions around to make it fit the scenario that the teens were railroaded, or kidding, or the people they confessed to were not reliable, you can. I think the totality of all the confessions does say something. I also think the whiskey bottle is very relevant. Jesse said he threw it down a hill or over a bridge or something, and the broken part was found. I do think thats very significant.
Another thing that bothers me is no reaction from the boys during the trial and reading of the verdict. When Michael Carson was on the stand describing disturbing details and saying Jason admitted this to him, you would think Jason would show some facial reaction. Im perplexed by that.
Having said this, I understand all of these things can be explained of you want them to be. I have no idea if they are guilty or not and even though Im leaning towards guilty, I am not personally invested and dont feel the need to defend my opinion. One thing i do think is that at some point, if they are guilty, Jesse may talk again.
Jason did show a facial reaction during Carson's evidence, he sat there shaking his head in disbelief. People should also note that in general with Jason during that trial, he could only show facial reactions to what he heard because he was too short sighted to see as far as the witness stand, and didn't have glasses.

The whiskey bottle is frankly laughable as evidence, IMO.
The whiskey bottle may be laughable as evidence in a court of law, but it adds credence to Jesse's story. No doubt about that.
No, I don't think so. The whiskey bottle is laughable both in a court of law, and in the court of common sense, IMO.

Put it this way - if Stidham and co had found no broken bottle under any underpass in West Memphis nine months after the crime, I would never in a million years quote that as evidence that Jessie's confession was false. I doubt any supporter would, it would just make us look like we were grasping at straws.
No, I don't think so. The whiskey bottle is laughable both in a court of law, and in the court of common sense, IMO.

Put it this way - if Stidham and co had found no broken bottle under any underpass in West Memphis nine months after the crime, I would never in a million years quote that as evidence that Jessie's confession was false. I doubt any supporter would, it would just make us look like we were grasping at straws.

IMO, using the whiskey bottle as proof of anything seems to be pretty desperate. In all fairness, however, the prosecution might not have ever used it either. It was found after both trials were finished, and I don't recall the prosecution trying to use it to bolster their case at any appeal. Also, I don't recall it being mentioned in the briefs in preparation for the evidentiary hearing that will not happen. So, IMO, it's pretty safe to say it's a red herring in this case.
Back on topic.....I believe every newcomer should read the documents on Callahans,the pre-trial documents !!!!! A lot of the so called "confessions" will make sense if you get the whole picture of how the investigation was handled.....and this is just what was recorded,remember with each interview there are hours that we don't know about,we only get a glimpse from the people that did recant later and talked about it.
This trial was a modern day Salem witch hunt,no doubt,and that's what should bother everyone,whether or not you think they are guilty or not.
Back on topic.....I believe every newcomer should read the documents on Callahans,the pre-trial documents !!!!! A lot of the so called "confessions" will make sense if you get the whole picture of how the investigation was handled.....and this is just what was recorded,remember with each interview there are hours that we don't know about,we only get a glimpse from the people that did recant later and talked about it.
This trial was a modern day Salem witch hunt,no doubt,and that's what should bother everyone,whether or not you think they are guilty or not.

Exactly, if you are interested in the case, check out documents from the pretrial & actual trial first. Then read about the outliers . . . FACTS, just the facts first & then piece together with conjecture. Plethora of information out there on the Net & here at WB. Paradise Lost series is great, 48 Hours is great, Almost Home is very telling.

These are 3 young men who have spent so many years doing hard time for something they did not do. They all 3 came from families barely struggling to survive in a small community. I feel so bad for the 6 (many more) victims of this case.

Praying that the true murderer will be identified & justice is served!

Peace Out!
I myself still havn't read any of the books,"Devil's Knot","Blood of Innocence",especially "Almost home" I really want to read it ! I just started re-reading all the documents,it's been a while but that's how I shaped my opinion I saw "Paradise Lost" just because I loved Metallica and then read all the documents on Callahan's....
It's not only their appearance,as a matter of fact the young Damien has A LOT in common with Marilyn Manson :
Don't judge a book by its cover !
"Why have all these myths been perpetrated against an artist? In short, Manson is an easy target for radical critics. They use his image, without any basis of facts, to justify the propaganda they preach. Essentially, it’s an issue of control.

But ultimately, these people are the losers. The accusations do nothing but attract more people to Manson’s work, and gather him more publicity and popularity. Despite the fact that Manson is very capable of responsibly defending his position in a calm manner, he certainly uses these accusations against him for his benefit.

At the end of the day, art still wins over irrational behavior."

[ame=""]Marilyn Manson Discusses Damien Echols and the WM3 2010 Golden Gods Awards - YouTube[/ame]
The Emily Dickinson poem I posted earlier would fit here, too.

As to what to read/watch, don't forget that Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory is to be aired on HBO in January. Also, a feature film based on Devil's Knot is in pre-production right now. As more information about this film, including its release date (which IIRC is sometime next year), I will post the information. And, Mara Leveritt is currently working on her sequel to Devil's Knot. I don't know when the projected release date is on that book, but, again, I'll post it as soon as I find it out.

ETA: Preliminary information on PL3 indicates that it will begin at the beginning (with the crime) and go through the release. So, anyone who has not seen either of the other documentaries should be able to get "caught up" so to speak with this one. I would still recommend watching the older documentaries, but, if they become unavailable, the new one will be all-encompassing.
Open up your wallets and savings accounts and give all of your money to the WM3 Defense Fund. Their income stream is drying up since these men all pled guilty and they have now been released. People are being employed through this fund and they may suddenly lose their job if you don't give generously . Don't ask for an accounting of the fund because you should trust Damien's wife. Obey what Damien frequently wrote, "Everyone must pay."
Ignore the stuff about the money, (unless of course you are donating some).

For the rest of us, let's look at the facts of the case instead. Here's a great overview of the case....
I have read documents at callahans, and trial transcripts. No need to assume if a person does not agree that the WM3 are innocent, that we haven't read the documents. Wow.

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