New to this case - what should I read/watch?

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Has anyone read on this website? I just found this today.
I'm not buying the theory completely but a lot of it makes a lot of sense to me.

That's the"JMB did it" board. IIRC, it was started by friends of Rick Murray, Christopher Byers' biological father. Contrary to what he says, Mark and Melissa Byers tried to get his signature on the adoption consent form, but he never could be located. Again, IIRC, he was not paying child support, so Mark was told he could adopt Christopher because the combination of non payment of child support and never being available to sign the documents consisted of abandonment. BTW, there are several supporter boards which are still alive and well. The Blackboard is one. There's a YUKU board and there's the blog which is like a discussion board, too. I'm sure that there are others, but I can't recall them off of the top of my head. There are several websites, like midsouthjustice and jivepuppi, that are information only sites that IMO come down on the side of innocence, too.
No problem, WCL! The blackboard site is devoted exclusively to the WM3. I'm retired, and I spend about 90% of my free time reading sites on this case. I'm just a little obsessed with it!

If you ever get any free time, you should check out the rest of the board, we have some great threads going on and some very nice people here. I like pretty much all the threads on this board.
If you ever get any free time, you should check out the rest of the board, we have some great threads going on and some very nice people here. I like pretty much all the threads on this board.

I have checked out other threads. In fact, I have recommended this board to fellow WMFree supporters when another case that is covered here is discussed. I just don't feel qualified to post in other threads at the current time. If I ever do, I'll post, don't fear! I'm not averse to expressing my opinion, but I just don't know enough about many of the other cases discussed here to have my own opinion. One reason that I'm as well-read (and opinionated LOL) on this case the the Callahan's site. Not too many other cases have that type of site (where all legal proceedings are posted) available so easily to the general public.
Joseph does know alot about this case .

As I've said before, to my knowledge Jo3eph doesn't have any special skills to make his opinions more valid than those of any other blogger. IMO, he's a one trick pony - he focuses on the fibers and nothing else. I hope the results of the enhanced testing on those fibers is soon released. I want to hear what the laboratory experts have to say. That is more important, IMO, than what some blogger says.
So he is the same as any of us and he does seem to have alot of info .
So he is the same as any of us and he does seem to have alot of info .

He really does lay it out with credible links to actual documents. His posts are from page 10 to 14, maybe further.

I do not think he is a blogger as he is posting to a message board not a blog.

He made a point about the blood at the crime scene pointing out that only one child bled out and that some of the lack of blood is because a child has less blood than an adult that you would see at other crime scenes. That makes sense to me.
He really does lay it out with credible links to actual documents. His posts are from page 10 to 14, maybe further.

I do not think he is a blogger as he is posting to a message board not a blog.

He made a point about the blood at the crime scene pointing out that only one child bled out and that some of the lack of blood is because a child has less blood than an adult that you would see at other crime scenes. That makes sense to me.

This is correct. Also, if this child had “internal bleeding” from his liver or spleen being ruptured from receiving punches, crushed with heavy body weight, or kicking, he would not exsanguinate all his blood volume into the grass. Rather, significant amounts of blood ended up in his abdominal cavity. A similar situation can happen with lung trauma making less blood found externally.

If the child was alive while his sex organ were mutilated and removed (like Ed Geins's and Jeffrey Dahmer's victims-both unmedicated schizophrenics), there would be blood found externally, but not all the child’s 2 liters (approx). When cardiogenic shock progresses without treatment, the heart stops pumping when the blood volume becomes low, not absent. Therefore, not all of the child's total blood volume was exsanguinated.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
This is correct. Also, if this child had “internal bleeding” from his liver or spleen being ruptured from receiving punches, crushed with heavy body weight, or kicking, he would not exsanguinate all his blood volume into the grass. Rather, significant amounts of blood ended up in his abdominal cavity. A similar situation can happen with lung trauma making less blood found externally.

If the child was alive while his sex organ were mutilated and removed (like Ed Geins's and Jeffrey Dahmer's victims-both unmedicated schizophrenics), there would be blood found externally, but not all the child’s 2 liters (approx). When cardiogenic shock progresses without treatment, the heart stops pumping when the blood volume becomes low, not absent. Therefore, not all of the child's total blood volume was exsanguinated.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

Jason Baldwin is not schizophrenic, unmedicated or otherwise.
Posting on a message board is a form of blogging IMO in that anyone can post without needing to present a CV, like experts in a trial must do. Therefore, until and unless I know more about his "credentials," I will give no more credence to his statements than anyone else who blogs or posts on a message board, if that terminology makes you happier. Does anyone know if he actually examined the fibers? I just find his "information" dubious at best, but that's my opinion only. Again, I'm hopeful that the results from the enhanced testing of materials will soon be released.
Everything here is opinions, just as Joseph voices his opinion. Its just that he has done the tedious work and provided the exact links to back up his opinion. I have read the court transcripts and police interviews. I do find it very interesting there is such divide in our conclusions.
Same Transcripts
Same facts
Different conclusions.
I agree with all that, I'm just pointing out that it doesn't explain why nobody during 18 years has ever done a documentary claiming them to be guilty. Don't tell me the producers of ALL these true crime shows are in conspiracy to make the wm3 supporters movement lucrative, lol.

And I have a feeling that if someone made the one and only documentary to ever claim the wm3 dunnit, it would get alot more attention than a forgotten episode played at 2am.

As the Geraldo show demonstrates, it would be popular and gain attention if it portrayed three teenage Satanists sacrificing children to the devil...well, maybe not so much now, but back in the day it would have.

Well not to beat a dead horse and this will be my last post on this particular topic since it really doesn't have to much to do with this particular case. But I think it explains exactly why there are not documentaries purporting the threes guilt. We all know there is a pretty passionate group of people out there who believe the three's guilt and would love nothing more than for there to exist or to make a documentary proclaiming such. So it's not that there isn't people that believe the three guilty, its IMO the money aspect. I don't believe there is a very big mainstream appetite for a film like this (I know Paradise Lost was supposed to be that film, as a kids gone wild type film... Hate to say it but I bet Bruce and Joe are thanking their lucky stars everyday how it all turned out). I also believe there is very little money to bankroll such a project, if there was I have firmly believe one would exist by now. In other words little interest from a public which equates to little money or ratings, hence no competing documentary... I honestly believe that lack of evidence is not the reason, as anything can be twisted in a documentary... Just ask Michael Moore.
Posting on a message board is a form of blogging IMO in that anyone can post without needing to present a CV, like experts in a trial must do. Therefore, until and unless I know more about his "credentials," I will give no more credence to his statements than anyone else who blogs or posts on a message board, if that terminology makes you happier. Does anyone know if he actually examined the fibers? I just find his "information" dubious at best, but that's my opinion only. Again, I'm hopeful that the results from the enhanced testing of materials will soon be released.

Well let's be fair here though CR, this Jospehs theories and opinions are just as valid as say Paids and his.
Well let's be fair here though CR, this Jospehs theories and opinions are just as valid as say Paids and his.

Paid discussed every aspect of his theory with experts and continues to look at possibilities that might tweak it. He presents it as a "theory" that a person can accept or not. OTOH, IMO, Jo3eph comes across as a know-it-all who expects everyone to fall down at his feet because he can post links from callahan's that do not always support his ramblings. That may sound harsh, but that's how I see this character. I have done some reading myself before embracing Paid's theory. His theory stands up to scrutiny; Jo3eph's IMO does not. Again, if the results of the enhanced testing of the fibers ever comes back, I have a feeling that all of Jo3eph's work will go by the wayside in the face of the new scientific information from further testing.
I, for one, "know" Jo3eph as well as anyone could on a forum. I am a charter member of Find A Death and am listed under the same moniker as I am here. While Jo3eph and I respectfully disagree on many things WM3, I can say with absolute certainly that his conclusions are formed from research, visiting the site numerous times, talking with detectives, police officers, families of the victims and convicted, and many, many other sources. He has studied this case almost from the day it happened.

In my humble opinion, Jo3eph has earned my utmost respect for all things West Memphis.

If/when he and I disagree, it is cordial and unprovoking. I consider him a great friend. That's just my $.02.
I, for one, "know" Jo3eph as well as anyone could on a forum. I am a charter member of Find A Death and am listed under the same moniker as I am here. While Jo3eph and I respectfully disagree on many things WM3, I can say with absolute certainly that his conclusions are formed from research, visiting the site numerous times, talking with detectives, police officers, families of the victims and convicted, and many, many other sources. He has studied this case almost from the day it happened.

In my humble opinion, Jo3eph has earned my utmost respect for all things West Memphis.

If/when he and I disagree, it is cordial and unprovoking. I consider him a great friend. That's just my $.02.

He does lay it all out for those who are interested and what I like best is that he actually has links to documents. It's sort of like a guide to this case.

Yep, he's has done so much research on this case and has even visited the crime scene.

He begins with message #465 page 10 and it goes to page 14.
FYI, Paid has also visited the area, multiple times. I don't know where the "crime scene" is, although Paid has some prime suspects, but if you're talking about the discovery ditch, he's visited there, too. Again, I truly wish that the results of the enhanced testing of those fibers which were to be done by Bode lab (I believe) would be made public. I know that some of the testing couldn't be completed at the time because the technology wasn't quite "up to snuff" so to speak. The guy from Bode mentioned at the press conference that the technology would be ready "soon" (whatever that means). I really hope that this particular testing is now complete and that we'll have the results soon. I believe that it will shed a great deal of light on this situation.
CR - please understand - I'm not saying anything derogatory about Paid at all. I don't know him and other than reading his manhole theory that you posted, I've never seen anything by him. I just wanted to make it clear that it's my understanding Jo3eph is more than just a blogger. He has done a ton of research on the case. I'm sure Paid has researched this case to no end as well.

In my mind, that's what makes this case so fascinating. People can really dig deep and research this case and come up with 2 totally opposite opinions. Jo3eph's just happens to be on the side of guilt.

Understood. I just wanted to point out that Paid's research is at least equal to Jo3eph's. Paid is certainly no mere blogger (or no mere dentist!).

I guess I get a bit defensive when I see his theory dismissed so easily by some (I don't mean you), but other theories are apparently embraced quickly because they seem to support the belief of the person who is accepting them. I guess I can't expect everyone to read and research as much as I have.

However, as we have both pointed out, no matter how much one reads and researches, two researchers with identical research can come to two opposite opinions in this case. I guess it's just indicative of the passion that this case creates. I guess that's to be expected when one considers the horrific nature of the crime and the unbelievable consequences of the incarceration of innocent men.

Unfortunately, until all of the information that the defense is holding becomes public, IMO, the passion attached to this case will remain. I just hope and pray that this information held by the defense is soon released. Even then, I'm sure that there will be people who interpret it in opposite ways. After all, there is still a Flat Earth Society. LOL

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