New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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Why does this woman say "you know" and "um so often? It's maddening.
Listening to the George interview--
Does anyone else find the numerous references made to Cindy being allowed to hold newborn Caylee before Casey are becoming rather grating??
It probably shouldn't have happened and it's unfortunate that it did. But, to me, the Anthonys keep referring to this incident as if Casey happened upon her mother skinning the family pets in the backyard or something. Get over it.

Tells me that this must have been a bone of contention between the two on many occasions? Otherwise why keep bringing this up? To maybe in thier mind give them some sort of justification for Casey to have done something to the babe to punish Cindy?
I know-- to me she just sounds unhinged. Like with all the papers and drawing arrows and saying "so X is really Y and I think Y means X but, like, if you look at this picture of the drums then you see that XYZ is a clue!"

It reminds me of the scene in A Beautiful Mind where they discover the shed with maps and diagrams and newspaper clippings plastered all over the walls. I think this is driving Cindy insane.

I agree. But I think it's because she knows what happened and she is covering (I don't mean she was IN on it, maybe Casey just admitted it to her).. That's what's driving her insane. Unlike her daughter she has a soul and she cannot live with this.
Again with the fluking 'clues!' Who plays pantomine and gives 'clues' when their child is missing!? It's INSANE! It's crazy making? Zany may not be Zany? Well, why the fluke doesn't KC say who Zany is? Why do we have to guess? Why is our fault if we can't?
Okay, fixed post. lost my mind there for a minute. Whoever used the words crazy making, they were right.
My child was kidnapped!

Well, who took her?

Four words, start's with....

Why does this woman say "you know" and "um so often? It's maddening.

Guilty as charged here...I do the "ya know" and umm quite a bit but I always thought it was an Italian/Midwest habit that I have been trying for years to break. Glad I didn't habitually use the "day one" or "absolutely" words as much as they drives me bananas! :rolleyes:
Still listening to CA. This woman is seriously crazy. Seriously mentally unbalanced.

I think it goes something like this
CA: "If I keep talking about everything and anything, without stopping to take a breath, then nobody will have a chance to make me hear what I do not want to know- the truth".:banghead:
My child is missing.

When when was the last time you saw her.

Solve this riddle to find out.
Originally Posted by nancy botwin
Listening to the George interview--
Does anyone else find the numerous references made to Cindy being allowed to hold newborn Caylee before Casey are becoming rather grating??
It probably shouldn't have happened and it's unfortunate that it did. But, to me, the Anthonys keep referring to this incident as if Casey happened upon her mother skinning the family pets in the backyard or something. Get over it.
Five kids here....all adults. Three daughters, 2 sons.
I went through something very traumatic that not only changed me physically but emotionally and most devastating, mentally.

The last three months of my daughter's pregnancy with our own Caylie, I was so afraid I wouldn't gain back the trust and respect from my children, especially that of my mommy-to-be daughter.

I was asked to be at the foot of the delivery table. Daughter did her last push as her hubby grabbed her hand, they both squeezed hands and my beautiful granddaughter was out.
Granddaughter was still attached to the cord when the doc raised her up and forward as if to hand her to my son-in-law.
Son-in-law shook his head 'no' at the same time he pointed to me.
Doctor handed me my beautiful granddaughter. I was the first to hold her at daughter and son-in-laws insistance. My precious baby Grandgirly wasn't even cleaned, umbilical cord wasn't cut and these two young adults were handing their most precious possession to me...... me!
That told me all I needed to know...despite what had happened to me, despite the fact that I didn't think I could ever function on a normal level, these young adults gave me the most precious gift I've ever received...the gift that they trusted me with their most precious possession.
From that day on, my emotional state has never been better. They trusted me. A gift I will never be able to repay.

Long story a bit shorter.....
Every time I hear George, Cindy or Lee discuss the
animosity between Cindy and Casey because Cindy held Caylee 'first', I want to throw something at one of them!
How dare any of the four of them take such a beautiful moment and turn it into a 'nanner nanner, I held her first' or "I'm telling! Why do you get to hold her first!?!"

Get over it!

Casey, the fact that you had a loving family, a supportive family, willing to take you and your new daughter into their loving arms, no matter WHOS arms got her first, well..... You are so much more fortunate than a lot of young, single moms with a new child who have nobody to help, noone to offer their loving arms to them and that new little life.

Nancy Botwin is soooo right......

*steps off soapbox*

I think it goes something like this
CA: "If I keep talking about everything and anything, without stopping to take a breath, then nobody will have a chance to make me hear what I do not want to know- the truth".:banghead:

Oh, bingo, bingo. She's a talker, the kind who talks (1) so they can think and (2) so no one else can talk and they can fill up all the space, can control not only the conversation but the whole flow of activity around them.
"It's a great looking car, it has a lot of life in it."
Or a lot of DEATH, Cindy. Whatever.
Oh, bingo, bingo. She's a talker, the kind who talks (1) so they can think and (2) so no one else can talk and they can fill up all the space, can control not only the conversation but the whole flow of activity around them.

I know people like that, they don't even let you get an "uh-huh" in...and they repeat themselves quite often so as to keep the flow and control.
I do my best to either steer clear or walk away from them. In my experience these types rarely speak the truth to the extent that they start believing thier own stories.
My recap of released FBI tapes:
1)CA said what KC told LA in the bedroom re: why not go get Caylee tonight, per CA KC said
"I don't want to disrupt her life because from here on out Caylee's life will never be the same"
not exactly what LA said KC said, which was something like "because I am a spiteful B*
2)CA kept talking about the 14th of JUNE as to when the phone records got strange/frantic and that KC told her that either she or Caylee had spent the night at Zani's house and that's where they were on the 14th of June and Zani/Nanny pushed KC down or something -What is with the 5th and 9th and 15th and now 14th of June Stories?
3)CA talking bad about local Sheriff Dept. to FBI (The Orlando LE and FBI are working together right)
4)AH and RM are suspicious people per CA (AH & RM & JG - list gets bigger)
5)CA says KC told her the car was in the shop in Jacksonville? (this I am wondering about maybe auto shop witness and car really was in shop, in Orlando)
6)CA totally backtracks on what she said on the 911 tapes and why she said what she said - said she made up the first 2 calls to get KC to tell her where Caylee was and basically 3rd call she just said whatever
7)oh and about the 911 phone call reference to "smell like dead body in car" CA described to FBI as the smell was "rank"
8) GA says there was a stain in the trunk CA says that there wasn't a stain
9)KC asked CA to borrow her car (think it was after 24th) and CA let her AND GA said that KC left her car at A house when she took CA's car (What What What???)
10)said he saw into the trunk of the car - there were clothes and (stuff)
How many versions of this now? 3?
And didn't the blog say "Caylee is missing"? Not "We miss Caylee" or "Casey took Caylee from us" or "we haven't seen caylee in a month" but "Caylee is missing". I find that odd.

I find this just as strange as George's comment to Casey on June 24th...."we haven't seen that little girl in weeks...."

july 3....hasn't seen her in a month.
june 24....hasn't seen her in weeks.

I know I said this before, that it is perhaps hyperbole or dramatic license to illustrate just how distraught they are. But I don't think so...primarily because I don't believe either of them would understand the word hyperbole though lawsy mercy, Cindy can sure demonstrate it!
GA says Cindy called 911 to shake KC up, scare her into telling her where Caylee is

That explains a lot. I always wondered why she did that and then immediately backtracked. Originally, she sounded really concerned and sane, after that, she really was a wacko.
I find this just as strange as George's comment to Casey on June 24th...."we haven't seen that little girl in weeks...."

july 3....hasn't seen her in a month.
june 24....hasn't seen her in weeks.

I know I said this before, that it is perhaps hyperbole or dramatic license to illustrate just how distraught they are. But I don't think so...primarily because I don't believe either of them would understand the word hyperbole though lawsy mercy, Cindy can sure demonstrate it!
That's an overstatement! lol
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