New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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What really stood out as a :eek: moment to me, was Cindy saying it doesn't make sense to her that Casey would leave the car at the Amscot, "especially if the car had all this evidence that would link her to Caylee's death."
Part 3, at about 12:18
I couldn't help myself, I listened to #1 again and wrote some statements and impressions. Hope you can find the difference between CA's words and my impressions. And you don't even have to read this, it's just more rambling than anything. I found myself inspecting the guys part in his hair, just where there is a touch of gray and the temple, trying to decide if the part was straight or not? :):):)

Airport sighting, woman named Wanda-red flags that sheriff dept met with Wanda at McDonalds-They were blowing her off, CA showing how detailed she was (trying to impress FBI?), knows dates, exact to the minute times she got/made calls. “Kind of compelling” because the girl went up to her puppy/then into the name CMA and how the girl said the name/Caylee is one of the few kids who likes to wear caps/Caylee’s ‘MO’ is to take clothes off her baby doll. Said ‘kind of compelling’ several times. Airport lady said LE didn’t get back to her very fast and didn’t act very interested. FBI explains why. Cindy doesn’t listen, goes right on-says LA told her they wasted a lot of time looking at the video’cause they have a friend who works at airport. FBI says they talked to Wanda twice, explained to Wanda they got what they needed and had 9 other cases (leads?) that day. Cindy doesn’t believe the woman made a mistake. She’s umhming politely until he finishes. Sorting thru her papers, fidgeting, trying to interrupt. Finally does and explains some more why LE didn’t do a good job. She wants the stage and control. They didn’t put out a composite sketch. Wanda told CA The officer said I don’t know why we’re doing this ‘cause the little girl is dead, it’s obvious they are building a case against my daughter. I know my daughter did not kill her. She’s not even charged with anything that would constitute a half million dollar bond. Child neglect charge is insane. There are misstatements out there, holes in Meluches report.
CA says KC doesn’t trust OCLE, but wants to talk to someone. FBI explains KC has to call THEM or LE to make contact with LE, it can’t be thru her parents. While he talks she’s fidgeting, arranging papers, defends KC that the Nanny betrayed her. CA would put a butcher knife through her heart to get Caylee back. KC is protecting the family. CA believe’s KC is fearful someone is threatening the family or Caylee. KC “but mom, if I’d have come home without Caylee it would have been a red flag, you’d have called the police”. Everything makes sense to me know. The outsider doesn’t know all the little things. Mom, remember everything where I said I was, who I said I was with and you’ll figure it out.” All of a sudden I started writing things down. Blahblah- Now I see relevance. Now I never knew Zenaida as a name, I knew Zanny, like my friends don’t call me Cynthina, they call me Cindy, Then there’s this friend single dad who has a son who is a year older than Caylee, so Zacharys gonna be 4 when Calee’s gonna be 3, they’re a year and month apart. I’ve always trusted my daughter with her decisions. I’ve always been a loving nurturing mom and don’t feel the apple falls far from the tree. When the FBI starts to say something CA raises her voice tone to warn him off from interrupting her.
I am on the 5th one now. There is actually a long break of Cindy talking because she is filling out a form with questions that I believe are about Casey. She needed to know if she should go with her gut about the questions or really think about them. Because you know when you take tests sometimes it is best to go with your first reaction...Cindy says.

That was probably the questionnaire where she rated Casey "Very High" on the responsibility and dependability scale. :rolleyes: So it looks like she stopped and really had to think HARD about her answers.
One thing that really struck me in the new video (myfox) is when the FBI asked Cindy if there was any abuse in the home - physical, emotional, sexual - Cindy just shook her head no and did not utter a word. For someone who is jabbering on about anything and everything and adament about certain things, that seemed rather odd. Not suggesting anything but it was strange to me.

I noticed that too. Complete change from how any other question was answered.
What really stood out as a :eek: moment to me, was Cindy saying it doesn't make sense to her that Casey would leave the car at the Amscot, "especially if the car had all this evidence that would link her to Caylee's death."
Part 3, at about 12:18

Oh, you can BET when Cindy is on the witness stand, the prosecutor will hand her a transcript of that and force her to read it out loud!! :woohoo:
That was probably the questionnaire where she rated Casey "Very High" on the responsibility and dependability scale. :rolleyes: So it looks like she stopped and really had to think HARD about her answers.

There was a question asking if KC was a liar..CA said up until a few months ago NO...then later starts saying that when in the past if KC lied, she (CA) could normally get the truth out of her..very interesting. She double spoke like that on several occasions.
There was a question asking if KC was a liar..CA said up until a few months ago NO...then later starts saying that when in the past if KC lied, she (CA) could normally get the truth out of her..very interesting. She double spoke like that on several occasions.

More contradictions between her and GA....according to him, Casey's lying started at least during her junior year in high school when she started having major problems in classes.

And when George said how they found out from the school a few days before graduation that Casey didn't have enough credits to graduate, that they went down and met with the school, and the conversations got "very heated" between the the school and Cindy.

Again, when they went to pick up the car from the towyard, Cindy got in the lady's face there about the cost and kept demanding a discount. And George had to apologize to the tow guy for Cindy's behavior.

The woman is just a full-on B*TCH. In addition to her zillions of other mental/personality issues, she's truly just an unpleasant, bossy, pushy, raging b*tch to the people she interacts with.
I was 3/4 of the way through Cindy's final tape and the test questions and her answers did not please my laptop. It turned itself off. LOL
I don't think I needed to hear anymore anyway. I just kept shaking my head. Does she know her daughter at all?
That thunder is uber creepy. It really picks up when CA is talking about the family dynamics. The gods were not happy.....
Part 8 was just released as well. I wonder how many more there are? But here it is, go to the link to hear part 8. George talk about Jesse calling and mentioned that Casey was in route to the hospital in 2007 because she had a grandma sezior. George also claims that it bothers him that Jesse is so quick to contact the police department... Claims that Jesse kept showing up where ever Casey was uninvited and that bothers him. He claims that Jesse in Oct or Nov 2007 around midnight, that Casey is with him and that Casey has suffered grandma sezior , George states this has never happen to Casey and that Casey calls him papa Jo... Casey had said she had drank 4 or 5 energy drink and the next thing she knows she was in the hospital. But Jesse said that she was foaming in the mouth and that he gave Casey CPR.. Casey was in the hospital for 2 days but nothing showed up. He keeps talking about body fluid. George talks about he has worked in murder investigation and that it was hard on Cindy to call 911 on Casey. He also claims that Casey was a good mother, until she came across her new friends. He can't figure out why Casey has been going out every night since Caylee has been missing. He claims that Fusion is a bad place, they have a lot of fights, drugs and so forth. He is not sure of what to say about Casey's involvement in that. It this case goes to where he feels where it's going it is going to kill Cindy and Lee. He has not told them yet about her involvement with Fusion. Hmmmm The tape ends, but there is more.... not sure when that will be released.

George Anthony Interview 1, Part 8
lol Grandmal seizure I think, not "grandma" seizure. :blowkiss:

Grandmal: severe epilepsy characterized by seizures which are initially tonic and then become clonic and by loss of consciousness ; also : a seizure characteristic of grand mal.
Soooo, no one is saying anything about what CA said that LA said that KC said about not taking them to see Caylee on 7/15 because it would disrupt her and that her life as she knew it would never be the same or words to that effect.

What does that mean? Again, to me it sounds like adoption or some sort of trade or way of paying back her debt to someone. I still don't think she acts like a mother who knows her child is dead, psychopath, sociopath, narcissist or whatever . . . if she knew that she was guilty, wouldn't she be "acting as if"?
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