New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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Wow, I just got to the part where she essentially says that she was making things up in her 911 calls to get LE out there. I guess she was speaking mis-truths? But lying isn't a crime, according to CA. Sheesh. I don't know WHY I'm listening. It's like seeing a train wreck but you can't look away. Once again, SERIOUS mental illness.
Bree, I never paid attention to Amy's middle name. Thanks for that tidbit.
FBI guy has to be thinking, "you ignorant twit!" CA is taking everything that KC told her as gospel truth and trying to make it fit with the facts.

KC derangement syndrome

You're actually wanting to hear more? You're a better person than I am.
I listened to about 5 minutes of each of her videos, now I need to scream into a pillow.

I listened and watched both GA's and CA's interviews. Wow, I have a lot of respect for FBI guy. I kept waiting for him to start banging his head on the table during CA's long drawn out attempt to explain the clues, and the red flags, etc. etc.
I'm going to have to take some time to process all this.
A little off topic, but I did get a little snicker when FBIGuy said to Cindy something along the lines of he had heard a lot of interesting things over the last couple of days, just "not from you". I know he didn't mean it that way, but I still thought, 'yeah, I know what you mean...'
I agree. She is falling apart more everyday, and if strangers can see it, why doesn't someone that loves her stop it!!

Um, same problem they had with KC, she's an adult who won't admit to having a problem. :crazy:

Cindy does look like she could just drop on the spot in this newest video with GA. I wish she could just check herself into a nice, private, ''spa'', maybe she could get some real sleep for the first time in 5 mos. I'm including the month KC was "gone with Caylee", cuz I know she wasn't sleeping then either.

Maybe with C out of the house for a couple weeks, G would have time to reflect without any interference and possibly he would be able to make some sound decisions about what has happened and what needs to be done next. He is carrying a mighty burden on his shoulders, with Caylee 'missing', KC in jail for her murder and Cindy looking weaker by the day, yet acting more crazed by the hour. His whole life has been consumed by mis-truths. I wonder if he even recognizes himself in the mirror anymore? :confused:
Um, same problem they had with KC, she's an adult who won't admit to having a problem. :crazy:

Cindy does look like she could just drop on the spot in this newest video with GA. I wish she could just check herself into a nice, private, ''spa'', maybe she could get some real sleep for the first time in 5 mos. I'm including the month KC was "gone with Caylee", cuz I know she wasn't sleeping then either.

Maybe with C out of the house for a couple weeks, G would have time to reflect without any interference and possibly he would be able to make some sound decisions about what has happened and what needs to be done next. He is carrying a mighty burden on his shoulders, with Caylee 'missing', KC in jail for her murder and Cindy looking weaker by the day, yet acting more crazed by the hour. His whole life has been consumed by mis-truths. I wonder if he even recognizes himself in the mirror anymore? :confused:

There is no way in hell she'd trust him home alone long enough to even be willing to be held overnight for observation. ITA about recognizing himself in the mirror.. I wonder if he even wipes his own a$$!
Interesting on Part 4 of CA's interview...she talks about the phone records and how LA said that the phone pattern changed drastically on June 14th. She was dialing crazy - like to imply that was the day that Caylee went 'missing' and she was steady trying to phone the babysitter.

However, now we know that Caylee was last seen on June 15th (video) or June 16th (if you choose to believe GA's interview). So, that blows the theory that Cindy was putting forth. I know that she was using the June 9th date as the missing date (erroneously given in the beginning) but she was emphatic that June 14th was the change in KCs calls.

So, did something happen on June 14th that would have led up to Caylee going 'missing' on June 16th?

God Bless that guy doing the interview....he has much more patience than I.
Respectfully snipped.... God Bless that guy doing the interview....he has much more patience than I.[/QUOTE said:
Was that guy the same one who appeared at the GJ as witness? I think his name was N Savage
No, since it was being taped, she knew he wouldn't have to take notes.

I only watched very little but I did sense while she was talking she was becoming more & more desperate to try to make him believe she was making sense.

I think she DID realize he was not buying her 'reasoning' & that made her nervous.

She's going to be a MESS on the witness stand. I wonder if Baez can even call her.

She'd be just fine for JB, it's the state that's gonna have a problem. I know she's on the list as a possible witness, I can't imagine her sitting there and testifying. No one knows which truth she's going to spill on any given day. Is today throw Jesse under the bus? Amy? RM? TonE? LE? ZG? She has a perp for everyday of the week.
IMO, I think that thruout KC's childhood CA treated KC as her confidant. I think alot of things were kept from GA, alot of "now don't tell your father, let me handle it" while KC looked on, CA worked her magic, explaining things away with elaborate lies, wearing GA down with the most minute details to further add credibility to her story, (ies) leaving GA to feel guilt and remorse for any doubt that he may have had initially. I think over the years CA and KC inadvertantly developed their own "secret language" when it came to keeping things from GA - what CA didn't count on was as KC got older she began to use those very same tactics for herself, not only with her father but with CA as well. I think that it become a game between CA & KC overtime, who could outsmart the other and thats where (IMO) when the game involved CA's own grandchild's life, like on auto-pilot, she sets out to solve KC's riddle and decipher KC's codes and secret messages. LE is frustrated and explains to CA that KC is the only person who holds the key and can lead them to Caylee & the whole world (it seems) is outraged that KC will not cooporate by telling the truth but in CA's eyes, it all makes perfect sense, as only CA knows very very well.
dang.....poor FBI dude. KC told CA that the pic of Caylee with the drums was taken at the apt. of, let's go with that! Caylee was musical from birth and could beat out a song and so she and GA were planning on a drum set for her 3rd, 4th or 5th BD and Zanny had Rock Star and KC said this was Zannys apt. but Amy and Ricardo lived there so this is a red flag and very important in decoding what KC has been attempting to tell us because even though it makes no frigging sense Amy and Ricardo are Zanny but KC can't SAY that because she just can't and another red flag is JG stalking KC and not shaking GA's hand at the hosp. when Caylee was born, and handed to CA before KC which caused some angst which made JG lay on the bed with KC and the red flag of the car at Amscot which could be seen if your driving in the correct lane and Amy had a wreck which is a red flag to explain the clue of Zanny having a wreck....blah, blah.....KC is an excellent mother and responsible money manager and the OCSD stole her cute shamrock badge thingy...blah, blah.....:bang:

:clap: That's a perfect synopsis :clap:
CA gave GA information for the FBI, GA sounded nervous speaking.

GA knows if he lies to the FBI, he is going to jail - he is mincing his words, so he can say the meaning was not as it was taken if need be.
Interesting on Part 4 of CA's interview...she talks about the phone records and how LA said that the phone pattern changed drastically on June 14th. She was dialing crazy - like to imply that was the day that Caylee went 'missing' and she was steady trying to phone the babysitter.

However, now we know that Caylee was last seen on June 15th (video) or June 16th (if you choose to believe GA's interview). So, that blows the theory that Cindy was putting forth. I know that she was using the June 9th date as the missing date (erroneously given in the beginning) but she was emphatic that June 14th was the change in KCs calls.

So, did something happen on June 14th that would have led up to Caylee going 'missing' on June 16th?

God Bless that guy doing the interview....he has much more patience than I.

I noticed that, and I also noticed, at least I think I did, she mentions the 16th as the last date GA saw Caylee. (please don't make me go back and listen to that again!!!!) So it would seem she was aware during that interview June 9th was not the date Caylee went missing. There was also another thing that bothered me, but now I don't remember what she said exactly. I believe she was talking about Zanny's accident, and she is referring to dates without saying the month, and it was either 14th or 16th as being Wednesday, so it couldn't have been June, and the story didn't make sense for it being July, so I am thinking maybe she was referring to May. Of course, I didn't think to pause it and check a calendar at the time, duh.
Sigh, my mind went a little numb listening, and it hasn't come back to life yet, but didn't she also say Casey was referring to Zanny back when she was pregnant? If so, how could the term 'Zanny' refer to whoever the babysitter was at any given time, and who does that, anyway?
I am beginning to really wonder about Cindy. I've never really been able to completely convince myself this whole 'act' is about trying to get Casey off, and maybe she really is so desperate to convince herself Caylee is alive she is able to go to these extremes. I just don't know.
ABSOLUTELY.............she had more money than petty trail? drugs? internet sex? selling sex pics? in some kind of illegal circle??
We know all her guy friends got sex for free.........KC loves shamrocks, on a
news site o comments someone says a zanny drug has shamrocks on some?
T or F anyone know???

True about the shamrock. Within the last few days a WS member posted a very educational, well-documented piece about black market drugs.

Included in her posts are color photos of various pills including one with a shamrock on it. The pill was green, IIRC.

Sorry, don't remember thread. I believe it was the first post by this member, IIRC.
Hours and hours of blah, blah, blah. I'm sure the FBI agent is wishing he had an appt with his dentist for a root canal, his mom was right about med school he wished he'd become a proctologist (more pay, less sheet) anything would be better than listening to all that blather. :bang: :scream:

I wonder; did he pull the short straw at roll call that morning and would this qualify for hazardous duty pay? The feebs must have known they were putting their agent at risk making him listen to her for hours on end. :crazy: :headache: :crosseyed:


I'll say it again, the government should look into using her as a torture tactic.
I find it ironic that in video 4 at a little over the 10 minute mark Cindy questions as to why Casey would just leave/abandon the car because "It's in good condition, great shape and has a lot of life in it." :sick:
OMG, I'm not even through the 2nd interview video with CA and I want to rip her voicebox out. Shut up C :silenced:! Did anyone else feel that way or am I just really tired.

LMAO :clap::clap: Halfway through the 1st interview I had to lie down on the sofa in a fetal position. I'm serious. I just woke up.
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