I think it was a temporary issue that was corrected iirc. I also read today: Since 1979, there have been no cases of wild polio originating in the US, according to the CDC. Why CDC is Involved in Polio Eradication i am not a medical professional, but several years ago, due to family, participated in many discussions with medical professionals about vaccine history in general, and specifically with the early polio vaccines. This was due to incorrect imo beliefs some had, and was widely debated and reported by media, regarding some who believed vaccines caused autism. Jme. Eta I think it was the preservative thimerosal that was specifically looked at iirc. Jenny McCarthy was a vocal anti vaccine activist, as her little boy had been diagnosed with autism and she was working very hard to try and determine what caused it, and to try and help prevent other children from acquiring autism. iirc.
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