Newbie Club Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Hey all!

A new poster too...but a longtime reader here. I know I'll never keep up posting...but have been following cases on here for a few years now. I love the concern and passion here. The humour is top flight too!

The Seinfeld reference cracked me up last night and not long after that...I read a news article (nah, no link cause I read dozens of news sites<LOL>) about Jason Alexander being asked to run for office in CA. I'd vote for George.

When I get a bit down at all the sad cases being reported, and all the news I read...I think, "well if dropped off the planet, maybe someone at Websleuths would care and wonder."

Thank goodness there are still good people who care about the right things, justice. People here may differ, but on the whole they are reinventing the "old" concept of neighborhood & applying it to the internet.

Hey Helpie GOTTA be from Helper, UT <LOL>
Hey, Psssst. We're not THAT scary. Just imagine us sitting at our computers in our PJ's or underwear.:pcguru:
Hey, Psssst. We're not THAT scary. Just imagine us sitting at our computers in our PJ's or underwear.:pcguru:

SQ, that could be the scariest thing of all!:eek:

Hey, newbies! Don't let anyone bully you -- once you join, you're a full-on member. Be considerate, don't respond to personal attacks (and definitely don't attack anyone), stick to your guns if you think your opinion is valid, and you'll be fine. By the time this Caylee Anthony case is solved, you'll have thousands of posts yourselves!
Good Morning....just found this thread. I'm new as well so thought I'd come in and hang with my fellow newbies!
Goodmorning! I want to welcome everyone here. Being a newbie who has lurked big time since Trentons case its about time I start posting to.

Every Monday I hope for some news.. So maybe today is the day. My husband thinks I am going crazy.. We spend all day out and when I get home I run right to the boards. I rather see info here instead of the newstation first I guess.
I am a newbie also. I have been lurking for years but never posted. I have always been interested in true crime and I love to read all the newspapers and forums on the internet.

I believe that Caylee is no longer with us. Casey either killed her accidently or on purpose and thought that like everything else she had ever done, she would get away with it. I bet that everytime she ever did anything wrong her parents denied it and said "Our Casey could never do that".

In fact, I think that if Casey would have had more time to talk with her mom before she called the police, Casey would've talked her out of it and they would just believe whatever she told them--that she was going to find her or that the "nanny" would bring her back.
They are in DENIAL! I hope....
Has anyone in the family taken a lie detector test? I know Casey has a lawyer,(even though I don't know who is paying him) But her parents don't. Couldn't law enforcment ask them to take a polygraph and just see how they react?
Has anyone in the family taken a lie detector test? I know Casey has a lawyer said:
YOu think they all would of. I think there must be so much stuff going on that LE is not letting out. Well I hope!!!
I just saw this newbie thread and decided to go ahead and post. I have been lurking on websleuths for several months. I first found this forum during the disappearance of Leah Hickman last December (Marshall University student who was found murdered a few days after her disappearance). Sadly, there have still been no arrests in that case.

I have followed several other cases here over the last few months, but none have captivated me like the Caylee Anthony case has. So, a few days ago I decided to join. This is my first post. Thanks for all the good info.

My biggest wish right now is for Caylee to be found alive and well. My gut, however (unlike Casey's gut) tells me that she is no longer with us. If that is the case, I do hope her body is found so that she can have a proper burial and her grandparents and uncle can finally have some closure. What a sad, sad case this is.

A nickname after my own heart being a grad of WVU!!!
WELCOME! We look forward to your posts!!!:Banane57:

AND A BIG HUG AND WELCOME to all new newbies, including:

We love you all!
I'm a newbie myself, but trust me it hasn't stopped me from voicing my opinions!
I'd guess they're just sick of the media being inconsiderate. The media people should not be knocking on peoples' doors, imo. They just shouldn't. If they want to wait out on the street for these people to come out of the house, I suppose that's part of their job and reasonable, but knocking on the door (however often they do it) isn't acceptable or reasonable, IMO.

The Anthony's have to realize that no matter how inconvenient the media may seem, they are their best hope in finding Caylee (aside from LE). Casey sure isn't fact she is hindering their efforts by her constant lies. The grandparents are making themselves more of a target to the media by saying ridiculous things to cover for Casey. A few examples:

-Cindy tells the media the car smelled like old pizza but she reported in her 911 call that it smelled like a dead body.

-Casey will be considered mother of the year.

-Just because Casey lied it doesn't make her murderer. True, but Cindy is clearly trying to make light of the types of lies Casey is telling. These aren't white lies, these are lies about the search for her own child. And these lies are costing the detectives valuable time in the search or pulling them away from other crimes.

If the pets are upset or they are bothered by the media knocking on the door, it's a small price to pay to keep Caylee's picture in the news. IMO
I was a lurker first like most of you Newbies here.
I kept forgetting my password.But I finally found out that posting more often helps me recall it .

The cases I was drawn here by were
Jonbenet & Sharon Marshall.

And the quality of this forum is just awsome!

I get my :crazy: kicked when I make forum BOO BOOs:chicken:
but I am sorry for them, and take the time to rethink my mistakes.

It would be nice to have a TIME OUT board for those of us who
go off the path a bit to be able to post in it
rather than be banned .

I was not banned.:woohoo:
just saying that some forums have TIME OUT
for posters who really abuse the forum.

It gives them time to reflect.

So anyway..
welcome to the newbies.

I do hope some truth starts to come out from this Casey Anthony case.

It has to be the strangest case I have ever heard of.

The mother says
" She's safe"
"She may be in danger"
"She's close to home'
"I do not know where she is"
F bombs her family & friends.

Abandons a stinky fly & maggot infested car [ yeah right somebody would steal a car full of flies?]

parties when her child has not been seen for a long time.

people who know her do not come forward to add any truth to the string of lies.

perplexing case.
I wonder if it will ever be solved.
Did I read this morning that Casey wants out to help find Caylee/
What for?

She said she is safe
Oh yes
I am dizzy over all this.
Casey is a YO YO
Magikalmama posted this pic on another thread - it is a side by side of Caylee and J.P. Chatt - whom some have speculated could have been Caylee's Dad. I've never noticed the resemblance as much as HERE.
LOOK AT THE SIMILARITIES OF THEIR MOUTHS. wow! Great find, Magikalmama....hope you come post here on the newbie thread!
In response to getting slapped on the wrists, etc. I got a pm admonishing me because I "called someone a name" ...and I was shocked, because I would never call another poster a I asked why/what??? Apparently, I referred to some member of some family that is involved in some kind of possible missing child case a wacko...which I now know is unacceptable...just so you know... websurfer, not sure if "yo yo" is allowed either? What about bozo? or Loco? I guess we are just not allowed to call anyone "a derogatory name". darn.
Magikalmama posted this pic on another thread - it is a side by side of Caylee and J.P. Chatt - whom some have speculated could have been Caylee's Dad. I've never noticed the resemblance as much as HERE.
LOOK AT THE SIMILARITIES OF THEIR MOUTHS. wow! Great find, Magikalmama....hope you come post here on the newbie thread!

Oh my! The smile looks the same for sure!

BTW.... Good Morning Everyone!
I agree they do have similarities.. The nose seems the same. but my daughters nose looks like Caylees to.

So I was just thinking. Why would Casey make up a story about a long time nanny that watches Caylee. IF no one has met Zanny, or talk to her. Then why lie... Why not say you just met Zanny and she has just started watching Caylee... That would make much more sense.. Well not really. Than maybe she did drop her off in the parking lot of that place.. Felt stupid for not knowing the apartment.. Anyways now i have this typed iu and it should probably be the theory thread....
Another Newbie consumed by this case:

When the DNA results become public, we'll know what happened if fluid in trunk matches Caylee's DNA and the fluid is from human decomposition. I keep thinking that Cindy Anthony's demeanor changed quite a bit the last time I saw her interviewed (I think it was Friday). They must know results.
Newbie poster here. I've lurked for a while...then this case bought all rights to my brain!
Another Newbie consumed by this case:

When the DNA results become public, we'll know what happened if fluid in trunk matches Caylee's DNA and the fluid is from human decomposition. I keep thinking that Cindy Anthony's demeanor changed quite a bit the last time I saw her interviewed (I think it was Friday). They must know results.

True.. With the sign on the door... They might have some information..
Newbie poster here. I've lurked for a while...then this case bought all rights to my brain!

Welcome! This case is one big puzzle with missing pieces. I think about Caylee daily as I play with my little ones. Hoping today we get more information. I hope Caylee is ok.
A nickname after my own heart being a grad of WVU!!!
WELCOME! We look forward to your posts!!!:Banane57:

AND A BIG HUG AND WELCOME to all new newbies, including:

We love you all!


I have been in mourning all weekend knowing that Caylee turned 3 and we
don't know if she is "gut" she's not...
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