NH NH - Allenstown, Adult Female, 23-33, & 3 Children, under 11, Nov'85 & May'00 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
If we are talking about the same woman (only daughter but with several brothers, born late in her moms life), then she was alive and kicking when one of her siblings passed in 2020 (she is referred to as surviving sibling).

Yes Mostly Harmless was listed on his grandfather's obituary this year.

Maybe that was a mistake. This is a common pattern in UIDs, because they think said person is still alive, etc. (If you’re wondering why I’m on right now, I just have my students watching lessons I recorded. It really works well for them and follows the covid stuff)
Yes Mostly Harmless was listed on his grandfather's obituary this year.

Yes of course because he was a fairly recent missing person and known for cutting off ties with his family from time to time.
But cases where the family member went missing a long time (in this case a good 35-40 years), they are usually listed as deceased (check the obits of Jolaine Hemmys siblings e.g.). Not set in stone, of course, but common.

And again, the mom of the UID does not have to be deceased. She could have given her up to live with the biological father for whatever reason.
If we’re all going to be researching this tree, let me point out some important facts:
  • Catherine Livings was half black/half white (biracial)
  • The Livings had 6 kids who had kids of their own.

From what ive found, her mother was considered biracial already. This actually would not surprise me as many freed (and not free) enslaved families were multiracial. Sad fact of sexual exploitation from their (ex) holders. I found somewhere that she was also of partial Native descent. But it would explain the only minuscule amount of Subsaharan and Native DNA in our UID, of course also together with the generational distance.

Jumping into the rabbithole with you...
I think he killed her and did not kill the child at the same time for financial reasons. Just a hunch but I thought for a long time about why this child would still be alive after her mum disappeared. There had to be an offset as she is essentially evidence of his link to her mum. He could move identifies seamlessly so why burden yourself with a link to a previous identify? Money, even the peanuts Governments give you for having a child to take care of, is enough for a lot of people to take stupid risks they don't need to.

Eventually, he had to cut ties with the lot of them because they were all baggage in terms of moving through aliases. Maybe he just snaps and that's what messes things up (ie kills his partner in a DV incident) or it could be some other things he's involved with go wrong and he has to move on and killing them seems like the logical thing to do. Especially if the woman isn't down with his plan to leave.

I've also think he killed his daughter's mother but it's hard to know for sure. I've been trying to figure out TPR's motivation for his various acts to maybe get some insight into his movements. His behavior isn't typical for a serial killer. He targeted vulnerable women, mostly with children. He took the time to get into a relationship, meet the family, and then slowly pulled them away before killing them. Why? What did that give him? Eunsoon didn't have children. What did he want from her? Why did he kill his own daughter but let Lisa live? I feel like if we knew some of that, we could possibly solve some of the existing mysteries and perhaps turn up additional victims.
If we’re all going to be researching this tree, let me point out some important facts:
  • Catherine Livings was half black/half white (biracial)
  • The Livings had 6 kids who had kids of their own.
which catherine livings are you referring to? the wife of william?
Y'all are doing great, I'm a little behind but trying to catch up.

I'm guessing if there's a Native American connection it could be Choctaw given the location.
They have the same grandchildren. The link between them is fairly obvious once you go down about 2 generations.

Yeah, that's where I think I am too. SL married to CB? It definitely makes sense with the ancestor names we were given, but I'm not finding anything so far going further down that tree that lines up yet. But I don't know that I have a full accounting of those lines either.

Keep in mind that the connection between these two families - if it exists at all - could be further down, as far down as JD's mom (her mom was a Livings descendant and her dad a Mitchell descendant or vice versa). Not to mention adoptions or NPE's.

What might be interesting is to compare where known descendants lived to known places Rasmussen lived, or to known places where he stole his identities.
I also found the Mitchell-Livings convergence in SL & CB line, and think that is the most promising one. However, it was easy for me to find, even with my limited genealogy skills, so easy, I'm thinking BRV must have found it, too.
Some of the living members of their branch of the family would have been around the same age as the MC's mother, and I feel they would have the best chance of knowing about her. I hope they contacted them.
Also, looking for a missing woman in that line may be limiting, in that we are assuming TPR may have killed the MC's mother. Though it's the most likely possibility, based on his pattern, it doesn't necessarily mean that's what happened to her. She could very well be alive now, or could have lived and passed away years later. We don't know how the MC ended up with TPR. He may very well have come by her legitimately. So, searches shouldn't be limited to deceased or missing Mitchell-Livings female descendants, just in case.
Yeah, that's where I think I am too. SL married to CB? It definitely makes sense with the ancestor names we were given, but I'm not finding anything so far going further down that tree that lines up yet. But I don't know that I have a full accounting of those lines either.

Keep in mind that the connection between these two families - if it exists at all - could be further down, as far down as JD's mom (her mom was a Livings descendant and her dad a Mitchell descendant or vice versa). Not to mention adoptions or NPE's.

What might be interesting is to compare where known descendants lived to known places Rasmussen lived, or to known places where he stole his identities.

Bringing out the very old map ... if their is a newer map please post.


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