Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 2 *Arrest*

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I'm trying to think of how deep the level of distrust/disdain I'd have to have for the family before I'd do that, knowing the parents are right there and capable of calling themselves. If the girl had said "and my parents are out of town", I'd call after asking around a bit and going by the house to check on things. I just think there must have been a really deep level of concern about that family that made her usurp the parent responsibilities here. And maybe justified.

True, true or knowing the level of dysfunction (MOO) considering the SFs problems....
We are about to have a bump on the server for an upgrade. Don't :panic:
Ok, I've asked WMUR (live updates) NUMEROUS times about whether the parents have taken polygraphs and if it was true that DW called in the 911 call and not the family and have been ignored for over an hour.
OK, They just posted that they will take some questions to investigators to get them answered so let's hope...
Is the step brother the one with the same last name who is a friend on step father's FB page, I wonder?
I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before, I'm trying to catch up.

I noticed in a photograph of the apartment (converted victorian) Tyvek is visible. Since Tyvek is what you wrap the house in before the siding goes up...
I can't help but wonder if there were construction workers hanging around.

I also cant help but wonder if she just found herself at the wrong place at the wrong time. ...Like the little boy in New York who took a wrong turn and ended being murdered, or the poor woman who had her baby snatched out of her stroller by a crazy woman who then threw her baby into a truck because she wanted to eat her arm. (baby is ok)

Did she decide to step outside for fresh air, and suddenly find her self face to face with a nut?

picture showing tyvek:
Is the step brother the one with the same last name who is a friend on step father's FB page, I wonder?

She lists a brother on her Facebook page under "Family". His initials are KM... not the same last name as the step dad.
I was asking earlier what lures would be used by an internet predator to get a child to go outside. I guess we don't know if that happened. However, I was watching this video earlier. Elizabeth Smart knows someone that happened to, who survived. I wish she would have been more specific on telling people what the lures were.

In this video, Elizabeth says she has a friend who was kidnapped by an internet predator. She says her friend made a "friend" online, was lured outside and as she turned to go back, was kidnapped. Fortunately, her friend returned home.

Elizabeth Smart commenting on the Celina Cass disappearance:
According to a post on the thread for Amelia, the 15-yr old girl in MO., she has been found and may have been lured outside through FB...not sure how to link the thread but it is here.
Experts Discuss Logistics Of Cass Investigation

Don Nason, a former law enforcement officer, now runs an investigative center for missing children and cold cases.

"I think the police and the FBI (are) keeping things close to the vest, and they need to to make sure they save any evidence that they need to for any case that may come up later on," Nason said.


Hundreds of tips, but no new details

Cass’ family remains in seclusion, their home still off limits as criminal investigators, joined Friday by Vermont teams, continue searching their home, including computers and telephone records.

I apologize if someone has already answered this. Is the Canaan Chief of Police, Jeffery Noyes, related to Celina's SF?
I know it is wishful thinking, but there should be some kind of law that a parent can't take another adult into the home with minor children without doing a background check, just so that if something happens, they can't say they did not know...

(Having no idea whether or not mom in this case knew his background or if it is even relevant to Celina's disappearance, just saying in general...)

i know what you mean, cluciano, in general. we see so many cases where the step parent, step mothers and step fathers, abuse the children and much worse. i had a wonderful (step) dad so because of that i always hate to look right at the step parent immediately but i think statistics tell the tale. i wish more single parents were aware of the dangers of bringing virtual strangers into their children's lives.
i know what you mean, cluciano, in general. we see so many cases where the step parent, step mothers and step fathers, abuse the children and much worse. i had a wonderful (step) dad so because of that i always hate to look right at the step parent immediately but i think statistics tell the tale. i wish more single parents were aware of the dangers of bringing virtual strangers into their children's lives.

My niece and nephew have a wonderful stepfather as well, for most of their lives now. But some of the reading I've done shows that children are killed or abused by stepparents or live-ins at a hugely higher rate than by bio-parents. The studies are highly controversial due to PC reasons, as there as so many blended families now and no one dares dwell on the topic, apparently.

I've been living for months without a water heater or dryer. I have loads of large glass bottles of water that the sun heats, and my electric bill is SO much lower by me using a clothesline (remember those?). It's kinda rewarding to live more simply.

Who's on TV feeling sorry for themself/selves and asking for help? I'm catching up on the thread...

i love using a clothes line too! you're right, Cazzie, it is rewarding to live more simply and to make do with what we have. it makes us more appreciative of everything we have. nobody was on tv feeling sorry for themselves. someone mentioned that they have seen folks who do that but still have internet, jewelry, salon colored hair etc. i was just pointing out that us poor folks will figure out a way to get the job done, even without a lot of money :)
as for Celina having internet, we don't know for sure, but i suspect the computer she was using was her own from school. i only know about where i live but here they give the kids laptops in about 7th grade.
No updates from le today ? Anyone know what was done today?
Just finally catching up to speed with this thread, though I've been following local media on this case since CC went missing. I live about 2 hours south of Stewartstown. I have a lot of thoughts to gather and organize in my head before I can put them in a post and theorize...but I just wanted to share my insight on some of the FB sleuthing to find family members and friends. Facebook is a great tool for sleuthing but I always feel like most of what is found there should be taken with a grain of salt.

She lists a brother on her Facebook page under "Family". His initials are KM... not the same last name as the step dad.

FWIW, you can't always trust those lists of "family" on FB. Some people list close friends as sisters or brothers or their close friends' parents as their own, especially teenagers and young people. My close friends and I used to call each others' parents Mom and Dad, or each others' siblings our own, when we were teens and young adults. My nieces are 14 and I see that a lot with them and their friends on FB. A few of my niece Allie's close friends have her dad and step-mom listed as their "mom" and "dad" because they spend so much time at their house they're like second parents. And, my 2 best friends' teenagers have me listed as their Aunt because I have always been "Auntie"...their mothers and I have been best friends since we were all 14 and we're 33 now, none of us have sisters so we consider each other to be surrogate sisters.

Anyway, my point is, the boy listed as her brother on FB may just be a close boy friend (not necessarily a "boyfriend" though) or a close friend of the family (son of a parent's friends or such) who has always been like a brother figure to her.

Back to catching up. You guys are doing a great job of getting the info on here for us all to keep up with!! Thanx for all your hard work :)
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