Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 2 *Arrest*

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Do other people live in that building? It's not a one family home right? Is it an apartment type building and they live on the ground floor? TIA

We don't know for certain, but this is what I posted upthread...

I can find only one other person in my searches that lists the Noyes residence as their address, outside of the known immediate family. That person is also a friend on Celina's on her FB (as well as KM & KL's). That is not to say that there are not more, but that is all I could find. In looking at the home. It just appears to be a home that may have the different sections rented out to other families with the owning family living in one of the sections. I think that is pretty common in that area.
My 23 year old son was in the Air Force and discharged with some psychotic episodes which eventually was thought to be emerging schizophrenia. He is on 70% disability. He often does not take his medications and it drives us nuts.

One of the issues his psychiatrist talked to us about was that many schizophrenics do not like to take medication....they might take them for a while and then quit because they either claim to "feel better already" or "don't like the way this makes me feel."
We found this was the case with our son.

He receives absolutely free medication in the mail from the co-pays or anything like no excuses for not taking it and sticking with a plan.
Most schizophrenics are non-violent people...but any event out of the norm tends to cause much upset. If a psychotic break or episode occurs, then the person might become more agitated and start acting out.

Our son has "obsessions." He obsesses about movies or certain actors or actresses. His views of "normal relationships" are not normal. He can be fun-loving and kind...but something is off in his perception of "normal." This is part of his illness.

All of this being said, it does not surprise me that the SF has this type of FB activity. It is definitely not normal or good...but it could be, in his mind, very normal and appealing and he would not be able to understand why its not ok. He might perceive these FB "friends" as being real relationships.

One thing for sure, if he is receiving disability or medication, he would have a VA psychiatrist who should have his case file, including testing results for his condition. This could help LE if they think there is an issue with him.
Ray Brewer says that 75 Fish and Game and other rescue volunteers are conducting an intense ground search this morning. The search area has now been expanded to a one mile radius from Celina Cass' home. A helicopter is also searching by air. Water levels have been lowered on the Connecticut River to aid in the water search.
by David Sakowich/WMUR Staff 10:01 AM

Read more:

I was asking on the previous thread if the clothing from the red pickup truck that was being examined could have belonged to her. I did see some video where the investigators were holding up a t-shirt, and I was asking if they were girl-sized clothes, not making a statement, as I did put question marks after my inquiries. I did not bold, nor underline anything in my post. I have no idea if the clothing is a man's, woman's, girl's, boy's. I just want to make that clear. However, the truck and clothing seemed to be of interest to investigators.

Earlier Wednesday, investigators examined clothing in a red pickup truck parked next door to the Cass family home.

Plainclothes police officers wearing purple rubber gloves were also seen surrounding a red pickup that was parked across the street from the girl's home, photographing it and looking inside. When news cameras began shooting pictures of what was happening, troopers moved a cruiser and a New Hampshire State Police SUV in front of the scene, to block the cameras.

I haven't heard any details about the clothes they were looking at in the truck. That being said, and just a minor point about Celina's stature, I think I've read she's 5'5" and 95 pounds. That's pretty darned tall for an 11 year old/5th grader. In perspective, that's the same height as my 13 year old son and he's in the 75th percentile for his age. My 10 year old/5th grade daughter is a shrimp (less than 10th percentile), but she's a full foot shorter than Celina and is 4'4". So I'd estimate Celia would not be wearing girls sized clothes any longer and would be wearing either juniors sizes or XS adult women's sizes. Just my opionion.

Unfortunately, and my opinion only, being the size of a slender grown woman, and having the mental/emotional maturity of an 11 year old, would make her very appealing to unsavory sorts.

ETA: Who am I kidding. Unsavory sorts can find anything appealing. Ugh.
FOX News just teased a segment coming up on this story after the current commerical break.

they said someone is joining the investigation today that gives things a whole new twist.

probably just BS news hype but its coming up shortly if anyone wants to turn it on, i will post what they say after it is over.
I honestly feel bad for the spepfather. Schizophrenia is definetly not an easy meantal illness to deal with...

I wonder why so many veterans develop mental disorders?? It's alarming.

With that said, I hope Celina is safe. I don't think we should condemn her stepfather as the bad guy yet, specially because he seems to have serious mental disorders.

fCelina's family and friends had been holding a vigil for her at the family apartment and along the sidewalk in front of the building until early Wednesday evening, when state police evacuated everyone in the building and on the grounds, and then surrounded the area with yellow police scene tape. A state trooper re- mains stationed at the en- trances/exits of the building, and neighbors who live behind the apartment house were also asked to leave their home. Troopers then brought in a K-9 and searched a red pickup truck in the driveway, in their efforts to leave no stone un- turned.

Celina lives with her mother, stepfather, step- brother and step-sister in the apartment near the Spa Restaurant.
FOX News just teased a segment coming up on this story after the current commerical break.

they said someone is joining the investigation today that gives things a whole new twist.

probably just BS news hype but its coming up shortly if anyone wants to turn it on, i will post what they say after it is over.

I missed the Fox report, if there was one yet.
If there was, was anything new?

fCelina's family and friends had been holding a vigil for her at the family apartment and along the sidewalk in front of the building until early Wednesday evening, when state police evacuated everyone in the building and on the grounds, and then surrounded the area with yellow police scene tape. A state trooper re- mains stationed at the en- trances/exits of the building, and neighbors who live behind the apartment house were also asked to leave their home. Troopers then brought in a K-9 and searched a red pickup truck in the driveway, in their efforts to leave no stone un- turned.

Celina lives with her mother, stepfather, step- brother and step-sister in the apartment near the Spa Restaurant.

Interesting that they evacuated the building behind the house, but not the rooming house next door.
I personally couldn't give a hoot about her dental care. I had actually assumed she was still getting rid of baby teeth. I have a friend who had baby teeth until 21, her front teeth looked big because of that.

I matured slowly in many physical ways, didn't lose a tooth until fourth grade and that was only because it was accidentally knocked out, and had to have my baby eye teeth pulled in ninth grade as they didn't seem like they'd ever fall out. Then my orthodontic work began....

fCelina's family and friends had been holding a vigil for her at the family apartment and along the sidewalk in front of the building until early Wednesday evening, when state police evacuated everyone in the building and on the grounds, and then surrounded the area with yellow police scene tape. A state trooper re- mains stationed at the en- trances/exits of the building, and neighbors who live behind the apartment house were also asked to leave their home. Troopers then brought in a K-9 and searched a red pickup truck in the driveway, in their efforts to leave no stone un- turned.

Celina lives with her mother, stepfather, step- brother and step-sister in the apartment near the Spa Restaurant.

Step-brother?? Step-sister?? First I've heard about a step-brother and didn't know the sister was a step-sister.....are these kids of the SF?? :waitasec:
I hope the FBI first went to the local pharmacy to see if WN purchased his medicine every month. He is diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and he has been violent in the past.

It's been a while since I've worked with human patients, but IIRC schizophrenia is a condition with a lot of medication "compliance" issues - as in patients who do not take their meds consistently because of significant side effects.
I honestly feel bad for the spepfather. Schizophrenia is definetly not an easy meantal illness to deal with...

I wonder why so many veterans develop mental disorders?? It's alarming.

With that said, I hope Celina is safe. I don't think we should condemn her stepfather as the bad guy yet, specially because he seems to have serious mental disorders.

I believe stress is often a trigger for certain psychiatric conditions. Not that everyone under stress will develop a psychiatric condition, but if the tendency was there lurking, high rates of stress or trauma, PTSD, etc, can bring it out.

I have a cousin-in-law who developed paranoid schizophrenia in her mid-twenties, not long after her husband divorced her AND she was diagnosed with breast cancer. :twocents:
Step-brother?? Step-sister?? First I've heard about a step-brother and didn't know the sister was a step-sister.....are these kids of the SF?? :waitasec:

That's the 1st that I have heard that. I would think if they were the children of WN that they would have his last name, but that is pure speculation. Maybe he came into their lives after their mothers had put her name on the BCs.

However, I will say that based on photos that I've seen of them, Celina resembles her siblings, especially KM. JMOO though!
IMO, the doors on the side toward facing the restaurant parking lot or the side/back that is on the side street may lead to the area that Celina may be in. Also with these old homes, there is often times a set of cellar doors and/or a set of stairs that lead from the outside to the basement of the home, usually toward the back of the home.

Thank you ; this is very useful information...MOO
Step-brother?? Step-sister?? First I've heard about a step-brother and didn't know the sister was a step-sister.....are these kids of the SF?? :waitasec:

That caught my eye, too. Were they there at the time, and what are their ages, does anyone know? I think I remember the sister is 13.
I honestly feel bad for the spepfather. Schizophrenia is definetly not an easy meantal illness to deal with...

I wonder why so many veterans develop mental disorders?? It's alarming.

With that said, I hope Celina is safe. I don't think we should condemn her stepfather as the bad guy yet, specially because he seems to have serious mental disorders.

As far as I know, from talking to many of them, they developed the disorders (usually) from seeing/participating in, killing, death, and fear of death. Some that I knew couldn't watch war movies, or any movies with killing in them, they started to shake. Others would go into altered states, when they would, in their minds, be back there in the fear, blood, and kill or be killed scenerio. War takes a horrible toll on our husbands, fathers, and sons, and don't let a waving flag tell you any different.
Step-brother?? Step-sister?? First I've heard about a step-brother and didn't know the sister was a step-sister.....are these kids of the SF?? :waitasec:

People get half- and step- mixed up quite often. I'm pretty sure that it was
posted here that CC's 2 older sibs are half-sibs. They all 3 have the same mother.
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