Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 3 *Arrest*

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Remember the Shannon Matthews case, back in 08, this is a scenario that could also be a possibility.
If you google, kidnapped Shannon Matthews, you will get the story, for those who don't remember.

I remember that, Jo. Shannon's mother planned her kidnapped as a way to get money and publicity. She loved the attention. It was less than a year after Madeleine McCann was kidnapped and Shannon's extended 'family' even solicitied money from the McCann's. Shannon was found 3 weeks (IIRC) later hidden inside a sofa bed in her mother's live-in boyfriend's uncle flat. He apparently had deviant reasons for participating in the kidnapping with the mother. In this case, Celina's immediate family has done the opposite. They've avoided the media and haven't been soliciting money.

The fact that Shannon was found alive after 3 weeks was astounding and gives me some hope that Celina may be recovered alive. Thanks for that little ray of hope, Jo!
Jane Younge used the word "discovered" in the PC. "We have not discovered Celina". :(

It looked like she almost said "missing person recovery" too and changed it over to case. :(
Yes, it is. I tried to post that earlier this afternoon in response to the post about local LE with the names Noyes and Cass.

According to the FB pages of LN's cousins, her family name is Cass. So the sheriff in Colebrook is LN's cousin.

What is her biological father's name?[/quote]


Adam Laro is Celina's bio father, as far as I know.
He's the one who gave the presser & calls himself
Daddy, when speaking out to her.

Total Speculation:
How's this.....
Louisa is born Louisa Cass.
She marries/has relationship with Mr Mullaney & has her son KM, who is now 20(?)
Louisa then marries/has relationship with Adam Laro & has KL, who is now 16(?)
Louisa gets preg again, with Mr L. as father, they break up & Louisa takes back/has kept her
maiden name & she has CC.

But Louisa is in another relationship, isn't sure who the bio dad is, has CC, gives her the Cass
last name & later realizes that Laro is actually the bio dad. Whew!

Oh yeah... Louisa meets SF, WN & marries him last October, and becomes LCLN

Looks like they all have slept all over the place!

I am looking for the Celina Cass missing persons link that was posted on her somewhere and now I can't find it. There was a lunchonette on the page and I think I have been there!

Celina's personal FB page has been removed completely
and she is no longer a FB friend of her sister, KL or of KM's
Yes her Daddy spoke.

He said they are all wondering where his daughter is.
He said if Celina can hear him, that Daddy is okay now. He is recovering and he wants her to come home.
He asked anyone who might know anything to please call.
He thanked everyone for their time.

He looked exhausted.

I'm sure the video will be up later. Him talking is the biggest news in her case a while.

"Daddy is okay now. He is recovering....." Oh....her biological father said this and not the stepdad. Whew.
"Daddy is okay now. He is recovering....."

Fascinating and very odd.

Why is it fascinating and very odd? I thought it was remarkable that dad who was just released from the hospital had the strength to make a plea for his daughter. Doesn't say much about mom and stepdad, does it? They're hiding under blankies.
I'm going out on a limb I don't usually go out on. Once in a great while I get a "feeling" about something and just have to run with it.

That's all this is...a feeling.

Is there a store in the town that is open late? I just sense a girl (even that young on a summer night in a small town) slipping out because of boredom or heat. Walking down a quiet short road to a store and perhaps stopping on the way to sit near water.
I'm thinking this could be an accident and she fell into the river. I also think her body will be found in another few days on the Vermont side of the river.
I'm going out on a limb I don't usually go out on. Once in a great while I get a "feeling" about something and just have to run with it.

That's all this is...a feeling.

Is there a store in the town that is open late? I just sense a girl (even that young on a summer night in a small town) slipping out because of boredom or heat. Walking down a quiet short road to a store and perhaps stopping on the way to sit near water.
I'm thinking this could be an accident and she fell into the river. I also think her body will be found in another few days on the Vermont side of the river.

I think she will be found in water also.
Adam Laro is her father's name.

Question for the experts. With paranoid schizophrenia, isn't promiscuity common? TIA!!
No, that is not a symptom. Schizophrenics are frequently socially withdrawn. You may be thinking of bipolar disorder.
Celina's personal FB page has been removed completely
and she is no longer a FB friend of her sister, KL or of KM's

I found the lunchonette on one of the CC missing pages. It looked familiar and I think I have been there.

I am sure the FBI has already gone through every computer thing possible and they removed her page.
OR Maybe....
Mr Laro was married before and he and the then Mrs Laro had KL.
Mr Laro then got out of that marriage/relationship.
The 1st Mrs Laro is gone, sick, died, so KL is with Mr Laro & Louise.
Then Mr Laro & Louise had a relationship & had CC.
They break-up & Mr Laro is too disabled to take KL with him,
so she stays withn Louise & CC & KM.

Never mind....
I'm going out on a limb I don't usually go out on. Once in a great while I get a "feeling" about something and just have to run with it.

That's all this is...a feeling.

Is there a store in the town that is open late? I just sense a girl (even that young on a summer night in a small town) slipping out because of boredom or heat. Walking down a quiet short road to a store and perhaps stopping on the way to sit near water.
I'm thinking this could be an accident and she fell into the river. I also think her body will be found in another few days on the Vermont side of the river.

I thought I read somewhere the whole town is shut down by 9pm. I know most of them are not even open that late. Alot of the people that run these little stores also have farms and do other things too.
If she was as timid and shy as everyone is saying and afraid of the dark I just can't believe that she went for a walk in the dark at or after 9pm and fell into water. It is not ringing true with me. The more I think of it the more it is not making sense.
where did you read about Celina's behavior in chat rooms?
I haven't even read that she went into any chat rooms at all?

It is upthread. Supposedly a person in charge of some chatroom ( do chatrooms have someone like a moderator ? ) stated that Celina gave her age as 16,18 and 20. I'm not familiar with chatrooms,but that was what I read.Go back a bit and you will see it...MOO
If she was as timid and shy as everyone is saying and afraid of the dark I just can't believe that she went for a walk in the dark at or after 9pm and fell into water. It is not ringing true with me. The more I think of it the more it is not making sense.

I just don't get the feeling that she'd go walking that late by herself.
I get that she was less shy on the computer than in RL & met someone,
a predator maybe, that she agreed to meet.

Or, she was just outside her door (the side basement one), in the yard that's
next to the Spa/Restaurant's parking lot, and a trucker saw her & kidnapped her.

She may have been practicing cartwheels or playing with her kitten or just getting
fresh air, when she was lured over to the truck.
Yes, it is. I tried to post that earlier this afternoon in response to the post about local LE with the names Noyes and Cass.

According to the FB pages of LN's cousins, her family name is Cass. So the sheriff in Colebrook is LN's cousin.

What is her biological father's name?[/quote]


Adam Laro is Celina's bio father, as far as I know.
He's the one who gave the presser & calls himself
Daddy, when speaking out to her.

Total Speculation:
How's this.....
Louisa is born Louisa Cass.
She marries/has relationship with Mr Mullaney & has her son KM, who is now 20(?)
Louisa then marries/has relationship with Adam Laro & has KL, who is now 16(?)
Louisa gets preg again, with Mr L. as father, they break up & Louisa takes back/has kept her
maiden name & she has CC.

But Louisa is in another relationship, isn't sure who the bio dad is, has CC, gives her the Cass
last name & later realizes that Laro is actually the bio dad. Whew!

Oh yeah... Louisa meets SF, WN & marries him last October, and becomes LCLN

Based on some of the things that I have seen that I cannot post at this time, I have strong reason to believe that KM is actually 23 years old. More than just the facebooks, but please take with a grain of salt at the moment and use the info for whatever you choose, because as of this moment it is nothing more than rumor, but in my opinion ONLY, I have strong reason to believe that he is, in fact, 23 years old, if that helps anything.

Super busy. Have one more midterm due in by midnight and I am trying to cram what little I can for it now. Be back when it is done to check and see if anything has happened! I know you will all take good notes! Thank you to everyone who is staying on top of this. I never thought that having to do school work would be the chore it has been since the start of CFCA's trial to now!
IMO - She posted to someone that she was thinking about taking walk while she was listening to that rather provocative song, about it getting hot in here, lyrics posted in the first thread. Almost seems like a "cue" inviting a certain admirer that she could possibly be available for an encounter. And by that I'm saying what she had in mind as an 11 yr. old such as "romance" and what the other person had in mind could be two vastly different encounters.
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