NH NH - Charles, 3, & William Vosseler, 2, Rochester, 9 Oct 1986

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I, too, gave information on this name and Facebook profile to two different police agencies back in June this year, due to the strong family resemblance, age, and the nickname on the profile. Not something I would ordinarily do on such a slim thread, but had been weighing it for several months and went with it. Glad to see that smile22 also tried it with NCMEC.
Just saw the broadcast on ID and was wondering about CJV life and his parents they must know something or at least kept intouch with their son and grandchildren Hard to believe that the heritage wouldnt go to CJV or his sons somehow
Are there more details known about CJV's personal life before he kidnappend the boys?
still missing: http://www.newsweek.com/parents-missing-children-sage-isaac-cook-420843


Ruth Parker has been searching for her sons, CJ, center, and Billy Vosseler, right, since 1986. Their father, Charles, left, is believed to have abducted them. The pictures here are age-progressed.
Ok, so I read this: http://neverstoplooking.org/blog1/cases/the-vosseler-story/

And found some new people to look up. And I found at least one of them, PA, on Facebook. She has friends on there with the last names that Charles has been known to use. She also has a son. So I'm thinking that he might have his cousins as friends. I'm going through the people listed in the article and looking for their social media foot print.
Wisconsin mother still searching for her sons after their abduction 30 years ago


Ruth Parker is searching for the most precious things she's ever held in her arms. She's searching for her two kids, taken from her in 1986.

“On October 9 of this year, I'm 30 years in,” said Parker. “I don't even know that they're still alive."

Even if the boys, now men, are found, Ruth's story may not have the fairy-tale ending you might want. “In the beginning, you had those kinds of thoughts. Their little legs running down the street and you getting to scoop them up,” Parker said. “Now... I don't know that I have that vision."

Ruth has said she wouldn't even push for a relationship between her and her sons. She said she knows Charlie has traumatized them, and she doesn't want to traumatize them any further. “I'd like to have a relationship with them, but that's up to them at this point. They are adults."

But until that day, this mother wanders through life... still searching. “I need to find them. It is more than a want, it is a need. I need to find them."

Ruth said after all these years, she doesn't really care what happens to Charlie. To her, this is about her boys.
Ok, so I read this: http://neverstoplooking.org/blog1/cases/the-vosseler-story/

And found some new people to look up. And I found at least one of them, PA, on Facebook. She has friends on there with the last names that Charles has been known to use. She also has a son. So I'm thinking that he might have his cousins as friends. I'm going through the people listed in the article and looking for their social media foot print.

That's a very good link with pertinent information, including possible aliases he may be using.

Charlie is quite the narcissist, with a criminal history. Interesting, he was always working one scam or another to get rich. Given his love of Ayn Rand, he's also likely paranoid about government, authoritarian, entitled, manipulative and is willing to do whatever he wants to get his way. I hope he didn't raise his children that way, perhaps they're more independent.

I feel badly for the kids. They were probably told their mother was dead or abandoned them. Probably had to move a lot, never had time to settle down or make friends and had to live with a dad who was a paranoid criminal living under an assumed identity.

I really hope this mom is reunited with her sons. How terrible to have to live your life without them.
I recently fell down a rabbit hole with this case and I really find the two childhood pictures posted on a WV fb page to be so eerily similar. It's probably nothing, but it definitely jumped out at me.

I really wish a podcast or major network would do a special on this. It just needs one tip.

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Im sorry on my tablet with a low battery so cant follow this topic but I have been following this case on the internet...and feel as a mom so sad for Ruth
So some questions for you all..did anyone here,who feels the same, did some search on dating websites?
He CV posted an add before the internet... maybe we can search on that....we all know their birth dates, colour of their eyes and most likely their hair.. their lenght..?!
He(CV ) planned it,...starting with an add in a magazine ...so why not to try it again with members who like ths resolved? Even from the netherlands I want to this resolved even if it means to digg
Most dating websites have an advanced search.....
Has anyone received any info about law enforcement’s reaction to the facebook profiles of the boys (now men)? It seems like it would be too easy for them to be a match based on the same name, looks and location.....but who knows, right? Maybe the father got tired of using aliases after so many years and thought it would be safe to go back to legal names? IDK, but the facebook profiles look so similar to age progression photos and old pics of the dad.
I watched the episode "Never Stop Looking" on ID, Deadline: Crime with Tamron Hall. My heart really went out to Ruth, the mother, who has not stopped looking for her boys.

One lead that jumped out at me was the father's eye condition, horizontal nystagmus. True, the condition might not have persisted depending on the cause, but most people by 45-55 will need bifocals. And, by age 70+ most people develop cataracts. Perhaps, he visited an optometrist or ophthalmologist for glasses or vision loss due to cataracts. An adult with any type or degree of nystagmus would be somewhat memorable to any optical office staff. Similarly, medical professionals would have most likely noted this as well.
Living a life on the run, I doubt regular eye and medical care served as a priority. However, at some point these services become necessary. Perhaps medical or eye professionals might recognize this man and his sons.
Have any of you tried searching for "William Vosseler" on Facebook? I did, and the guy that came up totally looks like the age-progression to 32 on The Charley Project, in my opinion. Apparently he's an actor who's on IMDB, and has his own YouTube Channel too, using the same headshot as on his FB.

BTW, one of the photos visible on his FB profile, is of two young boys. Could this be William and his brother Charles?
Have any of you tried searching for "William Vosseler" on Facebook? I did, and the guy that came up totally looks like the age-progression to 32 on The Charley Project, in my opinion. Apparently he's an actor who's on IMDB, and has his own YouTube Channel too, using the same headshot as on his FB.

BTW, one of the photos visible on his FB profile, is of two young boys. Could this be William and his brother Charles?
Did you send your comparing to neverstoplooking.org ?
I really hope that Ruth will find her boys...
Did you send your comparing to neverstoplooking.org ?
I really hope that Ruth will find her boys...

Thanks for the link! I just e-mailed the PI and included links and screenshots of the Facebook profiles under those names.

I apologized profusely in my e-mail to him because I'm sure he's heard this before. Surely I can't be the first to share those FB profiles—especially when the family is on FB looking for them! So I feel like such an amateur.

But at the same time, what if...?
Did you send your comparing to neverstoplooking.org ?
I really hope that Ruth will find her boys...

I received a response, and as per the correspondence, the two same-named individuals located on Facebook do not match the missing Vosseler children.

I admit it seemed way too easy and too good to be true, but the coincidences were so compelling! At least now we know.
I received a response, and as per the correspondence, the two same-named individuals located on Facebook do not match the missing Vosseler children.

I admit it seemed way too easy and too good to be true, but the coincidences were so compelling! At least now we know.
Thank you for sharing the reply.
I do think that Ruth is grateful that people are,out there,trying to help in supporting to find her missing sons.
There is not a week go by that I search online if there is any news..her story is heartbreaking.
I'm a journalist in Wisconsin. A few years ago, I worked with Ruth Parker to try to get her story out there. Long story short, this is a parental abduction where the father, nor the sons he stole from their mother, were ever found. The FBI does not believe Charlie would have hurt or killed his sons. Her sons are probably alive. They probably have no idea they were kidnapped. They probably have no idea their mom has been longing for them, searching for them, for decades.

I don't know if Ruth has submitted her DNA to GEDmatch (it has been submitted to Ancestry). I'm positive someday they could find her boys through familial DNA.

Forgive my work here, looking back it's a little corny and there are so many ways I would do this story differently - mostly because of experience gained! This is the first cold case I ever got to tackle in my career, and it still haunts me.

Video link: WKOW Still Searching from Ed Reams on Vimeo
Text version of my story:
A Wisconsin woman needs your help finding her missing sons, abducted 30 years ago, who could be anywhere in the nation... and have no idea who they are.

Ruth Parker is searching for the most precious things she's ever held in her arms. She's searching for her two kids, taken from her in 1986.

“On October 9 of this year, I'm 30 years in,” said Parker. “I don't even know that they're still alive."

Her babies were only three and two years old when they were taken. “CJ was wonderful,” Parker beamed. “I would have to walk the floor with Billy, and he would put his hand in my pocket, CJ would, and he walked with me. Along to help the baby."

It was a magazine in Madison, while Ruth was working for the library in the 1970s and 1980s, that would eventually turn her life upside down. She had mainly worked in “helping professions,” she explained, and didn't meet a lot of men that way. When she had decided she was ready to get married and settle down, she took advice from a friend, and picked up a magazine. “Found an ad in the Mother Earth News that appealed to me and we started corresponding," Parker said.

After letter-writing, phone calls, and a few trips, Ruth moved to New Hampshire to marry Charlie Vosseler, the man from the Mother Earth News ad. Ruth and Charlie would have two bouncing baby boys. Eventually though, they went their separate ways, as so many couples do.

Fast forward to October 1986, when Ruth reported the boys' abduction to Rochester, New Hampshire, police. At first they didn't see this as a kidnapping at all… because CJ and Billy were taken by their father.

“He [Rochester officer] said to me words I will never forget... which is 'what's the big deal? They're with their dad.'” Charlie had picked up his kids for a weekend visit, never to come back.

“Children just shouldn't be treated as cattle and as property of their parents, and shouldn't be hurt,” cried Ruth.

Parental abduction wasn't taken as seriously in the 1980s as it is today. “The officer's face was kind of stunned,” remembered Ruth. “At that point, child abduction wasn't much in the news, in the press, anything of the sort. Let alone parental abduction wasn't known well at all.”

It took Ruth seven months to get the FBI involved, and they've had the case ever since. The bureau still offers a $25,000 reward for information leading to Charlie's capture.

Authorities have only gotten really close to catching Charlie once. In 1986, a woman in Oklahoma saw CJ and Billy on a poster and reported that she was dating their father, and he told her never to talk about the boys' mother because she had died in a terrible accident. He was using fake names for himself and the boys, and even had I.D. to match.

But by the time the FBI got to Stillwell, Oklahoma, 11 days after she called… it was too late. “The property he'd been living in had been burned to the ground, as well as the vehicle that was in the yard,” said Parker. “He was in the wind again."

While the FBI keeps looking for Charlie, CJ and Billy, Ruth buries her heartache. “You can't stay in that worry place. It's crippling,” Ruth said as her eyes welled up. “In order to do this, to find your kids, you cannot be crippled. You need to work and fight and research and do what you need to do."

Even if the boys, now men, are found, Ruth's story may not have the fairy-tale ending you might want. “In the beginning, you had those kinds of thoughts. Their little legs running down the street and you getting to scoop them up,” Parker said. “Now... I don't know that I have that vision."

Ruth has said she wouldn't even push for a relationship between her and her sons. She said she knows Charlie has traumatized them, and she doesn't want to traumatize them any further. “I'd like to have a relationship with them, but that's up to them at this point. They are adults."

But until that day, this mother wanders through life... still searching. “I need to find them. It is more than a want, it is a need. I need to find them."

Ruth said after all these years, she doesn't really care what happens to Charlie. To her, this is about her boys.

It could be as simple as knowing someone who looks like those age progression renderings, and has never known their mom's side of the family, and helping them do some digging. That person you help could be one of Ruth's sons.

Ruth has also done an Ancestry.com DNA test, thinking maybe CJ or Billy will be curious about the other half of their family, and take one themselves. She got her results back already, and so far she hasn't been linked with her sons.

CJ and Billy probably have different names, and could be anywhere in the country. The more people who hear Ruth's story, the higher the chance her boys hear about it too.


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